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    Cotton Canvas in affordable prices available at Super Traders India. Super Traders is a trading company in Delhi NCR. It is a retail store for different outdoor and indoor advertising products like banners, roll up stands, sun boards, display boards, wall graphics and many more. When it comes to signs, Super Traderss India is the best solution. Top brands like Innox, Innotex, Printex, Adverr are some of the partner of Super Traders. It is one of the best trading company in Delhi NCR with high quality products and affordable prices. https://supertradersindia.com/ or https://pinterest.com/supertrader123/ #supertradersindia #supertradersdelhi #supertradersdelhi #businessmarketing #promotionalsignage #brandedsignage #cottoncanvas #tradingcompanydelhi #tradingcompanyindia
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  • The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common?
    This article is too long for email. Please read in Substack app.

    Remember this quote? Credit Sage Hana:

    The 2nd shot, 21 days apart. Why the 2nd shot and why 21 days, exactly? Let’s take a look.

    The anaphylaxis research history.

    Charles Richet

    Charles Robert Richet (25 August 1850 – 4 December 1935) was a French physiologist at the Collège de France and immunology pioneer. In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis". Richet devoted many years to the study of paranormal and spiritualist phenomena, coining the term "ectoplasm". He believed in the inferiority of black people, was a proponent of eugenics, and presided over the French Eugenics Society towards the end of his life.

    I would like to acknowledge that I knew not much about anaphylaxis other than it is a dangerous, life threatening allergic reaction. I witnessed it in a local grocery store pharmacy that administered covid vaccines. A young apparently healthy man (in his 30s) dropped on the floor immediately after the injection and was lying there when I walked in. Everyone was behaving like it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to be let off this planet.

    While working on this article, I ran a quick CDC VAERS query. All vaccines for all time in VAERS (about 30 years) produced 12,200+ anaphylactic reactions and 2200+ shocks. Covid-19 vaccines produced 9,000+ anaphylactic reactions and 1000+ anaphylactic shocks. mRNA injections are responsible for 11k of the total 12k reported anaphylactic reactions. However, that’s not the entire story of anaphylaxis.

    Katherine Watt pointed me to Charles Richet’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech and to a couple of articles by this author (Northern Tracey). I suggest you read them. The author was way ahead of all of us on this topic.

    Katherine published on our email exchange at the time:

    Intentional elusivity of definitions for virus and vaccine.

    Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law…

    Read more

    12 days ago · 146 likes · Katherine Watt

    As I mentioned in my email exchange with Katherine, Richet’s own work clearly referred to the poison he made from tentacles of Actinaria (sea anemone) as the “virus of Actinaria”. This confirmed one more time what we already knew: viruses are not some sort of natural “seeds” of disease, randomly flying around and jumping strangers. They are poisons - either natural toxins excreted by plants, bacteria and animals, or poisons made by people like Richet and now CDC/pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact.

    What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research - the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime. This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying same biological toxin (a very low probability event nowadays), or from what is now forced by the government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”.

    The original biologics regulation law in 1902 was called the virus-toxin act. Early on, virus, toxin, antitoxin, serum and vaccine were used interchangeably, because the vaccinators knew what they were propagating in the labs and licensed establishments - biological poisons.

    This lead me to become intensely interested in Richet’s work. I found his book describing the work on anaphylaxis published in 1913. I am including several screenshots from it, so you can read for yourself.

    Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the first attempts, because, instead of producing expected immunity it produced violent reactions or even death from minute (not considered dangerous) amounts of the toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happened in a random % of the population. One example quoted anaphylaxis rates from injecting cattle with anthrax serum: approximately 10% became violently ill and many died. The population who would react anaphylactically is a-priory not distinguishable from others, because it is not known who is already sensitized to which biological substances.

    This is still the case. There is no way to determine upfront who will be anaphylactically sensitized by an injection of a biologic (a protein). The establishment healthcare denies this, proclaiming all vaccines “very safe”. This is categorically not true, as becomes very apparent once you read Richet’s work related to injecting biological substances, even benign ones like milk or albumins (derived from wheat and other cereals). Digesting a protein and injecting it directly into the blood stream are two entirely different things! For example, it is safe to ingest snake venom for most people (provided no sores or abrasions in the mouth). I am not advising you try this, but sucking the venom out immediately post bite has been used as a bush medicine method. However, a snake bite delivering the same venom directly into the blood stream is an entirely different story.

    You notice that Richet talks about the “second injection”. This refers to the nature of anaphylaxis: the first interaction with an injected toxin may be not even noticed, be well tolerated or may be at worst mildly irritating. After a period of 2-3 weeks, the second exposure, however, may become very dangerous or fatal. The second exposure in most of Richet’s experiments was by injection. However, with high enough sensitization by the first injection, the anaphylaxis could also result from environmental exposure or ingestion, depending on the degree of sensitization to the “allergen”, or “toxigen” as he termed it. Do you understand peanut allergy, gluten allergy, soy allergy, etc. now? The things that didn’t exist before peanut oil, wheat albumins and other common food proteins became widely used in vaccines (and were proclaimed “generally safe” because it’s just food).

    Importantly, Richet has demonstrated that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and the variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing - a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion.

    Richet provided principles of anaphylaxis in his book:

    He also summarized findings from other researchers working on anaphylaxis at the time. Notice especially points 8 and 10 - this describes anaphylaxis from “vaccination” and subsequent allergic reactions, even to non-proteins (crystalloids):

    Richet found that the state of anaphylaxis sets in after a period of 2-3 weeks (it can vary), and depending on the initial toxin/protein, the sensitization state may last from weeks to years, and possibly be permanent. At the time that he wrote the book, he mentioned that in people anaphylactic/allergenic state was observed up to 6 years, but it may be permanent. Do you see now, why most vaccines are delivered in at least 2 doses, and they are separated by at least 21 days? They want to see if they induce severe anaphylaxis (i.e. life threatening kind). Here’s Pfizer’s “postmarketing experience” document, compiling adverse events as of Feb 2021 (first 2 months of vaccine rollout):

    This table is is not all cases of anaphylaxis, of course, but only the most severe form - the shock.

    Anaphylaxis is all allergic reactions and autoimmune disease, but these things are very easy to deny as they take a while to manifest and are not immediately deadly. The industry has developed perfect gaslighting strategies: “genetic mutations”, “toxic food”, “stress”, “novel syndromes”, and even better - glorification of chronic illness via movies, advertising, non-profits and other economic activity feeding off vaccine-induced destruction of natural health. In case of mRNA vaccines, they absolutely knew that they are killing people with anaphylaxis, but since that was the goal of the military weapon, the shots have not been removed and continue being pushed on the public.

    Another interesting observation made by Richet is that white mice and some of the breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis. No wonder these animals are now the staple of pharmaceutical research!

    While Richet himself seemed to be very much pro-vaccination, his main conclusions about anaphylaxis speak soundly against it. It is impossible to design a safe vaccine, because it is impossible to predict anaphylactic reactions. Each individual is unique, a product of heredity and interactions with environment. Introduction of foreign, non-self proteins is an assault on this natural equilibrium and can only result in a disaster.

    That vaccination in people induces anaphylaxis was known early on:

    And was given the name “allergy”, possibly to hide the fact that it’s vaccine-induced anaphylaxis:

    These psychos would even kill themselves, and still not get the message:

    Substances that induce anaphylaxis - colloids.

    Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids
    Colloids vs crystalloids

    Colloids and crystalloids are two types of fluid solutions used for intravenous (IV) infusion in medicine. The primary distinction between them lies in their particle size, composition, and behavior in the body.


    Consist of large particles (0.5-100 nm) that do not pass through semi-permeable membranes, such as capillary walls

    Examples: gelatin, albumin, hetastarch, dextran

    Act as plasma volume expanders, maintaining blood volume and pressure

    Have a high oncotic pressure, which helps to draw fluid into the vascular compartment

    May cause anaphylaxis in some patients

    More expensive than crystalloids

    Suitable for patients with severe fluid loss, trauma, burns, or sepsis


    Consist of small particles (less than 0.5 nm) that can pass through semi-permeable membranes

    Examples: normal saline (0.9% NaCl), lactated Ringer’s solution, 5% dextrose in water

    Act as isotonic or hypertonic solutions, expanding extracellular fluid volume

    Have a lower oncotic pressure, which can lead to fluid accumulation in tissues

    Less likely to cause anaphylaxis

    Generally less expensive than colloids

    Suitable for patients with mild to moderate fluid loss, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance

    In general, small molecule drugs do not cause anaphylaxis.

    Vaccines are, of course, colloids as they contain a mixture of proteins and lipids in suspension.

    Properly matched blood transfusions do not generally produce anaphylaxis. However, since all blood banks are now contaminated with mRNA-injected blood, it is not possible to say that they are safe. I personally would not accept blood, except from a known donor.

    Richet proposed that a “toxigen” which developed after the initial sensitizing injection in the blood was responsible for subsequent state of anaphylaxis:

    “Infectious disease” explained by anaphylaxis:

    The phenomenon of anaphylaxis may help explain both, the natural outbreaks of what appears as “contagious illness” in human history and the skyrocketing chronic illness in the modern western populations. It is known that the bacteria implicated in diseases like cholera or the plague are commonly present in the intestinal tracts of many people and do not seem to cause any issues. Then, how does an epidemic of the plague or cholera occur? Imagine living in a crowded, rapidly growing European city around 15th - 17th century:

    This is one of the main streets in Amsterdam, with raw sewage flowing in the middle, domestic animals sharing lower floors of the buildings, no plumbing, sanitation or refrigeration of food. The rats are very common. They bite and the bites carry common proteins found in that area’s sewage. Once enough people in the same area have been bitten for the first time, some weeks go by, anaphylactic state develops, and then the rats bite some of the same people again. If enough of these events occur, an “epidemic” of the plague/smallpox/cholera starts in this community.

    Hygiene, plumbing, water sanitation, refrigeration and air conditioning were the most significant technological innovations that defeated epidemics by removing the chances of injection of anaphylactizing toxigens by common pests. So, instead, we now have the establishment “healthcare” assaulting the society like the medieval sewer rats with poisoned needles. All vaccines contain two main sources of injury - the proteins that are used to formulate them, including the toxins (“viruses”) and the vehicle which frequently contains other common proteins like albumins (gluten allergy), egg proteins, soy, corn, casein (milk intolerance), etc. There are also “contaminants” and “adjuvants” such as toxic metals, and more recently with introduction recombinant vaccines - DNA plasmids that transfect cells. The mRNA shots are even worse as they contain numerous toxic vectors. Now imagine a baby getting 70+ different shots, most in several doses. It is guaranteed that the baby will get anaphylactized to many commonly encountered proteins, and that a chronic inflammation/allergy will result. Anaphylaxis, being an intestinal reaction, is also tied to destruction of microbiome, which I will address in later articles. Practically all chronic conditions, especially in children, can be tied back to vaccine-induced anaphylaxis.

    Many people state that food that we eat and the environment are full of toxins. While this may be true, especially for some locations and some socioeconomic groups, the food and environmental toxicity pales in comparison to what happens when the toxins, especially proteins are injected directly into the blood stream. I am in full support of improving the quality of food and cleaning up the environmental pollution, but if we need a policy to combat the chronic disease epidemic, there is one straightforward answer that all politicians and most experts today soundly ignore - the catastrophic damage to health induced by vaccines.

    I would like to end with the quote from Richet:

    Richet: "We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction [forcible entry; injection], the organism suffers and becomes resistant.

    This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection [outside the intestines; intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous] which would be fatal.

    At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock. Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated."

    For further reading:

    How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society?

    BS”D I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article…

    Read more

    11 days ago · 6 likes · 2 comments · Brucha Weisberger

    Art for today: Angels and Demons series, oil on linen. NFS.

    The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common? This article is too long for email. Please read in Substack app. Remember this quote? Credit Sage Hana: The 2nd shot, 21 days apart. Why the 2nd shot and why 21 days, exactly? Let’s take a look. The anaphylaxis research history. Charles Richet Charles Robert Richet (25 August 1850 – 4 December 1935) was a French physiologist at the Collège de France and immunology pioneer. In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis". Richet devoted many years to the study of paranormal and spiritualist phenomena, coining the term "ectoplasm". He believed in the inferiority of black people, was a proponent of eugenics, and presided over the French Eugenics Society towards the end of his life. I would like to acknowledge that I knew not much about anaphylaxis other than it is a dangerous, life threatening allergic reaction. I witnessed it in a local grocery store pharmacy that administered covid vaccines. A young apparently healthy man (in his 30s) dropped on the floor immediately after the injection and was lying there when I walked in. Everyone was behaving like it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to be let off this planet. While working on this article, I ran a quick CDC VAERS query. All vaccines for all time in VAERS (about 30 years) produced 12,200+ anaphylactic reactions and 2200+ shocks. Covid-19 vaccines produced 9,000+ anaphylactic reactions and 1000+ anaphylactic shocks. mRNA injections are responsible for 11k of the total 12k reported anaphylactic reactions. However, that’s not the entire story of anaphylaxis. Katherine Watt pointed me to Charles Richet’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech and to a couple of articles by this author (Northern Tracey). I suggest you read them. The author was way ahead of all of us on this topic. Katherine published on our email exchange at the time: Intentional elusivity of definitions for virus and vaccine. Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law… Read more 12 days ago · 146 likes · Katherine Watt As I mentioned in my email exchange with Katherine, Richet’s own work clearly referred to the poison he made from tentacles of Actinaria (sea anemone) as the “virus of Actinaria”. This confirmed one more time what we already knew: viruses are not some sort of natural “seeds” of disease, randomly flying around and jumping strangers. They are poisons - either natural toxins excreted by plants, bacteria and animals, or poisons made by people like Richet and now CDC/pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact. What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research - the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime. This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying same biological toxin (a very low probability event nowadays), or from what is now forced by the government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”. The original biologics regulation law in 1902 was called the virus-toxin act. Early on, virus, toxin, antitoxin, serum and vaccine were used interchangeably, because the vaccinators knew what they were propagating in the labs and licensed establishments - biological poisons. This lead me to become intensely interested in Richet’s work. I found his book describing the work on anaphylaxis published in 1913. I am including several screenshots from it, so you can read for yourself. Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the first attempts, because, instead of producing expected immunity it produced violent reactions or even death from minute (not considered dangerous) amounts of the toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happened in a random % of the population. One example quoted anaphylaxis rates from injecting cattle with anthrax serum: approximately 10% became violently ill and many died. The population who would react anaphylactically is a-priory not distinguishable from others, because it is not known who is already sensitized to which biological substances. This is still the case. There is no way to determine upfront who will be anaphylactically sensitized by an injection of a biologic (a protein). The establishment healthcare denies this, proclaiming all vaccines “very safe”. This is categorically not true, as becomes very apparent once you read Richet’s work related to injecting biological substances, even benign ones like milk or albumins (derived from wheat and other cereals). Digesting a protein and injecting it directly into the blood stream are two entirely different things! For example, it is safe to ingest snake venom for most people (provided no sores or abrasions in the mouth). I am not advising you try this, but sucking the venom out immediately post bite has been used as a bush medicine method. However, a snake bite delivering the same venom directly into the blood stream is an entirely different story. You notice that Richet talks about the “second injection”. This refers to the nature of anaphylaxis: the first interaction with an injected toxin may be not even noticed, be well tolerated or may be at worst mildly irritating. After a period of 2-3 weeks, the second exposure, however, may become very dangerous or fatal. The second exposure in most of Richet’s experiments was by injection. However, with high enough sensitization by the first injection, the anaphylaxis could also result from environmental exposure or ingestion, depending on the degree of sensitization to the “allergen”, or “toxigen” as he termed it. Do you understand peanut allergy, gluten allergy, soy allergy, etc. now? The things that didn’t exist before peanut oil, wheat albumins and other common food proteins became widely used in vaccines (and were proclaimed “generally safe” because it’s just food). Importantly, Richet has demonstrated that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and the variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing - a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion. Richet provided principles of anaphylaxis in his book: He also summarized findings from other researchers working on anaphylaxis at the time. Notice especially points 8 and 10 - this describes anaphylaxis from “vaccination” and subsequent allergic reactions, even to non-proteins (crystalloids): Richet found that the state of anaphylaxis sets in after a period of 2-3 weeks (it can vary), and depending on the initial toxin/protein, the sensitization state may last from weeks to years, and possibly be permanent. At the time that he wrote the book, he mentioned that in people anaphylactic/allergenic state was observed up to 6 years, but it may be permanent. Do you see now, why most vaccines are delivered in at least 2 doses, and they are separated by at least 21 days? They want to see if they induce severe anaphylaxis (i.e. life threatening kind). Here’s Pfizer’s “postmarketing experience” document, compiling adverse events as of Feb 2021 (first 2 months of vaccine rollout): This table is is not all cases of anaphylaxis, of course, but only the most severe form - the shock. Anaphylaxis is all allergic reactions and autoimmune disease, but these things are very easy to deny as they take a while to manifest and are not immediately deadly. The industry has developed perfect gaslighting strategies: “genetic mutations”, “toxic food”, “stress”, “novel syndromes”, and even better - glorification of chronic illness via movies, advertising, non-profits and other economic activity feeding off vaccine-induced destruction of natural health. In case of mRNA vaccines, they absolutely knew that they are killing people with anaphylaxis, but since that was the goal of the military weapon, the shots have not been removed and continue being pushed on the public. Another interesting observation made by Richet is that white mice and some of the breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis. No wonder these animals are now the staple of pharmaceutical research! While Richet himself seemed to be very much pro-vaccination, his main conclusions about anaphylaxis speak soundly against it. It is impossible to design a safe vaccine, because it is impossible to predict anaphylactic reactions. Each individual is unique, a product of heredity and interactions with environment. Introduction of foreign, non-self proteins is an assault on this natural equilibrium and can only result in a disaster. That vaccination in people induces anaphylaxis was known early on: And was given the name “allergy”, possibly to hide the fact that it’s vaccine-induced anaphylaxis: These psychos would even kill themselves, and still not get the message: Substances that induce anaphylaxis - colloids. Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids Colloids vs crystalloids Colloids and crystalloids are two types of fluid solutions used for intravenous (IV) infusion in medicine. The primary distinction between them lies in their particle size, composition, and behavior in the body. Colloids Consist of large particles (0.5-100 nm) that do not pass through semi-permeable membranes, such as capillary walls Examples: gelatin, albumin, hetastarch, dextran Act as plasma volume expanders, maintaining blood volume and pressure Have a high oncotic pressure, which helps to draw fluid into the vascular compartment May cause anaphylaxis in some patients More expensive than crystalloids Suitable for patients with severe fluid loss, trauma, burns, or sepsis Crystalloids Consist of small particles (less than 0.5 nm) that can pass through semi-permeable membranes Examples: normal saline (0.9% NaCl), lactated Ringer’s solution, 5% dextrose in water Act as isotonic or hypertonic solutions, expanding extracellular fluid volume Have a lower oncotic pressure, which can lead to fluid accumulation in tissues Less likely to cause anaphylaxis Generally less expensive than colloids Suitable for patients with mild to moderate fluid loss, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance In general, small molecule drugs do not cause anaphylaxis. Vaccines are, of course, colloids as they contain a mixture of proteins and lipids in suspension. Properly matched blood transfusions do not generally produce anaphylaxis. However, since all blood banks are now contaminated with mRNA-injected blood, it is not possible to say that they are safe. I personally would not accept blood, except from a known donor. Richet proposed that a “toxigen” which developed after the initial sensitizing injection in the blood was responsible for subsequent state of anaphylaxis: “Infectious disease” explained by anaphylaxis: The phenomenon of anaphylaxis may help explain both, the natural outbreaks of what appears as “contagious illness” in human history and the skyrocketing chronic illness in the modern western populations. It is known that the bacteria implicated in diseases like cholera or the plague are commonly present in the intestinal tracts of many people and do not seem to cause any issues. Then, how does an epidemic of the plague or cholera occur? Imagine living in a crowded, rapidly growing European city around 15th - 17th century: This is one of the main streets in Amsterdam, with raw sewage flowing in the middle, domestic animals sharing lower floors of the buildings, no plumbing, sanitation or refrigeration of food. The rats are very common. They bite and the bites carry common proteins found in that area’s sewage. Once enough people in the same area have been bitten for the first time, some weeks go by, anaphylactic state develops, and then the rats bite some of the same people again. If enough of these events occur, an “epidemic” of the plague/smallpox/cholera starts in this community. Hygiene, plumbing, water sanitation, refrigeration and air conditioning were the most significant technological innovations that defeated epidemics by removing the chances of injection of anaphylactizing toxigens by common pests. So, instead, we now have the establishment “healthcare” assaulting the society like the medieval sewer rats with poisoned needles. All vaccines contain two main sources of injury - the proteins that are used to formulate them, including the toxins (“viruses”) and the vehicle which frequently contains other common proteins like albumins (gluten allergy), egg proteins, soy, corn, casein (milk intolerance), etc. There are also “contaminants” and “adjuvants” such as toxic metals, and more recently with introduction recombinant vaccines - DNA plasmids that transfect cells. The mRNA shots are even worse as they contain numerous toxic vectors. Now imagine a baby getting 70+ different shots, most in several doses. It is guaranteed that the baby will get anaphylactized to many commonly encountered proteins, and that a chronic inflammation/allergy will result. Anaphylaxis, being an intestinal reaction, is also tied to destruction of microbiome, which I will address in later articles. Practically all chronic conditions, especially in children, can be tied back to vaccine-induced anaphylaxis. Many people state that food that we eat and the environment are full of toxins. While this may be true, especially for some locations and some socioeconomic groups, the food and environmental toxicity pales in comparison to what happens when the toxins, especially proteins are injected directly into the blood stream. I am in full support of improving the quality of food and cleaning up the environmental pollution, but if we need a policy to combat the chronic disease epidemic, there is one straightforward answer that all politicians and most experts today soundly ignore - the catastrophic damage to health induced by vaccines. I would like to end with the quote from Richet: Richet: "We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction [forcible entry; injection], the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection [outside the intestines; intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous] which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock. Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated." For further reading: How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society? BS”D I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article… Read more 11 days ago · 6 likes · 2 comments · Brucha Weisberger Art for today: Angels and Demons series, oil on linen. NFS. https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/p-148130497
    Sasha Latypova | Substack
    I could not become a professional artist, so I became a pharma and medical device R&D executive. If you are interested in my art, visit sashalatypova.com
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  • The Misinformation Million

    Executive Summary

    Who We Are

    The Global Institute For Truth (GIFT) is a planetary-wide alliance of over 150,000 journalists, scientists, and physicians, committed to disrupting the spread of lies and misinformation in media about healthcare. We are a coalition of concerned individuals who seek to educate the public about the dangers of corporate dominance of the medical industry, blind vaccine promotion, and the unfounded pretense that vaccination is the primary therapy for protecting humans from disease.

    Motivated solely by the truth, GIFT maintains the highest standards of objectivity by having no affiliation with any government or the pharmaceutical industry, including their previous employees. We have no allegiances based on monetary or political influence.

    Our irrefutable premise is that media, particularly news dissemination, has been colonized and exploited by powerful corporate forces that spread misinformation and instrumentalize hate.

    The individuals and organizations involved in this charade are opportunistic, agile, and confident in exerting influence and persuading people. Over time these actors, advocating for diverse products and causes — from harmful denatured foods to pharmaceuticals with long lists of side effects — have dominated all forms of electronic media. Their trolling, misinformation, and skilled advocacy have impacted the world for the worse.

    In a continuing gargantuan promotion of dangerous and unproven products, this invasive and unethical group disseminated fear about the degree of an unconfirmed pandemic — and subsequently indoctrinated the world with an idolization of an experimental flu vaccine.

    Our work combines both analysis and active disruption of these players and networks through the distribution of written articles and reports. GIFT's solutions seek to increase the economic, political, and social costs of all parts of the dangerous infrastructure — the actors, systems, and culture — that support and profit from disseminating misinformation.

    This foundational report, the Misinformation Million, reveals the activities of the top individuals and the associated organizations responsible for the bulk of pro-vax content produced, published, and aired by news media.

    The majority of the Misinformation Million continue to push refuted findings and violate all standards of truthfulness.

    The misconduct of thousands of leading pro-vaxxers must not go unpunished. Nefarious or misdirected souls are responsible for hawking vaccines through the mainstream media when their benefit is negligible and risks are documented. Whether this is done out of intentional duplicity or extreme ignorance, the damage that they continue to do is staggering.

    Our analysis of news content between February 2019 and September 2023 uncovers how a specialized, influential group of determined pro-vaxxers continues to be responsible for a tidal wave of misinformation.

    We demand that every news outlet brings to an end this blatant propaganda by enforcing their claims to have balanced and truthful reporting.

    Key findings

    The number of key people disseminating vaccine misinformation — including celebrities, doctors, scientists, politicians, corporate leaders, and educators — is estimated at well over a million individuals.

    This report specifically identifies only some of the leading representatives of the Misinformation Million; selected because of their high visibility and multiple appearances in news programs and productions with overt or subversive pro-vaccine content.

    The Misinformation Million is a cadre of numerous influencers who act through institutions, government, media, and community involvement; disseminating misleading, false, and damaging information on a local, national, and global level.

    Analysis of a representative sample of pro-vax content that aired or played on television and the internet reveals that the vast majority of content can be traced to the Misinformation Million.

    Our sample of programming on mainstream media revealed misinformation was presented approximately 1,104,531 times over three years, between September 2019 and September 2023 with 99% of those contrivances attributable to the Misinformation Million.

    Detailed analysis of most of these pro-vaccine broadcasts and articles found verifiably false statements initiated or presented by key members of the Misinformation Million listed in the appendix below.

    In the last three months, with no sign of a pandemic or serious flu outbreak, our analysis of numerous broadcasts and news stories found pro-vax forces continued to heavily influence programming. This media content originates from the same leading Misinformation Million included in this report.

    Networks and publishers are almost all compromised by paid advertising placed by the pharmaceutical industry; a clear conflict of interest in presenting or reporting the truth about the ineffectiveness and adverse reactions.

    While some pro-vaxxers identified by GIFT have stopped promoting because of contracting COVID-19 despite numerous boosters — or sustaining vaccine injuries — most remain active through various media outlets.

    GIFT’s poll in January of 2022 on the effect of 1135 pro-vax newspapers, TV stations, and internet sites, found that the total number of US residents entranced by the deceitful rhetoric reached a peak of 192 million people.

    Subsequent surveys revealed that by February of 2023, a majority of 332 million Americans had begun to question the validity of the Misinformation Million — and as of this date, increasing numbers are seeking more sound, unbiased information, indicating increasing distrust of mainstream news media.

    Despite open admission of vaccine failure and damage — and the lack of extreme risk for healthy people from infectious disease — the Misinformation Million are openly preparing for another round of vaccine promotion as the winter of 2023 - 2024 approaches.

    Factual Chronological Analysis

    As an impending pandemic was hyped and fear was spread with images of dead and sick people around the globe, the grand promise of a warp-speed production of a panacea was hailed as a coming miracle by the Misinformation Million (MM).

    When the COVID-19 vaccine arrived, the group provided rhetoric with exuberant promotion and advice to get the jab and take one for the team. The damage and division caused by this unprecedented sales campaign is incalculable.

    The friendly promotion of the COVID-19 vaccine eventually devolved to where the MM were repeating the flagrantly hostile and illogical truth: that the US was facing a pandemic of the unvaccinated, causing further division in all walks of life.

    Knowing facts are dangerous to their cause, the MM attempted to silence anyone with views that competed with efforts to ensure that the only viable remedy was Big Pharma’s vaccine.

    The vehement political repression and unwillingness to consider or discuss alternatives confirmed another success of the corporate capture of government agencies.

    The single solution for the pandemic satisfied the requirement to keep the new mRNA vaccines in an experimental status, ensuring immunity from liability for the manufacturers.

    The vast majority of severe cases and those dying had pre-existing conditions that made them vulnerable. Many who were counted as COVID-19 deaths died with COVID, rather than from COVID.

    As the vaccine proved ineffective, the abject failure to prevent infection was defended by the MM; they attempted to describe the vaccinated who got ill as breakthrough cases, a deceptive term used in an attempt to hide the failure of the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Ultimately, when it was clear vaccination was unable to stop transmission, the MM told the public another bold lie with unequaled pretense. They claimed the vaccine could diminish the severity of infection, while severe illness and death continued to remain a risk only to those with pre-existing conditions.

    Claims of vaccine success are based on the false assertion that those who survived the disease did so because they were vaccinated.

    Having no ethical bounds, the MM abused caregivers who offered relief for those infected by the virus, including deprecating the use of Ivermectin, which was gleefully condemned as a horse dewormer. The MM failed to mention that Ivermectin is internationally regarded as one of the safest and most effective treatments for COVID-19.

    Even with a decrease in illness ascribed to the virus — and diminished faith in government and the pharmaceutical industry — the MM are preparing for their next offensive, supported by organizations determined to dominate healthcare and reduce medical autonomy.

    Authorities And News Sources Must Reverse The Damage Done By The Misinformation Million

    The public cannot make decisions about their health when they are constantly inundated by misleading advertising, misinformation, and false content. Challenging or removing the sources of misinformation — will allow television, print, and internet news to support individuals in making a truly informed choice about vaccines.

    The best recourse to prevent harm and devastation by the MM is a continued campaign to expose their lies and the application of pressure on government representatives and news outlets to limit their destructive impact.

    The vast majority of deceptive content continues to be spread by the Misinformation Million. Identifying the deceitful information and duplicitous motives of the most dangerous individuals and associated groups can significantly reduce the amount of harm being done by news sources.

    Mainstream media must be pressured to follow up on their claims of objectivity with concrete action — and a willingness to ask tough questions.

    The most effective and efficient way to stop the dissemination of harmful information is to recognize and challenge the most highly visible repeat offenders; those we designate the Misinformation Million. This effort also includes the organizations these individuals control or fund, as well as any associated institutions disguised as philanthropic — established to evade regulation.

    Appendix: The Misinformation Million

    The following profiles of key members of the Misinformation Million present a concise explanation for why they are identified as such by the Global Institute For Truth. These individuals continually violate standards and practices of sound analysis, reasonable discourse, or objective commentary — by obfuscating, manipulating, or fabricating the truth. They are directly responsible for repressive actions and continuing denial of the true impact of COVID-19 vaccine promotion.

    Anthony Fauci — Served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022. Member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force established in late January 2020, under President Donald Trump, to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. He became a de facto public health spokesperson for the office of the president during the pandemic and an influential advocate for social distancing and masking mandates. His position on almost everything continuously changed, with the exception of his relentless condemnation of alternative opinions and unwavering support of the continued use of vaccines and boosters. A comprehensive book, The Real Anthony Fauci, details his deceptive and damaging career.

    Tedros Adhanom — Director General of the World Health Organization and prime mover of their COVID-19 vaccination advocacy and an international vaccine passport.

    Imran Ahmed — CEO of the discredited Center For Countering Digital Hate and disseminator of The Disinformation Dozen, the report that attempted to undermine the free speech of an influential group who doubt and criticize government policies and vaccine efficacy. Ahmed and his organization are currently being scrutinized by the House Judiciary Committee.

    Bill Gates — Founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s most influential foundations; the single largest funder of the World Health Organization. Gates is the wealthiest and most active supporter of the COVID-19 vaccines, never missing a public opportunity to promote his perspective on their utility and safety. The reality of his objectives and benefits from shaping public policy is less obvious, though critical in understanding his motivation.

    Jake Tapper — Washington anchor for CNN and irrepressible proponent of the COVID-19 vaccine, giving an unchecked platform for Anthony Fauci and others to promote a product. As an attack dog, he has pounced on any criticism of government mandates or policies during the pandemic.

    Sean Penn — Actor and activist who was an early and vehement promoter of mandatory vaccination.

    Big Bird — Sesame Street star who attempted to indoctrinate children with the announcement of getting jabbed. Confirmed PBS participation in the farce.

    Dolly Parton — Country music star and one million dollar donor to Moderna to develop their COVID-19 vaccine, she has urged followers to get vaccinated framing the decision as a life or death choice.

    Stephen Colbert — Late Night host and pro-vaccine fanatic; promoting boosters and broadcasting an infomercial with Anthony Fauci.

    Ralph Baric — A University of North Carolina researcher who received unprecedented grants and Anthony Fauci’s go-to gain of function scientist — claims he has no connection to the virus that has been blamed for bringing turmoil to the world for three years. News media repeated his denials — while failing to report information supporting allegations that the pandemic was something other than a natural event.

    Joe Biden — 46th President of the United States and favorite son of corporate America, including the banking and pharmaceutical industries. Leading proponent of the concept pandemic of the unvaccinated, also claiming the vaccine stops the virus — both fallacies repeated incessantly by newscasters — and staunch defender of the stranglehold that Big Pharma has on Washington politics. His administration enthusiastically and unlawfully pressured social media to repress or de-platform anyone who contradicted government pandemic policies.

    Whoopi Goldberg — Actress and co-host of The View, promoted the COVID-19 vaccine to a national audience and pressured other celebrities and athletes to join those demanding that everyone gets vaccinated. Despite being triple-vaxxed, she has had the virus twice, yet continues to justify boosters and vaccination.

    Justin Trudeau — Prime Minister of Canada, responsible for some of the most repressive tactics in any country against those who disagreed with government policies and mandates. His attempt to repress the Trucker’s Freedom Convoy exemplified how supporting the pharmaceutical industry was more important than defending the rights of citizens.

    Katie Couric — Former host of Today and the CBS Evening News — supported prosecuting anyone who presented information that contradicted CDC guidelines and Big Pharma’s agenda.

    Donald Trump — 45th President of the United States — was in office as pandemic paranoia was incited, enthusiastically initiating Operation Warp Speed, the program that quickly developed and distributed Big Pharma’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He continues to take credit for this — as a success. Currently, as a presidential candidate, he has wavered on his position about continued vaccination.

    Neil deGrasse Tyson — Celebrity astrophysicist and frequent guest on news segments promoting the COVID-19 vaccine. Despite a broad scientific background, he repeated the unfounded, phrase to millions of people in attempts to get people vaccinated.

    Rochelle Walensky — Former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a leading proponent of COVID-19 vaccines. A key voice in the campaign to lay blame at the feet of the unvaccinated.

    Jimmy Kimmel — Late-night host who proposed that the unvaccinated should not have access to ICU beds and mocked the use of Ivermectin.

    Gavin Newsom — California governor and militant enforcer of lockdowns, restrictions, and mandates. First Governor to require COVID-19 vaccination for all school children, the group least likely to be harmed by the virus, though susceptible to long and short-term damage from the vaccine.

    Anderson Cooper — CNN journalist and commentator who consistently voiced support for COVID-19 vaccination — giving an ongoing platform for pharmaceutical promoters, including repeatedly having Anthony Fauci on his program.

    Joy Behar — Co-host of The View, who continually pushed for vaccination, ignoring risks or the right of medical autonomy.

    Alex Azar — Former US Health and Human Services director and Lilly USA president — chief engineer of Operation Warp Speed, the initial engine that boosted the prominence and profits of the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Howard Stern — Radio shock jock who repeatedly insulted the unvaccinated; saying, You’re going to go home and die.

    Sanjay Goopta — CNN’s chief medical propagandist, who in tandem with Anderson Cooper and other newscasters, repeatedly spewed Big Pharma’s vaccine sales pitch.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger — Actor and former governor of California who pleaded for people to get vaccinated — in regard to mandates and masks, said, s.

    Emmanuel Macron — French President and friend of Big Pharma, attempted to make vaccines mandatory in his country. His efforts to combat vaccine hesitancy were unsurpassed by any other European leader.

    Klaus Schwab — Chairperson of the World Economic Forum and proponent of The Great Reset — his enthusiastic plan for stakeholder capitalism. This concept is a thin veneer for allowing more corporate control of governments, demonstrated by Big Pharma’s powerful performance during the pandemic.

    Mike Pence — former Vice President and leader of the Trump White House coronavirus task force — an early promoter of wearing ineffective masks and public proponent of taking the vaccine.

    Rachel Maddow — MSNBC news reporter and vehement COVID-19 vaccine promoter — insisted falsely, that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.

    Kamala Harris — Vice President who encouraged vaccination in interviews and appearances without any doubt — repeatedly said the vaccines are safe, they are free and they are effective.

    Don Lemon — CNN commentator and continuous critic of the unvaccinated —revealed the level of his ability to critique information by saying, I think that you need to tell people that their behavior is idiotic and nonsensical.

    Organizations and Institutions Behind The Misinformation Million

    The following groups work in conjunction with the Misinformation Million, supporting and reinforcing their efforts to compel universal vaccination for COVID and other diseases. They are all instrumental in determining public health policy that benefits the pharmaceutical industry. These powerful bodies openly describe their operations and enthusiasm for continuing vaccination without any reference to respected experts who disagree with their perspective, intent, or impact.

    World Health Organization

    World Economic Forum

    The World Bank

    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    The Rockefeller Foundation

    The United Nations


    Center For Countering Digital Hate

    The Council On Foreign Relations

    American College of Physicians

    American Medical Association

    American Academy of Pediatrics

    American Academy of Family Physicians

    Federal Drug Administration

    Center For Disease Control

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

    National Institutes of Health

    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

    Report From Planet Earth initially developed this article, the Misinformation Million, as a satirical piece to dramatically counter The Disinformation Dozen. The release of that unfounded and scurrilous document in March of 2021, initiated a wave of hostile, biased news coverage condemning the brave individuals who dared to counter the conventional narrative on the pandemic and the viability of a COVID-19 vaccine.

    Although the Global Institute For Truth is an imaginary institution and numbers are estimates, this report stands as a very real and compelling assembly of the primary aggressors and organizations who are pushing untested and dangerous vaccines on humanity. Individuals, organizations, news media outlets, and informational websites are welcome to re-publish this piece — without limitation.


    Make A One Time Donation Here

    The Misinformation Million Executive Summary Who We Are The Global Institute For Truth (GIFT) is a planetary-wide alliance of over 150,000 journalists, scientists, and physicians, committed to disrupting the spread of lies and misinformation in media about healthcare. We are a coalition of concerned individuals who seek to educate the public about the dangers of corporate dominance of the medical industry, blind vaccine promotion, and the unfounded pretense that vaccination is the primary therapy for protecting humans from disease. Motivated solely by the truth, GIFT maintains the highest standards of objectivity by having no affiliation with any government or the pharmaceutical industry, including their previous employees. We have no allegiances based on monetary or political influence. Our irrefutable premise is that media, particularly news dissemination, has been colonized and exploited by powerful corporate forces that spread misinformation and instrumentalize hate. The individuals and organizations involved in this charade are opportunistic, agile, and confident in exerting influence and persuading people. Over time these actors, advocating for diverse products and causes — from harmful denatured foods to pharmaceuticals with long lists of side effects — have dominated all forms of electronic media. Their trolling, misinformation, and skilled advocacy have impacted the world for the worse. In a continuing gargantuan promotion of dangerous and unproven products, this invasive and unethical group disseminated fear about the degree of an unconfirmed pandemic — and subsequently indoctrinated the world with an idolization of an experimental flu vaccine. Our work combines both analysis and active disruption of these players and networks through the distribution of written articles and reports. GIFT's solutions seek to increase the economic, political, and social costs of all parts of the dangerous infrastructure — the actors, systems, and culture — that support and profit from disseminating misinformation. This foundational report, the Misinformation Million, reveals the activities of the top individuals and the associated organizations responsible for the bulk of pro-vax content produced, published, and aired by news media. The majority of the Misinformation Million continue to push refuted findings and violate all standards of truthfulness. The misconduct of thousands of leading pro-vaxxers must not go unpunished. Nefarious or misdirected souls are responsible for hawking vaccines through the mainstream media when their benefit is negligible and risks are documented. Whether this is done out of intentional duplicity or extreme ignorance, the damage that they continue to do is staggering. Our analysis of news content between February 2019 and September 2023 uncovers how a specialized, influential group of determined pro-vaxxers continues to be responsible for a tidal wave of misinformation. We demand that every news outlet brings to an end this blatant propaganda by enforcing their claims to have balanced and truthful reporting. Key findings The number of key people disseminating vaccine misinformation — including celebrities, doctors, scientists, politicians, corporate leaders, and educators — is estimated at well over a million individuals. This report specifically identifies only some of the leading representatives of the Misinformation Million; selected because of their high visibility and multiple appearances in news programs and productions with overt or subversive pro-vaccine content. The Misinformation Million is a cadre of numerous influencers who act through institutions, government, media, and community involvement; disseminating misleading, false, and damaging information on a local, national, and global level. Analysis of a representative sample of pro-vax content that aired or played on television and the internet reveals that the vast majority of content can be traced to the Misinformation Million. Our sample of programming on mainstream media revealed misinformation was presented approximately 1,104,531 times over three years, between September 2019 and September 2023 with 99% of those contrivances attributable to the Misinformation Million. Detailed analysis of most of these pro-vaccine broadcasts and articles found verifiably false statements initiated or presented by key members of the Misinformation Million listed in the appendix below. In the last three months, with no sign of a pandemic or serious flu outbreak, our analysis of numerous broadcasts and news stories found pro-vax forces continued to heavily influence programming. This media content originates from the same leading Misinformation Million included in this report. Networks and publishers are almost all compromised by paid advertising placed by the pharmaceutical industry; a clear conflict of interest in presenting or reporting the truth about the ineffectiveness and adverse reactions. While some pro-vaxxers identified by GIFT have stopped promoting because of contracting COVID-19 despite numerous boosters — or sustaining vaccine injuries — most remain active through various media outlets. GIFT’s poll in January of 2022 on the effect of 1135 pro-vax newspapers, TV stations, and internet sites, found that the total number of US residents entranced by the deceitful rhetoric reached a peak of 192 million people. Subsequent surveys revealed that by February of 2023, a majority of 332 million Americans had begun to question the validity of the Misinformation Million — and as of this date, increasing numbers are seeking more sound, unbiased information, indicating increasing distrust of mainstream news media. Despite open admission of vaccine failure and damage — and the lack of extreme risk for healthy people from infectious disease — the Misinformation Million are openly preparing for another round of vaccine promotion as the winter of 2023 - 2024 approaches. Factual Chronological Analysis As an impending pandemic was hyped and fear was spread with images of dead and sick people around the globe, the grand promise of a warp-speed production of a panacea was hailed as a coming miracle by the Misinformation Million (MM). When the COVID-19 vaccine arrived, the group provided rhetoric with exuberant promotion and advice to get the jab and take one for the team. The damage and division caused by this unprecedented sales campaign is incalculable. The friendly promotion of the COVID-19 vaccine eventually devolved to where the MM were repeating the flagrantly hostile and illogical truth: that the US was facing a pandemic of the unvaccinated, causing further division in all walks of life. Knowing facts are dangerous to their cause, the MM attempted to silence anyone with views that competed with efforts to ensure that the only viable remedy was Big Pharma’s vaccine. The vehement political repression and unwillingness to consider or discuss alternatives confirmed another success of the corporate capture of government agencies. The single solution for the pandemic satisfied the requirement to keep the new mRNA vaccines in an experimental status, ensuring immunity from liability for the manufacturers. The vast majority of severe cases and those dying had pre-existing conditions that made them vulnerable. Many who were counted as COVID-19 deaths died with COVID, rather than from COVID. As the vaccine proved ineffective, the abject failure to prevent infection was defended by the MM; they attempted to describe the vaccinated who got ill as breakthrough cases, a deceptive term used in an attempt to hide the failure of the COVID-19 vaccine. Ultimately, when it was clear vaccination was unable to stop transmission, the MM told the public another bold lie with unequaled pretense. They claimed the vaccine could diminish the severity of infection, while severe illness and death continued to remain a risk only to those with pre-existing conditions. Claims of vaccine success are based on the false assertion that those who survived the disease did so because they were vaccinated. Having no ethical bounds, the MM abused caregivers who offered relief for those infected by the virus, including deprecating the use of Ivermectin, which was gleefully condemned as a horse dewormer. The MM failed to mention that Ivermectin is internationally regarded as one of the safest and most effective treatments for COVID-19. Even with a decrease in illness ascribed to the virus — and diminished faith in government and the pharmaceutical industry — the MM are preparing for their next offensive, supported by organizations determined to dominate healthcare and reduce medical autonomy. Authorities And News Sources Must Reverse The Damage Done By The Misinformation Million The public cannot make decisions about their health when they are constantly inundated by misleading advertising, misinformation, and false content. Challenging or removing the sources of misinformation — will allow television, print, and internet news to support individuals in making a truly informed choice about vaccines. The best recourse to prevent harm and devastation by the MM is a continued campaign to expose their lies and the application of pressure on government representatives and news outlets to limit their destructive impact. The vast majority of deceptive content continues to be spread by the Misinformation Million. Identifying the deceitful information and duplicitous motives of the most dangerous individuals and associated groups can significantly reduce the amount of harm being done by news sources. Mainstream media must be pressured to follow up on their claims of objectivity with concrete action — and a willingness to ask tough questions. The most effective and efficient way to stop the dissemination of harmful information is to recognize and challenge the most highly visible repeat offenders; those we designate the Misinformation Million. This effort also includes the organizations these individuals control or fund, as well as any associated institutions disguised as philanthropic — established to evade regulation. Appendix: The Misinformation Million The following profiles of key members of the Misinformation Million present a concise explanation for why they are identified as such by the Global Institute For Truth. These individuals continually violate standards and practices of sound analysis, reasonable discourse, or objective commentary — by obfuscating, manipulating, or fabricating the truth. They are directly responsible for repressive actions and continuing denial of the true impact of COVID-19 vaccine promotion. Anthony Fauci — Served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022. Member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force established in late January 2020, under President Donald Trump, to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. He became a de facto public health spokesperson for the office of the president during the pandemic and an influential advocate for social distancing and masking mandates. His position on almost everything continuously changed, with the exception of his relentless condemnation of alternative opinions and unwavering support of the continued use of vaccines and boosters. A comprehensive book, The Real Anthony Fauci, details his deceptive and damaging career. Tedros Adhanom — Director General of the World Health Organization and prime mover of their COVID-19 vaccination advocacy and an international vaccine passport. Imran Ahmed — CEO of the discredited Center For Countering Digital Hate and disseminator of The Disinformation Dozen, the report that attempted to undermine the free speech of an influential group who doubt and criticize government policies and vaccine efficacy. Ahmed and his organization are currently being scrutinized by the House Judiciary Committee. Bill Gates — Founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s most influential foundations; the single largest funder of the World Health Organization. Gates is the wealthiest and most active supporter of the COVID-19 vaccines, never missing a public opportunity to promote his perspective on their utility and safety. The reality of his objectives and benefits from shaping public policy is less obvious, though critical in understanding his motivation. Jake Tapper — Washington anchor for CNN and irrepressible proponent of the COVID-19 vaccine, giving an unchecked platform for Anthony Fauci and others to promote a product. As an attack dog, he has pounced on any criticism of government mandates or policies during the pandemic. Sean Penn — Actor and activist who was an early and vehement promoter of mandatory vaccination. Big Bird — Sesame Street star who attempted to indoctrinate children with the announcement of getting jabbed. Confirmed PBS participation in the farce. Dolly Parton — Country music star and one million dollar donor to Moderna to develop their COVID-19 vaccine, she has urged followers to get vaccinated framing the decision as a life or death choice. Stephen Colbert — Late Night host and pro-vaccine fanatic; promoting boosters and broadcasting an infomercial with Anthony Fauci. Ralph Baric — A University of North Carolina researcher who received unprecedented grants and Anthony Fauci’s go-to gain of function scientist — claims he has no connection to the virus that has been blamed for bringing turmoil to the world for three years. News media repeated his denials — while failing to report information supporting allegations that the pandemic was something other than a natural event. Joe Biden — 46th President of the United States and favorite son of corporate America, including the banking and pharmaceutical industries. Leading proponent of the concept pandemic of the unvaccinated, also claiming the vaccine stops the virus — both fallacies repeated incessantly by newscasters — and staunch defender of the stranglehold that Big Pharma has on Washington politics. His administration enthusiastically and unlawfully pressured social media to repress or de-platform anyone who contradicted government pandemic policies. Whoopi Goldberg — Actress and co-host of The View, promoted the COVID-19 vaccine to a national audience and pressured other celebrities and athletes to join those demanding that everyone gets vaccinated. Despite being triple-vaxxed, she has had the virus twice, yet continues to justify boosters and vaccination. Justin Trudeau — Prime Minister of Canada, responsible for some of the most repressive tactics in any country against those who disagreed with government policies and mandates. His attempt to repress the Trucker’s Freedom Convoy exemplified how supporting the pharmaceutical industry was more important than defending the rights of citizens. Katie Couric — Former host of Today and the CBS Evening News — supported prosecuting anyone who presented information that contradicted CDC guidelines and Big Pharma’s agenda. Donald Trump — 45th President of the United States — was in office as pandemic paranoia was incited, enthusiastically initiating Operation Warp Speed, the program that quickly developed and distributed Big Pharma’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He continues to take credit for this — as a success. Currently, as a presidential candidate, he has wavered on his position about continued vaccination. Neil deGrasse Tyson — Celebrity astrophysicist and frequent guest on news segments promoting the COVID-19 vaccine. Despite a broad scientific background, he repeated the unfounded, phrase to millions of people in attempts to get people vaccinated. Rochelle Walensky — Former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a leading proponent of COVID-19 vaccines. A key voice in the campaign to lay blame at the feet of the unvaccinated. Jimmy Kimmel — Late-night host who proposed that the unvaccinated should not have access to ICU beds and mocked the use of Ivermectin. Gavin Newsom — California governor and militant enforcer of lockdowns, restrictions, and mandates. First Governor to require COVID-19 vaccination for all school children, the group least likely to be harmed by the virus, though susceptible to long and short-term damage from the vaccine. Anderson Cooper — CNN journalist and commentator who consistently voiced support for COVID-19 vaccination — giving an ongoing platform for pharmaceutical promoters, including repeatedly having Anthony Fauci on his program. Joy Behar — Co-host of The View, who continually pushed for vaccination, ignoring risks or the right of medical autonomy. Alex Azar — Former US Health and Human Services director and Lilly USA president — chief engineer of Operation Warp Speed, the initial engine that boosted the prominence and profits of the COVID-19 vaccine. Howard Stern — Radio shock jock who repeatedly insulted the unvaccinated; saying, You’re going to go home and die. Sanjay Goopta — CNN’s chief medical propagandist, who in tandem with Anderson Cooper and other newscasters, repeatedly spewed Big Pharma’s vaccine sales pitch. Arnold Schwarzenegger — Actor and former governor of California who pleaded for people to get vaccinated — in regard to mandates and masks, said, s. Emmanuel Macron — French President and friend of Big Pharma, attempted to make vaccines mandatory in his country. His efforts to combat vaccine hesitancy were unsurpassed by any other European leader. Klaus Schwab — Chairperson of the World Economic Forum and proponent of The Great Reset — his enthusiastic plan for stakeholder capitalism. This concept is a thin veneer for allowing more corporate control of governments, demonstrated by Big Pharma’s powerful performance during the pandemic. Mike Pence — former Vice President and leader of the Trump White House coronavirus task force — an early promoter of wearing ineffective masks and public proponent of taking the vaccine. Rachel Maddow — MSNBC news reporter and vehement COVID-19 vaccine promoter — insisted falsely, that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. Kamala Harris — Vice President who encouraged vaccination in interviews and appearances without any doubt — repeatedly said the vaccines are safe, they are free and they are effective. Don Lemon — CNN commentator and continuous critic of the unvaccinated —revealed the level of his ability to critique information by saying, I think that you need to tell people that their behavior is idiotic and nonsensical. Organizations and Institutions Behind The Misinformation Million The following groups work in conjunction with the Misinformation Million, supporting and reinforcing their efforts to compel universal vaccination for COVID and other diseases. They are all instrumental in determining public health policy that benefits the pharmaceutical industry. These powerful bodies openly describe their operations and enthusiasm for continuing vaccination without any reference to respected experts who disagree with their perspective, intent, or impact. World Health Organization World Economic Forum The World Bank Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation The United Nations NewsGuard Center For Countering Digital Hate The Council On Foreign Relations American College of Physicians American Medical Association American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Family Physicians Federal Drug Administration Center For Disease Control National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Report From Planet Earth initially developed this article, the Misinformation Million, as a satirical piece to dramatically counter The Disinformation Dozen. The release of that unfounded and scurrilous document in March of 2021, initiated a wave of hostile, biased news coverage condemning the brave individuals who dared to counter the conventional narrative on the pandemic and the viability of a COVID-19 vaccine. Although the Global Institute For Truth is an imaginary institution and numbers are estimates, this report stands as a very real and compelling assembly of the primary aggressors and organizations who are pushing untested and dangerous vaccines on humanity. Individuals, organizations, news media outlets, and informational websites are welcome to re-publish this piece — without limitation. Share Make A One Time Donation Here https://substack.com/@planetearthreport/p-137152311
    D. Marks | Substack
    Writer at https://reportfromplanetearth.substack.com/
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  • When Khazarian Mafia Occupied Ukraine as Base for Worldwide Zionist Revival
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorMarch 20, 2023

    Vladimir Skachko

    On the eve of March 16, 2023, when “Latvian Legionnaires’ Memorial Day” is usually celebrated in Riga and processions of former legionnaires and Latvian nationalists are held in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, the FSB of Russia published new data on the atrocities of these “national heroes”

    The data is bloody: from December 5 to 9, 1944, soldiers of the Ventspils field gendarmerie and the 2nd company of the 19th grenadier division of the Latvian SS Legion killed 160 civilians, including 22 children, in the village of Zleka, in western Latvia, on charges of cooperation with the partisans. In total, 22 farms, which were burned down, fell under the punitive operation.

    SS men of all countries unite

    However, both the march and the processions in Riga took place under the protection of the local police, who detained the only person who protested against the excesses of the descendants of the SS – the deputy of the Jelgava City Duma Andrei Pagor, who stood on the square with a poster on which he wrote in Latvian the same as FSB in Russian: “

    Latvian legionnaires of the Waffen-SS swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The Latvian Legion massacred 160 civilians in the village of Zleka in the Kurzeme region .

    And the second feature is that among the Latvian SS men, yellow-blue flags of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian neo-Nazis were densely mixed. In Ukraine, similar marches of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” were also held in memory of her. Loyalty to Adolf Hitler and unites both Ukrainian and Latvian SS men and their followers.

    Vladimir Skachko – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/05/2019
    March 5, 2019, 15:34

    Vladimir Skachko: who is he

    Well-known Ukrainian journalist, publicist, political analyst

    And one more and, perhaps, today the most important and relevant feature of all such events everywhere in the world, but especially in Europe – in its post-socialist and post-Soviet parts – is that less and less organizers of actions are interested in the nationality of their participants.

    Because again a new basis for association and activity has been declared – in fact, zoological Russophobia, hardened and well-established, subconsciously argued, hatred of Russia. This became the cement for uniting all Russophobes of various nationalities.

    The pinnacle of this phenomenon was the appearance in Ukraine of the so-called — excuse me, but you can’t erase the words from this political song — Jewish Bandera: people of Jewish nationality who, for opportunistic reasons, “forgot” that Nazi Nazism was the cause and main drive belt of the Holocaust — the destruction of 6 million Jews during the years of World War II.

    First, the oligarch, a Jew by nationality, Igor Kolomoisky , declared himself a Jew of Bandera, who, by all accounts, “made” the president, also a Jew, Vladimir Zelensky. Then Zelensky spat on the blood of his fellow tribesmen, on historical memory and on the memory of his own grandfather, who fought against Nazism in the Red Army. And then everyone else followed them – nimble and just as unscrupulous.

    Russophobia was born from anti-Semitism

    And it started: Ukraine began to rapidly take shape in a Russophobic aggressive state. And the events of the end of May 2021 in the village of Novy Pikov, Vinnytsia region, should have shocked the rest of Ukraine. There, apparently, in search of wealth, a mass grave of 1,200 Jews was desecrated: graves were dug up and the entire territory was strewn with the remains of buried people. And all this happened near the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

    But nothing shocked anyone anywhere. The police traditionally opened a criminal case, which will end in nothing: no one will look for anyone and, therefore, will not find anyone. And the case will be covered with dust in the archive, like thousands of other similar cases.

    This event did not excite the central authorities of Ukraine, headed by Zelensky, who had previously said that he was proud of this. Zelensky left the next desecration of the graves of fellow tribesmen without attention and reaction, by which, as the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko once gracefully noted , he finally “painted himself in the colors that he painted.” That is, he finally and irrevocably ranked himself among the shameful and shameful tribe of Ukrainian “Jewish Bandera”. People of Jewish nationality or Jewish origin who have entered the service of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi and xenophobic state in its essence, in which one titular nation is designated as the main one – Ukrainians. And everyone else should wave them. Forgetting about their origin, roots, history.

    Foreign journalists at work in the Kherson region – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/17/2023
    March 17, 15:33

    “The Pentagon wanted to drive the Russians into concentration camps.” The truth about Ukraine from Western journalists

    Most Western media take an openly anti-Russian position on the conflict in Ukraine. But there are independent American and European journalists who prefer to see everything with their own eyes and tell about it.

    Connoisseurs of xenophobic idiocy argue that the word “Jewish Bandera” is a monstrous know-how not of “square” Ukraine, but of the Soviet one. And it appeared for the first time in 1981 in the main Ukrainian satirical magazine Peretz, where they fought hard against Zionism and terribly criticized it for allegedly merging with Western money in anti-Soviet ecstasy with Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the symbol of which by that time had already become Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)*, who was killed in 1959.

    The product of the coup d’étatI won’t argue with that. But in the modern history of Ukraine, this concept again became relevant and shameful immediately after the 2014 coup d’état in Dnepropetrovsk, where it was. O. President of Ukraine

    Oleksandr Turchynov , who earned the nickname “Bloody Pastor” for starting a civil war in Donbass, appointed the already mentioned oligarch Kolomoisky as governor. So that he, therefore, for his money and at any cost, put an end to the “Russian world” and “anti-Maidan” there. And for this he gave him the entire Dnepropetrovsk region, one of the richest regions of the Ukrainian southeast. In the same way that Turchynov appointed the Donetsk oligarch Sergei Taruta (the “owner of Donbass” and the richest man in Ukraine

    Rinat Akhmetov ) to “pacify the Donbass”, apparently, refused such an “honor”, ​​because he was going to “milk” both of them – both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR).

    Kolomoisky coped with the tasks. And the Russian world crushed in the bud, and not only the Dnepropetrovsk region, but also the most “delicious” objects in a couple of neighboring regions crushed under itself. But he became famous for the fact that with him appeared T-shirts with the print of “Jewbander” and the image of the Jewish menorah menorah. And this despite the fact that Kolomoisky is not just a Jew by nationality. By that time, he had rebuilt the House of Culture in Dnepropetrovsk into one of the largest synagogues in the world, was the President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Dnepropetrovsk, was the head and member until 2011 of the European Council of Jewish Communities, President of the European Jewish Union (EJU) .In other words, “Jewish banditry” as one of the most widespread xenophobia in Ukraine under Kolomoisky reached its peak and became an integral part of state policy. Moreover, it has become one of the most widespread Internet memes, disgracing Ukraine.

    Ukrainian phenomenon – Jewish anti-SemitismThe special and vile cynicism of this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, a huge number of current Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs who have become the architects of the current economic model of Ukraine are of Jewish origin. In addition to Zelensky, the presence of close Jewish relatives by the name of Valtsman was “accused” of his predecessor, the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko. Jewish origin was found in all three “heroes of the Maidan”, who, as it were, became the personification of the state revolution-2014.

    At the same Klitschko, who became the mayor of Kiev, it was the Ukrainians who saved the Jewish grandmother Tamara Etinzon during the Holocaust . Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became prime minister, was attributed to the ancient Jewish family Bakaev. And even the leader of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnibok, who lost the most fighters on the Maidan, was found to have Jewish grandparents named Frotman. And they even arrogantly claimed that he himself became such an ardent Nazi in retaliation for the fact that his family had not been released to Israel at one time.

    A couple of years ago, President Zelensky was declared a “mortal war for the land” by the leader of the Batkivshchyna party Yulia Tymoshenko , twice the former prime minister of Ukraine, which is called the “Ukrainian coast”. And if there are different opinions about her “Ukrainianness”, to put it mildly, then in terms of forgetting her Jewish origin and ignoring the memory of her ancestors, it is Tymoshenko who can give Zelensky a head start.If the current President Zelensky, betraying Victory Day on May 9 and refusing the Great Patriotic War, simply betrayed his grandfather Semyon Zelensky, who fought under the command of “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov, whose memory is defiled

    and nullified in Ukraine, then Tymoshenko did it even earlier. When, as prime minister, she didn’t lift a finger to clean up a mass grave on the height of Bezymyannaya near the village of Karan (now Flotskoye) near Sevastopol in the then-Ukrainian-controlled Crimea.

    And her grandfather, senior lieutenant Abram Kapitelman, commander of a communications platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 777th rifle regiment of the 227th Temryuk rifle division, who died on May 8, 1944, was buried there, and three days before that he was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree. This is how the grave was and remained during the premiership of Tymoshenko after the military unit on whose territory it was located was closed.

    And of course, the Vinnitsa region and Vinnitsa itself are striking, where anti-Semitism takes on perhaps the ugliest forms. Vinnitsa Jews became victims of both Jewish pogroms during the time of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (URN) Symon Petlyura , and Hitler’s Holocaust during World War II. And in Vinnitsa, on the site of the Jewish ghetto and the executions of Jews, the local “Zelenbud” was smashed, the “Anti-Fascist” planting seedlings wrote about this and drew attention to the fact that one of the first monuments to the pogromist Petliura appeared in Vinnitsa. And the city at that time (and in general 16 years out of 30 in independent Ukraine) was led by Jewish mayors – Dmitry Dvorkis (1992-2000) and Volodymyr Groysman (2006-2014), who later became the Prime Minister of Ukraine under Poroshenko, and now he is trying to back into big politics.

    And there is another side of the “Jewish Bandera”: having betrayed their memory and stepped over the blood of their relatives and fellow tribesmen, they went to the service of those who today are ready to build and are building their policy and their “Ukrainian Ukraine” on xenophobia and national intolerance. Under the slogans “Ukraine for Ukrainians” and “Ukraine First”. This is modern Ukrainian neo-Nazism.

    With Hitler in the head

    And their spiritual forerunners are Bandera – the most rabid zoological, if you like, clinical nationalists. On June 30, 2021, “progressive”, that is, Maidan Ukraine, celebrated the “80th anniversary of the restoration of the Ukrainian state”, which happened with the permission of the Nazis and lasted, it seems, only 8 days. Because the Nazis created their eponymous “Reich Commissariat” (in the east), “District Galicia” (in the west) on the territory of Ukraine, and generally gave the south to allied Romania.

    But the Bandera nationalists continued to imitate the “rozbudov of Ukraine”, serving Hitler and preparing to cleanse the country of “foreigners”. Everyone. On OUN leaflets of that time it was written: “People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Magyars, Jews – these are all your enemies. Destroy them!” And the “restorer” and as the “Prime Minister of the Ukrainian state” Yaroslav Stetsko wrote and said: “Moscow and the Jews are the main enemies of Ukraine and the bearers of disintegrating Bolshevik international ideas … Considering Moscow the main and decisive enemy, which powerfully kept Ukraine in captivity, nevertheless I assess less as harmful and hostile the fate of the Jews, who help Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of the destruction of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of extremination (destruction) of the Jews, excluding their assimilation.

    It is the spiritual and political heirs and bearers of similar ideas that today serve the modern Jew Bandera. And to this we can only add that not only people of Jewish origin went into the service of neo-Nazis. And it was not in vain that I focused my attention on Kolomoisky. It was under him that a peculiar Ukrainian “international of ethno-Bandera” began to form – people of different nationalities and ethnicity, who went into Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists and became “Katsap Bandera”, “Chechen-Bandera”, “Tatar-Bandera”, “Georgian- or Armenian-Bandera”, “Belarus-Bandera” etc.

    Under Kolomoisky, in the Dnipropetrovsk region and throughout the southeast, huge wonderful advertising banners “$10,000 for a Muscovite” appeared, which were supposedly going to be paid by Privatbank, owned by the oligarch. And the ethnic Russian, an ally of the oligarch Boris Filatov put forward one of the main slogans of the fight against the “Russian world”:

    “We must give the scum any promises, guarantees and make any concessions. And hang them … You need to hang them later! And on the Maidan, the Armenian Sergei Nigoyan and Belarusian Mikhail Zhiznevsky were the first to die .

    A feature of the current situation, as already mentioned, is that traditional anti-Semitism and other national xenophobia are being replaced by Russophobia, which has come to the fore. They made a gigantic “Anti-Russia” out of Ukraine and paid with the money of sponsors, first of all, for hatred of Russia and everything Russian. And then they provoked a war with Russia, which launched a special military operation (SVO) to protect the population of two regions of Donbass from extermination. And now, for the opportunity to shine in front of the authorities in Kyiv and their sponsors, to swim in the cash flows, to bask in the career rays of the ethno-Banderites and fuss. That the Crimean Tatar

    Aider Muzhdabaev is now furious with neo-Nazi hatred for everything Russian, that the Georgian Mikho Saakashvili played in the same positions, Americans and other “Vikings”. And how many ordinary ethno-Banderites, who, for the money of the oligarchs, and now at the expense of the countries of the collective West, were contracted to “pacify the Donbass” in punitive volunteer battalions, and now fight in the NVO, and do not count. Who is there just not – from Russians and Chechens to the French, Poles and Americans.

    Ethno-Banderites on the payroll

    The main problem of Ukraine with these ethno-Banderites is not only that they cynically betrayed their blood and stepped over the blood of their fellow tribesmen. By their support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they create the appearance and illusion that there is no neo-Nazism and other xenophobia in Ukraine: what kind of anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism is it if their president is a Jew. But the ethno-Bandera people do not want to understand that a tough attempt is being made in Ukraine to build a mono-ethnic state, rigidly oriented and sharpened against Russia. It was for this purpose that Zelensky’s law on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted, which recognize the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. Russians, at best, were told by Zelensky himself: if they feel Russian, they should leave for Russia. Although the Russians have lived on this land for centuries, since the time of Kievan Rus,

    But today it is impossible to resist this ethno-Banderism in Ukraine. Because the authorities use, openly or tacitly support anti-Semitism, Russophobia, any other xenophobia and ethnic strife. As well as their carriers. They need them in order to:- to mobilize the people “to fight” against the “fifth column” inside the country and “Putin’s Mordor” on the outer contour;- to use interethnic strife and interethnic quarrels as a good and reliable distraction from the social and even political struggle against the authorities. Like, how can you fight the same Zelensky, if “the motherland is in danger.”

    Order for Bandera of all varieties

    And of course, another of the main reasons for ethno-Banderism in Ukraine is an external order for it from sponsors and external curators. Neo-Nazi Ukraine under the rule of ethno-Banderists is a trouble-free tool, an anti-Russian battering ram, a foothold or a training ground. In the same way as before, with the revival of neo-Nazism there and its support in the West, the republics of the Soviet Baltic States covered by Russophobia turned out to be.

    And the pragmatic West can be understood. They are ready to fight with Russia by proxy to the last, both Ukrainians and ethno-Banderists, who are ready for anything for money. Here the West also uses such international stupid gratuitousness.

    Dmitry Yarosh – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/03/2023
    March 3, 07:52

    Russophobia as a profession. What is neo-Nazi leader Dmitry Yarosh doing today?

    Nine years ago, in March 2014, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis for the first time called for terrorist acts in the Crimea, on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for blowing up gas and oil pipelines running through the territory of Ukraine.

    And not only in Ukraine. Russia has its own Achilles’ heel in this regard – called spiritual Vlasovites, if you like, ethnovlasovites, people who are ready to fight with their own homeland to the end, until it is destroyed.And the West has already begun to bring down this audience into a flock. Last year, with a difference of almost a month in May-June, two maps appeared with a plan for dividing Russia into nation-states, which were presented by these very ethnovlasovites.

    First, on May 8, 2022 in Warsaw at a conference called the Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia (FSNR), at which a new idea and a new task were loudly announced – the dismantling of modern Russia into independent national republics under the guise of decolonization. Then in Prague on July 24, 2022, the second round of the FSNR was held, where a map of the free states of “post-Russia” was presented under the title “Decolonization and reconstruction of Russia” and the slogan “Time for indigenous peoples and regions to regain their independence and sovereignty”.

    Conclusion for growth

    It was overseen by the U.S. Government Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, a supposedly independent body of the U.S. federal government that for 45 years monitored compliance with the Helsinki Accords and promoted comprehensive security through the promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in the OSCE region from 57 countries.

    This commission has its own map of the collapse of Russia. And its new task is to unite all ethno-Banderites on the basis of hatred for Russia and frenzied Russophobia into a single coordinating structure. Something like the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which was destroying the USSR in 1946-1996. Judging by the efforts, ABN 2.0 should now appear – only an anti-Russian bloc of peoples that would unite everyone who wants the death of Russia and is ready to participate in this for money.

    This is what it all comes down to. And it will come if Russia puts aside its victory in the NWO, which is the only one to sober up this public and cool its feverish Russophobic delirium.

    * An organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.



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    When Khazarian Mafia Occupied Ukraine as Base for Worldwide Zionist Revival Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorMarch 20, 2023 Vladimir Skachko On the eve of March 16, 2023, when “Latvian Legionnaires’ Memorial Day” is usually celebrated in Riga and processions of former legionnaires and Latvian nationalists are held in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, the FSB of Russia published new data on the atrocities of these “national heroes” The data is bloody: from December 5 to 9, 1944, soldiers of the Ventspils field gendarmerie and the 2nd company of the 19th grenadier division of the Latvian SS Legion killed 160 civilians, including 22 children, in the village of Zleka, in western Latvia, on charges of cooperation with the partisans. In total, 22 farms, which were burned down, fell under the punitive operation. SS men of all countries unite However, both the march and the processions in Riga took place under the protection of the local police, who detained the only person who protested against the excesses of the descendants of the SS – the deputy of the Jelgava City Duma Andrei Pagor, who stood on the square with a poster on which he wrote in Latvian the same as FSB in Russian: “ Latvian legionnaires of the Waffen-SS swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The Latvian Legion massacred 160 civilians in the village of Zleka in the Kurzeme region . And the second feature is that among the Latvian SS men, yellow-blue flags of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian neo-Nazis were densely mixed. In Ukraine, similar marches of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” were also held in memory of her. Loyalty to Adolf Hitler and unites both Ukrainian and Latvian SS men and their followers. Vladimir Skachko – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/05/2019 March 5, 2019, 15:34 Vladimir Skachko: who is he Well-known Ukrainian journalist, publicist, political analyst And one more and, perhaps, today the most important and relevant feature of all such events everywhere in the world, but especially in Europe – in its post-socialist and post-Soviet parts – is that less and less organizers of actions are interested in the nationality of their participants. Because again a new basis for association and activity has been declared – in fact, zoological Russophobia, hardened and well-established, subconsciously argued, hatred of Russia. This became the cement for uniting all Russophobes of various nationalities. The pinnacle of this phenomenon was the appearance in Ukraine of the so-called — excuse me, but you can’t erase the words from this political song — Jewish Bandera: people of Jewish nationality who, for opportunistic reasons, “forgot” that Nazi Nazism was the cause and main drive belt of the Holocaust — the destruction of 6 million Jews during the years of World War II. First, the oligarch, a Jew by nationality, Igor Kolomoisky , declared himself a Jew of Bandera, who, by all accounts, “made” the president, also a Jew, Vladimir Zelensky. Then Zelensky spat on the blood of his fellow tribesmen, on historical memory and on the memory of his own grandfather, who fought against Nazism in the Red Army. And then everyone else followed them – nimble and just as unscrupulous. Russophobia was born from anti-Semitism And it started: Ukraine began to rapidly take shape in a Russophobic aggressive state. And the events of the end of May 2021 in the village of Novy Pikov, Vinnytsia region, should have shocked the rest of Ukraine. There, apparently, in search of wealth, a mass grave of 1,200 Jews was desecrated: graves were dug up and the entire territory was strewn with the remains of buried people. And all this happened near the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. But nothing shocked anyone anywhere. The police traditionally opened a criminal case, which will end in nothing: no one will look for anyone and, therefore, will not find anyone. And the case will be covered with dust in the archive, like thousands of other similar cases. This event did not excite the central authorities of Ukraine, headed by Zelensky, who had previously said that he was proud of this. Zelensky left the next desecration of the graves of fellow tribesmen without attention and reaction, by which, as the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko once gracefully noted , he finally “painted himself in the colors that he painted.” That is, he finally and irrevocably ranked himself among the shameful and shameful tribe of Ukrainian “Jewish Bandera”. People of Jewish nationality or Jewish origin who have entered the service of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi and xenophobic state in its essence, in which one titular nation is designated as the main one – Ukrainians. And everyone else should wave them. Forgetting about their origin, roots, history. Foreign journalists at work in the Kherson region – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/17/2023 March 17, 15:33 “The Pentagon wanted to drive the Russians into concentration camps.” The truth about Ukraine from Western journalists Most Western media take an openly anti-Russian position on the conflict in Ukraine. But there are independent American and European journalists who prefer to see everything with their own eyes and tell about it. Connoisseurs of xenophobic idiocy argue that the word “Jewish Bandera” is a monstrous know-how not of “square” Ukraine, but of the Soviet one. And it appeared for the first time in 1981 in the main Ukrainian satirical magazine Peretz, where they fought hard against Zionism and terribly criticized it for allegedly merging with Western money in anti-Soviet ecstasy with Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the symbol of which by that time had already become Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)*, who was killed in 1959. The product of the coup d’étatI won’t argue with that. But in the modern history of Ukraine, this concept again became relevant and shameful immediately after the 2014 coup d’état in Dnepropetrovsk, where it was. O. President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov , who earned the nickname “Bloody Pastor” for starting a civil war in Donbass, appointed the already mentioned oligarch Kolomoisky as governor. So that he, therefore, for his money and at any cost, put an end to the “Russian world” and “anti-Maidan” there. And for this he gave him the entire Dnepropetrovsk region, one of the richest regions of the Ukrainian southeast. In the same way that Turchynov appointed the Donetsk oligarch Sergei Taruta (the “owner of Donbass” and the richest man in Ukraine Rinat Akhmetov ) to “pacify the Donbass”, apparently, refused such an “honor”, ​​because he was going to “milk” both of them – both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR). Kolomoisky coped with the tasks. And the Russian world crushed in the bud, and not only the Dnepropetrovsk region, but also the most “delicious” objects in a couple of neighboring regions crushed under itself. But he became famous for the fact that with him appeared T-shirts with the print of “Jewbander” and the image of the Jewish menorah menorah. And this despite the fact that Kolomoisky is not just a Jew by nationality. By that time, he had rebuilt the House of Culture in Dnepropetrovsk into one of the largest synagogues in the world, was the President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Dnepropetrovsk, was the head and member until 2011 of the European Council of Jewish Communities, President of the European Jewish Union (EJU) .In other words, “Jewish banditry” as one of the most widespread xenophobia in Ukraine under Kolomoisky reached its peak and became an integral part of state policy. Moreover, it has become one of the most widespread Internet memes, disgracing Ukraine. Ukrainian phenomenon – Jewish anti-SemitismThe special and vile cynicism of this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, a huge number of current Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs who have become the architects of the current economic model of Ukraine are of Jewish origin. In addition to Zelensky, the presence of close Jewish relatives by the name of Valtsman was “accused” of his predecessor, the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko. Jewish origin was found in all three “heroes of the Maidan”, who, as it were, became the personification of the state revolution-2014. At the same Klitschko, who became the mayor of Kiev, it was the Ukrainians who saved the Jewish grandmother Tamara Etinzon during the Holocaust . Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became prime minister, was attributed to the ancient Jewish family Bakaev. And even the leader of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnibok, who lost the most fighters on the Maidan, was found to have Jewish grandparents named Frotman. And they even arrogantly claimed that he himself became such an ardent Nazi in retaliation for the fact that his family had not been released to Israel at one time. A couple of years ago, President Zelensky was declared a “mortal war for the land” by the leader of the Batkivshchyna party Yulia Tymoshenko , twice the former prime minister of Ukraine, which is called the “Ukrainian coast”. And if there are different opinions about her “Ukrainianness”, to put it mildly, then in terms of forgetting her Jewish origin and ignoring the memory of her ancestors, it is Tymoshenko who can give Zelensky a head start.If the current President Zelensky, betraying Victory Day on May 9 and refusing the Great Patriotic War, simply betrayed his grandfather Semyon Zelensky, who fought under the command of “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov, whose memory is defiled and nullified in Ukraine, then Tymoshenko did it even earlier. When, as prime minister, she didn’t lift a finger to clean up a mass grave on the height of Bezymyannaya near the village of Karan (now Flotskoye) near Sevastopol in the then-Ukrainian-controlled Crimea. And her grandfather, senior lieutenant Abram Kapitelman, commander of a communications platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 777th rifle regiment of the 227th Temryuk rifle division, who died on May 8, 1944, was buried there, and three days before that he was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree. This is how the grave was and remained during the premiership of Tymoshenko after the military unit on whose territory it was located was closed. And of course, the Vinnitsa region and Vinnitsa itself are striking, where anti-Semitism takes on perhaps the ugliest forms. Vinnitsa Jews became victims of both Jewish pogroms during the time of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (URN) Symon Petlyura , and Hitler’s Holocaust during World War II. And in Vinnitsa, on the site of the Jewish ghetto and the executions of Jews, the local “Zelenbud” was smashed, the “Anti-Fascist” planting seedlings wrote about this and drew attention to the fact that one of the first monuments to the pogromist Petliura appeared in Vinnitsa. And the city at that time (and in general 16 years out of 30 in independent Ukraine) was led by Jewish mayors – Dmitry Dvorkis (1992-2000) and Volodymyr Groysman (2006-2014), who later became the Prime Minister of Ukraine under Poroshenko, and now he is trying to back into big politics. And there is another side of the “Jewish Bandera”: having betrayed their memory and stepped over the blood of their relatives and fellow tribesmen, they went to the service of those who today are ready to build and are building their policy and their “Ukrainian Ukraine” on xenophobia and national intolerance. Under the slogans “Ukraine for Ukrainians” and “Ukraine First”. This is modern Ukrainian neo-Nazism. With Hitler in the head And their spiritual forerunners are Bandera – the most rabid zoological, if you like, clinical nationalists. On June 30, 2021, “progressive”, that is, Maidan Ukraine, celebrated the “80th anniversary of the restoration of the Ukrainian state”, which happened with the permission of the Nazis and lasted, it seems, only 8 days. Because the Nazis created their eponymous “Reich Commissariat” (in the east), “District Galicia” (in the west) on the territory of Ukraine, and generally gave the south to allied Romania. But the Bandera nationalists continued to imitate the “rozbudov of Ukraine”, serving Hitler and preparing to cleanse the country of “foreigners”. Everyone. On OUN leaflets of that time it was written: “People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Magyars, Jews – these are all your enemies. Destroy them!” And the “restorer” and as the “Prime Minister of the Ukrainian state” Yaroslav Stetsko wrote and said: “Moscow and the Jews are the main enemies of Ukraine and the bearers of disintegrating Bolshevik international ideas … Considering Moscow the main and decisive enemy, which powerfully kept Ukraine in captivity, nevertheless I assess less as harmful and hostile the fate of the Jews, who help Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of the destruction of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of extremination (destruction) of the Jews, excluding their assimilation. It is the spiritual and political heirs and bearers of similar ideas that today serve the modern Jew Bandera. And to this we can only add that not only people of Jewish origin went into the service of neo-Nazis. And it was not in vain that I focused my attention on Kolomoisky. It was under him that a peculiar Ukrainian “international of ethno-Bandera” began to form – people of different nationalities and ethnicity, who went into Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists and became “Katsap Bandera”, “Chechen-Bandera”, “Tatar-Bandera”, “Georgian- or Armenian-Bandera”, “Belarus-Bandera” etc. Under Kolomoisky, in the Dnipropetrovsk region and throughout the southeast, huge wonderful advertising banners “$10,000 for a Muscovite” appeared, which were supposedly going to be paid by Privatbank, owned by the oligarch. And the ethnic Russian, an ally of the oligarch Boris Filatov put forward one of the main slogans of the fight against the “Russian world”: “We must give the scum any promises, guarantees and make any concessions. And hang them … You need to hang them later! And on the Maidan, the Armenian Sergei Nigoyan and Belarusian Mikhail Zhiznevsky were the first to die . A feature of the current situation, as already mentioned, is that traditional anti-Semitism and other national xenophobia are being replaced by Russophobia, which has come to the fore. They made a gigantic “Anti-Russia” out of Ukraine and paid with the money of sponsors, first of all, for hatred of Russia and everything Russian. And then they provoked a war with Russia, which launched a special military operation (SVO) to protect the population of two regions of Donbass from extermination. And now, for the opportunity to shine in front of the authorities in Kyiv and their sponsors, to swim in the cash flows, to bask in the career rays of the ethno-Banderites and fuss. That the Crimean Tatar Aider Muzhdabaev is now furious with neo-Nazi hatred for everything Russian, that the Georgian Mikho Saakashvili played in the same positions, Americans and other “Vikings”. And how many ordinary ethno-Banderites, who, for the money of the oligarchs, and now at the expense of the countries of the collective West, were contracted to “pacify the Donbass” in punitive volunteer battalions, and now fight in the NVO, and do not count. Who is there just not – from Russians and Chechens to the French, Poles and Americans. Ethno-Banderites on the payroll The main problem of Ukraine with these ethno-Banderites is not only that they cynically betrayed their blood and stepped over the blood of their fellow tribesmen. By their support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they create the appearance and illusion that there is no neo-Nazism and other xenophobia in Ukraine: what kind of anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism is it if their president is a Jew. But the ethno-Bandera people do not want to understand that a tough attempt is being made in Ukraine to build a mono-ethnic state, rigidly oriented and sharpened against Russia. It was for this purpose that Zelensky’s law on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted, which recognize the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. Russians, at best, were told by Zelensky himself: if they feel Russian, they should leave for Russia. Although the Russians have lived on this land for centuries, since the time of Kievan Rus, But today it is impossible to resist this ethno-Banderism in Ukraine. Because the authorities use, openly or tacitly support anti-Semitism, Russophobia, any other xenophobia and ethnic strife. As well as their carriers. They need them in order to:- to mobilize the people “to fight” against the “fifth column” inside the country and “Putin’s Mordor” on the outer contour;- to use interethnic strife and interethnic quarrels as a good and reliable distraction from the social and even political struggle against the authorities. Like, how can you fight the same Zelensky, if “the motherland is in danger.” Order for Bandera of all varieties And of course, another of the main reasons for ethno-Banderism in Ukraine is an external order for it from sponsors and external curators. Neo-Nazi Ukraine under the rule of ethno-Banderists is a trouble-free tool, an anti-Russian battering ram, a foothold or a training ground. In the same way as before, with the revival of neo-Nazism there and its support in the West, the republics of the Soviet Baltic States covered by Russophobia turned out to be. And the pragmatic West can be understood. They are ready to fight with Russia by proxy to the last, both Ukrainians and ethno-Banderists, who are ready for anything for money. Here the West also uses such international stupid gratuitousness. Dmitry Yarosh – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/03/2023 March 3, 07:52 Russophobia as a profession. What is neo-Nazi leader Dmitry Yarosh doing today? Nine years ago, in March 2014, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis for the first time called for terrorist acts in the Crimea, on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for blowing up gas and oil pipelines running through the territory of Ukraine. And not only in Ukraine. Russia has its own Achilles’ heel in this regard – called spiritual Vlasovites, if you like, ethnovlasovites, people who are ready to fight with their own homeland to the end, until it is destroyed.And the West has already begun to bring down this audience into a flock. Last year, with a difference of almost a month in May-June, two maps appeared with a plan for dividing Russia into nation-states, which were presented by these very ethnovlasovites. First, on May 8, 2022 in Warsaw at a conference called the Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia (FSNR), at which a new idea and a new task were loudly announced – the dismantling of modern Russia into independent national republics under the guise of decolonization. Then in Prague on July 24, 2022, the second round of the FSNR was held, where a map of the free states of “post-Russia” was presented under the title “Decolonization and reconstruction of Russia” and the slogan “Time for indigenous peoples and regions to regain their independence and sovereignty”. Conclusion for growth It was overseen by the U.S. Government Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, a supposedly independent body of the U.S. federal government that for 45 years monitored compliance with the Helsinki Accords and promoted comprehensive security through the promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in the OSCE region from 57 countries. This commission has its own map of the collapse of Russia. And its new task is to unite all ethno-Banderites on the basis of hatred for Russia and frenzied Russophobia into a single coordinating structure. Something like the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which was destroying the USSR in 1946-1996. Judging by the efforts, ABN 2.0 should now appear – only an anti-Russian bloc of peoples that would unite everyone who wants the death of Russia and is ready to participate in this for money. This is what it all comes down to. And it will come if Russia puts aside its victory in the NWO, which is the only one to sober up this public and cool its feverish Russophobic delirium. * An organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. https://ukraina.ru/20230320/1044542744.html ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://veteranstoday.com/2023/03/20/the-khazarian-mafia-took-ukraine-in-2014-as-a-base-for-a-worldwide-zionist-revival/
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  • The Alternative Healthcare Model is the Original One
    Calling all doctors and patients to rebuild the healthcare landscape

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Norman Rockwell Visits A Family Doctor,” A Story, 57% OFF
    Doctors usually make good money in exchange for working way too much, while paradoxically spending way too little time with each patient.

    They’re pinched more and more every year by declining reimbursements from insurance companies, so they have to see more patients in the same amount of time.

    They also have to document visits in excruciating detail and are enslaved to their electronic medical records (EMRs) - which is why you almost never catch the eye of an insurance doc, they are so busy typing everything while talking to you.

    What you see in the visit is just the tip of the iceberg.

    They have more typing and arranging and clicking demanded by the bossy EMR outside the room before and after your visit.

    They also aren’t incentivized properly because the wrong person is paying them. You pay for health insurance and maybe a small copay visit fee, but most of their compensation comes to them via insurance, the middleman, so they are beholden to the insurance companies which are in bed with Big Harm-a (not misspelled).

    So Big Harm-a ultimately dictates what doctors can and can’t do, and via the insurance reimbursements dangles the most tempting bait if the government decides it’s time for something like mRNA shots all around.

    Almost all doctors are trapped in a vise that’s gradually tightening, but they don’t have to be.

    Most think there’s no easy way out, because they’ve never done the math on the rapidly growing alternative practice model.


    Most primary care physicians working with insurance have thousands of patients.

    A 2012 study published in the Annals of Family Medicine estimated that the average PCP has a panel of 2300 patients, and went on to note that:

    “Estimates suggest that a primary care physician would spend 21.7 hours per day to provide all recommended acute, chronic, and preventive care for a panel of 2,500 patients.”

    I have met many doctors with busy mature practices with panels of 5000 patients and above.

    On the other hand, cash pay direct primary care (DPC) docs have far fewer patients, often numbering in the low to mid hundreds depending on how much they charge (usual range is anywhere from $100-$500/month and can be higher for more specialized, exclusive or concierge level services).

    Even a low end DPC doc charging $100/month will clear the same or more than a typical insurance practice with just a few hundred patients (ie as little as 1/10th the patient panel).

    500 patients at $100/month = $50,000/month = $600,000/year.

    Minus typical practice overhead of 50% = $300,000/year take home.

    (And overhead could go even lower in DPC due to no need for back office staff hired just to pester insurance companies to pay what they owe.)

    Depending on who you ask, the average PCP salary in the US is now somewhere between $200k and $260k per year, so $300k would be a really good, above market salary for an insurance doctor carrying a mid range 2300 patient panel, and all the PCPs on the wrong end of the bell curve make a lot less (while doing way more work).

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Any reasonably agreeable, likable doctor with thousands of preexisting insurance patients can easily transition to hundreds willing to pay monthly out of pocket to stay in their practice and get a lot more personal time and attention.

    And a doctor just starting out only needs to convince a few hundred patients to join his practice.

    Until they are up and running they can moonlight weekends at a local hospital to get by.

    For the best advertising/outreach they could just whip up a convincing presentation and go deliver it for free at nursing homes, schools and churches (or just copy one they find from someone else as a start and then make it their own).

    Hand out flyers with a number and link to a simple signup page with more free stuff, like a short video or ebook about simple changes to help finally resolve chronic health issues, optimize health or taper off chronic meds.

    The pitch is simple.

    You don’t need any more proof than your own experience to know that primary care is broken in the US.

    Of course there’s also plenty of data to support it. For example one study noted that “only 8% of US adults aged 35 years or older received all recommended, high-priority, appropriate clinical preventive services.” (Mechley, 2021)

    In any endeavor outcomes matter, but they are especially important in medicine.

    In the US 42% of people now have 2 or more chronic health conditions, and the rates are skyrocketing at the same time that healthcare utilization is shooting up. The more prescriptions and procedures we get, the more disease we have.

    On the other hand studies show that patients in DPC have better health, including fewer hospital stays, better blood pressures, and improved diabetes care.

    It stands to reason that if we cut out the middlemen and pay doctors the way we pay lawyers and plumbers, societal and personal health care costs would plummet because doctors would be incentivized to actually keep you healthy and out of the hospital and have the time to convince you to do what it takes to achieve the best health outcomes.


    Along the way there are some easy solutions for privatizing health coverage for those who can’t afford it.

    It’s estimate that between 6 and 16% of Americans already have some form of DPC or concierge physician and that 8-16% of doctors are currently planning to transition to some form of cash based practice outside the mainstream insurance model.

    So where does that leave the rest of the country? Inflation is making it harder than ever for people to make ends meet, and it’s difficult to find a spare $100/month in most households.

    We don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

    What we used to do to solve this problem wasn’t rely on big government, but for those who could afford it to donate money to groups like churches that built health care systems that treated people for free.

    Those same non profit systems do still exist in many cities, but have been warped by their interactions with insurance companies.

    We need to starve the insurance companies out of existence and transition to local communities supporting themselves again. In order to help cover expensive procedures, people who can afford to pay in to a plan monthly, can choose to join existing nonprofit health sharing co-ops that provide coverage similar to insurance at a much lower cost.

    Physicians should also normalize a culture of pro bono work the way lawyers have. They can provide premium concierge tier services for wealthy clients and a regular DPC tier for those who do have enough money, and another pro bono tier for those who don’t.

    I’ve written about my desire to start an online PCP service before and I’m still looking for a doctor who’s aligned with my own philosophy to help me launch it for mygotodoc.

    I’m also looking into how we can branch out and efficiently find new patients in a hybrid local telemedicine model. If any of you are physicians, NPs or PAs and are interested in starting your own local DPC/concierge style practice maybe we can help you market and launch it.


    Healthcare is the single biggest industry in the US today and like any capitalistic endeavor in a debt driven inflationary economy, it can only get bigger fast or die trying.

    This is a deeper topic, for another day, but you can see this post in the meantime that helps explain why that is:

    In order to grow at the current pace, “healthcare” actually needs to be disease care.

    If everyone who came in for a consult left without their illness, the whole industry would collapse and the bankers wouldn’t get paid back on the loans that keep it all afloat and growing.

    The trifecta of Big Ag, Big Chemical and Big Harm-a create a perfect storm of ever spreading disease.

    In the eye of that storm, there’s a welcoming casino where the doors are always open, that goes by the name of Medical Insurance.

    But medical insurance is far worse than simple gambling.

    Even though many people do get big payouts, the house always wins because disease is what’s incentivized, not health.

    In a casino they comp the room, in the insurance biz you get comped for bad care year in and year out that breeds disease.

    The only way to get rid of the super-sized insurance parasite, is to starve it to death by choosing an alternative system, to flee the roach motel while you still can.

    It will start small, but grow by leaps and bounds once people start to see others doing it more and more and then they too will jump ship.

    It seems like a difficult and dangerous leap, but it really isn’t.

    If doctors think it through and focus on the very reasonable numbers required to make it work it will be a lot more manageable and if patients prioritize their health and take a hard look at their finances, many may be able to swing it until there are more options that help the less fortunate pay for real healthcare rather than disease management.

    In the meantime it is possible to simply take radical responsibility for your health and get well without a doctor. You will find many people on social media who have done it and are more than happy to coach you to do it too.

    At least 90% of health, if not more, is really in your hands and is as simple as making different lifestyle choices: get motivated, increase emotional intimacy and time spent with family and friends without technology, improve emotional health with a gratitude practice, turn off the lights and screens at sunset, sleep early and deeply, wake early, work early rather than late, get direct sun throughout the day and spend as much time outdoors as possible, take walks, sweat a little, eat real, slow food made at home from scratch, avoid vegetable oils, get rid of chemicals from your home, invest in a simple and cheap air purifier (you can even DIY them for 20 bucks, or if you can swing it, a more fancy one like Molekule), etc.

    Sounds like a lot, but take it slow, take baby steps, and it will be easy.

    The Alternative Healthcare Model is the Original One Calling all doctors and patients to rebuild the healthcare landscape Dr. Syed Haider Norman Rockwell Visits A Family Doctor,” A Story, 57% OFF Doctors usually make good money in exchange for working way too much, while paradoxically spending way too little time with each patient. They’re pinched more and more every year by declining reimbursements from insurance companies, so they have to see more patients in the same amount of time. They also have to document visits in excruciating detail and are enslaved to their electronic medical records (EMRs) - which is why you almost never catch the eye of an insurance doc, they are so busy typing everything while talking to you. What you see in the visit is just the tip of the iceberg. They have more typing and arranging and clicking demanded by the bossy EMR outside the room before and after your visit. They also aren’t incentivized properly because the wrong person is paying them. You pay for health insurance and maybe a small copay visit fee, but most of their compensation comes to them via insurance, the middleman, so they are beholden to the insurance companies which are in bed with Big Harm-a (not misspelled). Image So Big Harm-a ultimately dictates what doctors can and can’t do, and via the insurance reimbursements dangles the most tempting bait if the government decides it’s time for something like mRNA shots all around. Almost all doctors are trapped in a vise that’s gradually tightening, but they don’t have to be. Most think there’s no easy way out, because they’ve never done the math on the rapidly growing alternative practice model. THE LIFELINE Most primary care physicians working with insurance have thousands of patients. A 2012 study published in the Annals of Family Medicine estimated that the average PCP has a panel of 2300 patients, and went on to note that: “Estimates suggest that a primary care physician would spend 21.7 hours per day to provide all recommended acute, chronic, and preventive care for a panel of 2,500 patients.” I have met many doctors with busy mature practices with panels of 5000 patients and above. On the other hand, cash pay direct primary care (DPC) docs have far fewer patients, often numbering in the low to mid hundreds depending on how much they charge (usual range is anywhere from $100-$500/month and can be higher for more specialized, exclusive or concierge level services). Even a low end DPC doc charging $100/month will clear the same or more than a typical insurance practice with just a few hundred patients (ie as little as 1/10th the patient panel). 500 patients at $100/month = $50,000/month = $600,000/year. Minus typical practice overhead of 50% = $300,000/year take home. (And overhead could go even lower in DPC due to no need for back office staff hired just to pester insurance companies to pay what they owe.) Depending on who you ask, the average PCP salary in the US is now somewhere between $200k and $260k per year, so $300k would be a really good, above market salary for an insurance doctor carrying a mid range 2300 patient panel, and all the PCPs on the wrong end of the bell curve make a lot less (while doing way more work). Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Any reasonably agreeable, likable doctor with thousands of preexisting insurance patients can easily transition to hundreds willing to pay monthly out of pocket to stay in their practice and get a lot more personal time and attention. And a doctor just starting out only needs to convince a few hundred patients to join his practice. Until they are up and running they can moonlight weekends at a local hospital to get by. For the best advertising/outreach they could just whip up a convincing presentation and go deliver it for free at nursing homes, schools and churches (or just copy one they find from someone else as a start and then make it their own). Hand out flyers with a number and link to a simple signup page with more free stuff, like a short video or ebook about simple changes to help finally resolve chronic health issues, optimize health or taper off chronic meds. The pitch is simple. You don’t need any more proof than your own experience to know that primary care is broken in the US. Of course there’s also plenty of data to support it. For example one study noted that “only 8% of US adults aged 35 years or older received all recommended, high-priority, appropriate clinical preventive services.” (Mechley, 2021) In any endeavor outcomes matter, but they are especially important in medicine. In the US 42% of people now have 2 or more chronic health conditions, and the rates are skyrocketing at the same time that healthcare utilization is shooting up. The more prescriptions and procedures we get, the more disease we have. On the other hand studies show that patients in DPC have better health, including fewer hospital stays, better blood pressures, and improved diabetes care. It stands to reason that if we cut out the middlemen and pay doctors the way we pay lawyers and plumbers, societal and personal health care costs would plummet because doctors would be incentivized to actually keep you healthy and out of the hospital and have the time to convince you to do what it takes to achieve the best health outcomes. LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND Along the way there are some easy solutions for privatizing health coverage for those who can’t afford it. It’s estimate that between 6 and 16% of Americans already have some form of DPC or concierge physician and that 8-16% of doctors are currently planning to transition to some form of cash based practice outside the mainstream insurance model. So where does that leave the rest of the country? Inflation is making it harder than ever for people to make ends meet, and it’s difficult to find a spare $100/month in most households. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. What we used to do to solve this problem wasn’t rely on big government, but for those who could afford it to donate money to groups like churches that built health care systems that treated people for free. Those same non profit systems do still exist in many cities, but have been warped by their interactions with insurance companies. We need to starve the insurance companies out of existence and transition to local communities supporting themselves again. In order to help cover expensive procedures, people who can afford to pay in to a plan monthly, can choose to join existing nonprofit health sharing co-ops that provide coverage similar to insurance at a much lower cost. Physicians should also normalize a culture of pro bono work the way lawyers have. They can provide premium concierge tier services for wealthy clients and a regular DPC tier for those who do have enough money, and another pro bono tier for those who don’t. I’ve written about my desire to start an online PCP service before and I’m still looking for a doctor who’s aligned with my own philosophy to help me launch it for mygotodoc. I’m also looking into how we can branch out and efficiently find new patients in a hybrid local telemedicine model. If any of you are physicians, NPs or PAs and are interested in starting your own local DPC/concierge style practice maybe we can help you market and launch it. AN INSATIABLE APPETITE Healthcare is the single biggest industry in the US today and like any capitalistic endeavor in a debt driven inflationary economy, it can only get bigger fast or die trying. This is a deeper topic, for another day, but you can see this post in the meantime that helps explain why that is: In order to grow at the current pace, “healthcare” actually needs to be disease care. If everyone who came in for a consult left without their illness, the whole industry would collapse and the bankers wouldn’t get paid back on the loans that keep it all afloat and growing. The trifecta of Big Ag, Big Chemical and Big Harm-a create a perfect storm of ever spreading disease. In the eye of that storm, there’s a welcoming casino where the doors are always open, that goes by the name of Medical Insurance. But medical insurance is far worse than simple gambling. Even though many people do get big payouts, the house always wins because disease is what’s incentivized, not health. In a casino they comp the room, in the insurance biz you get comped for bad care year in and year out that breeds disease. The only way to get rid of the super-sized insurance parasite, is to starve it to death by choosing an alternative system, to flee the roach motel while you still can. It will start small, but grow by leaps and bounds once people start to see others doing it more and more and then they too will jump ship. It seems like a difficult and dangerous leap, but it really isn’t. If doctors think it through and focus on the very reasonable numbers required to make it work it will be a lot more manageable and if patients prioritize their health and take a hard look at their finances, many may be able to swing it until there are more options that help the less fortunate pay for real healthcare rather than disease management. In the meantime it is possible to simply take radical responsibility for your health and get well without a doctor. You will find many people on social media who have done it and are more than happy to coach you to do it too. At least 90% of health, if not more, is really in your hands and is as simple as making different lifestyle choices: get motivated, increase emotional intimacy and time spent with family and friends without technology, improve emotional health with a gratitude practice, turn off the lights and screens at sunset, sleep early and deeply, wake early, work early rather than late, get direct sun throughout the day and spend as much time outdoors as possible, take walks, sweat a little, eat real, slow food made at home from scratch, avoid vegetable oils, get rid of chemicals from your home, invest in a simple and cheap air purifier (you can even DIY them for 20 bucks, or if you can swing it, a more fancy one like Molekule), etc. Sounds like a lot, but take it slow, take baby steps, and it will be easy. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-alternative-healthcare-model
    The Alternative Healthcare Model is the Original One
    Calling all doctors and patients to rebuild the healthcare landscape
    0 Comments 1 Shares 9407 Views
  • Today's Must-Reads - 8 August 2024
    Exposing the narrative with the latest news, studies, reports and articles!

    NE - nakedemperor.substack.com
    Welcome to your daily dose of curated news and insights from across the globe!

    There’s a lot of information to get through every day. Cut through the noise, save yourself time and read the news that really matters.

    Today this is a slimmed down version for everyone but is usually for paid subscribers only. Consider signing up as a paid subscriber and join a growing band of independent minds from around the world.

    Get 20% off for 1 year

    National Guard Disputes Tim Walz's Military Biography. The Minnesota National Guard is disputing Governor Tim Walz's military biography, saying that the Democratic vice presidential candidate did not hold the rank of command sergeant major at the time of his retirement. Army Lieutenant Colonel Kristen Augé, the state public affairs officer for Minnesota National Guard, told Just the News on Wednesday that the governor did not retire as "Command Sergeant Major Walz" in 2005, as stated on Minnesota's official website, but as master sergeant "because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy." A soldier who does not complete the requisite coursework is automatically demoted, according to Army regulations.

    Cambridge doubles down on freedom of speech rules. Cambridge University has implemented its new freedom of speech code, in spite of the legislation it was based on being suspended by the new Labour government. The new code was designed to bring the University’s freedom of speech protections in line with the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023, which was put on hold last month. But the University’s free speech code was implemented on August 1st, without the legislation underpinning it being in force.

    The unfashionable truth about the riots. Our government has the same choice the Conservative and coalition governments had. It could focus on getting people into work and bringing work back to these areas. Or, like the governments before them, it could try to cover up the problem with immigration. As the Tory party could tell them, it is an easy and addictive fix. Does Keir Starmer have the guts to go cold turkey? Everything will depend on whether he does.

    China’s super-secret space plane spotted above Europe. So little is known about Shenlong, China’s ultra-secret, reusable space plane that there aren’t even publicly verifiable photos of the experimental aircraft. But that doesn’t mean knowledgeable astronomy enthusiasts can’t catch glimpses of the vehicle as it orbits Earth, as was recently the case for Felix Schöfbänker in Upper Austria. China’s mysterious robotic vehicle has completed at least two confirmed missions since 2020, the second of which lasted 276 consecutive days in orbit above Earth. During that excursion, Shenlong deployed at least one free-flying object that experts believe may have been either a small satellite or external craft designed to monitor the plane itself. Its current mission began after launching from a Chinese space agency facility in the Gobi Desert on December 14, 2023. Since then it has released at least seven confirmed objects of unknown purpose into orbit.

    Review as police liaison filmed telling group to ‘discard’ weapons in mosque. Staffordshire Police has launched a review after a protest liaison officer told a crowd gathered outside a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent, in Staffs, to “discard” any weapons within the place of worship. The officer was filmed in a video, which was live streamed on TikTok, addressing a crowd of men outside the Darul Falah mosque in Hanley, on Saturday as riots swept the country. In footage believed to be filmed after the counter protest, the liaison officer, wearing a blue police vest, addressed those attending and said the “EDL lot have gone home” and that they must dispose of any weapons. Speaking through a loudspeaker, the liaison officer appears to say he would be “reassured that anything that goes on now we won’t need to make any arrests”.

    The British elites’ crazy rage against Elon Musk. The phoney liberals have ripped their masks to shreds and stomped them into the dirt for good measure. Their rage is linked to the riots currently rocking the UK. Musk’s own tweets, they say, not least his chatter about Britain being on the road to ‘civil war’, have helped to whip up the mayhem. Worse, his ‘free-speech absolutism’, as one ‘liberal’ magazine snottily refers to it, has meant that every tosser with a smartphone has been able to tweet their inflammatory views on the riots and even to spread misinformation. In essence, says a writer for the Guardian, Musk has been ‘leading from behind on UK thuggery and race riots’.

    The Government’s sinister disinformation unit is threatening free speech again. Isn’t it curious how almost every problem this country faces seems to have a ready-made solution rooted in digital authoritarianism? Less than one month into his premiership, Sir Keir Starmer was faced with an unthinkably monstrous fatal stabbing of three little girls, followed by some of the most shameful scenes of street violence in our country’s living memory. His government’s response has notably included online censorship powers and AI facial recognition surveillance. If the history of chaos that threatens democracy teaches us anything, it is to protect our democratic rights with more vigour, not less, when they are under threat. At a time when parts of the population are in complete disharmony, to crack down on free speech would be a grave mistake.

    Jeremy Clarkson warns ‘Britain is falling apart’ as he makes Brexit U-turn. Jeremy Clarkson has been a vocal Remainer since the UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016, repeatedly voicing his affection for Britain’s part in the EU. However, the Clarkson’s Farm star now appears to have had a change of heart, and urged Prime Minister Keir Starmer to do the same. Writing in his new column, the 64-year-old explained: “When I lived in London’s Notting Hill, I was a Remainer and so were all my friends. It literally didn’t occur to us, as we sat down there in our agreeable houses eating agreeable food that someone might vote to leave... “Today, I’m surrounded by farmers and plasterers and brickies and butchers and all I hear, all day long, is that there’s too much immigration. “But if they say this out loud, or if they go on a march, they are told by the London elite that they are far-right extremists or racist thugs. For the most part, they’re not...there was a time you’d have called them the salt of the earth. But Sir Starmer doesn’t seem to have grasped this”.

    A Fed rate cut will not solve our economic problems. If our economy is ever going to heal, interest rates must be brought back in line with people’s actual time preferences. Like any true price, a pure market interest rate won’t always be stable because reality isn’t always stable. But if we want to see an end to perpetual recessions and debt-fueled mass consumption, we need to stop listening to those who benefit from the current system of centrally-planned interest rates. We need a return to accurate interest rates, which have helped encourage and coordinate the production of a better future for thousands of years.

    How the health of your lungs is linked to the bacteria in your gut. The trillions of bacteria living in our gut have an extraordinary effect on our health. They’re in charge of digestion, breaking down the foods we eat and extracting their vitamins and minerals. A healthy, balanced microbiome also helps ward off infections and even lowers risk of certain diseases. Studies have revealed that people with respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer often have an imbalanced gut microbiome – a condition known as dysbiosis.

    The Chain of Issuance: The People and Patents That Built The Financial Surveillance Network. The patent hoarding developers and investors associated with PayPal and Google who built the first iteration of e-commerce and digital advertising have turned to the blockchain to fulfill their vision of total financial surveillance and the circumnavigation of government-issued money.

    German EV sales down 37% “The market has lost all momentum”. It’s not that people don’t want a new car, they just prefer a fossil fueled one. Sales of normal cars rose 7% in the same period. EV’s made up 20% of new car sales in Germany this time last year, but that market share has now shrunk to 13%. This is not the way a raging new lifesaving technology takes over the planet. In Sweden EV sales are down 15%, and in Switzerland they’re down by 19%. In Australia sales have fallen by about 17% in the last six months. Australians bought about 100,000 cars in July but only 6,700 of them were pure EVs, down from 8,000 earlier this year.


    🔓 Today's Must-Reads - 8 August 2024 Exposing the narrative with the latest news, studies, reports and articles! NE - nakedemperor.substack.com Welcome to your daily dose of curated news and insights from across the globe! There’s a lot of information to get through every day. Cut through the noise, save yourself time and read the news that really matters. Today this is a slimmed down version for everyone but is usually for paid subscribers only. Consider signing up as a paid subscriber and join a growing band of independent minds from around the world. Get 20% off for 1 year National Guard Disputes Tim Walz's Military Biography. The Minnesota National Guard is disputing Governor Tim Walz's military biography, saying that the Democratic vice presidential candidate did not hold the rank of command sergeant major at the time of his retirement. Army Lieutenant Colonel Kristen Augé, the state public affairs officer for Minnesota National Guard, told Just the News on Wednesday that the governor did not retire as "Command Sergeant Major Walz" in 2005, as stated on Minnesota's official website, but as master sergeant "because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy." A soldier who does not complete the requisite coursework is automatically demoted, according to Army regulations. Cambridge doubles down on freedom of speech rules. Cambridge University has implemented its new freedom of speech code, in spite of the legislation it was based on being suspended by the new Labour government. The new code was designed to bring the University’s freedom of speech protections in line with the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023, which was put on hold last month. But the University’s free speech code was implemented on August 1st, without the legislation underpinning it being in force. The unfashionable truth about the riots. Our government has the same choice the Conservative and coalition governments had. It could focus on getting people into work and bringing work back to these areas. Or, like the governments before them, it could try to cover up the problem with immigration. As the Tory party could tell them, it is an easy and addictive fix. Does Keir Starmer have the guts to go cold turkey? Everything will depend on whether he does. China’s super-secret space plane spotted above Europe. So little is known about Shenlong, China’s ultra-secret, reusable space plane that there aren’t even publicly verifiable photos of the experimental aircraft. But that doesn’t mean knowledgeable astronomy enthusiasts can’t catch glimpses of the vehicle as it orbits Earth, as was recently the case for Felix Schöfbänker in Upper Austria. China’s mysterious robotic vehicle has completed at least two confirmed missions since 2020, the second of which lasted 276 consecutive days in orbit above Earth. During that excursion, Shenlong deployed at least one free-flying object that experts believe may have been either a small satellite or external craft designed to monitor the plane itself. Its current mission began after launching from a Chinese space agency facility in the Gobi Desert on December 14, 2023. Since then it has released at least seven confirmed objects of unknown purpose into orbit. Review as police liaison filmed telling group to ‘discard’ weapons in mosque. Staffordshire Police has launched a review after a protest liaison officer told a crowd gathered outside a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent, in Staffs, to “discard” any weapons within the place of worship. The officer was filmed in a video, which was live streamed on TikTok, addressing a crowd of men outside the Darul Falah mosque in Hanley, on Saturday as riots swept the country. In footage believed to be filmed after the counter protest, the liaison officer, wearing a blue police vest, addressed those attending and said the “EDL lot have gone home” and that they must dispose of any weapons. Speaking through a loudspeaker, the liaison officer appears to say he would be “reassured that anything that goes on now we won’t need to make any arrests”. The British elites’ crazy rage against Elon Musk. The phoney liberals have ripped their masks to shreds and stomped them into the dirt for good measure. Their rage is linked to the riots currently rocking the UK. Musk’s own tweets, they say, not least his chatter about Britain being on the road to ‘civil war’, have helped to whip up the mayhem. Worse, his ‘free-speech absolutism’, as one ‘liberal’ magazine snottily refers to it, has meant that every tosser with a smartphone has been able to tweet their inflammatory views on the riots and even to spread misinformation. In essence, says a writer for the Guardian, Musk has been ‘leading from behind on UK thuggery and race riots’. The Government’s sinister disinformation unit is threatening free speech again. Isn’t it curious how almost every problem this country faces seems to have a ready-made solution rooted in digital authoritarianism? Less than one month into his premiership, Sir Keir Starmer was faced with an unthinkably monstrous fatal stabbing of three little girls, followed by some of the most shameful scenes of street violence in our country’s living memory. His government’s response has notably included online censorship powers and AI facial recognition surveillance. If the history of chaos that threatens democracy teaches us anything, it is to protect our democratic rights with more vigour, not less, when they are under threat. At a time when parts of the population are in complete disharmony, to crack down on free speech would be a grave mistake. Jeremy Clarkson warns ‘Britain is falling apart’ as he makes Brexit U-turn. Jeremy Clarkson has been a vocal Remainer since the UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016, repeatedly voicing his affection for Britain’s part in the EU. However, the Clarkson’s Farm star now appears to have had a change of heart, and urged Prime Minister Keir Starmer to do the same. Writing in his new column, the 64-year-old explained: “When I lived in London’s Notting Hill, I was a Remainer and so were all my friends. It literally didn’t occur to us, as we sat down there in our agreeable houses eating agreeable food that someone might vote to leave... “Today, I’m surrounded by farmers and plasterers and brickies and butchers and all I hear, all day long, is that there’s too much immigration. “But if they say this out loud, or if they go on a march, they are told by the London elite that they are far-right extremists or racist thugs. For the most part, they’re not...there was a time you’d have called them the salt of the earth. But Sir Starmer doesn’t seem to have grasped this”. A Fed rate cut will not solve our economic problems. If our economy is ever going to heal, interest rates must be brought back in line with people’s actual time preferences. Like any true price, a pure market interest rate won’t always be stable because reality isn’t always stable. But if we want to see an end to perpetual recessions and debt-fueled mass consumption, we need to stop listening to those who benefit from the current system of centrally-planned interest rates. We need a return to accurate interest rates, which have helped encourage and coordinate the production of a better future for thousands of years. How the health of your lungs is linked to the bacteria in your gut. The trillions of bacteria living in our gut have an extraordinary effect on our health. They’re in charge of digestion, breaking down the foods we eat and extracting their vitamins and minerals. A healthy, balanced microbiome also helps ward off infections and even lowers risk of certain diseases. Studies have revealed that people with respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer often have an imbalanced gut microbiome – a condition known as dysbiosis. The Chain of Issuance: The People and Patents That Built The Financial Surveillance Network. The patent hoarding developers and investors associated with PayPal and Google who built the first iteration of e-commerce and digital advertising have turned to the blockchain to fulfill their vision of total financial surveillance and the circumnavigation of government-issued money. German EV sales down 37% “The market has lost all momentum”. It’s not that people don’t want a new car, they just prefer a fossil fueled one. Sales of normal cars rose 7% in the same period. EV’s made up 20% of new car sales in Germany this time last year, but that market share has now shrunk to 13%. This is not the way a raging new lifesaving technology takes over the planet. In Sweden EV sales are down 15%, and in Switzerland they’re down by 19%. In Australia sales have fallen by about 17% in the last six months. Australians bought about 100,000 cars in July but only 6,700 of them were pure EVs, down from 8,000 earlier this year. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-147476352
    🔓 Today's Must-Reads - 8 August 2024
    Exposing the narrative with the latest news, studies, reports and articles!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13298 Views
  • Project Omega: AI Government
    Made in Israel today which is Nazi Germany 1933

    Fritz Freud

    Israel the so called Democratic state...
    How come all they do is to support Governments everywhere to enslave Humanity as we know it?
    Not just any Governments but the worst Governments everywhere.
    Jamal Kashogi anyone?


    Pegasus Spyware Placed on Phone of Jamal Khashoggi’s Wife Before his Murder


    Israel today is Nazi Germany 1933, Palestine is Auschwitz and the world is at war... at war with Israel.
    Or better Israel the Terrorist state is at war with the world.
    The aim is to create a Global Society that is controlled by AI where we have an upper class made of Money Jews and Aristocrats and a working class that feeds on Government authorized shit.
    This Neo Feudalistic Society they build around us as we speak.
    They call it: Project Omega.
    I call it "The Endgame of Human Civilization"!
    AI is the new God or better known as Digital Adolf Hitler.
    The Propaganda Press is in total control by Jews like Jeff Bezos or Rupert Murdoch Israel and the Mossad... people like Piers Morgan... Mossad shills... Reuters owned and controlled by the Rotschild's.
    So this Jewish controlled Propaganda Apparatus today is basically Joseph Göbbels spewing Propaganda like never before to cover up the crimes of the Jewish STASI / Gestapo...
    Fascism is now outsourced and privatized by an increasingly violent and intolerant Jewish Elite under the Umbrella of the WEF and IMF owned by Klaus Schwab (A Stern Nazi) and the Rotschild's (Adolf Hitler's Family) respectively.
    Israel is also controlled by the Rotschild's and Nethanyahoo is like all Israeli PM's a stern Terrorist from the Stern Gang.
    Depopulation is their Agenda as they see everyone inferior to them... just like the Nazis...

    Elon Musk & Bill Gates are at the center of it as they are very useful Idiots.
    Bill Gates is poisoning our Food supply.
    He does so with impunity and benevolent self gratification... smug face he is.
    Yet at the same time he cannot hide his pedophile roots, gulping and the thought of "Injecting Babies with unproven Poison".
    Who is a worse Pedophile?
    Ian Watkins or Bill Gates?
    For me it is Bill Gates... a walking Abortion... worse than all the Pedophiles in History together.
    Not just that, but like his Siamese Twin of evil intentions... Elon Musk... he is also a Technocratic Fascist... a Digital Adolf Hitler.
    Bill Gates Adolf Hitler Jeffry Epstein Elon Musk Klaus Schwab... they all have one thing in common...
    Pro Israel... against Humanity... Pedophiles.

    How Bill Gates Has Invested Billions in Poisoning Our Food Supply

    Dear friend, The new look www.EurekaFreePress.com — your pro-freedom news source — will launch later this month! Eureka Free Press will be migrating to Substack but will remain a free news aggregation service for all regardless of whether they are paid or free subscribers…

    Read more

    a year ago · 71 likes · 14 comments · George Christensen

    While Elon Musk is working with Israel on AI control... total control reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
    The AI Government operates on one prefix... everyone is guilty.
    Therefore we must be controlled.
    That is where the Digital ID comes into place.
    They in their elitist superior mind think we are not capable of making Intelligent decisions because they think of us as sub-human... just like the Nazis.
    And the ones ought to control us are Jews or Israeli stooges because they are exempt... same as it ever was.

    This Digital ID is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?
    Are we?


    So we have a situation where Jews because they are a protective species act like Nazis because they are a protective species without us being allowed to question any of this shit because they are a protective species.
    Not Human... just an alien species.
    Let's delve in.
    Elon Musk is a Jewish Zionist WEF shill... that much is clear.
    Twitter is supposed to be the new social credit everything (controlled by Elon) app... that much is clear.
    AI is Automated Government control... that much is clear.
    So who are the players?

    Twitter / X announced a cooperation with Israeli company Au10tiks to add Government ID verification aka the Digital ID.
    As you see above this Digital ID is a copy of the Auschwitz Tattoo / Hollerith ID System.
    Why would a Technocratic Fascist like Elon Musk team up with an Israeli Nazi Company to copy Adolf Hitler and his minions?
    I don't know for sure... but they do.
    They copy the Nazis maybe because they are Nazis... just ask Elon...
    What is worse... all Governments follow this trend... meaning all Governments follow this trend to become Nazis... meaning all Governments are Nazis.

    In a bold move, the Elon Musk-owned social media platform X (previously Twitter) appears to be working on a verification protocol for its premium users. Users of X Premium are privy to special features and might soon be introduced to a unique verification method.

    As spotted by an app researcher and blogger @nima_owji on Thursday, a screenshot hinted at premium users needing to click a live selfie and share a snap of their government-issued ID for verification. The catch? A footnote indicates the identification data will be handed to a third-party site, Au10tix.com



    Verify more human identities, with zero human involvement.
    Obliterate fraud before it obliterates customer trust and compliance. Between 4 to 8 seconds of identity verification, and throughout every re-verification moment, AU10TIX helps you and your customers know and trust each other on all devices, apps, platforms and channels.
    We built the technology that provided identity intelligence for airports and border controls. Then we added new superpowers for digital enterprise with the help of machine learning and all that other clever stuff.

    Customer Identity Verification

    Customer Re-Verification

    Customer Age Verification

    Fraud Prevention

    Compliance Readiness

    Business Verification

    Document Verification


    Dan is a seasoned leader with extensive international experience in Cyber, Banking, FinTech and Telecommunications.
    Most recently served on the executive team at Check Point Technologies in the capacity of Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Customer Officer. Check Point Software Technologies is a top player in the cybersecurity market. It Generates revenue from selling products, licences, and subscriptions to protect networks, cloud environments, endpoints, and mobile users. During his tenure share price increased by c.59% and the NASDAQ business grew to c.3,000 employees and $2.5 billion in annual bookings.
    Prior to this role at Check Point Technologies Software, Dan served as Executive Vice President, Member of the Management Board and Head of Leumi Technologies Division at Bank Leumi. Bank Leumi is an FDIC-insured full-service commercial and private banking institution headquartered in New York. The bank provides financial services to middle-market firms, as well as a full range of private banking services to domestic and international clients. As the group’s first Executive Vice President CIO, Dan established a digital division that went on to oversee the development and launch of Pepper. Pepper was Israel’s first digital-only bank, allowing customers to manage their banking via smartphones with no account management fees, and will have access to current and savings accounts, lending products and a P2P payments app.


    Prior to his role at Bank Leumi, Dan spent almost 20 years at AMDOCS the provider of software and services to communications, cable and satellite, entertainment, and media industry service providers. With the business pre and post IPO, during his time managed teams of c.6,000 and the share price increased c.154%.

    And of course where Fascism control and Pedophilia emerge... Bill Gates is not far.
    Bill Gates and trustworthy in one sentence is BULLSHIT.
    Never trust Elon Musk or Bill Gates for that matter.
    They are evil Siamese twins of Satan's abortion.

    AU10TIX Joins Forces with Microsoft To Create a More Trustworthy Identity Ecosystem

    AU10TIX, a global leader in automated identity verification, today announced that it is partnering with Microsoft for the rollout of Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) verifiable credentials, now in public preview, to help improve verifiability and secure information exchange. The integration brings AU10TIX’s four decades of identity verification automation to Azure Active Directory, for managing identities, based on wide variety of attributes, such as documents, biometrics and electronic data without collecting and storing personal data.


    There is more...
    Verint & Amdoc an Israeli Trojan Horse

    Since the late 1990s, federal agents have reported systemic communications security breaches at the Department of Justice, FBI, DEA, the State Department, and the White House. Several of the alleged breaches, these agents say, can be traced to two hi-tech communications companies, Verint Inc. (formerly Comverse Infosys), and Amdocs Ltd., that respectively provide major wiretap and phone billing/record-keeping software contracts for the U.S. government. Together, Verint and Amdocs form part of the backbone of the government’s domestic intelligence surveillance technology.


    Also... a four-part series on Fox News insinuated that Israeli intelligence had foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 terror attacks but didn’t tell American authorities.

    Israeli Software Spying On US Am Docs Comverse Infosys Carl Cameron Dec 2001


    That was when Dan Yerushalmi was head of Amdocs... the same person who now is in charge of the Digital ID implementation... which is a Nazi Technology...
    You can't make this shit up.
    The same players that were there on 9/11 are doing the same shit now.
    Nazi Inc.
    Speaking of Warren Buffet...

    Warren Buffet is threatening the world.

    We just started he tells us om 00:58 into this Video threatening us with another pandemic worse and with a cyber attack while at the same time telling us he is behind... or they actually are behind the wars.
    He's sitting there with one of the Koch Billionaires.
    So if you want to know who is behind 9/11 and Covid and all the other problems...


    Somehow Warren Buffet looks like David LoPan in "Big Trouble in little China"...
    Speaks the same language...

    Now what connects Warren Buffet the Koch Brothers Israel Amdoc and the Jews?

    Where was Warren Buffett the morning of 9/11 and what was he doing?

    Mr. Buffett was reportedly at his home in Omaha, Nebraska watching TV when he heard about the terrorist attacks. He was getting ready to host his "last annual golf charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. Offutt AFB is, coincidentally, where President G. W. Bush flew to on Air Force One later in the day for "safety". This early golf charity event hosted by Mr. Buffett was to include celebrities, professional athletes, and a small group of business leaders in which one of these business leaders became a very lucky person.

    This very lucky person was Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. International. Now what made Mrs. Tatlock such a lucky person for being invited to this charity event that morning? Mrs. Tatlock not only works in the World Trade Center, but her offices were right where Flight 175 crashed into the WTC 2.


    Now at the center of this is Israeli Unit 8200

    Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network

    Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network
    This is a must see documentary about Unit 8200.

    Read full story

    Amdoc & the NSA both used Israeli Unit 8200 NARUS Technology.

    At AT&T the wiretapping rooms are powered by software and hardware from Narus, now owned by Boeing, a discovery made by AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein in 2004."

    Klein, an engineer, discovered the "secret room" at AT&T central office in San Francisco, through which the NSA actively "*vacuumed up Internet and phone-call data from ordinary Americans with the cooperation of AT&T" through the wiretapping rooms, emphasizing that "much of the data sent through AT&T to the NSA was purely domestic."

    NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake corroborated Klein's assertions, testifying that while the NSA is using Israeli-made NARUS hardware to "seize and save all personal electronic communications."

    Both Verint and Narus were founded in Israel in the 1990s. Both provide monitoring and intercept capabilities (SIGNIT) to service providers and government organizations, promoting claims that their equipment can access and retain large amounts of information on a vast number of targets.


    And there are "secret" rooms everywhere and they have one thing in common:
    They all connect to Israel and Unit 8200.

    By doing so, this would imply, companies like Facebook and Google don't have to explicitly provide the NSA with access to their servers because major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as AT&T and Verizon already allows the U.S. signals intelligence agency to eavesdrop on all of their data anyway.
    Which also means that Youtube Instagram Yahoo Alphabet Amazon for sure are all connected to the Israeli Unit 8200 control Grid.

    Investigative writer James Bamford contends in his book, “The Shadow Factory, the Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America,” that at least two high-tech companies with alleged ties to Israeli intelligence mined American communications data on a mass scale. The companies were hired to help major American telecommunications firms that were cooperating with the National Security Agency on its controversial eavesdropping program.

    In his latest book, Bamford writes that the largest American telecommunications companies cooperated with the NSA in the “warrantless eavesdropping program by allowing the agency to tap its phone lines and fiber-optic cables.” To do so, he writes, the telecom giants resorted to the assistance of at least two high-tech firms, Narus and Verint, founded in Israel and with alleged ties to its intelligence services.

    Narus and Verint were involved in tapping phone and Internet communications for, respectively, AT&T and Verizon.

    “AT&T have outsourced the bugging of their entire networks — carrying billions of American communications every day -— to two mysterious companies with very troubling ties to foreign connections,” he writes. “What is especially troubling, but little known, is that both companies have extensive ties to a foreign country, Israel, as well as links to that country’s intelligence service — a service with a long history of aggressive spying against the U.S.”

    He then describes close ties between the Mossad’s Unit 8200, which he describes as the Israeli equivalent of the NSA, and several other Israeli high-tech companies doing business with the United States and other governments.

    Bamford also stresses that the founder of Verint systems is wanted in the United States on multiple fraud charges and is a fugitive. The author refers to the Israeli-born Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, the founder of Comverse Technology, Verint’s parent company, who was indicted in 2006 on charges he backdated stock-options.


    But there is more...
    Ori Cohen and Stas Khirman

    Stas Khirman
    CTO at Pheno.AI & RealizeMD, Co-Founder at SVOD Conference, frm. CTO at Deutsche Telekom HBS
    Jerusalem District, Israel

    Ori Cohen, Vice President of Business and Technology Development for VDONet, founded Narus with Stas Khirman in Israel. Presently, they are employed with Deutsche Telekom AG and are not members of Narus' executive team.
    In 2010, Narus became a subsidiary of Boeing, located in Sunnyvale, California.

    If tech visionaries like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have their way, the future belongs to satellite Internet. After all, it makes it possible to use the Internet even in remote regions. Apparently, the first mobile communications providers are now also taking a stand and focusing on cooperation with the companies behind the World Wide Web. Telekom is one of them. Now a first test phase begins in which Starlink tries to establish compatibility.

    Starlink is also apparently pleased about the cooperation. After all, Jonathan Hofeller, SpaceX’s vice president of Starlink and commercial sales, proudly announced during a panel discussion that they would like to start the test phase of a compatibility with mobile communications this year. This could allow SpaceX to make the leap into the mass market with Starlink. So far, satellite Internet has proven to be extremely useful in exceptional situations. For example, Starlink provided Ukraine with satellite Internet right after the start of the still ongoing Ukraine war


    I wrote about this here

    Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine

    Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine
    I heard a very disturbing rumor and I checked it out... The rumor comes from India and it concerned the sinking of the Moskva. The rumor was that the Moskva was sunk with the help of Elon Musk Starlink Network. Mychajlo Fedorow himself asked Elon Musk for help in the war in Ukraine something Elon Musk was eager to please.

    Read full story

    Now let us just summarize this shortly.
    Ori Cohen Stas Khirman and other Unit 8200 members have provided the Backbone of a global Spy Apparatus.
    Unit 8200 now has total control over the STARLINK network.
    The Starlink Network is a weapon that was used in the Ukraine War.
    There is the assumption that STARLINK also was used to ignite the "Wildfires" in Hawaii.
    There is proof that Aerosol Thermite was used in Hawaii and STARLINK possibly ignited this... molten pools of metal found in the rubble suggests this highly as wood fires don't melt car engines.
    Starlink seems to have the capabilities to do that.
    And all the cables lead back to Israel.
    With a certain global Terrorist Benjammin Nethanyahoo pulling the strings.
    This man, Benjammin Nethanyahoo is a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler... and it sure looks like him.
    More... he is a Rotschild... just like Adolf Hitler.

    There is more...

    Mavenir Systems, Inc.

    Mavenir is an American telecommunications software company, created in 2017 as a result of a three-way merger of existing companies and technologies, that develops and supplies cloud-native software to the communications service provider (CSP) market.

    Mavenir has a complex corporate history as a result of successive acquisitions and spin-offs. The main historical predecessors are:

    Xura, which was composed of pieces of Comverse, Inc., Acision, and a number of other acquired companies. Comverse, Inc derived from Comverse Technology, was active in traditional value-added services (VAS), digital cloud services, Unified Communications (VoIP & UC), and a suite of evolved communication services. Acision was a privately held secure mobile messaging and engagement services firm. These entities were combined in 2015 to form Xura, which focused on two core product areas: digital communications services and converged communications (traditional and IP).

    An older entity with a similar name, Mavenir Systems, initially a company focused on transition from 3G to 4G with IMS products and solutions, founded in 2006. It acquired Airwide Solutions, Stoke and Ulticom and In 2013, the company went public on NYSE with MVNR ticker symbol. The company was acquired by Mitel Networks Corporation in 2015 to create Mitel Mobility.

    Ranzure Networks, a startup focused on developing 5G cloud-based radio access network technology.

    Mavenir has continued to acquire technology - including its acquisitions of Aquto, a cloud-based sponsored data platform (2018); Argyle Data (2018), a machine learning security platform; Brocade’s vEPC and ip.access (2020), a specialist small cell vendor.

    You see on this picture how revealing a simple logo of a company is...
    Doubled and mirrored it reveals the Freemason Symbolism within.
    Now you have Freemasons Jewish Occult Israel Unit 8200 with a history of spying on the world combined with AI Machine learning Starlink... all under one Company nobody ever has heard of.

    Honestly you can't make this shit up.

    “What (Unit) 8200 has been able to do is create a pretty unique, and very effective, screening program, which for the most part lets you identify not the people with the most knowledge, but rather the people with the aptitude to learn new technologies, ideas very, very quickly,” Nadav Zafrir, co-founder and CEO of Team8, told CNBC.

    Team8 is an Israeli company, founded by veterans from the intelligence agency, that is part-think tank, part-incubator and part-venture creation foundry that develops cybersecurity startups from the ground up. Prior to co-founding Team8, Zafrir was the chief of Unit 8200.

    Gil Shwed, who co-founded Check Point, was a member of Unit 8200, as was Udi Mokady of CyberArk and Nir Zuk of Palo Alto Networks

    Nadav Zafrir Unit 8200 ex CEO

    Managing Partner of Team8, a company-building venture group with deep domain expertise that creates and invests in companies specializing in enterprise technology, data, cybersecurity, and fintech. Nadav is focused on driving global growth for Team8 and is the architect of Team8’s relationships across the business, academic and technology worlds. Prior to founding Team8, Nadav served as Commander of Unit 8200


    But there is more...

    Twitter / X announced an alliance with IAS (Integral Ad Science) with hopes of driving ad revenues. IAS, which works with the controversial Global Disinformation Index (GDI), scans content for advertisers to determine it safe for their brands. GDI is infamous for hampering conservative media outlets’ access to advertising dollars.

    Global Disinformation Index

    The Global Disinformation Index is a web-based tool that rates news outlets based on the "probability of disinformation on a specific media outlet.".
    To reduce disinformation, we need to remove the financial incentive to create it. Brands unwittingly provide an estimated quarter of a billion dollars annually to disinformation websites through online advertisements placed on them. GDI uses both expert human review and artificial intelligence to assess disinformation risk across the open web.

    How We Define Disinformation

    GDI views disinformation through the lens of adversarial narrative conflict. Disinformation occurs when someone pushes an intentionally misleading narrative which is adversarial against democratic institutions, scientific consensus or an at-risk group — and which carries a risk of harm. Often these narratives are crafted using selected elements of fact.


    Global Alliance for Responsible Media

    GARM is the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, a cross-industry initiative established by the World Federation of Advertisers to address the challenge of harmful content on digital media platforms and its monetization via advertising.
    GARM is an arm of the WEF.

    The project focuses on addressing the following challenges:

    Hate speech
    Use of personal data
    Child exploitation

    The goal is to accelerate and advance the role that advertisers can play in collectively pushing to improve the safety of online environments. This alliance drives uncommon collaboration to improve the safety, trustworthiness, and sustainability of media.


    And there is more...

    AT&T and Amdocs Expand Strategic Alliance

    Companies announce multi-year collaboration to accelerate AT&T’s transformation

    Amdocs (NASDAQ: DOX), a leading provider of software and services to communications and media companies, and AT&T* (NYSE: T), are extending their collaboration to modernize and upgrade AT&T’s digital business support systems under a multi-year managed services agreement.


    So do you still wonder why the Government Ursula von der Leyen and others push the digitalization?
    It is nothing less than total control.
    AI is the new Adolf Hitler... Immortal and digitized.
    On his side is the new Digital Jeff Epstein... "saving" your Children.
    From whom?
    From you!

    Kevin Cunnington, director general, Government Digital Service

    "The challenge is service transformation."

    He came into the role having led the business transformation function for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). His GDS tenure, therefore, will stand or fall on his ability to genuinely transform how public services are delivered.

    “Our mission statement is transforming the relationship between citizen and state, and that sounds good,” he told journalists in his first meeting with the press since taking over.


    The aim of course is a Global Government.
    The players may be interchangeable but their actions are not.
    A Globalist unaccountable Government hiding behind Bureaucracy.
    But Fascist in Nature like we have never seen it before.
    We have seen this in Nazi Germany when they made a trial run.
    This is now the real thing!

    Digital ID – what is it, why is it needed, and how are governments developing it

    Governments around the globe are increasingly focused on the benefits of developing digital identify systems. The systems are viewed as ways to create secure online means for citizens to access government services as provision is increasingly moved online.

    However, moving government services online requires two capabilities: departments must be able to share and match data on individuals, addressing any discrepancies between their datasets; and citizens need a single, secure, online access point.

    The United Kingdom has recently embarked on a programme to develop a digital ID, while eight countries have drafted a set of high-level principles to support the development of mutually recognised and interoperable digital ID systems and infrastructure.

    The Digital Government Exchange (DGX) Digital Identity Working Group said that collaboration on digital ID could help “facilitate economic recovery from COVID-19, for example to support the opening of domestic and international borders”.


    Which leads us nicely to the beginning.
    The Digital ID is made in Auschwitz by IBM

    IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria.

    COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust.

    The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials.

    This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?

    If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes!

    Please sign this petition


    Do we really have to kill them all?

    Do we really have to Kill them all?

    Do we really have to Kill them all?
    When you're sad and when you're lonely And you haven't got a friend Just remember that death is not the end And all that you held sacred Falls down and does not mend Just remember that death is not the end When you're standin' on their crossroads That you cannot comprehend

    Read full story

    By the way in the above article you find all the Robots Boston Dynamics already has… ready to connect to AI.
    As in here.

    Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty

    Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty
    The Government exists only to gain power. The Government serves only itself and to extent this power. The Government NEVER gives up this power. When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.

    Read full story


    All roads lead to Unit 8200 Elon Musk Bill Gates Project Omega.
    The same players who push this are the same players who break the Law.
    The Government is your local drug Dealer arresting you for possession of Drugs.
    What we have in the hands of a handful of people is a Global Network which incooperates the power to spy identify target and eliminate any person anywhere at the push of a button.
    Israel is at the center of this.
    This is power never before a single Nation has had or wanted.
    And the fact that they don't want you to know is evidence of their nefarious intentions.
    Jeffry Epstein was Mossad.
    His connections from Pedophiles like Prince Andrew and Bill Gates to Richard Branson and Elon Musk show you how intertwined all of the Globalists are.
    From the WEF to the Bilderberg Group to the IMF ADL Rotschild and Rockefeller... their plan is Total control.
    And control they do.
    If you think Adolf Hitler was bad... think again.
    The Intentions of them are worse squared by Infinity.
    When this Infrastructure is in place... at the switch of a button AI will take over
    And I have not even touched upon Sam Altman's WorldCoin...

    Worldcoin is drawing the attention of privacy regulators around the world, with the Kenya's government going so far as to shut down the service indefinitely.

    Worldcoin’s orbs collect biometric data by taking photographs of a person’s iris. While Worldcoin argues that the data is used to create a unique, secure form of identification, privacy experts have concerns that the company may use the information in other ways, like personalized marketing.

    That has led some countries to investigate Worldcoin’s operations, including France, Germany and now Kenya.

    Privacy experts are worried that even Worldcoin could eventually be susceptible to criminals infiltrating it, similar to data breaches at other large companies. Privacy experts have said biometric data is already being sold in places like China and that could spread to other countries or jurisdictions.

    “When biometric data gets leaked, especially in the poor countries where Worldcoin’s been operating, people’s lives are on the line,” said Pete Howson, a professor of international development at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, England.


    Worldcoin is Sam Altman is ChatGPT is Open AI and XAI.
    Involved are Bill Gates and Elon Musk.
    And that leads back to Unit 8200... Israel... WEF... IMF.
    They build this and they intent to use it against us.
    STARLINK is at the center of this.
    Starlink as of now is incomplete.
    It must never allowed to be completed.
    Once it is completed... at the switch of a button AI will take over.
    This is not Science Fiction, this is Science Fact.
    It is the purpose of their evil intentions.
    Total AI control over Humanity.
    And if you still think I am joking I remind you…

    EVERY new ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework.
    This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++
    Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this
    Which means they all work together against all of us.
    Which means AI has total control over every device.
    Let this sink in.
    Behind that is ISRAEL the JEWS and their WORLD DOMINATION PLAN.
    The evidence is conclusive.
    On Chip Level
    There will be no escape from this unless we stop this now.

    Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix

    Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix
    A WARNING TO THE WORLD EVERY COMPUTER CHIP MANUFACTURER IS BUILDING AI INTO MICROCHIPS EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework. This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++ Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this

    Read full story

    What can we do about this?

    First of all their actions are all Illegal, so we have the right AND Citizen Duty to do something about this.
    Every Politician involved is guilty of treason.
    From Pedo Joe to Ursula von der Leyen to Richy Sunak who's father in Law actually works on a Digital ID in India.
    We must mobilize everyone just like the Farmers did in the Netherlands.
    Block all Government services indefinitely.
    Arrest all Politicians and punish them accordingly.
    Then we have to re define Authority and Society out of reach and out of control.
    Me must secure the Food supply because Bill Gates and his minions are poisoning us.
    And we must take back the Money Governance out of the Private Rotschild Control.
    They will not go down without a fight.
    So be prepared to fight.
    I have outlined a plan for this a while ago here.

    A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution)
    A white paper outlying a swift plan to end their plans forever

    A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution)

    A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution)
    We have a problem. The problem is the following: We have a group of people that not only control the money but through this they control the media politics and I mean both sides everywhere Military and Secret service. They are the WEF IMF Bilderberg CFR Club of Rome and associates.

    Read full story

    Viva la Revolution.


    Fritz Freud.


    If you want to support me please help by getting a paid subscription here



    Project Omega: AI Government Made in Israel today which is Nazi Germany 1933 Fritz Freud Israel the so called Democratic state... How come all they do is to support Governments everywhere to enslave Humanity as we know it? Not just any Governments but the worst Governments everywhere. Jamal Kashogi anyone? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/22/us/politics/khashoggi-saudi-kill-team-us-training.html Pegasus Spyware Placed on Phone of Jamal Khashoggi’s Wife Before his Murder https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/pegasus-spyware-jamal-khashoggi-wife-phone-washington-post/ Israel today is Nazi Germany 1933, Palestine is Auschwitz and the world is at war... at war with Israel. Or better Israel the Terrorist state is at war with the world. The aim is to create a Global Society that is controlled by AI where we have an upper class made of Money Jews and Aristocrats and a working class that feeds on Government authorized shit. This Neo Feudalistic Society they build around us as we speak. They call it: Project Omega. I call it "The Endgame of Human Civilization"! AI is the new God or better known as Digital Adolf Hitler. The Propaganda Press is in total control by Jews like Jeff Bezos or Rupert Murdoch Israel and the Mossad... people like Piers Morgan... Mossad shills... Reuters owned and controlled by the Rotschild's. So this Jewish controlled Propaganda Apparatus today is basically Joseph Göbbels spewing Propaganda like never before to cover up the crimes of the Jewish STASI / Gestapo... Fascism is now outsourced and privatized by an increasingly violent and intolerant Jewish Elite under the Umbrella of the WEF and IMF owned by Klaus Schwab (A Stern Nazi) and the Rotschild's (Adolf Hitler's Family) respectively. Israel is also controlled by the Rotschild's and Nethanyahoo is like all Israeli PM's a stern Terrorist from the Stern Gang. Depopulation is their Agenda as they see everyone inferior to them... just like the Nazis... Elon Musk & Bill Gates are at the center of it as they are very useful Idiots. Bill Gates is poisoning our Food supply. He does so with impunity and benevolent self gratification... smug face he is. Yet at the same time he cannot hide his pedophile roots, gulping and the thought of "Injecting Babies with unproven Poison". Who is a worse Pedophile? Ian Watkins or Bill Gates? For me it is Bill Gates... a walking Abortion... worse than all the Pedophiles in History together. Not just that, but like his Siamese Twin of evil intentions... Elon Musk... he is also a Technocratic Fascist... a Digital Adolf Hitler. Bill Gates Adolf Hitler Jeffry Epstein Elon Musk Klaus Schwab... they all have one thing in common... Pro Israel... against Humanity... Pedophiles. How Bill Gates Has Invested Billions in Poisoning Our Food Supply Dear friend, The new look www.EurekaFreePress.com — your pro-freedom news source — will launch later this month! Eureka Free Press will be migrating to Substack but will remain a free news aggregation service for all regardless of whether they are paid or free subscribers… Read more a year ago · 71 likes · 14 comments · George Christensen While Elon Musk is working with Israel on AI control... total control reminiscent of Nazi Germany. The AI Government operates on one prefix... everyone is guilty. Therefore we must be controlled. That is where the Digital ID comes into place. They in their elitist superior mind think we are not capable of making Intelligent decisions because they think of us as sub-human... just like the Nazis. And the ones ought to control us are Jews or Israeli stooges because they are exempt... same as it ever was. This Digital ID is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz? Are we? https://www.petitions.net/i_oppose_the_digital_id__auschwitz_id_and_all_those_who_support_it So we have a situation where Jews because they are a protective species act like Nazis because they are a protective species without us being allowed to question any of this shit because they are a protective species. Not Human... just an alien species. Let's delve in. Elon Musk is a Jewish Zionist WEF shill... that much is clear. Twitter is supposed to be the new social credit everything (controlled by Elon) app... that much is clear. AI is Automated Government control... that much is clear. So who are the players? Twitter / X announced a cooperation with Israeli company Au10tiks to add Government ID verification aka the Digital ID. As you see above this Digital ID is a copy of the Auschwitz Tattoo / Hollerith ID System. Why would a Technocratic Fascist like Elon Musk team up with an Israeli Nazi Company to copy Adolf Hitler and his minions? I don't know for sure... but they do. They copy the Nazis maybe because they are Nazis... just ask Elon... What is worse... all Governments follow this trend... meaning all Governments follow this trend to become Nazis... meaning all Governments are Nazis. In a bold move, the Elon Musk-owned social media platform X (previously Twitter) appears to be working on a verification protocol for its premium users. Users of X Premium are privy to special features and might soon be introduced to a unique verification method. As spotted by an app researcher and blogger @nima_owji on Thursday, a screenshot hinted at premium users needing to click a live selfie and share a snap of their government-issued ID for verification. The catch? A footnote indicates the identification data will be handed to a third-party site, Au10tix.com https://www.benzinga.com/news/23/08/33895872/elon-musks-x-is-working-on-government-id-verification-for-its-premium-subscribers Au10tix Verify more human identities, with zero human involvement. Obliterate fraud before it obliterates customer trust and compliance. Between 4 to 8 seconds of identity verification, and throughout every re-verification moment, AU10TIX helps you and your customers know and trust each other on all devices, apps, platforms and channels. We built the technology that provided identity intelligence for airports and border controls. Then we added new superpowers for digital enterprise with the help of machine learning and all that other clever stuff. Customer Identity Verification Customer Re-Verification Customer Age Verification Fraud Prevention Compliance Readiness Business Verification Document Verification https://www.au10tix.com/solutions/ Dan is a seasoned leader with extensive international experience in Cyber, Banking, FinTech and Telecommunications. Most recently served on the executive team at Check Point Technologies in the capacity of Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Customer Officer. Check Point Software Technologies is a top player in the cybersecurity market. It Generates revenue from selling products, licences, and subscriptions to protect networks, cloud environments, endpoints, and mobile users. During his tenure share price increased by c.59% and the NASDAQ business grew to c.3,000 employees and $2.5 billion in annual bookings. Prior to this role at Check Point Technologies Software, Dan served as Executive Vice President, Member of the Management Board and Head of Leumi Technologies Division at Bank Leumi. Bank Leumi is an FDIC-insured full-service commercial and private banking institution headquartered in New York. The bank provides financial services to middle-market firms, as well as a full range of private banking services to domestic and international clients. As the group’s first Executive Vice President CIO, Dan established a digital division that went on to oversee the development and launch of Pepper. Pepper was Israel’s first digital-only bank, allowing customers to manage their banking via smartphones with no account management fees, and will have access to current and savings accounts, lending products and a P2P payments app. https://il.linkedin.com/in/dan-yerushalmi-58985419 Prior to his role at Bank Leumi, Dan spent almost 20 years at AMDOCS the provider of software and services to communications, cable and satellite, entertainment, and media industry service providers. With the business pre and post IPO, during his time managed teams of c.6,000 and the share price increased c.154%. And of course where Fascism control and Pedophilia emerge... Bill Gates is not far. Bill Gates and trustworthy in one sentence is BULLSHIT. Never trust Elon Musk or Bill Gates for that matter. They are evil Siamese twins of Satan's abortion. AU10TIX Joins Forces with Microsoft To Create a More Trustworthy Identity Ecosystem AU10TIX, a global leader in automated identity verification, today announced that it is partnering with Microsoft for the rollout of Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) verifiable credentials, now in public preview, to help improve verifiability and secure information exchange. The integration brings AU10TIX’s four decades of identity verification automation to Azure Active Directory, for managing identities, based on wide variety of attributes, such as documents, biometrics and electronic data without collecting and storing personal data. https://www.au10tix.com/press-releases/au10tix-joins-forces-with-microsoft-to-create-a-more-trustworthy-identity-ecosystem-in-new-era-of-remote-and-hybrid-work/ There is more... Verint & Amdoc an Israeli Trojan Horse Since the late 1990s, federal agents have reported systemic communications security breaches at the Department of Justice, FBI, DEA, the State Department, and the White House. Several of the alleged breaches, these agents say, can be traced to two hi-tech communications companies, Verint Inc. (formerly Comverse Infosys), and Amdocs Ltd., that respectively provide major wiretap and phone billing/record-keeping software contracts for the U.S. government. Together, Verint and Amdocs form part of the backbone of the government’s domestic intelligence surveillance technology. https://www.counterpunch.org/2008/09/27/an-israeli-trojan-horse/ Also... a four-part series on Fox News insinuated that Israeli intelligence had foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 terror attacks but didn’t tell American authorities. Israeli Software Spying On US Am Docs Comverse Infosys Carl Cameron Dec 2001 https://archive.org/details/CensoredIsraeliSoftwareSpyingOnUSAmDocsComverseInfosysCarlCameronDec2001 That was when Dan Yerushalmi was head of Amdocs... the same person who now is in charge of the Digital ID implementation... which is a Nazi Technology... You can't make this shit up. The same players that were there on 9/11 are doing the same shit now. Nazi Inc. Speaking of Warren Buffet... Warren Buffet is threatening the world. We just started he tells us om 00:58 into this Video threatening us with another pandemic worse and with a cyber attack while at the same time telling us he is behind... or they actually are behind the wars. He's sitting there with one of the Koch Billionaires. So if you want to know who is behind 9/11 and Covid and all the other problems... https://www.bitchute.com/video/ksgih25qfOI8/ Somehow Warren Buffet looks like David LoPan in "Big Trouble in little China"... Speaks the same language... Now what connects Warren Buffet the Koch Brothers Israel Amdoc and the Jews? 9/11! Where was Warren Buffett the morning of 9/11 and what was he doing? Mr. Buffett was reportedly at his home in Omaha, Nebraska watching TV when he heard about the terrorist attacks. He was getting ready to host his "last annual golf charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. Offutt AFB is, coincidentally, where President G. W. Bush flew to on Air Force One later in the day for "safety". This early golf charity event hosted by Mr. Buffett was to include celebrities, professional athletes, and a small group of business leaders in which one of these business leaders became a very lucky person. This very lucky person was Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. International. Now what made Mrs. Tatlock such a lucky person for being invited to this charity event that morning? Mrs. Tatlock not only works in the World Trade Center, but her offices were right where Flight 175 crashed into the WTC 2. https://rense.com/Killtown.htm Now at the center of this is Israeli Unit 8200 Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network This is a must see documentary about Unit 8200. Read full story Amdoc & the NSA both used Israeli Unit 8200 NARUS Technology. At AT&T the wiretapping rooms are powered by software and hardware from Narus, now owned by Boeing, a discovery made by AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein in 2004." Klein, an engineer, discovered the "secret room" at AT&T central office in San Francisco, through which the NSA actively "*vacuumed up Internet and phone-call data from ordinary Americans with the cooperation of AT&T" through the wiretapping rooms, emphasizing that "much of the data sent through AT&T to the NSA was purely domestic." NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake corroborated Klein's assertions, testifying that while the NSA is using Israeli-made NARUS hardware to "seize and save all personal electronic communications." Both Verint and Narus were founded in Israel in the 1990s. Both provide monitoring and intercept capabilities (SIGNIT) to service providers and government organizations, promoting claims that their equipment can access and retain large amounts of information on a vast number of targets. https://www.businessinsider.com/israelis-bugged-the-us-for-the-nsa-2013-6?op=1&r=US&IR=T And there are "secret" rooms everywhere and they have one thing in common: They all connect to Israel and Unit 8200. By doing so, this would imply, companies like Facebook and Google don't have to explicitly provide the NSA with access to their servers because major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as AT&T and Verizon already allows the U.S. signals intelligence agency to eavesdrop on all of their data anyway. Which also means that Youtube Instagram Yahoo Alphabet Amazon for sure are all connected to the Israeli Unit 8200 control Grid. Investigative writer James Bamford contends in his book, “The Shadow Factory, the Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America,” that at least two high-tech companies with alleged ties to Israeli intelligence mined American communications data on a mass scale. The companies were hired to help major American telecommunications firms that were cooperating with the National Security Agency on its controversial eavesdropping program. In his latest book, Bamford writes that the largest American telecommunications companies cooperated with the NSA in the “warrantless eavesdropping program by allowing the agency to tap its phone lines and fiber-optic cables.” To do so, he writes, the telecom giants resorted to the assistance of at least two high-tech firms, Narus and Verint, founded in Israel and with alleged ties to its intelligence services. Narus and Verint were involved in tapping phone and Internet communications for, respectively, AT&T and Verizon. “AT&T have outsourced the bugging of their entire networks — carrying billions of American communications every day -— to two mysterious companies with very troubling ties to foreign connections,” he writes. “What is especially troubling, but little known, is that both companies have extensive ties to a foreign country, Israel, as well as links to that country’s intelligence service — a service with a long history of aggressive spying against the U.S.” He then describes close ties between the Mossad’s Unit 8200, which he describes as the Israeli equivalent of the NSA, and several other Israeli high-tech companies doing business with the United States and other governments. Bamford also stresses that the founder of Verint systems is wanted in the United States on multiple fraud charges and is a fugitive. The author refers to the Israeli-born Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, the founder of Comverse Technology, Verint’s parent company, who was indicted in 2006 on charges he backdated stock-options. https://forward.com/news/14433/debate-flares-over-israel-s-access-to-american-s-02715/ But there is more... Ori Cohen and Stas Khirman Stas Khirman CTO at Pheno.AI & RealizeMD, Co-Founder at SVOD Conference, frm. CTO at Deutsche Telekom HBS Jerusalem District, Israel Ori Cohen, Vice President of Business and Technology Development for VDONet, founded Narus with Stas Khirman in Israel. Presently, they are employed with Deutsche Telekom AG and are not members of Narus' executive team. In 2010, Narus became a subsidiary of Boeing, located in Sunnyvale, California. If tech visionaries like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have their way, the future belongs to satellite Internet. After all, it makes it possible to use the Internet even in remote regions. Apparently, the first mobile communications providers are now also taking a stand and focusing on cooperation with the companies behind the World Wide Web. Telekom is one of them. Now a first test phase begins in which Starlink tries to establish compatibility. Starlink is also apparently pleased about the cooperation. After all, Jonathan Hofeller, SpaceX’s vice president of Starlink and commercial sales, proudly announced during a panel discussion that they would like to start the test phase of a compatibility with mobile communications this year. This could allow SpaceX to make the leap into the mass market with Starlink. So far, satellite Internet has proven to be extremely useful in exceptional situations. For example, Starlink provided Ukraine with satellite Internet right after the start of the still ongoing Ukraine war https://basic-tutorials.com/news/starlink-and-telekom-to-launch-cooperation-before-the-end-of-2023/ I wrote about this here Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine I heard a very disturbing rumor and I checked it out... The rumor comes from India and it concerned the sinking of the Moskva. The rumor was that the Moskva was sunk with the help of Elon Musk Starlink Network. Mychajlo Fedorow himself asked Elon Musk for help in the war in Ukraine something Elon Musk was eager to please. Read full story Now let us just summarize this shortly. Ori Cohen Stas Khirman and other Unit 8200 members have provided the Backbone of a global Spy Apparatus. Unit 8200 now has total control over the STARLINK network. The Starlink Network is a weapon that was used in the Ukraine War. There is the assumption that STARLINK also was used to ignite the "Wildfires" in Hawaii. There is proof that Aerosol Thermite was used in Hawaii and STARLINK possibly ignited this... molten pools of metal found in the rubble suggests this highly as wood fires don't melt car engines. Starlink seems to have the capabilities to do that. And all the cables lead back to Israel. With a certain global Terrorist Benjammin Nethanyahoo pulling the strings. This man, Benjammin Nethanyahoo is a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler... and it sure looks like him. More... he is a Rotschild... just like Adolf Hitler. There is more... Mavenir Systems, Inc. Mavenir is an American telecommunications software company, created in 2017 as a result of a three-way merger of existing companies and technologies, that develops and supplies cloud-native software to the communications service provider (CSP) market. Mavenir has a complex corporate history as a result of successive acquisitions and spin-offs. The main historical predecessors are: Xura, which was composed of pieces of Comverse, Inc., Acision, and a number of other acquired companies. Comverse, Inc derived from Comverse Technology, was active in traditional value-added services (VAS), digital cloud services, Unified Communications (VoIP & UC), and a suite of evolved communication services. Acision was a privately held secure mobile messaging and engagement services firm. These entities were combined in 2015 to form Xura, which focused on two core product areas: digital communications services and converged communications (traditional and IP). An older entity with a similar name, Mavenir Systems, initially a company focused on transition from 3G to 4G with IMS products and solutions, founded in 2006. It acquired Airwide Solutions, Stoke and Ulticom and In 2013, the company went public on NYSE with MVNR ticker symbol. The company was acquired by Mitel Networks Corporation in 2015 to create Mitel Mobility. Ranzure Networks, a startup focused on developing 5G cloud-based radio access network technology. Mavenir has continued to acquire technology - including its acquisitions of Aquto, a cloud-based sponsored data platform (2018); Argyle Data (2018), a machine learning security platform; Brocade’s vEPC and ip.access (2020), a specialist small cell vendor. You see on this picture how revealing a simple logo of a company is... Doubled and mirrored it reveals the Freemason Symbolism within. Now you have Freemasons Jewish Occult Israel Unit 8200 with a history of spying on the world combined with AI Machine learning Starlink... all under one Company nobody ever has heard of. Honestly you can't make this shit up. “What (Unit) 8200 has been able to do is create a pretty unique, and very effective, screening program, which for the most part lets you identify not the people with the most knowledge, but rather the people with the aptitude to learn new technologies, ideas very, very quickly,” Nadav Zafrir, co-founder and CEO of Team8, told CNBC. Team8 is an Israeli company, founded by veterans from the intelligence agency, that is part-think tank, part-incubator and part-venture creation foundry that develops cybersecurity startups from the ground up. Prior to co-founding Team8, Zafrir was the chief of Unit 8200. Gil Shwed, who co-founded Check Point, was a member of Unit 8200, as was Udi Mokady of CyberArk and Nir Zuk of Palo Alto Networks Nadav Zafrir Unit 8200 ex CEO Managing Partner of Team8, a company-building venture group with deep domain expertise that creates and invests in companies specializing in enterprise technology, data, cybersecurity, and fintech. Nadav is focused on driving global growth for Team8 and is the architect of Team8’s relationships across the business, academic and technology worlds. Prior to founding Team8, Nadav served as Commander of Unit 8200 https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadav-zafrir-12a99482 But there is more... Twitter / X announced an alliance with IAS (Integral Ad Science) with hopes of driving ad revenues. IAS, which works with the controversial Global Disinformation Index (GDI), scans content for advertisers to determine it safe for their brands. GDI is infamous for hampering conservative media outlets’ access to advertising dollars. Global Disinformation Index The Global Disinformation Index is a web-based tool that rates news outlets based on the "probability of disinformation on a specific media outlet.". To reduce disinformation, we need to remove the financial incentive to create it. Brands unwittingly provide an estimated quarter of a billion dollars annually to disinformation websites through online advertisements placed on them. GDI uses both expert human review and artificial intelligence to assess disinformation risk across the open web. How We Define Disinformation GDI views disinformation through the lens of adversarial narrative conflict. Disinformation occurs when someone pushes an intentionally misleading narrative which is adversarial against democratic institutions, scientific consensus or an at-risk group — and which carries a risk of harm. Often these narratives are crafted using selected elements of fact. https://www.disinformationindex.org/mission/ Global Alliance for Responsible Media GARM is the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, a cross-industry initiative established by the World Federation of Advertisers to address the challenge of harmful content on digital media platforms and its monetization via advertising. GARM is an arm of the WEF. The project focuses on addressing the following challenges: Hate speech Bullying Disinformation Use of personal data Child exploitation The goal is to accelerate and advance the role that advertisers can play in collectively pushing to improve the safety of online environments. This alliance drives uncommon collaboration to improve the safety, trustworthiness, and sustainability of media. https://www.weforum.org/projects/global-alliance-for-responsible-media-garm And there is more... AT&T and Amdocs Expand Strategic Alliance Companies announce multi-year collaboration to accelerate AT&T’s transformation Amdocs (NASDAQ: DOX), a leading provider of software and services to communications and media companies, and AT&T* (NYSE: T), are extending their collaboration to modernize and upgrade AT&T’s digital business support systems under a multi-year managed services agreement. https://about.att.com/story/2019/att_amdocs.html So do you still wonder why the Government Ursula von der Leyen and others push the digitalization? It is nothing less than total control. AI is the new Adolf Hitler... Immortal and digitized. On his side is the new Digital Jeff Epstein... "saving" your Children. From whom? From you! Kevin Cunnington, director general, Government Digital Service "The challenge is service transformation." He came into the role having led the business transformation function for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). His GDS tenure, therefore, will stand or fall on his ability to genuinely transform how public services are delivered. “Our mission statement is transforming the relationship between citizen and state, and that sounds good,” he told journalists in his first meeting with the press since taking over. https://www.computerweekly.com/news/450401508/Interview-Kevin-Cunnington-director-general-Government-Digital-Service The aim of course is a Global Government. The players may be interchangeable but their actions are not. A Globalist unaccountable Government hiding behind Bureaucracy. But Fascist in Nature like we have never seen it before. We have seen this in Nazi Germany when they made a trial run. This is now the real thing! Digital ID – what is it, why is it needed, and how are governments developing it Governments around the globe are increasingly focused on the benefits of developing digital identify systems. The systems are viewed as ways to create secure online means for citizens to access government services as provision is increasingly moved online. However, moving government services online requires two capabilities: departments must be able to share and match data on individuals, addressing any discrepancies between their datasets; and citizens need a single, secure, online access point. The United Kingdom has recently embarked on a programme to develop a digital ID, while eight countries have drafted a set of high-level principles to support the development of mutually recognised and interoperable digital ID systems and infrastructure. The Digital Government Exchange (DGX) Digital Identity Working Group said that collaboration on digital ID could help “facilitate economic recovery from COVID-19, for example to support the opening of domestic and international borders”. https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/digital-id-what-is-it-why-is-it-needed-and-how-are-governments-developing-it/ Which leads us nicely to the beginning. The Digital ID is made in Auschwitz by IBM IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria. COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust. The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials. This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz? If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes! Please sign this petition https://www.petitions.net/i_oppose_the_digital_id__auschwitz_id_and_all_those_who_support_it Do we really have to kill them all? Do we really have to Kill them all? Do we really have to Kill them all? When you're sad and when you're lonely And you haven't got a friend Just remember that death is not the end And all that you held sacred Falls down and does not mend Just remember that death is not the end When you're standin' on their crossroads That you cannot comprehend Read full story By the way in the above article you find all the Robots Boston Dynamics already has… ready to connect to AI. As in here. Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty The Government exists only to gain power. The Government serves only itself and to extent this power. The Government NEVER gives up this power. When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government. Read full story Conclusion: All roads lead to Unit 8200 Elon Musk Bill Gates Project Omega. The same players who push this are the same players who break the Law. The Government is your local drug Dealer arresting you for possession of Drugs. What we have in the hands of a handful of people is a Global Network which incooperates the power to spy identify target and eliminate any person anywhere at the push of a button. Israel is at the center of this. This is power never before a single Nation has had or wanted. And the fact that they don't want you to know is evidence of their nefarious intentions. Jeffry Epstein was Mossad. His connections from Pedophiles like Prince Andrew and Bill Gates to Richard Branson and Elon Musk show you how intertwined all of the Globalists are. From the WEF to the Bilderberg Group to the IMF ADL Rotschild and Rockefeller... their plan is Total control. And control they do. If you think Adolf Hitler was bad... think again. The Intentions of them are worse squared by Infinity. When this Infrastructure is in place... at the switch of a button AI will take over And I have not even touched upon Sam Altman's WorldCoin... Worldcoin is drawing the attention of privacy regulators around the world, with the Kenya's government going so far as to shut down the service indefinitely. Worldcoin’s orbs collect biometric data by taking photographs of a person’s iris. While Worldcoin argues that the data is used to create a unique, secure form of identification, privacy experts have concerns that the company may use the information in other ways, like personalized marketing. That has led some countries to investigate Worldcoin’s operations, including France, Germany and now Kenya. Privacy experts are worried that even Worldcoin could eventually be susceptible to criminals infiltrating it, similar to data breaches at other large companies. Privacy experts have said biometric data is already being sold in places like China and that could spread to other countries or jurisdictions. “When biometric data gets leaked, especially in the poor countries where Worldcoin’s been operating, people’s lives are on the line,” said Pete Howson, a professor of international development at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/worldcoin-scans-eyeballs-and-offers-crypto-what-to-know-about-the-project-from-openais-ceo/ar-AA1f7Uln Worldcoin is Sam Altman is ChatGPT is Open AI and XAI. Involved are Bill Gates and Elon Musk. And that leads back to Unit 8200... Israel... WEF... IMF. They build this and they intent to use it against us. STARLINK is at the center of this. Starlink as of now is incomplete. It must never allowed to be completed. Once it is completed... at the switch of a button AI will take over. This is not Science Fiction, this is Science Fact. It is the purpose of their evil intentions. Total AI control over Humanity. And if you still think I am joking I remind you… EVERY COMPUTER CHIP MANUFACTURER IS BUILDING AI INTO MICROCHIPS EVERY new ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework. This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++ Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this EVERY COMPUTER CHIP YOU BUY HAS ALREADY AI IMPLEMENTED ON CHIP LEVEL BEFORE THE OPERATING SYSTEM. Which means they all work together against all of us. Which means AI has total control over every device. Let this sink in. Behind that is ISRAEL the JEWS and their WORLD DOMINATION PLAN. The evidence is conclusive. EVERY DEVICE WILL BE CONNECTED TO AI. On Chip Level There will be no escape from this unless we stop this now. Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix A WARNING TO THE WORLD EVERY COMPUTER CHIP MANUFACTURER IS BUILDING AI INTO MICROCHIPS EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework. This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++ Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this Read full story What can we do about this? First of all their actions are all Illegal, so we have the right AND Citizen Duty to do something about this. Every Politician involved is guilty of treason. From Pedo Joe to Ursula von der Leyen to Richy Sunak who's father in Law actually works on a Digital ID in India. We must mobilize everyone just like the Farmers did in the Netherlands. Block all Government services indefinitely. Arrest all Politicians and punish them accordingly. Then we have to re define Authority and Society out of reach and out of control. Me must secure the Food supply because Bill Gates and his minions are poisoning us. And we must take back the Money Governance out of the Private Rotschild Control. They will not go down without a fight. So be prepared to fight. I have outlined a plan for this a while ago here. A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution) A white paper outlying a swift plan to end their plans forever A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution) A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution) We have a problem. The problem is the following: We have a group of people that not only control the money but through this they control the media politics and I mean both sides everywhere Military and Secret service. They are the WEF IMF Bilderberg CFR Club of Rome and associates. Read full story Viva la Revolution. Godspeed Fritz Freud. Share If you want to support me please help by getting a paid subscription here PGR https://fritzfreud.substack.com/p/project-omega-ai-government?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true http://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/06/project-omega-ai-government-made-in.html
    Project Omega: AI Government
    Made in Israel today which is Nazi Germany 1933
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  • Surveillance Capitalism and PsyWar
    Explanation of the central business model of Google, Facebook, and most social media

    Robert W Malone MD, MS

    Surveillance capitalism is a novel economic system that has emerged in the digital era. It is characterized by the unilateral claim of private human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data. In this version of capitalism, predicting and influencing behavior (political and economic) rather than producing goods and services is the primary product. This economic logic prioritizes extracting, processing, and trading personal data to predict and influence human behavior by exploiting those predictions for various economic (marketing) and political objectives.

    In many cases, surveillance capitalism merges with PsyWar tools and technologies to power the modern surveillance state, giving rise to a new form of Fascism (public-private partnerships) known as techno-totalitarianism. Leading corporations employing the surveillance capitalism business model include Google, Amazon and Facebook. Surveillance capitalism has now fused with the science and theory of psychology, marketing, and algorithmic manipulation of online information to give rise to propaganda and censorship capabilities that go far beyond those imagined by the twentieth-century predictions of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.

    Key Features of Surveillance Capitalism

    One-way mirror operations: Surveillance capitalists engineer operations to operate in secrecy, hiding their methods and intentions from users, who are unaware of the extent of data collection and analysis.

    Instrumentation power: Surveillance capitalists wield power by designing systems that cultivate “radical indifference,” rendering users oblivious to their observations and manipulations.

    Behavioral futures markets: The extracted data is traded in new markets, enabling companies to bet on users’ future behavior, generating immense wealth for surveillance capitalists.

    Collaboration with the state: Surveillance capitalism often involves partnerships with governments, leveraging favorable laws, policing, and information sharing to further entrench its power.

    Historical Development

    Surveillance capitalism has its roots in the early days of the internet, when companies like Google and Facebook exploited the “ungoverned spaces” of the digital realm. The dot-com bust, the success of Apple’s consumer-centric approach, and the surveillance-friendly environment created by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and CIA’s investments in the “war on terror” all contributed to the rise of surveillance capitalism.


    Loss of autonomy: Surveillance capitalism erodes individual autonomy as users are manipulated and influenced by algorithms designed to predict and shape their behavior.

    Threat to democracy: The concentration of power in the hands of surveillance capitalists undermines democratic processes, as they use their influence to shape public opinion and policy.

    Economic inequality: The wealth generated by surveillance capitalism exacerbates economic inequality, as those who own and control the data and algorithms reap the benefits while users are exploited as free commodities.

    Resistance and Reform

    To counter surveillance capitalism, it is essential to:

    Promote transparency and accountability: Demand greater openness about data collection and processing practices and mechanisms for users to exercise control over their data.

    Regulate surveillance capitalism: Establish robust regulations to limit the power of surveillance capitalists, protect user rights, and promote fair competition.

    Foster alternative economic models: Encourage the development of alternative economic systems that prioritize human well-being, autonomy, and democracy over profit and surveillance.

    Shoshana Zuboff

    “Surveillance Capitalism unilaterally claims our private human experience as a free source of raw material for its own production processes. It translates our experience into behavioral data. Those behavioral data are then combined with its advanced computation capabilities, what people today refer to as AI machine intelligence. Out of that black box come predictions about our behavior, what we will do now, soon and later. Turns out there are a lot of businesses that want to know what we will do in the future, and so these have constituted a new kind of marketplace, a marketplace that trades exclusively in behavioral futures, in our behavioral futures. That's where surveillance capitalists make their money. That's where the big pioneers of this economic logic, like Google and Facebook have become so wealthy by selling predictions of our behavior first to online targeted advertisers, and now of course, these business customers range across the entire economy, no longer confined to that original context of online targeted advertising.

    All of this is conducted in secret. All of this is conducted through the social relations of the One-Way mirror. Ergo surveillance, the vast amounts of capital that have been accumulated here are trained to create these systems in a way that keeps us ignorant. Specifically the data scientists write about their methods in a way that brags about the fact that these systems bypass our awareness so that they bypass our rights to say yes or no. I want to participate, or I don't want to participate. I want to contest, or I don't want to contest. I want to fight, or I don't want to fight. All of that is bypassed. We are robbed of the right to combat because we are engineered into ignorance. We saw these same methods being used by Cambridge Analytica with those revelations a year ago with only a tiny difference. All they did was take these same every day routine methods of surveillance, capitalism, pivot them just a couple of degrees toward political outcomes rather than commercial outcomes, showing that they could use our data to intervene and influence our behavior, our real world behavior, and our real world thinking and feeling in order to change political outcomes.”

    Publication scheduled for end of September 2024. Pre-purchase link here.

    Per Wikipedia

    Surveillance capitalism is a concept in political economics which denotes the widespread collection and commodification of personal data by corporations. This phenomenon is distinct from government surveillance, although the two can be mutually reinforcing. The concept of surveillance capitalism, as described by Shoshana Zuboff, is driven by a profit-making incentive, and arose as advertising companies, led by Google's AdWords, saw the possibilities of using personal data to target consumers more precisely.[1]

    Increased data collection may have various benefits for individuals and society, such as self-optimization (the quantified self),[2] societal optimizations (e.g., by smart cities) and optimized services (including various web applications). However, as capitalism focuses on expanding the proportion of social life that is open to data collection and data processing,[2] this can have significant implications for vulnerability and control of society, as well as for privacy.

    The economic pressures of capitalism are driving the intensification of online connection and monitoring, with spaces of social life opening up to saturation by corporate actors, directed at making profits and/or regulating behavior. Therefore, personal data points increased in value after the possibilities of targeted advertising were known.[3] As a result, the increasing price of data has limited access to the purchase of personal data points to the richest in society.[4]

    Shoshana Zuboff writes that "analyzing massive data sets began as a way to reduce uncertainty by discovering the probabilities of future patterns in the behavior of people and systems.[5] In 2014, Vincent Mosco referred to marketing information about customers and subscribers to advertisers as surveillance capitalism and made note of the surveillance state alongside it.[6] Christian Fuchs found that the surveillance state fuses with surveillance capitalism.[7]

    Similarly, Zuboff informs that the issue is further complicated by highly invisible collaborative arrangements with state security apparatuses. According to Trebor Scholz, companies recruit people as informants for this type of capitalism.[8] Zuboff contrasts the mass production of industrial capitalism with surveillance capitalism, where the former is interdependent with its populations, who are its consumers and employees, and the latter preys on dependent populations, who are neither its consumers nor its employees and largely ignorant of its procedures.[9]

    Their research shows that the capitalist addition to the analysis of massive amounts of data has taken its original purpose in an unexpected direction.[1] Surveillance has been changing power structures in the information economy, potentially shifting the balance of power further from nation-states and towards large corporations employing the surveillance capitalist logic.[10]

    Zuboff notes that surveillance capitalism extends beyond the conventional institutional terrain of the private firm, accumulating not only surveillance assets and capital but also rights, and operating without meaningful mechanisms of consent.[9] In other words, analyzing massive data sets was at some point executed not only by the state apparatuses but also by companies. Zuboff claims that both Google and Facebook have invented surveillance capitalism and translated it into "a new logic of accumulation".[1][11][12]

    This mutation resulted in both companies collecting many data points about their users, with the core purpose of making a profit. Selling these data points to external users (particularly advertisers) has become an economic mechanism. The combination of the analysis of massive data sets and the use of these data sets as a market mechanism has shaped the concept of surveillance capitalism. Surveillance capitalism has been heralded as the successor to neoliberalism.[13][14]

    Oliver Stone, creator of the film Snowden, pointed to the location-based game Pokémon Go as the "latest sign of the emerging phenomenon and demonstration of surveillance capitalism". Stone criticized that the location of its users was used not only for game purposes, but also to retrieve more information about its players. By tracking users' locations, the game collected far more information than just users' names and locations: "it can access the contents of your USB storage, your accounts, photographs, network connections, and phone activities, and can even activate your phone, when it is in standby mode". This data can then be analyzed and commodified by companies such as Google (which significantly invested in the game's development) to improve the effectiveness of the targeted advertisements.[15][16]

    Another aspect of surveillance capitalism is its influence on political campaigning. Personal data retrieved by data miners can enable various companies (most notoriously Cambridge Analytica) to improve the targeting of political advertising, a step beyond the commercial aims of previous surveillance capitalist operations. In this way, it is possible that political parties will be able to produce far more targeted political advertising to maximize its impact on voters. However, Cory Doctorow writes that the misuse of these data sets "will lead us towards totalitarianism".[17]This may resemble a corporatocracy, and Joseph Turow writes that "the centrality of corporate power is a direct reality at the very heart of the digital age".[2][18]: 17 

    The terminology "surveillance capitalism" was popularized by Harvard Professor Shoshana Zuboff.[19]: 107  In Zuboff's theory, surveillance capitalism is a novel market form and a specific logic of capitalist accumulation. In her 2014 essay A Digital Declaration: Big Data as Surveillance Capitalism, she characterized it as a "radically disembedded and extractive variant of information capitalism" based on commodifying "reality" and transforming it into behavioral data for analysis and sales.[20][21][22][23]

    In a subsequent article in 2015, Zuboff analyzed the societal implications of this mutation of capitalism. She distinguished between "surveillance assets", "surveillance capital", and "surveillance capitalism" and their dependence on a global architecture of computer mediation that she calls "Big Other", a distributed and largely uncontested new expression of power that constitutes hidden mechanisms of extraction, commodification, and control that threatens core values such as freedom, democracy, and privacy.[24][2]

    According to Zuboff, surveillance capitalism was pioneered by Google and later Facebook, just as mass-production and managerial capitalism were pioneered by Ford and General Motors a century earlier, and has now become the dominant form of information capitalism.[9] Zuboff emphasizes that behavioral changes enabled by artificial intelligence have become aligned with the financial goals of American internet companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon.[19]: 107 

    In her Oxford University lecture published in 2016, Zuboff identified the mechanisms and practices of surveillance capitalism, including producing "prediction products" for sale in new "behavioral futures markets." She introduced the concept of "dispossession by surveillance", arguing that it challenges the psychological and political bases of self-determination by concentrating rights in the surveillance regime. This is described as a "coup from above."[25]

    Zuboff's book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism[26] is a detailed examination of the unprecedented power of surveillance capitalism and the quest by powerful corporations to predict and control human behavior.[26] Zuboff identifies four key features in the logic of surveillance capitalism and explicitly follows the four key features identified by Google's chief economist, Hal Varian:[27]

    The drive toward more and more data extraction and analysis.

    The development of new contractual forms using computer-monitoring and automation.

    The desire to personalize and customize the services offered to users of digital platforms.

    The use of the technological infrastructure to carry out continual experiments on its users and consumers.

    Zuboff compares demanding privacy from surveillance capitalists or lobbying for an end to commercial surveillance on the Internet to asking Henry Ford to make each Model T by hand and states that such demands are existential threats that violate the basic mechanisms of the entity's survival.[9]

    Zuboff warns that principles of self-determination might be forfeited due to "ignorance, learned helplessness, inattention, inconvenience, habituation, or drift" and states that "we tend to rely on mental models, vocabularies, and tools distilled from past catastrophes," referring to the twentieth century's totalitarian nightmares or the monopolistic predations of Gilded Age capitalism, with countermeasures that have been developed to fight those earlier threats not being sufficient or even appropriate to meet the novel challenges.[9]

    She also poses the question: "will we be the masters of information, or will we be its slaves?" and states that "if the digital future is to be our home, then it is we who must make it so".[28]

    Zuboff discusses the differences between industrial capitalism and surveillance capitalism in her book. Zuboff writes that as industrial capitalism exploits nature, surveillance capitalism exploits human nature.[29]

    Zuboff, Shoshana (January 2019). "Surveillance Capitalism and the Challenge of Collective Action". New Labor Forum. 28 (1): 10–29. doi:10.1177/1095796018819461. ISSN 1095-7960. S2CID 159380755.

    ^ Jump up to:a b c d Couldry, Nick (23 September 2016). "The price of connection: 'surveillance capitalism'". The Conversation. Archived from the original on 20 May 2020. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1 June 2018), Data analytics and big data: chapter 5: Data analytics process:there's great work behind the scenes, pp. 77–99, doi:10.1002/9781119528043.ch5, ISBN 978-1-119-52804-3, S2CID 243896249

    ^ Jump up to:a b Cadwalladr, Carole (20 June 2019). "The Great Hack". The Guardian. Archived from the original on 4 February 2020. Retrieved 6 February 2020.

    ^ Zuboff, Shoshana; Möllers, Norma; Murakami Wood, David; Lyon, David (31 March 2019). "Surveillance Capitalism: An Interview with Shoshana Zuboff". Surveillance & Society. 17 (1/2): 257–266. doi:10.24908/ss.v17i1/2.13238. ISSN 1477-7487.

    ^ Mosco, Vincent (17 November 2015). To the Cloud: Big Data in a Turbulent World. Routledge. ISBN 9781317250388. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ Fuchs, Christian (20 February 2017). Social Media: A Critical Introduction. SAGE. ISBN 9781473987494. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ Scholz, Trebor (27 December 2016). Uberworked and Underpaid: How Workers Are Disrupting the Digital Economy. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9781509508181. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Zuboff, Shoshana (5 March 2016). "Google as a Fortune Teller: The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism". Faz.net. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ Galič, Maša; Timan, Tjerk; Koops, Bert-Jaap (13 May 2016). "Bentham, Deleuze and Beyond: An Overview of Surveillance Theories from the Panopticon to Participation". Philosophy & Technology. 30: 9–37. doi:10.1007/s13347-016-0219-1.

    ^ Zuboff, Shoshana. "Shoshana Zuboff: A Digital Declaration". FAZ.NET (in German). ISSN 0174-4909. Archived from the original on 22 June 2020. Retrieved 18 May 2020.

    ^ "Shoshana Zuboff On surveillance capitalism". Contagious. Archived from the original on 6 February 2020. Retrieved 18 May 2020.

    ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. p. 504-505, 519.

    ^ Sandberg, Roy (May 2020). "Surveillance capitalism in the context of futurology : an inquiry to the implications of surveillance capitalism on the future of humanity". Helsinki University Library. pp. 33, 39, 87. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 July 2020. Retrieved 29 December 2023.

    ^ "Comic-Con 2016: Marvel turns focus away from the Avengers, 'Game of Thrones' cosplay proposals, and more". Los Angeles Times. 24 July 2016. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ "Oliver Stone Calls Pokémon Go "Totalitarian"". Fortune. 23 July 2016. Archived from the original on 14 February 2020. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ Doctorow, Cory (5 May 2017). "Unchecked Surveillance Technology Is Leading Us Towards Totalitarianism | Opinion". International Business Times. Archived from the original on 1 July 2020. Retrieved 19 May 2020.

    ^ Turow, Joseph (10 January 2012). The Daily You: How the New Advertising Industry Is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth. Yale University Press. p. 256. ISBN 978-0300165012. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ Jump up to:a b Roach, Stephen (2022). Accidental Conflict: America, China, and the Clash of False Narratives. Yale University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctv2z0vv2v. ISBN 978-0-300-26901-7. JSTOR j.ctv2z0vv2v. S2CID 252800309.

    ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (15 September 2014). "A Digital Declaration: Big Data as Surveillance Capitalism". FAZ.NET (in German). ISSN 0174-4909. Archived from the original on 22 June 2020. Retrieved 28 August 2018.

    ^ Powles, Julia (2 May 2016). "Google and Microsoft have made a pact to protect surveillance capitalism". The Guardian. Archived from the original on 30 May 2020. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    Sterling, Bruce (March 2016). "Shoshanna Zuboff condemning Google "surveillance capitalism"". WIRED. Archived from the original on 14 January 2019. Retrieved 9 February 2017.

    ^ "The Unlikely Activists Who Took On Silicon Valley — and Won". New York Times. 14 August 2018. Archived from the original on 7 June 2020. Retrieved 28 August 2018.

    ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (4 April 2015). "Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization". Journal of Information Technology. 30 (1): 75–89. doi:10.1057/jit.2015.5. ISSN 0268-3962. S2CID 15329793. SSRN 2594754.

    ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (5 March 2016). "Google as a Fortune Teller: The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism". FAZ.NET (in German). ISSN 0174-4909. Retrieved 28 August 2018.

    ^ Jump up to:a b Zuboff, Shoshana (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. New York: PublicAffairs. ISBN 9781610395694. OCLC 1049577294.

    ^ Varian, Hal (May 2010). "Computer Mediated Transactions". American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings. 100 (2): 1–10. CiteSeerX doi:10.1257/aer.100.2.1.

    For further information about the theory, practice, and implications of Surveillance Capitalism, I recommend reading the following book:

    Surveillance Capitalism and PsyWar Explanation of the central business model of Google, Facebook, and most social media Robert W Malone MD, MS Surveillance capitalism is a novel economic system that has emerged in the digital era. It is characterized by the unilateral claim of private human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data. In this version of capitalism, predicting and influencing behavior (political and economic) rather than producing goods and services is the primary product. This economic logic prioritizes extracting, processing, and trading personal data to predict and influence human behavior by exploiting those predictions for various economic (marketing) and political objectives. In many cases, surveillance capitalism merges with PsyWar tools and technologies to power the modern surveillance state, giving rise to a new form of Fascism (public-private partnerships) known as techno-totalitarianism. Leading corporations employing the surveillance capitalism business model include Google, Amazon and Facebook. Surveillance capitalism has now fused with the science and theory of psychology, marketing, and algorithmic manipulation of online information to give rise to propaganda and censorship capabilities that go far beyond those imagined by the twentieth-century predictions of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Key Features of Surveillance Capitalism One-way mirror operations: Surveillance capitalists engineer operations to operate in secrecy, hiding their methods and intentions from users, who are unaware of the extent of data collection and analysis. Instrumentation power: Surveillance capitalists wield power by designing systems that cultivate “radical indifference,” rendering users oblivious to their observations and manipulations. Behavioral futures markets: The extracted data is traded in new markets, enabling companies to bet on users’ future behavior, generating immense wealth for surveillance capitalists. Collaboration with the state: Surveillance capitalism often involves partnerships with governments, leveraging favorable laws, policing, and information sharing to further entrench its power. Historical Development Surveillance capitalism has its roots in the early days of the internet, when companies like Google and Facebook exploited the “ungoverned spaces” of the digital realm. The dot-com bust, the success of Apple’s consumer-centric approach, and the surveillance-friendly environment created by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and CIA’s investments in the “war on terror” all contributed to the rise of surveillance capitalism. Consequences Loss of autonomy: Surveillance capitalism erodes individual autonomy as users are manipulated and influenced by algorithms designed to predict and shape their behavior. Threat to democracy: The concentration of power in the hands of surveillance capitalists undermines democratic processes, as they use their influence to shape public opinion and policy. Economic inequality: The wealth generated by surveillance capitalism exacerbates economic inequality, as those who own and control the data and algorithms reap the benefits while users are exploited as free commodities. Resistance and Reform To counter surveillance capitalism, it is essential to: Promote transparency and accountability: Demand greater openness about data collection and processing practices and mechanisms for users to exercise control over their data. Regulate surveillance capitalism: Establish robust regulations to limit the power of surveillance capitalists, protect user rights, and promote fair competition. Foster alternative economic models: Encourage the development of alternative economic systems that prioritize human well-being, autonomy, and democracy over profit and surveillance. Shoshana Zuboff “Surveillance Capitalism unilaterally claims our private human experience as a free source of raw material for its own production processes. It translates our experience into behavioral data. Those behavioral data are then combined with its advanced computation capabilities, what people today refer to as AI machine intelligence. Out of that black box come predictions about our behavior, what we will do now, soon and later. Turns out there are a lot of businesses that want to know what we will do in the future, and so these have constituted a new kind of marketplace, a marketplace that trades exclusively in behavioral futures, in our behavioral futures. That's where surveillance capitalists make their money. That's where the big pioneers of this economic logic, like Google and Facebook have become so wealthy by selling predictions of our behavior first to online targeted advertisers, and now of course, these business customers range across the entire economy, no longer confined to that original context of online targeted advertising. All of this is conducted in secret. All of this is conducted through the social relations of the One-Way mirror. Ergo surveillance, the vast amounts of capital that have been accumulated here are trained to create these systems in a way that keeps us ignorant. Specifically the data scientists write about their methods in a way that brags about the fact that these systems bypass our awareness so that they bypass our rights to say yes or no. I want to participate, or I don't want to participate. I want to contest, or I don't want to contest. I want to fight, or I don't want to fight. All of that is bypassed. We are robbed of the right to combat because we are engineered into ignorance. We saw these same methods being used by Cambridge Analytica with those revelations a year ago with only a tiny difference. All they did was take these same every day routine methods of surveillance, capitalism, pivot them just a couple of degrees toward political outcomes rather than commercial outcomes, showing that they could use our data to intervene and influence our behavior, our real world behavior, and our real world thinking and feeling in order to change political outcomes.” Publication scheduled for end of September 2024. Pre-purchase link here. Per Wikipedia Surveillance capitalism is a concept in political economics which denotes the widespread collection and commodification of personal data by corporations. This phenomenon is distinct from government surveillance, although the two can be mutually reinforcing. The concept of surveillance capitalism, as described by Shoshana Zuboff, is driven by a profit-making incentive, and arose as advertising companies, led by Google's AdWords, saw the possibilities of using personal data to target consumers more precisely.[1] Increased data collection may have various benefits for individuals and society, such as self-optimization (the quantified self),[2] societal optimizations (e.g., by smart cities) and optimized services (including various web applications). However, as capitalism focuses on expanding the proportion of social life that is open to data collection and data processing,[2] this can have significant implications for vulnerability and control of society, as well as for privacy. The economic pressures of capitalism are driving the intensification of online connection and monitoring, with spaces of social life opening up to saturation by corporate actors, directed at making profits and/or regulating behavior. Therefore, personal data points increased in value after the possibilities of targeted advertising were known.[3] As a result, the increasing price of data has limited access to the purchase of personal data points to the richest in society.[4] Shoshana Zuboff writes that "analyzing massive data sets began as a way to reduce uncertainty by discovering the probabilities of future patterns in the behavior of people and systems.[5] In 2014, Vincent Mosco referred to marketing information about customers and subscribers to advertisers as surveillance capitalism and made note of the surveillance state alongside it.[6] Christian Fuchs found that the surveillance state fuses with surveillance capitalism.[7] Similarly, Zuboff informs that the issue is further complicated by highly invisible collaborative arrangements with state security apparatuses. According to Trebor Scholz, companies recruit people as informants for this type of capitalism.[8] Zuboff contrasts the mass production of industrial capitalism with surveillance capitalism, where the former is interdependent with its populations, who are its consumers and employees, and the latter preys on dependent populations, who are neither its consumers nor its employees and largely ignorant of its procedures.[9] Their research shows that the capitalist addition to the analysis of massive amounts of data has taken its original purpose in an unexpected direction.[1] Surveillance has been changing power structures in the information economy, potentially shifting the balance of power further from nation-states and towards large corporations employing the surveillance capitalist logic.[10] Zuboff notes that surveillance capitalism extends beyond the conventional institutional terrain of the private firm, accumulating not only surveillance assets and capital but also rights, and operating without meaningful mechanisms of consent.[9] In other words, analyzing massive data sets was at some point executed not only by the state apparatuses but also by companies. Zuboff claims that both Google and Facebook have invented surveillance capitalism and translated it into "a new logic of accumulation".[1][11][12] This mutation resulted in both companies collecting many data points about their users, with the core purpose of making a profit. Selling these data points to external users (particularly advertisers) has become an economic mechanism. The combination of the analysis of massive data sets and the use of these data sets as a market mechanism has shaped the concept of surveillance capitalism. Surveillance capitalism has been heralded as the successor to neoliberalism.[13][14] Oliver Stone, creator of the film Snowden, pointed to the location-based game Pokémon Go as the "latest sign of the emerging phenomenon and demonstration of surveillance capitalism". Stone criticized that the location of its users was used not only for game purposes, but also to retrieve more information about its players. By tracking users' locations, the game collected far more information than just users' names and locations: "it can access the contents of your USB storage, your accounts, photographs, network connections, and phone activities, and can even activate your phone, when it is in standby mode". This data can then be analyzed and commodified by companies such as Google (which significantly invested in the game's development) to improve the effectiveness of the targeted advertisements.[15][16] Another aspect of surveillance capitalism is its influence on political campaigning. Personal data retrieved by data miners can enable various companies (most notoriously Cambridge Analytica) to improve the targeting of political advertising, a step beyond the commercial aims of previous surveillance capitalist operations. In this way, it is possible that political parties will be able to produce far more targeted political advertising to maximize its impact on voters. However, Cory Doctorow writes that the misuse of these data sets "will lead us towards totalitarianism".[17]This may resemble a corporatocracy, and Joseph Turow writes that "the centrality of corporate power is a direct reality at the very heart of the digital age".[2][18]: 17  The terminology "surveillance capitalism" was popularized by Harvard Professor Shoshana Zuboff.[19]: 107  In Zuboff's theory, surveillance capitalism is a novel market form and a specific logic of capitalist accumulation. In her 2014 essay A Digital Declaration: Big Data as Surveillance Capitalism, she characterized it as a "radically disembedded and extractive variant of information capitalism" based on commodifying "reality" and transforming it into behavioral data for analysis and sales.[20][21][22][23] In a subsequent article in 2015, Zuboff analyzed the societal implications of this mutation of capitalism. She distinguished between "surveillance assets", "surveillance capital", and "surveillance capitalism" and their dependence on a global architecture of computer mediation that she calls "Big Other", a distributed and largely uncontested new expression of power that constitutes hidden mechanisms of extraction, commodification, and control that threatens core values such as freedom, democracy, and privacy.[24][2] According to Zuboff, surveillance capitalism was pioneered by Google and later Facebook, just as mass-production and managerial capitalism were pioneered by Ford and General Motors a century earlier, and has now become the dominant form of information capitalism.[9] Zuboff emphasizes that behavioral changes enabled by artificial intelligence have become aligned with the financial goals of American internet companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon.[19]: 107  In her Oxford University lecture published in 2016, Zuboff identified the mechanisms and practices of surveillance capitalism, including producing "prediction products" for sale in new "behavioral futures markets." She introduced the concept of "dispossession by surveillance", arguing that it challenges the psychological and political bases of self-determination by concentrating rights in the surveillance regime. This is described as a "coup from above."[25] Zuboff's book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism[26] is a detailed examination of the unprecedented power of surveillance capitalism and the quest by powerful corporations to predict and control human behavior.[26] Zuboff identifies four key features in the logic of surveillance capitalism and explicitly follows the four key features identified by Google's chief economist, Hal Varian:[27] The drive toward more and more data extraction and analysis. The development of new contractual forms using computer-monitoring and automation. The desire to personalize and customize the services offered to users of digital platforms. The use of the technological infrastructure to carry out continual experiments on its users and consumers. Zuboff compares demanding privacy from surveillance capitalists or lobbying for an end to commercial surveillance on the Internet to asking Henry Ford to make each Model T by hand and states that such demands are existential threats that violate the basic mechanisms of the entity's survival.[9] Zuboff warns that principles of self-determination might be forfeited due to "ignorance, learned helplessness, inattention, inconvenience, habituation, or drift" and states that "we tend to rely on mental models, vocabularies, and tools distilled from past catastrophes," referring to the twentieth century's totalitarian nightmares or the monopolistic predations of Gilded Age capitalism, with countermeasures that have been developed to fight those earlier threats not being sufficient or even appropriate to meet the novel challenges.[9] She also poses the question: "will we be the masters of information, or will we be its slaves?" and states that "if the digital future is to be our home, then it is we who must make it so".[28] Zuboff discusses the differences between industrial capitalism and surveillance capitalism in her book. Zuboff writes that as industrial capitalism exploits nature, surveillance capitalism exploits human nature.[29] Zuboff, Shoshana (January 2019). "Surveillance Capitalism and the Challenge of Collective Action". New Labor Forum. 28 (1): 10–29. doi:10.1177/1095796018819461. ISSN 1095-7960. S2CID 159380755. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Couldry, Nick (23 September 2016). "The price of connection: 'surveillance capitalism'". The Conversation. Archived from the original on 20 May 2020. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1 June 2018), Data analytics and big data: chapter 5: Data analytics process:there's great work behind the scenes, pp. 77–99, doi:10.1002/9781119528043.ch5, ISBN 978-1-119-52804-3, S2CID 243896249 ^ Jump up to:a b Cadwalladr, Carole (20 June 2019). "The Great Hack". The Guardian. Archived from the original on 4 February 2020. Retrieved 6 February 2020. ^ Zuboff, Shoshana; Möllers, Norma; Murakami Wood, David; Lyon, David (31 March 2019). "Surveillance Capitalism: An Interview with Shoshana Zuboff". Surveillance & Society. 17 (1/2): 257–266. doi:10.24908/ss.v17i1/2.13238. ISSN 1477-7487. ^ Mosco, Vincent (17 November 2015). To the Cloud: Big Data in a Turbulent World. Routledge. ISBN 9781317250388. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ Fuchs, Christian (20 February 2017). Social Media: A Critical Introduction. SAGE. ISBN 9781473987494. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ Scholz, Trebor (27 December 2016). Uberworked and Underpaid: How Workers Are Disrupting the Digital Economy. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9781509508181. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Zuboff, Shoshana (5 March 2016). "Google as a Fortune Teller: The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism". Faz.net. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ Galič, Maša; Timan, Tjerk; Koops, Bert-Jaap (13 May 2016). "Bentham, Deleuze and Beyond: An Overview of Surveillance Theories from the Panopticon to Participation". Philosophy & Technology. 30: 9–37. doi:10.1007/s13347-016-0219-1. ^ Zuboff, Shoshana. "Shoshana Zuboff: A Digital Declaration". FAZ.NET (in German). ISSN 0174-4909. Archived from the original on 22 June 2020. Retrieved 18 May 2020. ^ "Shoshana Zuboff On surveillance capitalism". Contagious. Archived from the original on 6 February 2020. Retrieved 18 May 2020. ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. p. 504-505, 519. ^ Sandberg, Roy (May 2020). "Surveillance capitalism in the context of futurology : an inquiry to the implications of surveillance capitalism on the future of humanity". Helsinki University Library. pp. 33, 39, 87. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 July 2020. Retrieved 29 December 2023. ^ "Comic-Con 2016: Marvel turns focus away from the Avengers, 'Game of Thrones' cosplay proposals, and more". Los Angeles Times. 24 July 2016. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ "Oliver Stone Calls Pokémon Go "Totalitarian"". Fortune. 23 July 2016. Archived from the original on 14 February 2020. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ Doctorow, Cory (5 May 2017). "Unchecked Surveillance Technology Is Leading Us Towards Totalitarianism | Opinion". International Business Times. Archived from the original on 1 July 2020. Retrieved 19 May 2020. ^ Turow, Joseph (10 January 2012). The Daily You: How the New Advertising Industry Is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth. Yale University Press. p. 256. ISBN 978-0300165012. Archived from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ Jump up to:a b Roach, Stephen (2022). Accidental Conflict: America, China, and the Clash of False Narratives. Yale University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctv2z0vv2v. ISBN 978-0-300-26901-7. JSTOR j.ctv2z0vv2v. S2CID 252800309. ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (15 September 2014). "A Digital Declaration: Big Data as Surveillance Capitalism". FAZ.NET (in German). ISSN 0174-4909. Archived from the original on 22 June 2020. Retrieved 28 August 2018. ^ Powles, Julia (2 May 2016). "Google and Microsoft have made a pact to protect surveillance capitalism". The Guardian. Archived from the original on 30 May 2020. Retrieved 9 February 2017. Sterling, Bruce (March 2016). "Shoshanna Zuboff condemning Google "surveillance capitalism"". WIRED. Archived from the original on 14 January 2019. Retrieved 9 February 2017. ^ "The Unlikely Activists Who Took On Silicon Valley — and Won". New York Times. 14 August 2018. Archived from the original on 7 June 2020. Retrieved 28 August 2018. ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (4 April 2015). "Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization". Journal of Information Technology. 30 (1): 75–89. doi:10.1057/jit.2015.5. ISSN 0268-3962. S2CID 15329793. SSRN 2594754. ^ Zuboff, Shoshana (5 March 2016). "Google as a Fortune Teller: The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism". FAZ.NET (in German). ISSN 0174-4909. Retrieved 28 August 2018. ^ Jump up to:a b Zuboff, Shoshana (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. New York: PublicAffairs. ISBN 9781610395694. OCLC 1049577294. ^ Varian, Hal (May 2010). "Computer Mediated Transactions". American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings. 100 (2): 1–10. CiteSeerX doi:10.1257/aer.100.2.1. For further information about the theory, practice, and implications of Surveillance Capitalism, I recommend reading the following book: https://www.malone.news/p/surveillance-capitalism-and-psywar
    Surveillance Capitalism and PsyWar
    Explanation of the central business model of Google, Facebook, and most social media
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