We learnt how our lives can be a stumbling block to others' faith in God,in the first part of this teaching earlier on.
    But before we continue, let's be mindful of how our God loathes anyone whose life brings reproach to God's Name;
    But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. (Mat 18: 6)

    The*little ones* inferred by Christ Jesus there, isn't limited to children,but generally to anyone whose life stops someone else from believing God and serving Him.

    So, as earlier said,we should endeavour not to find ourselves in the position of the disciples that almost discouraged the father of that epileptic boy.

    Now, another lesson from the narrative is whether we can dare to believe Our Father again,after several apparent disappointments!

    Every promise in the Bible is for your life and mine.

    But you see,under the subtly(devil induced) unguarded moments of life,we tend to dry up when we live with the same problem day after day, and we allow our expectations to drop because of our old experiences. But here's the catch...what God really and truly does expect from us,is the courage to declare,inspite of the visible repetitive challenges we face that;


    If we are able to believe above our doubts, if we are able to take action above our past mistakes, even though they could not help us; If we can say *nothing is going to take my faith away from me, because I believe that something positive is going to happen*, the moment will come where God is going to transform your life, and you will become everything that God wants you to be.

    People who know they have a purpose never allow the devil to spoil the purpose they are on to. Don't keep compromising your future by doing nonsense in your present. I SPEAK FROM YEARS OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE...I DON'T WANT YOU TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES I MADE, HENCE I AM UNASHAMEDLY BRINGING MY SOMEWHAT UNENCOURAGING LIFE INTO THE PUBLIC GLARE! Trust me,it takes more than just an effort.

    I have always done this anyway,but the name tags that come with it have been really humiliating...but I was employed to do a job, and that job will I do,until the last breath flow from me,by His grace and mercy.

    There are are those of us that… walk like beggars when we should be princes, crawling when we should be riding for the glory of God, walk with short steps when we should take the steps of conquerors.

    But since we can't see what God has ahead, we don't see any reason to be confident of change, we don't have faith, we don't prepare and we end up getting stuck!

    Christ Jesus is the door of hope that transforms a painful past into a glorious future. Nothing improves if we don't improve. You are going to be the biggest surprise that your enemies and detractors have ever seen.

    Hebrews 11:1

    Faith is the certainty of what you hope for.
    For you to expect something , you must know what you expect.
    What are you waiting for? Because what you believe is what you will have for the glory of God!

    Romans 4:17 “As it is written: I have made you a father of many nations before God, whom he believed, who gives life to the dead, and calls things that are not, as if they were.

    When God called what is not as if it were, then it is!
    When God said let there be Light, the Light was not, but there it was!
    Therefore, when God tells you that he is going to lift you up, so it is? God has never and will NEVER make a promise that's too good to be true!

    Romans 4: 19-21 “And he did not weaken in faith when considering his body, which was already as dead (being almost a hundred years old), or the sterility of Sarah's womb. He also did not doubt, through unbelief, the promise of God, but he was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, fully convinced that he was also able to do all that he had promised; "

    Don't let your faith weaken,
    Abraham did not doubt, he was strengthened by having faith! Are you doing the same? Are you filling yourself with faith or doubts? How did he not doubt, and strengthen himself in faith? He gave glory to God.

    He begins to give glory to God for the miracle that is on the way
    He begins to give thanks before seeing the miracle.
    Focus on the miracle that is coming. Because gratitude precedes the miracle.
    Do you believe that God has the power to fulfill what He has promised you? Yes? So why do you still not walk with all the faith?

    Mark 9: 23-24 “Jesus said to him: If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. And immediately the boy's father cried out and said: I believe; help my unbelief.



    I think it would be justified to arm and equip ourselves with these timelessly sacred words of the scriptures... GOD'S WORD;

    33. Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
    34. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. (Heb 11: 33-34)

    May this be our testimony in this race towards the perfect Man,Amen!
    A WORLD AT WAR WITH ITSELF 👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓 BREEDING UNBELIEF IN OUR SYSTEM! (PART TWO) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 We learnt how our lives can be a stumbling block to others' faith in God,in the first part of this teaching earlier on. But before we continue, let's be mindful of how our God loathes anyone whose life brings reproach to God's Name; But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. (Mat 18: 6) The*little ones* inferred by Christ Jesus there, isn't limited to children,but generally to anyone whose life stops someone else from believing God and serving Him. So, as earlier said,we should endeavour not to find ourselves in the position of the disciples that almost discouraged the father of that epileptic boy. Now, another lesson from the narrative is whether we can dare to believe Our Father again,after several apparent disappointments! (2)CAN YOU BELIEVE? Every promise in the Bible is for your life and mine. But you see,under the subtly(devil induced) unguarded moments of life,we tend to dry up when we live with the same problem day after day, and we allow our expectations to drop because of our old experiences. But here's the catch...what God really and truly does expect from us,is the courage to declare,inspite of the visible repetitive challenges we face that; Oh yeah,*YES, I DARE TO BELIEVE AGAIN, I REFUSE TO GO DOWN THIS WAY...I WILL RATHER DIE ON MY FEET,THAN ON MY KNEES!* If we are able to believe above our doubts, if we are able to take action above our past mistakes, even though they could not help us; If we can say *nothing is going to take my faith away from me, because I believe that something positive is going to happen*, the moment will come where God is going to transform your life, and you will become everything that God wants you to be. People who know they have a purpose never allow the devil to spoil the purpose they are on to. Don't keep compromising your future by doing nonsense in your present. I SPEAK FROM YEARS OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE...I DON'T WANT YOU TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES I MADE, HENCE I AM UNASHAMEDLY BRINGING MY SOMEWHAT UNENCOURAGING LIFE INTO THE PUBLIC GLARE! Trust me,it takes more than just an effort. I have always done this anyway,but the name tags that come with it have been really humiliating...but I was employed to do a job, and that job will I do,until the last breath flow from me,by His grace and mercy. There are are those of us that… walk like beggars when we should be princes, crawling when we should be riding for the glory of God, walk with short steps when we should take the steps of conquerors. But since we can't see what God has ahead, we don't see any reason to be confident of change, we don't have faith, we don't prepare and we end up getting stuck! Christ Jesus is the door of hope that transforms a painful past into a glorious future. Nothing improves if we don't improve. You are going to be the biggest surprise that your enemies and detractors have ever seen. Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the certainty of what you hope for. For you to expect something , you must know what you expect. What are you waiting for? Because what you believe is what you will have for the glory of God! Romans 4:17 “As it is written: I have made you a father of many nations before God, whom he believed, who gives life to the dead, and calls things that are not, as if they were. When God called what is not as if it were, then it is! When God said let there be Light, the Light was not, but there it was! Therefore, when God tells you that he is going to lift you up, so it is? God has never and will NEVER make a promise that's too good to be true! Romans 4: 19-21 “And he did not weaken in faith when considering his body, which was already as dead (being almost a hundred years old), or the sterility of Sarah's womb. He also did not doubt, through unbelief, the promise of God, but he was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, fully convinced that he was also able to do all that he had promised; " Don't let your faith weaken, Abraham did not doubt, he was strengthened by having faith! Are you doing the same? Are you filling yourself with faith or doubts? How did he not doubt, and strengthen himself in faith? He gave glory to God. He begins to give glory to God for the miracle that is on the way He begins to give thanks before seeing the miracle. Focus on the miracle that is coming. Because gratitude precedes the miracle. Do you believe that God has the power to fulfill what He has promised you? Yes? So why do you still not walk with all the faith? Mark 9: 23-24 “Jesus said to him: If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. And immediately the boy's father cried out and said: I believe; help my unbelief. * BY NOW,IT SHOULD BE ABUNDANTLY CLEAR,WHY THE MESSAGE IS A STERN REBUKE TO ME FROM DAD,OUR DAD...HOW CAN SOMEONE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THIS SACRED TRUTHS OF ALL TIME BUCKLE DOWN FOR THE DEVIL?* I PRAY I RECEIVE STRENGTH TO GET UP AND FIGHT ON....SO DO I PRAY FOR YOU OUT THERE WHO MAY BE IN THE SAME SHOES,AMEN! I think it would be justified to arm and equip ourselves with these timelessly sacred words of the scriptures... GOD'S WORD; 33. Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. (Heb 11: 33-34) May this be our testimony in this race towards the perfect Man,Amen🙇🙏!
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    My major pain tonight is how easy it was for the devil to infiltrate the lives of these pastors bringing shame to the Body of Christ Jesus. I do thank God sincerely that one of the biggest fishes that the enemy thought he has caught has backtracked and publicly apologized to the flock under his care(he was an invisible mentor to me, because he inspired me greatly), thus it was so painful to see the traits of the world beginning to appear in him. I really do appreciate his courage, because in him I see the first fruit of the mandate. He is in my prayers, even as he's a gaffer for others.

    Why was it easy for him to retreat? It's because he was qualified by God to occupy that position. This isn't to say some aren't qualified, but, they're held firmly in the enemy's grip, and do not see nor agree that they are no more on the same page with the ONE Who called them. They mistake their worldly acquisitions and large congregations as a sign of God's approval. YOUR EARTHLY DELIGHTS AND ACQUISITIONS ARE A NO, NO FOR GOD, FOR YOU AREN'T GOING TO MEET HIM WITH THAT GARBAGE!

    Our assignment today is to use God's Word to provide the attributes that a leader of God's flock should possess, not titles or certificates.
    The Bible specifically speaks about the qualifications for those who will lead a congregation of people. These qualifications have been the same for almost 2,000 years. Christ Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of these qualifications as the *Senior Pastor* of the Church.

    We shall be relying on these two scriptures...(Titus 1:6, 7; 1 Tim 3:2)
    This is the overarching, summarizing characteristic.
    The two scriptures show that Biblical qualifications for leaders in the church are deeply intertwined with the Gospel, which should be reflected in their character, behaviors, and relationships.

    Summarily, these are the main and necessary attributes we ought to possess before we can successfully lead God's flock. Without these basic yet extremely important attributes, it won't take long before the enemy dismantles our defenses and craftily forces us to tow his line. BUT THAT IS NOT OUR PORTION IN CHRIST JESUS' NAME,AMEN!

    Noble Task: Eldership is viewed as a noble and beautiful responsibility, analogous to Christ Jesus giving Himself for His people, emphasizing a leader’s calling involves joy and sacrifice.

    Above Reproach: Leaders must maintain a lifestyle that promotes the Gospel, avoiding actions that could bring disrepute to their ministry. Today, it's from one scandal to another for church leaders. Though we deny, and fool ourselves the more by jumping to human courts whose history we all know, the highest bidder wins. In almost every rumour,there tends to be an element of truth. The most reason our lives must be above reproach.

    Marital Fidelity: The faithfulness and love of a pastor towards his wife exemplify the relationship between Christ Jesus and the church, portraying the importance of strong marital commitment. We here the shameful news of pastors sleeping with either church members or outside the church. Divorces have become a common spectacle in pastors' homes... how can you, that pastor(male or female) intervene in members marital squabbls?

    Family Leadership: Fathers must model gospel principles at home, demonstrating God’s order and care through their parenting, reflected in their children's behavior. This is one of the most successful areas for the devil. Inflicting the spirit of the age on our children to tarnish our reputations. But we mustn't give up...this is an area where we must so much depend on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit...Rom.8:26. My personal experience here is very horrible, from the moment I had the auto accident that crippled me. But, leaning on the Holy Spirit has continued to strengthen me to hold on.

    Stewardship: Leaders should recognize that all resources belong to God and be responsible stewards of those resources for His glory. THIS IS A TOUGH AREA FOR THE FRONTLINE PASTORS, THAT'S SERIOUSLY OFFENDING OUR FATHER. Are we caring for the less privileged in the household of faith,much less outside the faith. If we had been faithful and transparent with the church finances, and readily available to the less privileged amongst us, THE NUMEROUS DEBATES ON TITHING AND OFFERINGS THAT'S CREATED SERIOUS DIVISION WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE CHURCH,WOULD NEVER HAVE RISEN.

    Humility: A Gospel leader must exhibit humility, recognizing their dependence on grace and approaching others with gentleness and a spirit of restoration. Oftentimes,our own members go to other pastors when in need of advice and encouragement, because of their inability to access us, because of the subtle arrogance success has bequeathed on us.

    Gentleness: Patterns of gentleness, modeled after Christ Jesus, are essential qualities for church leaders, contrasting with quick-tempered or harsh behaviors.

    Substance Independence: Leaders should find joy and fulfillment in the Holy Spirit rather than in addictions or indulgences, demonstrating moderation and self-control.

    Peace Pursuit: Leaders reflect Christ Jesus' role as the Prince of Peace, actively working towards reconciliation and harmony within the church.

    Generosity and Hospitality: A commitment to financial integrity and generosity, coupled with the practice of radical hospitality, conveys the open-hearted nature of the gospel.

    These insights collectively highlight how truly embodying the gospel transforms the characteristics and responsibilities of church leaders.

    Please, let us identify our various areas weakness (weak spots) through which the enemy has been kicking us like a football and strengthen them with full dependence on the FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD in us, Amen !
    HIS WORD ABOVE HIS NAME [PS.138:2] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 CHRISTIANITY IS UNDER SEVERE ATTACK! ********************************** CUSTODIANS OF GOD'S WORD ARE FIGHTING THEMSELVES,LED ON BY THE DEVIL! 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 We all are witnesses to the drastic change taking place in the Christianity landscape. Doesn't anyone see the handwriting on the wall,that the devil is the one orchestrating and instigating this abnormalities. Anyone following us should know that we have been EXPRESSING GOD'S DISPLEASURE OVER HIS CHURCH, INCLUDING THE POLITICIANS THEY ALLOWED INTO INTO THEIR LIVES, AND THE CONSEQUENCES ATTACHED. A FEW DAYS AFTER, TWO JUDGES OUT OF THE FIVE THAT PRESIDED OVER THE ELECTION AT THE APEX COURT DIED MYSTERIOUSLY ON THE SAME NIGHT. WE ALSO REVEAL THAT, EXCEPT THERE'S REPENTANCE THERE ARE TWO OR MORE THAT ARE STANDING BY THEIR SIX FEET. ON THE FIRST DAY OF 2025, THREE PASTORS DIED IN ONE DAY... IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE!!! My major pain tonight is how easy it was for the devil to infiltrate the lives of these pastors bringing shame to the Body of Christ Jesus. I do thank God sincerely that one of the biggest fishes that the enemy thought he has caught has backtracked and publicly apologized to the flock under his care(he was an invisible mentor to me, because he inspired me greatly), thus it was so painful to see the traits of the world beginning to appear in him. I really do appreciate his courage, because in him I see the first fruit of the mandate. He is in my prayers, even as he's a gaffer for others. Why was it easy for him to retreat? It's because he was qualified by God to occupy that position. This isn't to say some aren't qualified, but, they're held firmly in the enemy's grip, and do not see nor agree that they are no more on the same page with the ONE Who called them. They mistake their worldly acquisitions and large congregations as a sign of God's approval. YOUR EARTHLY DELIGHTS AND ACQUISITIONS ARE A NO, NO FOR GOD, FOR YOU AREN'T GOING TO MEET HIM WITH THAT GARBAGE! Our assignment today is to use God's Word to provide the attributes that a leader of God's flock should possess, not titles or certificates. The Bible specifically speaks about the qualifications for those who will lead a congregation of people. These qualifications have been the same for almost 2,000 years. Christ Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of these qualifications as the *Senior Pastor* of the Church. We shall be relying on these two scriptures...(Titus 1:6, 7; 1 Tim 3:2) This is the overarching, summarizing characteristic. The two scriptures show that Biblical qualifications for leaders in the church are deeply intertwined with the Gospel, which should be reflected in their character, behaviors, and relationships. Summarily, these are the main and necessary attributes we ought to possess before we can successfully lead God's flock. Without these basic yet extremely important attributes, it won't take long before the enemy dismantles our defenses and craftily forces us to tow his line. BUT THAT IS NOT OUR PORTION IN CHRIST JESUS' NAME,AMEN! 👉Noble Task: Eldership is viewed as a noble and beautiful responsibility, analogous to Christ Jesus giving Himself for His people, emphasizing a leader’s calling involves joy and sacrifice. 👉Above Reproach: Leaders must maintain a lifestyle that promotes the Gospel, avoiding actions that could bring disrepute to their ministry. Today, it's from one scandal to another for church leaders. Though we deny, and fool ourselves the more by jumping to human courts whose history we all know, the highest bidder wins. In almost every rumour,there tends to be an element of truth. The most reason our lives must be above reproach. 👉Marital Fidelity: The faithfulness and love of a pastor towards his wife exemplify the relationship between Christ Jesus and the church, portraying the importance of strong marital commitment. We here the shameful news of pastors sleeping with either church members or outside the church. Divorces have become a common spectacle in pastors' homes... how can you, that pastor(male or female) intervene in members marital squabbls? 👉Family Leadership: Fathers must model gospel principles at home, demonstrating God’s order and care through their parenting, reflected in their children's behavior. This is one of the most successful areas for the devil. Inflicting the spirit of the age on our children to tarnish our reputations. But we mustn't give up...this is an area where we must so much depend on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit...Rom.8:26. My personal experience here is very horrible, from the moment I had the auto accident that crippled me. But, leaning on the Holy Spirit has continued to strengthen me to hold on. 👉Stewardship: Leaders should recognize that all resources belong to God and be responsible stewards of those resources for His glory. THIS IS A TOUGH AREA FOR THE FRONTLINE PASTORS, THAT'S SERIOUSLY OFFENDING OUR FATHER. Are we caring for the less privileged in the household of faith,much less outside the faith. If we had been faithful and transparent with the church finances, and readily available to the less privileged amongst us, THE NUMEROUS DEBATES ON TITHING AND OFFERINGS THAT'S CREATED SERIOUS DIVISION WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE CHURCH,WOULD NEVER HAVE RISEN. 👉Humility: A Gospel leader must exhibit humility, recognizing their dependence on grace and approaching others with gentleness and a spirit of restoration. Oftentimes,our own members go to other pastors when in need of advice and encouragement, because of their inability to access us, because of the subtle arrogance success has bequeathed on us. 👉Gentleness: Patterns of gentleness, modeled after Christ Jesus, are essential qualities for church leaders, contrasting with quick-tempered or harsh behaviors. 👉Substance Independence: Leaders should find joy and fulfillment in the Holy Spirit rather than in addictions or indulgences, demonstrating moderation and self-control. 👉 Peace Pursuit: Leaders reflect Christ Jesus' role as the Prince of Peace, actively working towards reconciliation and harmony within the church. 👉 Generosity and Hospitality: A commitment to financial integrity and generosity, coupled with the practice of radical hospitality, conveys the open-hearted nature of the gospel. These insights collectively highlight how truly embodying the gospel transforms the characteristics and responsibilities of church leaders. Please, let us identify our various areas weakness (weak spots) through which the enemy has been kicking us like a football and strengthen them with full dependence on the FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD in us, Amen 🙇🙏!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5189 Visualizações



    My major pain tonight is how easy it was for the devil to infiltrate the lives of these pastors bringing shame to the Body of Christ Jesus. I do thank God sincerely that one of the biggest fishes that the enemy thought he has caught has backtracked and publicly apologized to the flock under his care(he was an invisible mentor to me, because he inspired me greatly), thus it was so painful to see the traits of the world beginning to appear in him. I really do appreciate his courage, because in him I see the first fruit of the mandate. He is in my prayers, even as he's a gaffer for others.

    Why was it easy for him to retreat? It's because he was qualified by God to occupy that position. This isn't to say some aren't qualified, but, they're held firmly in the enemy's grip, and do not see nor agree that they are no more on the same page with the ONE Who called them. They mistake their worldly acquisitions and large congregations as a sign of God's approval. YOUR EARTHLY DELIGHTS AND ACQUISITIONS ARE A NO, NO FOR GOD, FOR YOU AREN'T GOING TO MEET HIM WITH THAT GARBAGE!

    Our assignment today is to use God's Word to provide the attributes that a leader of God's flock should possess, not titles or certificates.
    The Bible specifically speaks about the qualifications for those who will lead a congregation of people. These qualifications have been the same for almost 2,000 years. Christ Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of these qualifications as the *Senior Pastor* of the Church.

    We shall be relying on these two scriptures...(Titus 1:6, 7; 1 Tim 3:2)
    This is the overarching, summarizing characteristic.
    The two scriptures show that Biblical qualifications for leaders in the church are deeply intertwined with the Gospel, which should be reflected in their character, behaviors, and relationships.

    Summarily, these are the main and necessary attributes we ought to possess before we can successfully lead God's flock. Without these basic yet extremely important attributes, it won't take long before the enemy dismantles our defenses and craftily forces us to tow his line. BUT THAT IS NOT OUR PORTION IN CHRIST JESUS' NAME,AMEN!

    Noble Task: Eldership is viewed as a noble and beautiful responsibility, analogous to Christ Jesus giving Himself for His people, emphasizing a leader’s calling involves joy and sacrifice.

    Above Reproach: Leaders must maintain a lifestyle that promotes the Gospel, avoiding actions that could bring disrepute to their ministry. Today, it's from one scandal to another for church leaders. Though we deny, and fool ourselves the more by jumping to human courts whose history we all know, the highest bidder wins. In almost every rumour,there tends to be an element of truth. The most reason our lives must be above reproach.

    Marital Fidelity: The faithfulness and love of a pastor towards his wife exemplify the relationship between Christ Jesus and the church, portraying the importance of strong marital commitment. We here the shameful news of pastors sleeping with either church members or outside the church. Divorces have become a common spectacle in pastors' homes... how can you, that pastor(male or female) intervene in members marital squabbls?

    Family Leadership: Fathers must model gospel principles at home, demonstrating God’s order and care through their parenting, reflected in their children's behavior. This is one of the most successful areas for the devil. Inflicting the spirit of the age on our children to tarnish our reputations. But we mustn't give up...this is an area where we must so much depend on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit...Rom.8:26. My personal experience here is very horrible, from the moment I had the auto accident that crippled me. But, leaning on the Holy Spirit has continued to strengthen me to hold on.

    Stewardship: Leaders should recognize that all resources belong to God and be responsible stewards of those resources for His glory. THIS IS A TOUGH AREA FOR THE FRONTLINE PASTORS, THAT'S SERIOUSLY OFFENDING OUR FATHER. Are we caring for the less privileged in the household of faith,much less outside the faith. If we had been faithful and transparent with the church finances, and readily available to the less privileged amongst us, THE NUMEROUS DEBATES ON TITHING AND OFFERINGS THAT'S CREATED SERIOUS DIVISION WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE CHURCH,WOULD NEVER HAVE RISEN.

    Humility: A Gospel leader must exhibit humility, recognizing their dependence on grace and approaching others with gentleness and a spirit of restoration. Oftentimes,our own members go to other pastors when in need of advice and encouragement, because of their inability to access us, because of the subtle arrogance success has bequeathed on us.

    Gentleness: Patterns of gentleness, modeled after Christ Jesus, are essential qualities for church leaders, contrasting with quick-tempered or harsh behaviors.

    Substance Independence: Leaders should find joy and fulfillment in the Holy Spirit rather than in addictions or indulgences, demonstrating moderation and self-control.

    Peace Pursuit: Leaders reflect Christ Jesus' role as the Prince of Peace, actively working towards reconciliation and harmony within the church.

    Generosity and Hospitality: A commitment to financial integrity and generosity, coupled with the practice of radical hospitality, conveys the open-hearted nature of the gospel.

    These insights collectively highlight how truly embodying the gospel transforms the characteristics and responsibilities of church leaders.

    Please, let us identify our various areas weakness (weak spots) through which the enemy has been kicking us like a football and strengthen them with full dependence on the FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD in us, Amen !
    HIS WORD ABOVE HIS NAME [PS.138:2] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 CHRISTIANITY IS UNDER SEVERE ATTACK! ********************************** CUSTODIANS OF GOD'S WORD ARE FIGHTING THEMSELVES,LED ON BY THE DEVIL! 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 We all are witnesses to the drastic change taking place in the Christianity landscape. Doesn't anyone see the handwriting on the wall,that the devil is the one orchestrating and instigating this abnormalities. Anyone following us should know that we have been EXPRESSING GOD'S DISPLEASURE OVER HIS CHURCH, INCLUDING THE POLITICIANS THEY ALLOWED INTO INTO THEIR LIVES, AND THE CONSEQUENCES ATTACHED. A FEW DAYS AFTER, TWO JUDGES OUT OF THE FIVE THAT PRESIDED OVER THE ELECTION AT THE APEX COURT DIED MYSTERIOUSLY ON THE SAME NIGHT. WE ALSO REVEAL THAT, EXCEPT THERE'S REPENTANCE THERE ARE TWO OR MORE THAT ARE STANDING BY THEIR SIX FEET. ON THE FIRST DAY OF 2025, THREE PASTORS DIED IN ONE DAY... IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE!!! My major pain tonight is how easy it was for the devil to infiltrate the lives of these pastors bringing shame to the Body of Christ Jesus. I do thank God sincerely that one of the biggest fishes that the enemy thought he has caught has backtracked and publicly apologized to the flock under his care(he was an invisible mentor to me, because he inspired me greatly), thus it was so painful to see the traits of the world beginning to appear in him. I really do appreciate his courage, because in him I see the first fruit of the mandate. He is in my prayers, even as he's a gaffer for others. Why was it easy for him to retreat? It's because he was qualified by God to occupy that position. This isn't to say some aren't qualified, but, they're held firmly in the enemy's grip, and do not see nor agree that they are no more on the same page with the ONE Who called them. They mistake their worldly acquisitions and large congregations as a sign of God's approval. YOUR EARTHLY DELIGHTS AND ACQUISITIONS ARE A NO, NO FOR GOD, FOR YOU AREN'T GOING TO MEET HIM WITH THAT GARBAGE! Our assignment today is to use God's Word to provide the attributes that a leader of God's flock should possess, not titles or certificates. The Bible specifically speaks about the qualifications for those who will lead a congregation of people. These qualifications have been the same for almost 2,000 years. Christ Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of these qualifications as the *Senior Pastor* of the Church. We shall be relying on these two scriptures...(Titus 1:6, 7; 1 Tim 3:2) This is the overarching, summarizing characteristic. The two scriptures show that Biblical qualifications for leaders in the church are deeply intertwined with the Gospel, which should be reflected in their character, behaviors, and relationships. Summarily, these are the main and necessary attributes we ought to possess before we can successfully lead God's flock. Without these basic yet extremely important attributes, it won't take long before the enemy dismantles our defenses and craftily forces us to tow his line. BUT THAT IS NOT OUR PORTION IN CHRIST JESUS' NAME,AMEN! 👉Noble Task: Eldership is viewed as a noble and beautiful responsibility, analogous to Christ Jesus giving Himself for His people, emphasizing a leader’s calling involves joy and sacrifice. 👉Above Reproach: Leaders must maintain a lifestyle that promotes the Gospel, avoiding actions that could bring disrepute to their ministry. Today, it's from one scandal to another for church leaders. Though we deny, and fool ourselves the more by jumping to human courts whose history we all know, the highest bidder wins. In almost every rumour,there tends to be an element of truth. The most reason our lives must be above reproach. 👉Marital Fidelity: The faithfulness and love of a pastor towards his wife exemplify the relationship between Christ Jesus and the church, portraying the importance of strong marital commitment. We here the shameful news of pastors sleeping with either church members or outside the church. Divorces have become a common spectacle in pastors' homes... how can you, that pastor(male or female) intervene in members marital squabbls? 👉Family Leadership: Fathers must model gospel principles at home, demonstrating God’s order and care through their parenting, reflected in their children's behavior. This is one of the most successful areas for the devil. Inflicting the spirit of the age on our children to tarnish our reputations. But we mustn't give up...this is an area where we must so much depend on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit...Rom.8:26. My personal experience here is very horrible, from the moment I had the auto accident that crippled me. But, leaning on the Holy Spirit has continued to strengthen me to hold on. 👉Stewardship: Leaders should recognize that all resources belong to God and be responsible stewards of those resources for His glory. THIS IS A TOUGH AREA FOR THE FRONTLINE PASTORS, THAT'S SERIOUSLY OFFENDING OUR FATHER. Are we caring for the less privileged in the household of faith,much less outside the faith. If we had been faithful and transparent with the church finances, and readily available to the less privileged amongst us, THE NUMEROUS DEBATES ON TITHING AND OFFERINGS THAT'S CREATED SERIOUS DIVISION WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE CHURCH,WOULD NEVER HAVE RISEN. 👉Humility: A Gospel leader must exhibit humility, recognizing their dependence on grace and approaching others with gentleness and a spirit of restoration. Oftentimes,our own members go to other pastors when in need of advice and encouragement, because of their inability to access us, because of the subtle arrogance success has bequeathed on us. 👉Gentleness: Patterns of gentleness, modeled after Christ Jesus, are essential qualities for church leaders, contrasting with quick-tempered or harsh behaviors. 👉Substance Independence: Leaders should find joy and fulfillment in the Holy Spirit rather than in addictions or indulgences, demonstrating moderation and self-control. 👉 Peace Pursuit: Leaders reflect Christ Jesus' role as the Prince of Peace, actively working towards reconciliation and harmony within the church. 👉 Generosity and Hospitality: A commitment to financial integrity and generosity, coupled with the practice of radical hospitality, conveys the open-hearted nature of the gospel. These insights collectively highlight how truly embodying the gospel transforms the characteristics and responsibilities of church leaders. Please, let us identify our various areas weakness (weak spots) through which the enemy has been kicking us like a football and strengthen them with full dependence on the FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD in us, Amen 🙇🙏!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5173 Visualizações
  • Brand New Probiotics Specially Designed For The Health Of Your Teeth And Gums:

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    ProDentim Gummies Reviews - ProDentim is a dental that comes as a chewable tablet that claims to improve your dental health. Read its ingredients, dosage, pros & cons, customer reviews, cost, side effects, and more.

    Prodentim Supplement is a dietary supplement specifically designed to support dental health. It is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients that are believed to promote oral hygiene and support overall gum and teeth health.

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    But recent studies have shown that the imbalance in the number of bacteria is due to the significantly reduced number of good bacteria in the mouth and the fact the use of different agents to keep the mouth clean has a part in this due to the different toxic ingredients present in it.

    ProDentim oral health tablet is a well-sought combination of ingredients that are known to have an effect on the overall health and wellness of the oral microbiome.

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    Promotes Oral Hygiene: The probiotics present in Prodentim Supplement may help maintain a healthy balance of oral microflora, which is essential for good oral hygiene.

    In conclusion, Prodentim Supplement is a dental health supplement that aims to support gum health, maintain healthy teeth, and promote oral hygiene. With its blend of natural ingredients, including vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, zinc, cranberry extract, and probiotics, Prodentim Supplement offers potential benefits for those seeking to enhance their dental health. As with any dietary supplement, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting it.

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    Brand New Probiotics Specially Designed For The Health Of Your Teeth And Gums: ProDentim Supplement comprises many nutrients, including a proprietary blend of inulin, malic acid, spearmint and so on. It has many beneficial properties for your teeth and gums. ProDentim Gummies Reviews - ProDentim is a dental that comes as a chewable tablet that claims to improve your dental health. Read its ingredients, dosage, pros & cons, customer reviews, cost, side effects, and more. Prodentim Supplement is a dietary supplement specifically designed to support dental health. It is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients that are believed to promote oral hygiene and support overall gum and teeth health. What Is ProDentim? As mentioned, ProDentim is one of the most talked about oral supplements that is available in the market now. The use of the formula is said to protect the microbiome population in the oral cavity which can be reduced by the use of different chemicals or other substances that we use to keep our mouth clean. While oral cleanliness is important, what we should not forget is the fact that the mouth also has a huge population of bacteria that are beneficial to the body. With the combination of some of the best ingredients along with 3.5 billion probiotics and nutrients, the ProDentim oral care formula helps restore and ensure the health of your mouth. How Does The ProDentim Oral Health Supplement Work? For years, we were taught that the issues associated with poor health were the result of bad bacteria, and in order to keep these bad bacteria away, we use different kinds of agents like toothpaste and mouthwash. But recent studies have shown that the imbalance in the number of bacteria is due to the significantly reduced number of good bacteria in the mouth and the fact the use of different agents to keep the mouth clean has a part in this due to the different toxic ingredients present in it. ProDentim oral health tablet is a well-sought combination of ingredients that are known to have an effect on the overall health and wellness of the oral microbiome. What are the Prodentim Benefits? Prodentim Supplement offers several potential benefits for dental health.Some of the key benefits of Prodentim include: Supports Gum Health: The blend of ingredients in Prodentim Supplement, such as coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C, may help support gum health and reduce inflammation. Maintains Healthy Teeth: The inclusion of zinc and cranberry extract in the formula may contribute to maintaining healthy teeth by preventing plaque formation. Promotes Oral Hygiene: The probiotics present in Prodentim Supplement may help maintain a healthy balance of oral microflora, which is essential for good oral hygiene. In conclusion, Prodentim Supplement is a dental health supplement that aims to support gum health, maintain healthy teeth, and promote oral hygiene. With its blend of natural ingredients, including vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, zinc, cranberry extract, and probiotics, Prodentim Supplement offers potential benefits for those seeking to enhance their dental health. As with any dietary supplement, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting it. Click To Visit The Official Website Of ProDentim: https://tinyurl.com/s7we49wr #prodentimsupplement #dentalhealth #gumhealth #healthyteeth #oralhygience
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2564 Visualizações
  • Men And Women Who Are Looking To Get A Rounder, Firmer, Stronger BUTT:

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    Weak glutes are often the "hidden" factor in most injuries, including poor posture, lower back pain, knee pain, hamstring strains, muscle imbalances and lower body injury.

    Ever suffered a long-term injury that simply won’t go away no matter how much you treat the area of pain? It could be a cause of weak glutes.

    A saggy or non-existent butt can be embarrassing. But when you’re denied a strong, round butt it’s a reminder every time you catch yourself in the mirror that your efforts are producing zero effects, leaving you frustrated and angry.

    When your glutes lose strength, it affects your whole body. Other muscles are forced to compensate, causing imbalances and severe health consequences.

    Here are just some problems associated with weak glutes:
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    “Flat butt syndrome”
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    Knee pain
    Hamstring strains
    Hip pain
    Some upper body pains
    Lower extremities injuries
    Patellofemoral pain syndrome
    ACL sprains
    Ankle instability
    Iliotibial band friction syndrome
    Poor posture
    Muscle imbalance

    Your Glutes Are The Powerhouse Of Your Body.
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    Strengthen your glutes, and you will run faster, you will jump higher, you will throw harder.

    If this is a SHOCK to you, don’t worry - I’ve got your back. I’ve unlocked the secret to sculpting powerful glutes and a strong butt, and in a moment I’ll share it with you.

    It shocks me seeing so many people making mistake after mistake hitting their glutes - through no fault of their own. They’re stuck in a rut of working harder and harder, yet don’t understand why they’re still left with a flat, saggy, ugly butt and nothing to show for it.

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    Men And Women Who Are Looking To Get A Rounder, Firmer, Stronger BUTT: You’ll NEVER Get A Great Butt With Weak Glutes. Weak glutes are often the "hidden" factor in most injuries, including poor posture, lower back pain, knee pain, hamstring strains, muscle imbalances and lower body injury. Ever suffered a long-term injury that simply won’t go away no matter how much you treat the area of pain? It could be a cause of weak glutes. A saggy or non-existent butt can be embarrassing. But when you’re denied a strong, round butt it’s a reminder every time you catch yourself in the mirror that your efforts are producing zero effects, leaving you frustrated and angry. When your glutes lose strength, it affects your whole body. Other muscles are forced to compensate, causing imbalances and severe health consequences. Here are just some problems associated with weak glutes: Reduced power Diminished athletic performance “Flat butt syndrome” Low back pain Leg pain Knee pain Hamstring strains Hip pain Some upper body pains Lower extremities injuries Patellofemoral pain syndrome ACL sprains Ankle instability Iliotibial band friction syndrome Poor posture Muscle imbalance Your Glutes Are The Powerhouse Of Your Body. Everything flows from this area. Whether you’re walking, running, climbing, jumping, stepping, sitting or even just standing without moving, your glutes are involved. The stronger your glutes, the more efficient your movement. Strengthen your glutes, and you will run faster, you will jump higher, you will throw harder. If this is a SHOCK to you, don’t worry - I’ve got your back. I’ve unlocked the secret to sculpting powerful glutes and a strong butt, and in a moment I’ll share it with you. It shocks me seeing so many people making mistake after mistake hitting their glutes - through no fault of their own. They’re stuck in a rut of working harder and harder, yet don’t understand why they’re still left with a flat, saggy, ugly butt and nothing to show for it. Benefits of Unlock Your Glutes: Release tight muscles preventing your glutes from growing Develop a strong mind-body connection Release undue pressure from your back and knees Improve your strength to lift a heavy object off the ground Boost circulation in the lower body Improve your energy levels Visit Here for More Information: https://tinyurl.com/mpzrnzx9 #unlockglutes #energylevels #improvestrength #backandknees #releasetightmuscle
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2532 Visualizações
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    There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore...

    Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19)

    To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE*

    In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5).
    Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date.
    16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
    17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17)

    But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26)

    Back to our subject;

    If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice.

    The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power.

    And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament.

    However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry.
    Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

    Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).

    Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6).

    Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19).

    Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

    We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit.
    Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself.

    We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship.
    I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21).

    Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives?

    There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit.
    May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead!
    EVEN IN A DEVIL MESSED UP WORLD, CHRIST JESUS EXPECTS US TO BE CLEAN! (ROM.2:1) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 ON QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT! (1THESS. 5:19) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore... Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19) To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE* In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5). Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date. 16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26) Back to our subject; If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice. The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power. And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament. However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 👉We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry. Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11). 👉Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). 👉Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6). 👉Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19). 👉Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit. Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself. 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship. I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21). Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives? There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit. May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead! Amen🙏🙇!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4925 Visualizações


    There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore...

    Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19)

    To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE*

    In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5).
    Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date.
    16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
    17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17)

    But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26)

    Back to our subject;

    If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice.

    The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power.

    And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament.

    However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry.
    Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

    Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).

    Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6).

    Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19).

    Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

    We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit.
    Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself.

    We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship.
    I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21).

    Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives?

    There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit.
    May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead!
    EVEN IN A DEVIL MESSED UP WORLD, CHRIST JESUS EXPECTS US TO BE CLEAN! (ROM.2:1) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 ON QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT! (1THESS. 5:19) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore... Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19) To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE* In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5). Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date. 16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26) Back to our subject; If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice. The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power. And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament. However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 👉We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry. Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11). 👉Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). 👉Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6). 👉Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19). 👉Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit. Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself. 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship. I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21). Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives? There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit. May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead! Amen🙏🙇!
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    Abraham had been a truly international figure, having traveled throughout the "Fertile Crescent" from Babylon to Aram Naharayim, throughout the Land of Israel and down into Egypt. Jacob too traveled to Aram and to Egypt. However, since the time of the entry of the Israelites into their Land, their main preoccupation had been to battle against their immediate neighbors – the Canaanites, Philistines, Moabites and Ammonites – in order to maintain their hold over the Promised Land.

    It was through the victories of David over all Israel's enemies that an entirely new international vista opened up in the time of Solomon, whose "empire" or "sphere of influence" extended over the entire swathe of territory promised to Abraham "from the river of Egypt to the Great river, the Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18; cf. I Kings 5:1 & 3).

    Our text evokes Solomon's opulent royal lifestyle (vv 2-3) including his ownership of multiple thousands of horses (v 6), which despite being prohibited to the king by the Torah (Deut. 17:16) remain a mark of royalty until today. While the various nations that comprised Solomon's empire paid taxes and gifts, this was not an exploitative colonial empire or one that kept its grip through military force alone. For "he had PEACE on all sides around" (v 4) – a situation that modern Israel can only envy, having experienced no peace for a single moment since the inception of the state and for years and years before it.

    Our text testifies that the very key to Solomon's influence over this great area of territory as well as over the neighboring foreign powers lay in his unique, God-given WISDOM, which "exceeded the wisdom of all the children of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. And he was wiser than every man (ADAM), than Eitan the Ezrahi and Heyman and Khulkol and Darda the sons of Mahol…" While the simple explanation is that these last names are those of the leading Levite Temple singers of the time, the Midrash identifies "every man" with ADAM, Eitan with Abraham, Heyman with Moses, Khulkol with Joseph and Darda with the Generation of the Wilderness (DOR DE'AH, "generation of KNOWLEDGE), who were "children of forgiveness" (MEHILA).

    Most of the narrative in the book of Kings portrays Solomon and his achievements from the outside, but his true wisdom shines forth in his surviving literary creations alluded to in verse 12: Proverbs, Song of Songs and Koheles (=Ecclesiastes). Most translations render ALAPHIM and ELEPH in this verse as "thousand(s)", but Rashi relates them to the same root as in ULPAN meaning "education": the verse thus speaks of three EDUCATIONAL ORDERS of Proverbs (the expression MISHLEY SHLOMO appears three times in the book of Proverbs); these, together with Song of Songs and Koheles constitute the FIVE orders of Solomon's "song". According to the simple meaning of ELEPH as 1,000, Rashi brings the Midrash that Solomon taught three thousand parables on every single verse of the Torah and gave 1,005 explanations of each parable (see Rashi on vv 11-12). "He spoke about the trees from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that comes out of the wall" (before God, the highest and the lowest are equal, Bamidbar Rabba 13). According to Rashi this verse means that not only did Solomon understand the healing properties of all the different trees and plants and exactly how to cultivate them, but that he also explained why the purification of the leper involves the cedar and the hyssop (Lev. 14:4). "He spoke about the animals and birds and creeping creatures and fish…" (v 13): not only did he understand all their different qualities, but also why the SHECHITAH of animals requires the cutting of both the windpipe and the gullet, while that of birds requires the cutting of only one, and why locusts and fish do not require SHECHITAH at all… (Rashi on v 14).


    The tragic history of modern Lebanon has overshadowed the one-time greatness of this very beautiful country with its once very extensive forests. While Sidon was established by the firstborn son of Canaan (Gen. 10:15), the city of Tyre to its south was an immensely powerful city state built up by the Phoenicians, whose prosperity was founded on the magnificent tall trees out of which they built the ships they used to develop a trade empire throughout the Mediterranean area and beyond.

    While Hiram king of Tyre is a legendary figure (particularly in the lore of freemasonry, where he is seen as the "father" of the Temple), Ibn Ezra (on Genesis 41:10) views Hiram as the generic name of all the kings of Tyre just as Pharaoh was the generic name of all the kings of Egypt. In later Biblical times Tyre saw Jerusalem as a dangerous rival and hoped to benefit from its destruction (cf. Ezekiel 26:2, "I shall be filled from her destruction"), but the Hiram who befriended King David and King Solomon was – from the testimony of our text – a believer in the One God who (unlike the nations of today) REJOICED when he heard that Solomon wanted to build Him a Temple in Jerusalem (v 20).

    Hiram struck a Covenant with Solomon (v 26) inaugurating the first ever venture in international cooperation to build God's Temple. Hiram provided the timber and stone that were the building materials for the Temple in return for very ample supplies of choice wheat and olive oil that were the specialty of Israel. The lumber was tied up to form rafts that were floated down the Mediterranean from the coast of Lebanon to the point nearest to Jerusalem on the Israeli coast. From there it was transported by land to the site of the Temple. The 70,000 "porters" and 80,000 "excavators" who extracted and transported the massive stones for the Temple were GERIM GERURIM – would-be converts who were not admitted into the Assembly of Israel (as no full converts were accepted in the time of Solomon, see commentary on I Kings ch 3) but were nevertheless allowed to participate in the enterprise of building of God's House of Prayer for all the Nations.


    The building of the Temple commenced in the fourth year of Solomon's reign, 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt and 440 years after the people's entry into the Land. The actualization of this project to join Heaven and Earth took a total of seven years (vv 37-8).

    In his work on the "Secrets of the Future Temple" (Mishkeney Elyon) the outstanding 18th century Kabbalistic sage R. Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto explains that creation has two roots: the "revealed root" of HOKHMAH ("wisdom") and the "concealed" root of KETER ("the crown"). The two roots are alluded to in the first letter of the first word of the Torah, the Beis (=2) of Bereishis, "In the beginning".

    "Know too that the sin of Adam spoiled everything and caused all perfection to become concealed, with the result that the world was not even able to return to its previous state [i.e. the level of Wisdom] except in the days of Solomon, when the Temple was first built. Thus it is written: 'And God gave wisdom to Solomon' (I Kings 5:26). For then Wisdom was revealed in all its beauty and radiant glory, enabling all the lights to shine with great strength and joy. In those days, on every level in all the worlds there was only holy power and delight the like of which had never been seen. Even so, because everything was based only on Wisdom and did not reach the ultimate goal [of Keter], this peace and tranquility came to an end and the Temple was destroyed. But in time to come, when the hidden beginning I mentioned [Keter] is revealed, the happiness will be far, far greater, and it will never cease" (Ramchal, Secrets of the Future Temple).

    Although Ramchal's work – which explains in detail the "sacred geometry" that underlies the design of the Temple – is primarily concerned with the FUTURE Temple as depicted by Ezekiel (chs 40ff), the principles on which it is based apply also to the Temple of Solomon, all of whose chambers, walls, gates and courtyards in all their various dimensions allude to and EMBODY IN STONE the various divine attributes as they relate to one another.

    Besides the information about Solomon's Temple contained in our text, we have detailed supplementary information in Maseches MIDDOS, the Mishnaic Tractate of "Measurements", which deals with the design of the Second Temple, which was mostly modeled on the first. The rabbinic commentators wrote entire treatises about the structure of the Temple.

    The Temple had very distinctive features, such as its windows, which were "wide open from the outside but closed and narrow on the inside" (v 4). This was because the Temple had no need for the light from the outside, since it was lit from within (both by the Candelabra and by the spiritual light that shined in it): on the contrary, light emanated FROM the Temple windows OUTWARDS.

    Another distinctive feature was that as the very center of world peace, the Temple was a place where it was not fitting for the sound of metal hammers and axes to be heard (v 7) since metal is the material of weapons of war. All the stones were cut and dressed outside the Temple, and Solomon also miraculously found the Shamir worm, which would silently eat its way across a stone so as to split it just as it had cut the stones of the gems in the High Priest's breastplate in the days of Moses. (This is not a worm that is easy to find; Sotah 48b, Gittin 68a).

    Most distinctive of all was that the survival of the Temple was entirely conditional upon Israel's keeping the Torah, as God promised to Solomon (vv 11-13): "If you go in My statutes and carry out My laws… I shall dwell amongst the Children of Israel and I will not abandon My people Israel."

    The main Temple building, a structure of 60 x 20 cubits (on the inside) was divided into two unequal parts: the HEIKHAL (40 x 20) containing the Menorahs (Candelabra) Show-bread Tables and Incense Altar, and within, the Holy of Holies (20 x 20) containing the Ark of the Covenant with the wooden figures of two Cherubs overlaid with gold standing with their wings outstretched over it and filling the entire inner chamber. Across the entire front of the HEIKHAL stood the OULAM ("Vestibule").

    Around the walls surrounding the Heikhal and Holy of Holies on three sides were a series of cells banked up in three stories one on top of the other. These cells may have been used to store the Temple treasures. Esoterically, they allowed the SHEFA (divine influence) emanating from within the Temple to be concentrated intensely prior to its flowing outwards to nourish the outside world.

    The ceiling and roof of the Temple were made of wood, and its stone walls were entirely paneled with wood from top to bottom. The wood (which alludes to the TREE of life) was carved with the forms of cherubs, palms, garlands and flowers. All the walls and all the carvings were overlaid with gold, as was the ceiling and the floor, the effect of which must have been absolutely stunning.

    Through God's providence, we have reached the description of the building of Solomon's Temple just as we are celebrating the festival of Chanukah in commemoration of God's miracles for Israel in the Second Temple. In the merit of our studies, may He quickly bring peace to our troubled world and speedily build the Temple we are now awaiting, from which the love and fear of God will spread forth to all the world.
    I KINGS CHAPTER 5 SOLOMON'S EMPIRE Abraham had been a truly international figure, having traveled throughout the "Fertile Crescent" from Babylon to Aram Naharayim, throughout the Land of Israel and down into Egypt. Jacob too traveled to Aram and to Egypt. However, since the time of the entry of the Israelites into their Land, their main preoccupation had been to battle against their immediate neighbors – the Canaanites, Philistines, Moabites and Ammonites – in order to maintain their hold over the Promised Land. It was through the victories of David over all Israel's enemies that an entirely new international vista opened up in the time of Solomon, whose "empire" or "sphere of influence" extended over the entire swathe of territory promised to Abraham "from the river of Egypt to the Great river, the Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18; cf. I Kings 5:1 & 3). Our text evokes Solomon's opulent royal lifestyle (vv 2-3) including his ownership of multiple thousands of horses (v 6), which despite being prohibited to the king by the Torah (Deut. 17:16) remain a mark of royalty until today. While the various nations that comprised Solomon's empire paid taxes and gifts, this was not an exploitative colonial empire or one that kept its grip through military force alone. For "he had PEACE on all sides around" (v 4) – a situation that modern Israel can only envy, having experienced no peace for a single moment since the inception of the state and for years and years before it. Our text testifies that the very key to Solomon's influence over this great area of territory as well as over the neighboring foreign powers lay in his unique, God-given WISDOM, which "exceeded the wisdom of all the children of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. And he was wiser than every man (ADAM), than Eitan the Ezrahi and Heyman and Khulkol and Darda the sons of Mahol…" While the simple explanation is that these last names are those of the leading Levite Temple singers of the time, the Midrash identifies "every man" with ADAM, Eitan with Abraham, Heyman with Moses, Khulkol with Joseph and Darda with the Generation of the Wilderness (DOR DE'AH, "generation of KNOWLEDGE), who were "children of forgiveness" (MEHILA). Most of the narrative in the book of Kings portrays Solomon and his achievements from the outside, but his true wisdom shines forth in his surviving literary creations alluded to in verse 12: Proverbs, Song of Songs and Koheles (=Ecclesiastes). Most translations render ALAPHIM and ELEPH in this verse as "thousand(s)", but Rashi relates them to the same root as in ULPAN meaning "education": the verse thus speaks of three EDUCATIONAL ORDERS of Proverbs (the expression MISHLEY SHLOMO appears three times in the book of Proverbs); these, together with Song of Songs and Koheles constitute the FIVE orders of Solomon's "song". According to the simple meaning of ELEPH as 1,000, Rashi brings the Midrash that Solomon taught three thousand parables on every single verse of the Torah and gave 1,005 explanations of each parable (see Rashi on vv 11-12). "He spoke about the trees from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that comes out of the wall" (before God, the highest and the lowest are equal, Bamidbar Rabba 13). According to Rashi this verse means that not only did Solomon understand the healing properties of all the different trees and plants and exactly how to cultivate them, but that he also explained why the purification of the leper involves the cedar and the hyssop (Lev. 14:4). "He spoke about the animals and birds and creeping creatures and fish…" (v 13): not only did he understand all their different qualities, but also why the SHECHITAH of animals requires the cutting of both the windpipe and the gullet, while that of birds requires the cutting of only one, and why locusts and fish do not require SHECHITAH at all… (Rashi on v 14). HIRAM KING OF TYRE The tragic history of modern Lebanon has overshadowed the one-time greatness of this very beautiful country with its once very extensive forests. While Sidon was established by the firstborn son of Canaan (Gen. 10:15), the city of Tyre to its south was an immensely powerful city state built up by the Phoenicians, whose prosperity was founded on the magnificent tall trees out of which they built the ships they used to develop a trade empire throughout the Mediterranean area and beyond. While Hiram king of Tyre is a legendary figure (particularly in the lore of freemasonry, where he is seen as the "father" of the Temple), Ibn Ezra (on Genesis 41:10) views Hiram as the generic name of all the kings of Tyre just as Pharaoh was the generic name of all the kings of Egypt. In later Biblical times Tyre saw Jerusalem as a dangerous rival and hoped to benefit from its destruction (cf. Ezekiel 26:2, "I shall be filled from her destruction"), but the Hiram who befriended King David and King Solomon was – from the testimony of our text – a believer in the One God who (unlike the nations of today) REJOICED when he heard that Solomon wanted to build Him a Temple in Jerusalem (v 20). Hiram struck a Covenant with Solomon (v 26) inaugurating the first ever venture in international cooperation to build God's Temple. Hiram provided the timber and stone that were the building materials for the Temple in return for very ample supplies of choice wheat and olive oil that were the specialty of Israel. The lumber was tied up to form rafts that were floated down the Mediterranean from the coast of Lebanon to the point nearest to Jerusalem on the Israeli coast. From there it was transported by land to the site of the Temple. The 70,000 "porters" and 80,000 "excavators" who extracted and transported the massive stones for the Temple were GERIM GERURIM – would-be converts who were not admitted into the Assembly of Israel (as no full converts were accepted in the time of Solomon, see commentary on I Kings ch 3) but were nevertheless allowed to participate in the enterprise of building of God's House of Prayer for all the Nations. CHAPTER 6 The building of the Temple commenced in the fourth year of Solomon's reign, 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt and 440 years after the people's entry into the Land. The actualization of this project to join Heaven and Earth took a total of seven years (vv 37-8). In his work on the "Secrets of the Future Temple" (Mishkeney Elyon) the outstanding 18th century Kabbalistic sage R. Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto explains that creation has two roots: the "revealed root" of HOKHMAH ("wisdom") and the "concealed" root of KETER ("the crown"). The two roots are alluded to in the first letter of the first word of the Torah, the Beis (=2) of Bereishis, "In the beginning". "Know too that the sin of Adam spoiled everything and caused all perfection to become concealed, with the result that the world was not even able to return to its previous state [i.e. the level of Wisdom] except in the days of Solomon, when the Temple was first built. Thus it is written: 'And God gave wisdom to Solomon' (I Kings 5:26). For then Wisdom was revealed in all its beauty and radiant glory, enabling all the lights to shine with great strength and joy. In those days, on every level in all the worlds there was only holy power and delight the like of which had never been seen. Even so, because everything was based only on Wisdom and did not reach the ultimate goal [of Keter], this peace and tranquility came to an end and the Temple was destroyed. But in time to come, when the hidden beginning I mentioned [Keter] is revealed, the happiness will be far, far greater, and it will never cease" (Ramchal, Secrets of the Future Temple). Although Ramchal's work – which explains in detail the "sacred geometry" that underlies the design of the Temple – is primarily concerned with the FUTURE Temple as depicted by Ezekiel (chs 40ff), the principles on which it is based apply also to the Temple of Solomon, all of whose chambers, walls, gates and courtyards in all their various dimensions allude to and EMBODY IN STONE the various divine attributes as they relate to one another. Besides the information about Solomon's Temple contained in our text, we have detailed supplementary information in Maseches MIDDOS, the Mishnaic Tractate of "Measurements", which deals with the design of the Second Temple, which was mostly modeled on the first. The rabbinic commentators wrote entire treatises about the structure of the Temple. The Temple had very distinctive features, such as its windows, which were "wide open from the outside but closed and narrow on the inside" (v 4). This was because the Temple had no need for the light from the outside, since it was lit from within (both by the Candelabra and by the spiritual light that shined in it): on the contrary, light emanated FROM the Temple windows OUTWARDS. Another distinctive feature was that as the very center of world peace, the Temple was a place where it was not fitting for the sound of metal hammers and axes to be heard (v 7) since metal is the material of weapons of war. All the stones were cut and dressed outside the Temple, and Solomon also miraculously found the Shamir worm, which would silently eat its way across a stone so as to split it just as it had cut the stones of the gems in the High Priest's breastplate in the days of Moses. (This is not a worm that is easy to find; Sotah 48b, Gittin 68a). Most distinctive of all was that the survival of the Temple was entirely conditional upon Israel's keeping the Torah, as God promised to Solomon (vv 11-13): "If you go in My statutes and carry out My laws… I shall dwell amongst the Children of Israel and I will not abandon My people Israel." The main Temple building, a structure of 60 x 20 cubits (on the inside) was divided into two unequal parts: the HEIKHAL (40 x 20) containing the Menorahs (Candelabra) Show-bread Tables and Incense Altar, and within, the Holy of Holies (20 x 20) containing the Ark of the Covenant with the wooden figures of two Cherubs overlaid with gold standing with their wings outstretched over it and filling the entire inner chamber. Across the entire front of the HEIKHAL stood the OULAM ("Vestibule"). Around the walls surrounding the Heikhal and Holy of Holies on three sides were a series of cells banked up in three stories one on top of the other. These cells may have been used to store the Temple treasures. Esoterically, they allowed the SHEFA (divine influence) emanating from within the Temple to be concentrated intensely prior to its flowing outwards to nourish the outside world. The ceiling and roof of the Temple were made of wood, and its stone walls were entirely paneled with wood from top to bottom. The wood (which alludes to the TREE of life) was carved with the forms of cherubs, palms, garlands and flowers. All the walls and all the carvings were overlaid with gold, as was the ceiling and the floor, the effect of which must have been absolutely stunning. Through God's providence, we have reached the description of the building of Solomon's Temple just as we are celebrating the festival of Chanukah in commemoration of God's miracles for Israel in the Second Temple. In the merit of our studies, may He quickly bring peace to our troubled world and speedily build the Temple we are now awaiting, from which the love and fear of God will spread forth to all the world.
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  • It is undeniable that in the space of a year, the strategic landscape of the Middle East has changed dramatically to Israel’s advantage in a way that few could have imagined prior to the October 7 Hamas invasion. This many-fronted war is far from over. If Iran has been left exposed and embarrassed, there is the danger that she will take desperate steps like a cornered mother-cat. Hamas and Hezbollah may have been subdued, but the fanatics who make up their rank and file are far from being de-radicalized, and the same is true of like-minded terrorists and their masses of supporters across the Middle East and throughout the world. Radical Islamic terror remains a threat everywhere.

    "He removes kings and installs kings"
    What we may learn from the rapid downfall of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Assad tyranny, is that even when the forces of evil seem strongest and most powerfully entrenched, G-d Almighty, the Lord of Hosts, has the power to orchestrate His "hosts" and "legions", including all the many different and opposing forces on His global chessboard, to bring them down. For, "He changes times and seasons, removes kings and installs kings; He gives the wise their wisdom and knowledge to those who know" (Daniel 2:21).

    It is incumbent on all Jews, Israelis and all our friends and allies everywhere, to understand that it is ultimately G-d alone who granted success and blessed the efforts of all the courageous soldiers who put their lives on the line in order to defend us in Gaza, Lebanon, in the skies of Syria and Iran, and in other locations across the world.
    This Chanukah, let us remember G-d’s kindnesses and mercies to us when we gaze upon the lights of the Menorah, when we meditate on His great miracles for the Maccabees during the recital of Al Hanissim in the Amidah prayers and in the Grace after Meals, and when we sing His praises in the daily recital of the full Hallel (Psalms 113-118) on each of the eight days of the festival.

    A second Trump presidency
    Another miracle for which giving thanks at this time may well be appropriate is the election of President Donald Trump to a second presidency, which averted what seemed like a serious threat of four more years of radical, woke, Marxist-leaning misgovernment in the United States under a brainless, string-puppet figurehead controlled by ex-president Barack Obama.

    Many hope that President Trump will take serious action to clean up the corrupt Washington "swamp", boost the US economy, deport millions of illegal aliens who have greatly increased crime, drug abuse and sex-trafficking across the country, and put an end to global wars. However, it remains an open question as to what extent he will be able to deliver on his promises in face of the massive opposition that is likely to arise domestically and internationally as soon as he takes office, including some that may come from quite unexpected directions.

    The "Abraham Accords"
    It does seem likely that the incoming Trump administration will show stronger support for further forceful action by Israel against her enemies, while simultaneously promoting the resumption of the "Abraham Accords", suspended under President Joe Biden, which are intended to induce Saudi Arabia and other supposedly "moderate" Moslem states to give full diplomatic recognition to Israel so as to open the way for greater economic cooperation for the mutual benefit of all.

    It will indeed be entirely miraculous if the Abraham Accords can succeed in quelling the brand of extreme radicalism espoused today by millions of self-avowed Moslems across the globe, who are bent on intimidating and terrorizing people everywhere into submission, threatening death to all who refuse. Will the Saudis, who greatly profit from hosting Islam’s holiest site, succeed in persuading their fellow Moslems that true religion is not about violence and coercion but about persuading humanity to join together in seeking the Truth, submitting to the One God and carrying out His Will?

    Can the Saudis be brought to officially acknowledge Mount Moriah as the site of the destined Future Temple in Jerusalem as prophesied by the prophets of Israel? If Donald Trump and Elon Musk will categorically declare that the ultimate goal of all Middle East diplomacy is to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, that in itself will be an astounding miracle, comparable to King Cyrus’ giving the green light for the building of the Second Temple (Ezra 1:2). Someone please get the message to them!

    The Turkey factor
    The present-day republic of Türkiye extends over vast areas of Anatolia and Western Asia that in Biblical times made up Ashur, the Assyrian empire. Indeed, Turkey’s current leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, shows signs of being no less of a megalomaniac than Sennacherib, king of Ashur, who laid siege to Jerusalem in the time of King Hezekiah until his miraculous defeat.

    Erdoğan probably prefers we forget the time when a horse he was trying to mount threw him and gave him a mighty kick in the crotch, but it’s preserved on video. In his latest rant last week, Erdoğan said: "Turkey is far greater than its 782,000 square kilometers. Those questioning our presence in Syria, Libya or Somalia fail to grasp our vision." In other words, Turkey reserves the right to burst its way far beyond its current borders in order to resurrect the Ottoman Empire. Do we say good luck with that? Despite getting knackered in the crotch, the unhumbled Erdoğan fails to see any contradiction between his expansionist imperial visions and his unceasing accusations against Israel for the "illegal occupation" of Palestine, Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

    The greatest irony is that biblical prophecy points in the opposite direction to Erdoğan’s vision of "Greater Turkey", because it is precisely "little Israel", which all the nations of the world seek to push back behind the pre-1967 borders if not into the sea, which is ultimately destined to expand and encompass all of present-day Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, stretching "from the river to the river" — from the Nile to the Euphrates — as clearly laid down in Genesis 15:18-21, Numbers chapter 34 and Ezekiel 47:15-20. Under the final settlement, Israel’s Mediterranean border will extend to Hor Hahar, the mountain spur jutting into the sea aside modern-day Antiki (=ancient Antioch), well inside present-day Türkiye!

    Greater Israel — for what?
    The question we must clarify is: For what purpose do we seek the Greater Israel?
    After Israel’s miraculous victory over Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1967, when she recovered the biblical heartland of Israel, Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, Gaza and the Sinai desert, all in the space of six days, the Israeli far left simply did not know what to do with the conquered territories and just wanted to "give them back" as quickly as possible in exchange for "peace".

    Thus after the reconquest of East Jerusalem, Israeli General Moshe Dayan immediately returned the keys of the Temple Mount into the hands of the Moslem Wafk police, since he clearly could not, or did not want to conceive of a Jewish Temple on the site. That would have obliged him to turn around his entire secular lifestyle and philosophy. Likewise, Israel’s far left campaigned unremittingly to "give back" the territories, until they jumped onto the accursed 1993 Oslo-Assla "Peace Process" nightmare that plagues us until today with the slogan: "YeShA (Yehuda-Judah, Shomron-Samaria & ‘Aza-Gaza) First".

    Immediately after the Six Day War, many believers saw clearly the hand of G-d in Israel’s stunning accomplishments against all the odds. However, the cynical, increasingly decadent Israeli left shared neither their faith nor their vision of the return to the territories as a step towards the restored Greater Israel. On the contrary, the Israeli left with their backers among the western powers, were determined to uproot the Greater Israel vision and made every effort to crush and demoralize the many Israelis who cherished it. Successive Israeli governments bowed repeatedly to pressures from Washington to show "restraint" in face of painful provocations by her enemies.

    If the same constant kowtowing by Israeli Jews to foreign pressure had existed in the years of the British Mandate (1917-48), Israel would never have attained her independence. It was the spirit of fierce Jewish nationalism that breathed in the souls of the pioneers and the Jewish military bands who fought against the Arab armies in the War of Independence that brought the Independent State of Israel into being.

    The Israeli Fighting Spirit
    This spirit of courageous Jewish nationalism shone in every word of Israel Prime Minister Menahem Begin’s famous retort to then-Senator Joe Biden in 1982 when he threatened to withhold US aid to Israel: "Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid."

    It was heartening to sense a return of this fighting spirit — the spirit of Judah and the Maccabees — in current Israel Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the same Joe Biden, now old and hoary, in the present war, openly defying his demands not to take the Gaza war into Rafah, not to enter Lebanon, etc. etc. In every case, following Biden’s dictates would have been a catastrophic capitulation to Israel’s enemies, while Israel’s successes came precisely from going against them.

    Let us understand that the new Middle East landscape, replete as it with possible dangers to Israel and ripple-effect repercussions for Jews and our allies all over the world, nevertheless presents us with entirely new opportunities for advancing the prophetic vision of Greater Israel. It may be that the hand of G-d has been relatively concealed within Israel’s military successes against her enemies, yet without His help, all the courage of our fighters and the brilliance of our intelligence officers could not have succeeded.

    We should be buoyed by the downfall of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Assad dictatorship, and the likely impending destruction of the Iranian regime. We must have faith that they came about through G-d’s redemptive kindness to Israel, that He is with us, and that He is leading us forward to the realization of the dreams of His servants the prophets.
    Yes, Israel needs to survive in a global jungle of wild beasts, and we have no option but to defend ourselves with a disciplined army and top-grade armaments. Yes, Israel is the holy land, birthplace of Abrahamic faith, a pluralistic society that gives religious freedom to Jews, Christians, Moslems, Bahai, agnostics, atheists… We do not seek to force people to observe Shabbat, eat kosher, pray…

    But those who know that the Land is promised to Israel under the terms of G-d’s Covenant — the Holy Torah — must strengthen our own observance and devotion, now more than ever, through the joy of seeing that G-d is truly with us. We must do everything in our power to promote the knowledge of the prophetic vision of a land properly policed, free of terror, murder, robbery, immorality, corruption and injustice, a land that will shine spiritual knowledge and the love of G-d to all the world, with Torah education for all Jews, Torah Academies for the nations, facilities for priests and Levites and their livelihood, and a rebuilt, functioning Temple.
    It is undeniable that in the space of a year, the strategic landscape of the Middle East has changed dramatically to Israel’s advantage in a way that few could have imagined prior to the October 7 Hamas invasion. This many-fronted war is far from over. If Iran has been left exposed and embarrassed, there is the danger that she will take desperate steps like a cornered mother-cat. Hamas and Hezbollah may have been subdued, but the fanatics who make up their rank and file are far from being de-radicalized, and the same is true of like-minded terrorists and their masses of supporters across the Middle East and throughout the world. Radical Islamic terror remains a threat everywhere. "He removes kings and installs kings" What we may learn from the rapid downfall of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Assad tyranny, is that even when the forces of evil seem strongest and most powerfully entrenched, G-d Almighty, the Lord of Hosts, has the power to orchestrate His "hosts" and "legions", including all the many different and opposing forces on His global chessboard, to bring them down. For, "He changes times and seasons, removes kings and installs kings; He gives the wise their wisdom and knowledge to those who know" (Daniel 2:21). It is incumbent on all Jews, Israelis and all our friends and allies everywhere, to understand that it is ultimately G-d alone who granted success and blessed the efforts of all the courageous soldiers who put their lives on the line in order to defend us in Gaza, Lebanon, in the skies of Syria and Iran, and in other locations across the world. This Chanukah, let us remember G-d’s kindnesses and mercies to us when we gaze upon the lights of the Menorah, when we meditate on His great miracles for the Maccabees during the recital of Al Hanissim in the Amidah prayers and in the Grace after Meals, and when we sing His praises in the daily recital of the full Hallel (Psalms 113-118) on each of the eight days of the festival. A second Trump presidency Another miracle for which giving thanks at this time may well be appropriate is the election of President Donald Trump to a second presidency, which averted what seemed like a serious threat of four more years of radical, woke, Marxist-leaning misgovernment in the United States under a brainless, string-puppet figurehead controlled by ex-president Barack Obama. Many hope that President Trump will take serious action to clean up the corrupt Washington "swamp", boost the US economy, deport millions of illegal aliens who have greatly increased crime, drug abuse and sex-trafficking across the country, and put an end to global wars. However, it remains an open question as to what extent he will be able to deliver on his promises in face of the massive opposition that is likely to arise domestically and internationally as soon as he takes office, including some that may come from quite unexpected directions. The "Abraham Accords" It does seem likely that the incoming Trump administration will show stronger support for further forceful action by Israel against her enemies, while simultaneously promoting the resumption of the "Abraham Accords", suspended under President Joe Biden, which are intended to induce Saudi Arabia and other supposedly "moderate" Moslem states to give full diplomatic recognition to Israel so as to open the way for greater economic cooperation for the mutual benefit of all. It will indeed be entirely miraculous if the Abraham Accords can succeed in quelling the brand of extreme radicalism espoused today by millions of self-avowed Moslems across the globe, who are bent on intimidating and terrorizing people everywhere into submission, threatening death to all who refuse. Will the Saudis, who greatly profit from hosting Islam’s holiest site, succeed in persuading their fellow Moslems that true religion is not about violence and coercion but about persuading humanity to join together in seeking the Truth, submitting to the One God and carrying out His Will? Can the Saudis be brought to officially acknowledge Mount Moriah as the site of the destined Future Temple in Jerusalem as prophesied by the prophets of Israel? If Donald Trump and Elon Musk will categorically declare that the ultimate goal of all Middle East diplomacy is to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, that in itself will be an astounding miracle, comparable to King Cyrus’ giving the green light for the building of the Second Temple (Ezra 1:2). Someone please get the message to them! The Turkey factor The present-day republic of Türkiye extends over vast areas of Anatolia and Western Asia that in Biblical times made up Ashur, the Assyrian empire. Indeed, Turkey’s current leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, shows signs of being no less of a megalomaniac than Sennacherib, king of Ashur, who laid siege to Jerusalem in the time of King Hezekiah until his miraculous defeat. Erdoğan probably prefers we forget the time when a horse he was trying to mount threw him and gave him a mighty kick in the crotch, but it’s preserved on video. In his latest rant last week, Erdoğan said: "Turkey is far greater than its 782,000 square kilometers. Those questioning our presence in Syria, Libya or Somalia fail to grasp our vision." In other words, Turkey reserves the right to burst its way far beyond its current borders in order to resurrect the Ottoman Empire. Do we say good luck with that? Despite getting knackered in the crotch, the unhumbled Erdoğan fails to see any contradiction between his expansionist imperial visions and his unceasing accusations against Israel for the "illegal occupation" of Palestine, Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. The greatest irony is that biblical prophecy points in the opposite direction to Erdoğan’s vision of "Greater Turkey", because it is precisely "little Israel", which all the nations of the world seek to push back behind the pre-1967 borders if not into the sea, which is ultimately destined to expand and encompass all of present-day Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, stretching "from the river to the river" — from the Nile to the Euphrates — as clearly laid down in Genesis 15:18-21, Numbers chapter 34 and Ezekiel 47:15-20. Under the final settlement, Israel’s Mediterranean border will extend to Hor Hahar, the mountain spur jutting into the sea aside modern-day Antiki (=ancient Antioch), well inside present-day Türkiye! Greater Israel — for what? The question we must clarify is: For what purpose do we seek the Greater Israel? After Israel’s miraculous victory over Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1967, when she recovered the biblical heartland of Israel, Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, Gaza and the Sinai desert, all in the space of six days, the Israeli far left simply did not know what to do with the conquered territories and just wanted to "give them back" as quickly as possible in exchange for "peace". Thus after the reconquest of East Jerusalem, Israeli General Moshe Dayan immediately returned the keys of the Temple Mount into the hands of the Moslem Wafk police, since he clearly could not, or did not want to conceive of a Jewish Temple on the site. That would have obliged him to turn around his entire secular lifestyle and philosophy. Likewise, Israel’s far left campaigned unremittingly to "give back" the territories, until they jumped onto the accursed 1993 Oslo-Assla "Peace Process" nightmare that plagues us until today with the slogan: "YeShA (Yehuda-Judah, Shomron-Samaria & ‘Aza-Gaza) First". Immediately after the Six Day War, many believers saw clearly the hand of G-d in Israel’s stunning accomplishments against all the odds. However, the cynical, increasingly decadent Israeli left shared neither their faith nor their vision of the return to the territories as a step towards the restored Greater Israel. On the contrary, the Israeli left with their backers among the western powers, were determined to uproot the Greater Israel vision and made every effort to crush and demoralize the many Israelis who cherished it. Successive Israeli governments bowed repeatedly to pressures from Washington to show "restraint" in face of painful provocations by her enemies. If the same constant kowtowing by Israeli Jews to foreign pressure had existed in the years of the British Mandate (1917-48), Israel would never have attained her independence. It was the spirit of fierce Jewish nationalism that breathed in the souls of the pioneers and the Jewish military bands who fought against the Arab armies in the War of Independence that brought the Independent State of Israel into being. The Israeli Fighting Spirit This spirit of courageous Jewish nationalism shone in every word of Israel Prime Minister Menahem Begin’s famous retort to then-Senator Joe Biden in 1982 when he threatened to withhold US aid to Israel: "Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid." It was heartening to sense a return of this fighting spirit — the spirit of Judah and the Maccabees — in current Israel Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the same Joe Biden, now old and hoary, in the present war, openly defying his demands not to take the Gaza war into Rafah, not to enter Lebanon, etc. etc. In every case, following Biden’s dictates would have been a catastrophic capitulation to Israel’s enemies, while Israel’s successes came precisely from going against them. Let us understand that the new Middle East landscape, replete as it with possible dangers to Israel and ripple-effect repercussions for Jews and our allies all over the world, nevertheless presents us with entirely new opportunities for advancing the prophetic vision of Greater Israel. It may be that the hand of G-d has been relatively concealed within Israel’s military successes against her enemies, yet without His help, all the courage of our fighters and the brilliance of our intelligence officers could not have succeeded. We should be buoyed by the downfall of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Assad dictatorship, and the likely impending destruction of the Iranian regime. We must have faith that they came about through G-d’s redemptive kindness to Israel, that He is with us, and that He is leading us forward to the realization of the dreams of His servants the prophets. Yes, Israel needs to survive in a global jungle of wild beasts, and we have no option but to defend ourselves with a disciplined army and top-grade armaments. Yes, Israel is the holy land, birthplace of Abrahamic faith, a pluralistic society that gives religious freedom to Jews, Christians, Moslems, Bahai, agnostics, atheists… We do not seek to force people to observe Shabbat, eat kosher, pray… But those who know that the Land is promised to Israel under the terms of G-d’s Covenant — the Holy Torah — must strengthen our own observance and devotion, now more than ever, through the joy of seeing that G-d is truly with us. We must do everything in our power to promote the knowledge of the prophetic vision of a land properly policed, free of terror, murder, robbery, immorality, corruption and injustice, a land that will shine spiritual knowledge and the love of G-d to all the world, with Torah education for all Jews, Torah Academies for the nations, facilities for priests and Levites and their livelihood, and a rebuilt, functioning Temple.
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  • Horrifying...
    Naomi Wolf: "It is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history unfortunately. And the Pfizer papers do have a specific focus on destroying reproduction, so that's why I wanted to believe that it wasn't a depopulation agenda, but unfortunately the evidence persuaded me within the Pfizer documents that that's exactly what it is. They knew they were blocking women's ovaries with lipid nanoparticles, they knew the lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta. They determined that the deaths of fetuses were due to maternal exposure to the "vaccine". They knew that vaccinated women who were nursing their babies were making babies sick. Their charts, this is why I say Mengele science, they're just charts showing this many thousands of babies are vomiting, this many thousands of babies have edema, which is swollen flesh, this many thousands of babies have convulsions. One baby died of multi organ system failure from nursing vaccinated moms. And to this day I'm sure in the Netherlands, all over Europe, all over the world no one's telling vaccinated moms that they can risk their babies lives by nursing them, but Pfizer knew. Pfizer knew, in one section of the Pfizer documents there's an over 80% spontaneous abortion or miscarriage rate. Pfizer knows there's something with the semen of vaccinated men that is possibly dangerous to women or fetuses because they warn vaccinated men not to have intercourse with childbearing age women and if they do to use 2 reliable forms of contraception.
    They knew that the injection doesn't stay in the injection site but it travels all over the body within 48 hours, accumulating in the adrenals, the spleen, the lymphatic system, the liver, crosses the blood brain barrier which causes a lot of brain damage type reactions you're seeing and accumulates in the ovaries. They knew it was damaging the hearts of minors and our lawyers FOIAd from the White House showing a scramble in April of 2021 to cover this up, but they just kept going that summer and into the next year propagandizing parents to vaccinate..."

    Horrifying... Naomi Wolf: "It is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history unfortunately. And the Pfizer papers do have a specific focus on destroying reproduction, so that's why I wanted to believe that it wasn't a depopulation agenda, but unfortunately the evidence persuaded me within the Pfizer documents that that's exactly what it is. They knew they were blocking women's ovaries with lipid nanoparticles, they knew the lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta. They determined that the deaths of fetuses were due to maternal exposure to the "vaccine". They knew that vaccinated women who were nursing their babies were making babies sick. Their charts, this is why I say Mengele science, they're just charts showing this many thousands of babies are vomiting, this many thousands of babies have edema, which is swollen flesh, this many thousands of babies have convulsions. One baby died of multi organ system failure from nursing vaccinated moms. And to this day I'm sure in the Netherlands, all over Europe, all over the world no one's telling vaccinated moms that they can risk their babies lives by nursing them, but Pfizer knew. Pfizer knew, in one section of the Pfizer documents there's an over 80% spontaneous abortion or miscarriage rate. Pfizer knows there's something with the semen of vaccinated men that is possibly dangerous to women or fetuses because they warn vaccinated men not to have intercourse with childbearing age women and if they do to use 2 reliable forms of contraception. They knew that the injection doesn't stay in the injection site but it travels all over the body within 48 hours, accumulating in the adrenals, the spleen, the lymphatic system, the liver, crosses the blood brain barrier which causes a lot of brain damage type reactions you're seeing and accumulates in the ovaries. They knew it was damaging the hearts of minors and our lawyers FOIAd from the White House showing a scramble in April of 2021 to cover this up, but they just kept going that summer and into the next year propagandizing parents to vaccinate..." Join ➣ 👉@COVID19VACCINEVICTIMSANDFAMILIES
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  • "When food isn’t enough, supplements help unlock your body’s full potential."
    "When food isn’t enough, supplements help unlock your body’s full potential."
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  • "Your body deserves the best—dietary supplements fill the gaps where your diet falls short."
    "Your body deserves the best—dietary supplements fill the gaps where your diet falls short."
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  • Born in the heat of war, dead from the cold: Gaza’s children are freezing to death
    Alison Weir December 31, 2024 child starvation, Gaza, war on children
    Gaza City, Nov 10, 2024

    Left without power or shelter, Palestinians are struggling to keep their children warm – at least five have frozen to death in the last two weeks

    By Maha Hussaini in Gaza, occupied Palestine and Mohammed al-Hajjar, reposted from Middle East Eye, Dec. 30, 2024

    A dewdrop fell from the roof of a tent on to Yahya Muhammed al-Batran’s nose, waking him to the news that his newborn son, one half of a pair of twin brothers, had frozen to death overnight on Sunday.

    Originally from Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, Batran’s wife had given birth a month earlier. The children’s first home was a makeshift tent for the displaced, patched over with blankets, in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza.

    The rudimentary protection from the winter cold and the lack of appropriate clothing meant the boys were at risk from the outset.

    Recalling the discovery that his child had died, Batran said: “My wife was awake. I asked her what was wrong, and she pointed to Jumaa and shook her head.

    “She said: ‘Ali seems half alive. But Jumaa, I’ve been trying to wake him for a while, and he won’t wake up.’

    “She said that his head felt like ice. He was pale and completely lifeless.”

    Batran wrapped his son in a blanket and rushed him to al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah.

    “When I got there, the doctor said: ‘May God grant you patience; he’s dead.”

    Batran’s remaining twin son remains in critical condition, as he also suffers from the effects of hyperthermia.

    Israel has destroyed a vast majority of buildings in Gaza and has cut off fuel and electricity supplies to its residents.

    More than 2.3 million Palestinians are huddled together in an increasingly small territory as Israel ethnically cleanses the northern half of the strip.

    The Batran family’s experience reflects that of hundreds of thousands of others, forced from temporary home to temporary home as Israel carries out its campaign of killing and destruction.

    In their case, there has been no respite from death.

    “We came to central Gaza to protect ourselves and our children from the death we saw back in northern Gaza,” Batran told Middle East Eye.

    “We were staying at a school in al-Maghazi, but after it was bombed, we fled to Deir al-Balah and stayed in a tent,” he added.

    “Two of my nephews and three of my in-laws were martyred a few weeks ago. A week after my brothers’ sons were killed, God blessed me with twin boys.

    “I named one after his uncle who was previously martyred, Jumaa, and the other after my nephew who was martyred recently, Ali.”

    Jumaa and Ali were born prematurely at eight months but were in stable condition at the time.

    Jumaa’s death takes the total number of children who have frozen to death in Gaza in the last fortnight to at least five.

    They include Aisha al-Qassas, who was 21 days old; Ali Essam Saqr, who was 23 days old; Ali Hussam Azzam, who was four days old; Sila Mahmoud al-Fassih, who was 14 days old; and Jumaa al-Batran, who was one month old.

    A sixth adult victim, a nurse named Ahmed al-Zaharna, was also found dead in his tent in Mawasi, Khan Younis, due to hypothermia.

    Lack of postnatal care

    As of September, more than 525,000 Palestinian women in Gaza have lost access to critical services, including prenatal and postnatal care, family planning and infection treatment, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

    Of these, over 17,000 pregnant women are facing starvation, with almost 11,000 already suffering from severe food shortages as man-made famine threatens the most vulnerable.

    “This lack of proper nutrition – combined with the immense stress of their situation – is leading to a rise in preterm births, low-birth-weight babies, and increased risks of stillbirths and developmental delays,” the UNFPA stated on its website.

    Due to the limited capacity of hospitals and the overwhelming number of cases, the Batran twins were discharged from their incubator early, and their family was forced to take them back to their makeshift tent.

    “I had no money to buy them clothes or blankets. Some neighbours donated a few clothes, but the twins needed something like a hospital incubator with nylon [for insulation] to keep them warm,” their father said.

    “I couldn’t even afford to buy 4m of nylon. I swear to God, I would cover them with my only blanket and spend the entire night freezing,” he added.

    “I went to Unrwa [the UN agency for Palestinian refugees], and they gave me a device that could be charged to keep the babies warm. But it could only work for three hours before needing to be recharged. I would use it for an hour and a half for each infant.”

    To recharge the device, Batran would go to the hospital twice a day and use the electricity provided by its power generators.

    But on the night Jumaa froze to death, the device had already lost charge from earlier use.

    ‘Verge of madness’

    Since the start of its war on Gaza in October 2023, Israel has cut off electricity, severely restricted the entry of fuel and bombed much of the electricity infrastructure in the blockaded enclave.

    As a result, Gaza’s residents are enduring a complete energy blackout that has lasted 14 months.

    While solar power has helped some Palestinians generate energy, it has not been enough to meet their needs.

    Dr Hani al-Faleet, a paediatric specialist at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, said there have been cases where children were close to death but managed to survive.

    “The situation is deeply sad because it could have been prevented if there was proper heating, clothing, and nutrition available,” Faleet said.

    “Extreme cold significantly impacts the body’s organ functions, disrupting the heart and circulatory system,” he added.

    As cases of hypothermia increase and temperatures continue to drop in Gaza, parents have become increasingly paranoid about the risk of their children becoming the next victims of the cold.

    In a post on the social media platform X, Nour, a Palestinian displaced mother in the central Gaza Strip, wrote: “I cannot sleep. In the suffocating darkness, I feel their breaths beneath their noses to ensure they haven’t frozen to death yet. I cannot sleep. I’m on the verge of madness”

    In al-Zawaida in central Gaza, Hamed Ahmed, a father of three, pricks his newborn’s feet with a pin as she sleeps to ensure she still feels it.

    “My tent is made of bits of nylon and fabric, set up near the sea. At night, the temperature drops so much that we adults shiver and freeze – imagine the children,” he told MEE.

    “Normally, at the start of winter, we would shop for new clothes for the kids. But now, with three children, my wife and myself, we would need a massive budget to buy clothes.

    “Today, a single pair of pyjamas costs 150-180 shekels ($40-50), and I’m unemployed now, so I didn’t buy them anything.”

    For more than a year, Israel has severely restricted the entry of goods into Gaza, including winter clothes, with only limited supplies entering as part of international aid.

    As a result, the central and southern Gaza Strip, currently home to around 2 million residents and displaced people, is facing a shortage of winter clothes and blankets.

    If some items are brought by traders from northern Gaza, they are sold at more than triple their pre-war prices.

    “After hearing about the children who have died from the cold, we cannot sleep at night as we keep checking to see if they are covered and warm.

    “My wife and I take turns to stay awake to make sure our 22-day-old daughter is still alive.

    “We feel her feet regularly to see if they are cold or warm.”

    Maha Hussaini is an award-winning journalist and human rights activist based in Gaza. Maha started her journalism career by covering Israel’s military campaign on the Gaza Strip in July 2014. In 2020, she won the prestigious Martin Adler Prize for her work as a freelance journalist.

    Mohammed al-Hajjar is a Gaza-based Palestinian photographer and journalist who has worked in media since 2007 for several newspapers and agencies. He has won several local and international journalism awards.

    Founded in April 2014, Middle East Eye is an independently funded digital news organisation covering stories from the Middle East and North Africa, as well as related content from beyond the region.

    Born in the heat of war, dead from the cold: Gaza’s children are freezing to death Alison Weir December 31, 2024 child starvation, Gaza, war on children Gaza City, Nov 10, 2024 Left without power or shelter, Palestinians are struggling to keep their children warm – at least five have frozen to death in the last two weeks By Maha Hussaini in Gaza, occupied Palestine and Mohammed al-Hajjar, reposted from Middle East Eye, Dec. 30, 2024 A dewdrop fell from the roof of a tent on to Yahya Muhammed al-Batran’s nose, waking him to the news that his newborn son, one half of a pair of twin brothers, had frozen to death overnight on Sunday. Originally from Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, Batran’s wife had given birth a month earlier. The children’s first home was a makeshift tent for the displaced, patched over with blankets, in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza. The rudimentary protection from the winter cold and the lack of appropriate clothing meant the boys were at risk from the outset. Recalling the discovery that his child had died, Batran said: “My wife was awake. I asked her what was wrong, and she pointed to Jumaa and shook her head. “She said: ‘Ali seems half alive. But Jumaa, I’ve been trying to wake him for a while, and he won’t wake up.’ “She said that his head felt like ice. He was pale and completely lifeless.” Batran wrapped his son in a blanket and rushed him to al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah. “When I got there, the doctor said: ‘May God grant you patience; he’s dead.” Batran’s remaining twin son remains in critical condition, as he also suffers from the effects of hyperthermia. Israel has destroyed a vast majority of buildings in Gaza and has cut off fuel and electricity supplies to its residents. More than 2.3 million Palestinians are huddled together in an increasingly small territory as Israel ethnically cleanses the northern half of the strip. The Batran family’s experience reflects that of hundreds of thousands of others, forced from temporary home to temporary home as Israel carries out its campaign of killing and destruction. In their case, there has been no respite from death. “We came to central Gaza to protect ourselves and our children from the death we saw back in northern Gaza,” Batran told Middle East Eye. “We were staying at a school in al-Maghazi, but after it was bombed, we fled to Deir al-Balah and stayed in a tent,” he added. “Two of my nephews and three of my in-laws were martyred a few weeks ago. A week after my brothers’ sons were killed, God blessed me with twin boys. “I named one after his uncle who was previously martyred, Jumaa, and the other after my nephew who was martyred recently, Ali.” Jumaa and Ali were born prematurely at eight months but were in stable condition at the time. Jumaa’s death takes the total number of children who have frozen to death in Gaza in the last fortnight to at least five. They include Aisha al-Qassas, who was 21 days old; Ali Essam Saqr, who was 23 days old; Ali Hussam Azzam, who was four days old; Sila Mahmoud al-Fassih, who was 14 days old; and Jumaa al-Batran, who was one month old. A sixth adult victim, a nurse named Ahmed al-Zaharna, was also found dead in his tent in Mawasi, Khan Younis, due to hypothermia. Lack of postnatal care As of September, more than 525,000 Palestinian women in Gaza have lost access to critical services, including prenatal and postnatal care, family planning and infection treatment, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Of these, over 17,000 pregnant women are facing starvation, with almost 11,000 already suffering from severe food shortages as man-made famine threatens the most vulnerable. “This lack of proper nutrition – combined with the immense stress of their situation – is leading to a rise in preterm births, low-birth-weight babies, and increased risks of stillbirths and developmental delays,” the UNFPA stated on its website. Due to the limited capacity of hospitals and the overwhelming number of cases, the Batran twins were discharged from their incubator early, and their family was forced to take them back to their makeshift tent. “I had no money to buy them clothes or blankets. Some neighbours donated a few clothes, but the twins needed something like a hospital incubator with nylon [for insulation] to keep them warm,” their father said. “I couldn’t even afford to buy 4m of nylon. I swear to God, I would cover them with my only blanket and spend the entire night freezing,” he added. “I went to Unrwa [the UN agency for Palestinian refugees], and they gave me a device that could be charged to keep the babies warm. But it could only work for three hours before needing to be recharged. I would use it for an hour and a half for each infant.” To recharge the device, Batran would go to the hospital twice a day and use the electricity provided by its power generators. But on the night Jumaa froze to death, the device had already lost charge from earlier use. ‘Verge of madness’ Since the start of its war on Gaza in October 2023, Israel has cut off electricity, severely restricted the entry of fuel and bombed much of the electricity infrastructure in the blockaded enclave. As a result, Gaza’s residents are enduring a complete energy blackout that has lasted 14 months. While solar power has helped some Palestinians generate energy, it has not been enough to meet their needs. Dr Hani al-Faleet, a paediatric specialist at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, said there have been cases where children were close to death but managed to survive. “The situation is deeply sad because it could have been prevented if there was proper heating, clothing, and nutrition available,” Faleet said. “Extreme cold significantly impacts the body’s organ functions, disrupting the heart and circulatory system,” he added. As cases of hypothermia increase and temperatures continue to drop in Gaza, parents have become increasingly paranoid about the risk of their children becoming the next victims of the cold. In a post on the social media platform X, Nour, a Palestinian displaced mother in the central Gaza Strip, wrote: “I cannot sleep. In the suffocating darkness, I feel their breaths beneath their noses to ensure they haven’t frozen to death yet. I cannot sleep. I’m on the verge of madness” In al-Zawaida in central Gaza, Hamed Ahmed, a father of three, pricks his newborn’s feet with a pin as she sleeps to ensure she still feels it. “My tent is made of bits of nylon and fabric, set up near the sea. At night, the temperature drops so much that we adults shiver and freeze – imagine the children,” he told MEE. “Normally, at the start of winter, we would shop for new clothes for the kids. But now, with three children, my wife and myself, we would need a massive budget to buy clothes. “Today, a single pair of pyjamas costs 150-180 shekels ($40-50), and I’m unemployed now, so I didn’t buy them anything.” For more than a year, Israel has severely restricted the entry of goods into Gaza, including winter clothes, with only limited supplies entering as part of international aid. As a result, the central and southern Gaza Strip, currently home to around 2 million residents and displaced people, is facing a shortage of winter clothes and blankets. If some items are brought by traders from northern Gaza, they are sold at more than triple their pre-war prices. “After hearing about the children who have died from the cold, we cannot sleep at night as we keep checking to see if they are covered and warm. “My wife and I take turns to stay awake to make sure our 22-day-old daughter is still alive. “We feel her feet regularly to see if they are cold or warm.” Maha Hussaini is an award-winning journalist and human rights activist based in Gaza. Maha started her journalism career by covering Israel’s military campaign on the Gaza Strip in July 2014. In 2020, she won the prestigious Martin Adler Prize for her work as a freelance journalist. Mohammed al-Hajjar is a Gaza-based Palestinian photographer and journalist who has worked in media since 2007 for several newspapers and agencies. He has won several local and international journalism awards. Founded in April 2014, Middle East Eye is an independently funded digital news organisation covering stories from the Middle East and North Africa, as well as related content from beyond the region. https://israelpalestinenews.org/born-in-the-heat-of-war-dead-from-the-cold-gazas-children-are-freezing-to-death/
    Born in the heat of war, dead from the cold: Gaza’s children are freezing to death
    Left without power or shelter, Palestinians are struggling to keep their children warm during the winter. At least five children have frozen to death in Gaz ...
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