In our last study,we rested with one of King David's secrets,in always ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,and that's genuinely and honestly humbling himself before God always;
    Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? (Psa 139: 7)
    If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. (Psa 139: 11)

    26. He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
    27. Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth....... (Psa 89: 26-28)

    I repeat for emphasis sake,one of the things that pleases our Father most is, accepting our frailty and helplessness without HIM.*DAVID HAD NO TWO HEADS...HE ONLY BUSIED HIMSELF WITH KNOWING GOD MORE THROUGH GOD'S OWN WORD...AND IT PAID OFF*

    Let's take a look at an experience I had in the School of Ministry. As always,names of people and church will be excluded for security sake.

    One of our instructors related an experience when himself as an upcoming Gospel minister was invited to minister abroad,in the company of three renowned God's Generals in Nigeria...as at the time,one of the three was and is still a household name in Nigeria.

    He(newbie minister)had his turn on the third night,...and everywhere,the atmosphere was charged and electrified,..infact,he was asked to minister on the fourth and last night with the other General..., because,they saw the Holy Spirit in action.

    He said,later in his hotel room later that third night,he heard a knock on his door,and behold,it was the most popular General(another Nicodemus,you would say)! Humbled by his visit,he could barely utter a word.

    The General explained his presence thus,*The first two nights paled into insignificance, the moment you took charge of the pulpit tonight... what's the secret? I had to come because, I can tell it was a message from above, please share with me*

    Instantaneously, the newbie received the message, and passed it across thus,* The LORD said,as long as you remain a baby in My Hand, I will always bare you in My Arms,but when feel you have grown,and now an adult, I will gently drop you down to walk on your own*

    The moment the newbie finished, the General broke down and wept, because the message was self explanatory... it's ICHABOD...those like him are living on past glory. According to the newbie, the General never went back to his room that night,as they prayed together all through. Both are very much alive today.

    When we tell God(usually through our actions),that we are capable of taking care of ourselves, He backs off, for (HE HATES STRIFE,AND DOESN'T FORCE, UNLESS HIS PURPOSE DEMANDS IT). This is where I become sad, seeing and hearing people misinterpreting God's Word in the doctrine of Predestination...I still can't believe that a significantly greater percentage of Christians are yet being hoodwinked into believing the devil's*don't worry,relax* form of Christianity,when HIS WORD is clear on salvation. Indeed,satan so cheapen salvation by the promotion of his twisted version of Predestination (Once saved, always saved).


    So, it was only then he realised he was in trouble without God,...that he has offended his MAKER by flaunting his supposed righteousness before HIM, WHO only is perfectly righteous.

    Hear him;

    *I know that my Redeemer lives*(Job 19: 25).
    Who but the Lord Jesus Christ could make such a sad list of broken friendships as Job does in this chapter? Let's hear what he says about them: *He caused my brothers to distance themselves from me, and my relatives as strangers departed… My neighbors departed, and my acquaintances forgot me.

    The servants of my house and my maids considered me strange… my servant… does not answer me… my breath disgusts my wife… All my close friends hate me» (vv. 13-19). He had not a single arm of flesh left on which he could lean, when this new light shone upon him, leading him to say: *I know that my Kinsman-Redeemer lives,* and that in my flesh I am to see God.

    The teaching of the Spirit of God is not limited to the conditions and circumstances of men . Job's language here is full of prophetic meaning, and rich in spiritual consolation. We, at least, can easily read in these words:

    I. The fact of redemption. *My Redeemer lives.*HE IS THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS.

    What a relief for the downtrodden and bewildered soul to turn from failed earthly relationships to the ever-steadfast Kinsman on high, who lives forever to intercede for us... HE is and will ever be ready to deliver us from all our anguish. He will redeem our lives from destruction, and HE will crown us with goodness and mercy.

    He vindicates the cause of all who trust in HIM . HE who redeems and buys the soul through HIS own BLOOD from HIM lives for the salvation and vindication of HIS OWN. The fact that HE, the eternal Son of God, condescended to be our Goel(Hebrew for Redeemer (close relative) is the mystery and wonder of infinite grace.


    Job knew that all his earthly friends had abandoned him, but he also knew that his next Kinsman in heaven, the Living One, would finally prove to be good and faithful. There were some things that Job did not know.

    He did not know why he had been so suddenly stripped of all earthly comfort, and crushed to the dust with such a great burden of pain, but he knew and believed that " my Redeemer lives ,*and that HE lives for all things to work. for the good of those who love HIM.

    He could hardly now speak of my brothers, my relatives, my neighbors, my servant, because they had all abandoned him, but he could say *MY REDEEMER.*

    When the heart and the flesh fail, God will be the portion of the believing soul.. It will still be sweet to say, *my Redeemer,* when all the joys and friendships of this world have to be left behind.

    III. The hope of HIS appearance .* For I know,....... and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: (Job 19: 25)

    Job is now comforted having realised he isn't alone,no matter the weight of his sufferings,though he knows not from whence they came,but he certainly believed in the personal appearance of his great Kinsman-Redeemer on earth.

    Now we know that this prophecy has been fulfilled, and that the Redeemer has come, and has taken away sin by the sacrifice of Himself: the seed of the woman has crushed the head of the serpent, and by the shedding of her blood has provided a ransom price for the souls of men.

    The earth needed HIM, and HE has identified HIMSELF with its sins and pains by rising above it and dying for it. For us, these words remain prophetic, and we await the appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ , who still as King of kings will finally rise on earth.

    IV. The hope of the beatific vision . And after my skin is undone, now without flesh I will see God*
    The flesh is the veil that hides the vision of God from the spirit of man . Even the Redeemer's flesh had to be rent as a veil, before the entrance could be opened for us ( Heb. 10:20 ).

    The way Paul puts it is: *Absent from the body, ... present to the Lord* (2 Cor. 5:8, KJV). When he appears, we will be like him, because we will see him as he is.

    *The pure in heart will see God .*
    If there were no God to see, why would it be that the purest of hearts have this longing and hope within them? Of course, it does not follow that because a man is good and upright, he is in greater danger of being deceived and led astray in that most important of all questions: that of future hope.

    V. The confidence of ultimate satisfaction . «Whom I must see for myself, and my eyes will look at him; and no longer as a stranger» (v. 27,)
    God's current dealings with Job are for him full of mysteries and contradictions,(he had to trust GOD'S WISDOM)

    All things seem to be against him, but when he sees God apart from his flesh, he knows he will find that God, all along the way, has been by his side, bringing all things to work for his good. He will not see him as a stranger, but as his faithful relative - His Redeemer . Here «now we see through a mirror, dimly; but then we shall see face to face.”

    What we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job; but with the vision of our Divine Kinsman before us we receive the certainty that in HIS love HE does everything well . "When I wake up, I will be satisfied" (Ps. 17:15), in the presence of his countenance His.

    GOD'S WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN,(HE'S DONE WITH THIS WORLD) 2PT.3:9-13,PS.119:89 đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS!(PART TWO) đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ In our last study,we rested with one of King David's secrets,in always ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,and that's genuinely and honestly humbling himself before God always; Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? (Psa 139: 7) If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. (Psa 139: 11) 26. He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. 27. Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth....... (Psa 89: 26-28) I repeat for emphasis sake,one of the things that pleases our Father most is, accepting our frailty and helplessness without HIM.*DAVID HAD NO TWO HEADS...HE ONLY BUSIED HIMSELF WITH KNOWING GOD MORE THROUGH GOD'S OWN WORD...AND IT PAID OFF* Let's take a look at an experience I had in the School of Ministry. As always,names of people and church will be excluded for security sake. One of our instructors related an experience when himself as an upcoming Gospel minister was invited to minister abroad,in the company of three renowned God's Generals in Nigeria...as at the time,one of the three was and is still a household name in Nigeria. He(newbie minister)had his turn on the third night,...and everywhere,the atmosphere was charged and electrified,..infact,he was asked to minister on the fourth and last night with the other General..., because,they saw the Holy Spirit in action. He said,later in his hotel room later that third night,he heard a knock on his door,and behold,it was the most popular General(another Nicodemus,you would say)! Humbled by his visit,he could barely utter a word. The General explained his presence thus,*The first two nights paled into insignificance, the moment you took charge of the pulpit tonight... what's the secret? I had to come because, I can tell it was a message from above, please share with me* Instantaneously, the newbie received the message, and passed it across thus,* The LORD said,as long as you remain a baby in My Hand, I will always bare you in My Arms,but when feel you have grown,and now an adult, I will gently drop you down to walk on your own* The moment the newbie finished, the General broke down and wept, because the message was self explanatory... it's ICHABOD...those like him are living on past glory. According to the newbie, the General never went back to his room that night,as they prayed together all through. Both are very much alive today. When we tell God(usually through our actions),that we are capable of taking care of ourselves, He backs off, for (HE HATES STRIFE,AND DOESN'T FORCE, UNLESS HIS PURPOSE DEMANDS IT). This is where I become sad, seeing and hearing people misinterpreting God's Word in the doctrine of Predestination...I still can't believe that a significantly greater percentage of Christians are yet being hoodwinked into believing the devil's*don't worry,relax* form of Christianity,when HIS WORD is clear on salvation. Indeed,satan so cheapen salvation by the promotion of his twisted version of Predestination (Once saved, always saved). Back to our discourse, it was after Job discovered that,those he thought loved him, and will protect him,if need be,not only deserted him,but mocked him of being a secret sinner... including even his own wife(BUT DON'T BLAME THE WIFE,SHE SAW IT ALL,FROM HERO TO ZERO, IT'S OUT OF THE PAIN SHE SAW HER LOVING HUSBAND PASSING THROUGH.ALL THEIR CHILDREN BURIED IN ONE DAY, AND HER HUSBAND REBUKED HER, SHE UTTERED NOT A WORD,NOR LEFT HIM. INSTEAD,SHE MADE AMENDS, STILL STAYED GLUED TO HER HUSBAND,FED AND CARED FOR HIM THROUGHOUT THE TRIAL. A PILLAR OF STRENGTH, WHEN OTHERS MOCKED. INDEED SHE'S THE VIRTUOUS WOMAN,HENCE SHE DIDN'T REQUIRED TO BE PRAYED FOR UNLIKE THE FRIENDS). So, it was only then he realised he was in trouble without God,...that he has offended his MAKER by flaunting his supposed righteousness before HIM, WHO only is perfectly righteous. Hear him; *I know that my Redeemer lives*(Job 19: 25). Who but the Lord Jesus Christ could make such a sad list of broken friendships as Job does in this chapter? Let's hear what he says about them: *He caused my brothers to distance themselves from me, and my relatives as strangers departed… My neighbors departed, and my acquaintances forgot me. The servants of my house and my maids considered me strange… my servant… does not answer me… my breath disgusts my wife… All my close friends hate me» (vv. 13-19). He had not a single arm of flesh left on which he could lean, when this new light shone upon him, leading him to say: *I know that my Kinsman-Redeemer lives,* and that in my flesh I am to see God. The teaching of the Spirit of God is not limited to the conditions and circumstances of men . Job's language here is full of prophetic meaning, and rich in spiritual consolation. We, at least, can easily read in these words: I. The fact of redemption. *My Redeemer lives.*HE IS THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. What a relief for the downtrodden and bewildered soul to turn from failed earthly relationships to the ever-steadfast Kinsman on high, who lives forever to intercede for us... HE is and will ever be ready to deliver us from all our anguish. He will redeem our lives from destruction, and HE will crown us with goodness and mercy. He vindicates the cause of all who trust in HIM . HE who redeems and buys the soul through HIS own BLOOD from HIM lives for the salvation and vindication of HIS OWN. The fact that HE, the eternal Son of God, condescended to be our Goel(Hebrew for Redeemer (close relative) is the mystery and wonder of infinite grace. II. The joy of personal certainty. *I know.* EVERY DARKNESS WILL EVENTUALLY FLEE AT THE APPEARANCE OF HIS LIGHT* Job knew that all his earthly friends had abandoned him, but he also knew that his next Kinsman in heaven, the Living One, would finally prove to be good and faithful. There were some things that Job did not know. He did not know why he had been so suddenly stripped of all earthly comfort, and crushed to the dust with such a great burden of pain, but he knew and believed that " my Redeemer lives ,*and that HE lives for all things to work. for the good of those who love HIM. He could hardly now speak of my brothers, my relatives, my neighbors, my servant, because they had all abandoned him, but he could say *MY REDEEMER.* When the heart and the flesh fail, God will be the portion of the believing soul.. It will still be sweet to say, *my Redeemer,* when all the joys and friendships of this world have to be left behind. III. The hope of HIS appearance .* For I know,....... and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: (Job 19: 25) Job is now comforted having realised he isn't alone,no matter the weight of his sufferings,though he knows not from whence they came,but he certainly believed in the personal appearance of his great Kinsman-Redeemer on earth. Now we know that this prophecy has been fulfilled, and that the Redeemer has come, and has taken away sin by the sacrifice of Himself: the seed of the woman has crushed the head of the serpent, and by the shedding of her blood has provided a ransom price for the souls of men. The earth needed HIM, and HE has identified HIMSELF with its sins and pains by rising above it and dying for it. For us, these words remain prophetic, and we await the appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ , who still as King of kings will finally rise on earth. IV. The hope of the beatific vision . And after my skin is undone, now without flesh I will see God* The flesh is the veil that hides the vision of God from the spirit of man . Even the Redeemer's flesh had to be rent as a veil, before the entrance could be opened for us ( Heb. 10:20 ). The way Paul puts it is: *Absent from the body, ... present to the Lord* (2 Cor. 5:8, KJV). When he appears, we will be like him, because we will see him as he is. *The pure in heart will see God .* If there were no God to see, why would it be that the purest of hearts have this longing and hope within them? Of course, it does not follow that because a man is good and upright, he is in greater danger of being deceived and led astray in that most important of all questions: that of future hope. V. The confidence of ultimate satisfaction . «Whom I must see for myself, and my eyes will look at him; and no longer as a stranger» (v. 27,) God's current dealings with Job are for him full of mysteries and contradictions,(he had to trust GOD'S WISDOM) All things seem to be against him, but when he sees God apart from his flesh, he knows he will find that God, all along the way, has been by his side, bringing all things to work for his good. He will not see him as a stranger, but as his faithful relative - His Redeemer . Here «now we see through a mirror, dimly; but then we shall see face to face.” What we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job; but with the vision of our Divine Kinsman before us we receive the certainty that in HIS love HE does everything well . "When I wake up, I will be satisfied" (Ps. 17:15), in the presence of his countenance His. This is our hope,as we learn to humble ourselves before our ETERNAL FATHER,TRUSTING HIS JUDGEMENTS TO BE THE BEST FOR US, RELYING SOLELY ON HIM, BLINDLY BELIEVING HIM, THAT WITH HIM,WE ARE ASSURED OF OUR SAFETY, AMEN🙇🙏!
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    In our last study,we rested with one of King David's secrets,in always ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,and that's genuinely and honestly humbling himself before God always;
    Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? (Psa 139: 7)
    If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. (Psa 139: 11)

    26. He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
    27. Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth....... (Psa 89: 26-28)

    I repeat for emphasis sake,one of the things that pleases our Father most is, accepting our frailty and helplessness without HIM.*DAVID HAD NO TWO HEADS...HE ONLY BUSIED HIMSELF WITH KNOWING GOD MORE THROUGH GOD'S OWN WORD...AND IT PAID OFF*

    Let's take a look at an experience I had in the School of Ministry. As always,names of people and church will be excluded for security sake.

    One of our instructors related an experience when himself as an upcoming Gospel minister was invited to minister abroad,in the company of three renowned God's Generals in Nigeria...as at the time,one of the three was and is still a household name in Nigeria.

    He(newbie minister)had his turn on the third night,...and everywhere,the atmosphere was charged and electrified,..infact,he was asked to minister on the fourth and last night with the other General..., because,they saw the Holy Spirit in action.

    He said,later in his hotel room later that third night,he heard a knock on his door,and behold,it was the most popular General(another Nicodemus,you would say)! Humbled by his visit,he could barely utter a word.

    The General explained his presence thus,*The first two nights paled into insignificance, the moment you took charge of the pulpit tonight... what's the secret? I had to come because, I can tell it was a message from above, please share with me*

    Instantaneously, the newbie received the message, and passed it across thus,* The LORD said,as long as you remain a baby in My Hand, I will always bare you in My Arms,but when feel you have grown,and now an adult, I will gently drop you down to walk on your own*

    The moment the newbie finished, the General broke down and wept, because the message was self explanatory... it's ICHABOD...those like him are living on past glory. According to the newbie, the General never went back to his room that night,as they prayed together all through. Both are very much alive today.

    When we tell God(usually through our actions),that we are capable of taking care of ourselves, He backs off, for (HE HATES STRIFE,AND DOESN'T FORCE, UNLESS HIS PURPOSE DEMANDS IT). This is where I become sad, seeing and hearing people misinterpreting God's Word in the doctrine of Predestination...I still can't believe that a significantly greater percentage of Christians are yet being hoodwinked into believing the devil's*don't worry,relax* form of Christianity,when HIS WORD is clear on salvation. Indeed,satan so cheapen salvation by the promotion of his twisted version of Predestination (Once saved, always saved).


    So, it was only then he realised he was in trouble without God,...that he has offended his MAKER by flaunting his supposed righteousness before HIM, WHO only is perfectly righteous.

    Hear him;

    *I know that my Redeemer lives*(Job 19: 25).
    Who but the Lord Jesus Christ could make such a sad list of broken friendships as Job does in this chapter? Let's hear what he says about them: *He caused my brothers to distance themselves from me, and my relatives as strangers departed… My neighbors departed, and my acquaintances forgot me.

    The servants of my house and my maids considered me strange… my servant… does not answer me… my breath disgusts my wife… All my close friends hate me» (vv. 13-19). He had not a single arm of flesh left on which he could lean, when this new light shone upon him, leading him to say: *I know that my Kinsman-Redeemer lives,* and that in my flesh I am to see God.

    The teaching of the Spirit of God is not limited to the conditions and circumstances of men . Job's language here is full of prophetic meaning, and rich in spiritual consolation. We, at least, can easily read in these words:

    I. The fact of redemption. *My Redeemer lives.*HE IS THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS.

    What a relief for the downtrodden and bewildered soul to turn from failed earthly relationships to the ever-steadfast Kinsman on high, who lives forever to intercede for us... HE is and will ever be ready to deliver us from all our anguish. He will redeem our lives from destruction, and HE will crown us with goodness and mercy.

    He vindicates the cause of all who trust in HIM . HE who redeems and buys the soul through HIS own BLOOD from HIM lives for the salvation and vindication of HIS OWN. The fact that HE, the eternal Son of God, condescended to be our Goel(Hebrew for Redeemer (close relative) is the mystery and wonder of infinite grace.


    Job knew that all his earthly friends had abandoned him, but he also knew that his next Kinsman in heaven, the Living One, would finally prove to be good and faithful. There were some things that Job did not know.

    He did not know why he had been so suddenly stripped of all earthly comfort, and crushed to the dust with such a great burden of pain, but he knew and believed that " my Redeemer lives ,*and that HE lives for all things to work. for the good of those who love HIM.

    He could hardly now speak of my brothers, my relatives, my neighbors, my servant, because they had all abandoned him, but he could say *MY REDEEMER.*

    When the heart and the flesh fail, God will be the portion of the believing soul.. It will still be sweet to say, *my Redeemer,* when all the joys and friendships of this world have to be left behind.

    III. The hope of HIS appearance .* For I know,....... and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: (Job 19: 25)

    Job is now comforted having realised he isn't alone,no matter the weight of his sufferings,though he knows not from whence they came,but he certainly believed in the personal appearance of his great Kinsman-Redeemer on earth.

    Now we know that this prophecy has been fulfilled, and that the Redeemer has come, and has taken away sin by the sacrifice of Himself: the seed of the woman has crushed the head of the serpent, and by the shedding of her blood has provided a ransom price for the souls of men.

    The earth needed HIM, and HE has identified HIMSELF with its sins and pains by rising above it and dying for it. For us, these words remain prophetic, and we await the appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ , who still as King of kings will finally rise on earth.

    IV. The hope of the beatific vision . And after my skin is undone, now without flesh I will see God*
    The flesh is the veil that hides the vision of God from the spirit of man . Even the Redeemer's flesh had to be rent as a veil, before the entrance could be opened for us ( Heb. 10:20 ).

    The way Paul puts it is: *Absent from the body, ... present to the Lord* (2 Cor. 5:8, KJV). When he appears, we will be like him, because we will see him as he is.

    *The pure in heart will see God .*
    If there were no God to see, why would it be that the purest of hearts have this longing and hope within them? Of course, it does not follow that because a man is good and upright, he is in greater danger of being deceived and led astray in that most important of all questions: that of future hope.

    V. The confidence of ultimate satisfaction . «Whom I must see for myself, and my eyes will look at him; and no longer as a stranger» (v. 27,)
    God's current dealings with Job are for him full of mysteries and contradictions,(he had to trust GOD'S WISDOM)

    All things seem to be against him, but when he sees God apart from his flesh, he knows he will find that God, all along the way, has been by his side, bringing all things to work for his good. He will not see him as a stranger, but as his faithful relative - His Redeemer . Here «now we see through a mirror, dimly; but then we shall see face to face.”

    What we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job; but with the vision of our Divine Kinsman before us we receive the certainty that in HIS love HE does everything well . "When I wake up, I will be satisfied" (Ps. 17:15), in the presence of his countenance His.

    GOD'S WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN,(HE'S DONE WITH THIS WORLD) 2PT.3:9-13,PS.119:89 đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS!(PART TWO) đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ In our last study,we rested with one of King David's secrets,in always ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,and that's genuinely and honestly humbling himself before God always; Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? (Psa 139: 7) If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. (Psa 139: 11) 26. He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. 27. Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth....... (Psa 89: 26-28) I repeat for emphasis sake,one of the things that pleases our Father most is, accepting our frailty and helplessness without HIM.*DAVID HAD NO TWO HEADS...HE ONLY BUSIED HIMSELF WITH KNOWING GOD MORE THROUGH GOD'S OWN WORD...AND IT PAID OFF* Let's take a look at an experience I had in the School of Ministry. As always,names of people and church will be excluded for security sake. One of our instructors related an experience when himself as an upcoming Gospel minister was invited to minister abroad,in the company of three renowned God's Generals in Nigeria...as at the time,one of the three was and is still a household name in Nigeria. He(newbie minister)had his turn on the third night,...and everywhere,the atmosphere was charged and electrified,..infact,he was asked to minister on the fourth and last night with the other General..., because,they saw the Holy Spirit in action. He said,later in his hotel room later that third night,he heard a knock on his door,and behold,it was the most popular General(another Nicodemus,you would say)! Humbled by his visit,he could barely utter a word. The General explained his presence thus,*The first two nights paled into insignificance, the moment you took charge of the pulpit tonight... what's the secret? I had to come because, I can tell it was a message from above, please share with me* Instantaneously, the newbie received the message, and passed it across thus,* The LORD said,as long as you remain a baby in My Hand, I will always bare you in My Arms,but when feel you have grown,and now an adult, I will gently drop you down to walk on your own* The moment the newbie finished, the General broke down and wept, because the message was self explanatory... it's ICHABOD...those like him are living on past glory. According to the newbie, the General never went back to his room that night,as they prayed together all through. Both are very much alive today. When we tell God(usually through our actions),that we are capable of taking care of ourselves, He backs off, for (HE HATES STRIFE,AND DOESN'T FORCE, UNLESS HIS PURPOSE DEMANDS IT). This is where I become sad, seeing and hearing people misinterpreting God's Word in the doctrine of Predestination...I still can't believe that a significantly greater percentage of Christians are yet being hoodwinked into believing the devil's*don't worry,relax* form of Christianity,when HIS WORD is clear on salvation. Indeed,satan so cheapen salvation by the promotion of his twisted version of Predestination (Once saved, always saved). Back to our discourse, it was after Job discovered that,those he thought loved him, and will protect him,if need be,not only deserted him,but mocked him of being a secret sinner... including even his own wife(BUT DON'T BLAME THE WIFE,SHE SAW IT ALL,FROM HERO TO ZERO, IT'S OUT OF THE PAIN SHE SAW HER LOVING HUSBAND PASSING THROUGH.ALL THEIR CHILDREN BURIED IN ONE DAY, AND HER HUSBAND REBUKED HER, SHE UTTERED NOT A WORD,NOR LEFT HIM. INSTEAD,SHE MADE AMENDS, STILL STAYED GLUED TO HER HUSBAND,FED AND CARED FOR HIM THROUGHOUT THE TRIAL. A PILLAR OF STRENGTH, WHEN OTHERS MOCKED. INDEED SHE'S THE VIRTUOUS WOMAN,HENCE SHE DIDN'T REQUIRED TO BE PRAYED FOR UNLIKE THE FRIENDS). So, it was only then he realised he was in trouble without God,...that he has offended his MAKER by flaunting his supposed righteousness before HIM, WHO only is perfectly righteous. Hear him; *I know that my Redeemer lives*(Job 19: 25). Who but the Lord Jesus Christ could make such a sad list of broken friendships as Job does in this chapter? Let's hear what he says about them: *He caused my brothers to distance themselves from me, and my relatives as strangers departed… My neighbors departed, and my acquaintances forgot me. The servants of my house and my maids considered me strange… my servant… does not answer me… my breath disgusts my wife… All my close friends hate me» (vv. 13-19). He had not a single arm of flesh left on which he could lean, when this new light shone upon him, leading him to say: *I know that my Kinsman-Redeemer lives,* and that in my flesh I am to see God. The teaching of the Spirit of God is not limited to the conditions and circumstances of men . Job's language here is full of prophetic meaning, and rich in spiritual consolation. We, at least, can easily read in these words: I. The fact of redemption. *My Redeemer lives.*HE IS THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. What a relief for the downtrodden and bewildered soul to turn from failed earthly relationships to the ever-steadfast Kinsman on high, who lives forever to intercede for us... HE is and will ever be ready to deliver us from all our anguish. He will redeem our lives from destruction, and HE will crown us with goodness and mercy. He vindicates the cause of all who trust in HIM . HE who redeems and buys the soul through HIS own BLOOD from HIM lives for the salvation and vindication of HIS OWN. The fact that HE, the eternal Son of God, condescended to be our Goel(Hebrew for Redeemer (close relative) is the mystery and wonder of infinite grace. II. The joy of personal certainty. *I know.* EVERY DARKNESS WILL EVENTUALLY FLEE AT THE APPEARANCE OF HIS LIGHT* Job knew that all his earthly friends had abandoned him, but he also knew that his next Kinsman in heaven, the Living One, would finally prove to be good and faithful. There were some things that Job did not know. He did not know why he had been so suddenly stripped of all earthly comfort, and crushed to the dust with such a great burden of pain, but he knew and believed that " my Redeemer lives ,*and that HE lives for all things to work. for the good of those who love HIM. He could hardly now speak of my brothers, my relatives, my neighbors, my servant, because they had all abandoned him, but he could say *MY REDEEMER.* When the heart and the flesh fail, God will be the portion of the believing soul.. It will still be sweet to say, *my Redeemer,* when all the joys and friendships of this world have to be left behind. III. The hope of HIS appearance .* For I know,....... and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: (Job 19: 25) Job is now comforted having realised he isn't alone,no matter the weight of his sufferings,though he knows not from whence they came,but he certainly believed in the personal appearance of his great Kinsman-Redeemer on earth. Now we know that this prophecy has been fulfilled, and that the Redeemer has come, and has taken away sin by the sacrifice of Himself: the seed of the woman has crushed the head of the serpent, and by the shedding of her blood has provided a ransom price for the souls of men. The earth needed HIM, and HE has identified HIMSELF with its sins and pains by rising above it and dying for it. For us, these words remain prophetic, and we await the appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ , who still as King of kings will finally rise on earth. IV. The hope of the beatific vision . And after my skin is undone, now without flesh I will see God* The flesh is the veil that hides the vision of God from the spirit of man . Even the Redeemer's flesh had to be rent as a veil, before the entrance could be opened for us ( Heb. 10:20 ). The way Paul puts it is: *Absent from the body, ... present to the Lord* (2 Cor. 5:8, KJV). When he appears, we will be like him, because we will see him as he is. *The pure in heart will see God .* If there were no God to see, why would it be that the purest of hearts have this longing and hope within them? Of course, it does not follow that because a man is good and upright, he is in greater danger of being deceived and led astray in that most important of all questions: that of future hope. V. The confidence of ultimate satisfaction . «Whom I must see for myself, and my eyes will look at him; and no longer as a stranger» (v. 27,) God's current dealings with Job are for him full of mysteries and contradictions,(he had to trust GOD'S WISDOM) All things seem to be against him, but when he sees God apart from his flesh, he knows he will find that God, all along the way, has been by his side, bringing all things to work for his good. He will not see him as a stranger, but as his faithful relative - His Redeemer . Here «now we see through a mirror, dimly; but then we shall see face to face.” What we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job; but with the vision of our Divine Kinsman before us we receive the certainty that in HIS love HE does everything well . "When I wake up, I will be satisfied" (Ps. 17:15), in the presence of his countenance His. This is our hope,as we learn to humble ourselves before our ETERNAL FATHER,TRUSTING HIS JUDGEMENTS TO BE THE BEST FOR US, RELYING SOLELY ON HIM, BLINDLY BELIEVING HIM, THAT WITH HIM,WE ARE ASSURED OF OUR SAFETY, AMEN🙇🙏!
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    The Truth that's difficult for Nigerian/Global prosperity preaching Pastors and their congregants to assimilate.

    God begins from where devil stopped...in other words,God begins His very best in our lives when satan has done his very worst. Job is a classical example of this.

    But, ensuring satan's very worst isn't an enjoyable experience. Yes,we mostly do not see the reason why a child of God should be passing through hell on earth. However,what we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job.

    We are looking at* Light in the Darkness* through the eyes of Job;
    25. For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
    26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body , yet in my flesh shall I see God:
    27. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. (Job 19: 25-27)

    There aren't many people who aren't acquainted with Job's story. Indeed, it's similar to Heb.11, the faith chapter in the New Testament.

    Reading from verse one, we are presented with a grief stricken Job, whose soul was bitterly anguished at the words of his so-called comforters. *You have already reviled me ten times,* he says.

    When in trouble, especially when we formerly occupied an enviable position, you are bound to witness or experience those who professed love and their commitments to the blooming of your friendship, suddenly turn and become your judges and arbitrators. The hard-hearted among them,may oftentimes turn out to be the ones to easily hurl reproaches at you in the day of your misfortune.


    Of course,NO!

    Job's afflictions was the work of the devil , and it was completely permitted by God, as was the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. Permitted by God means that *If God has said,No, there's nothing the devil can do about it,that is,if God doesn't permit the enemy,you can't be touched. This is because the aggressor will have to fight God first.

    So ,every evil under the sun is essentially the work of *wicked hands.* God allows them. HE uses them to direct our gaze on HIM,and to curb our excesses. God desires us to be solely dependent on Him alone...we did this sometime ago,on *GOD BEING A JEALOUS GOD* He brooks no opposition from anyone.

    It is quite interesting to note that, it was after Job had experienced the weakness and deception of all earthly relations, that the vision of the Kinsman-Redeemer came to his desolate spirit. Yes,Job realise that despite having thousands of friends and praise singers,he was alone at that moment,and understood that only God can get him out of this.

    Truly we have here the work of the Spirit of God . The unsatisfactory nature of all earthly friendships, and their inadequacy and inability to meet the needs of a sinful and downcast soul, must be fully seen before the glories of Kinsman Redeemer, can be fully appreciated.
    God Loves us more,when we earnestly declare ,not only with our lips,but moreso our hearts,that without Him,we can't save ourselves.

    Trust me, whenever we get to this point in genuinty and sincerity, and not lip service or halfly measures,God is bound by His Word to intervene;

    14. Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts?
    15. And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.
    16. Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
    17. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
    18. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. (Mal 3: 14-18)

    I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (Psa 138: 2)

    This was another of King David's key in ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,*who is man that you are mindful of him?* As Christians,we should have heard this...
    Even though saint Job knew this,as with frail humans,he couldn't go the whole way,and insisted on his righteousness... however,to his credit,we thank God that he realised quickly that Man's righteousness is simply a filthy rag before our ever perfect God...amen!

    Don't go away...we aren't done with this yet... Remain richly blessed Amen!
    GOD'S WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN,(HE'S DONE WITH THIS WORLD) 2PT.3:9-13,PS.119:89 đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS! (PART ONE) đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ FROM THE ARCHIVES! The Truth that's difficult for Nigerian/Global prosperity preaching Pastors and their congregants to assimilate.👇 God begins from where devil stopped...in other words,God begins His very best in our lives when satan has done his very worst. Job is a classical example of this. But, ensuring satan's very worst isn't an enjoyable experience. Yes,we mostly do not see the reason why a child of God should be passing through hell on earth. However,what we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job. We are looking at* Light in the Darkness* through the eyes of Job; 25. For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body , yet in my flesh shall I see God: 27. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. (Job 19: 25-27) There aren't many people who aren't acquainted with Job's story. Indeed, it's similar to Heb.11, the faith chapter in the New Testament. Reading from verse one, we are presented with a grief stricken Job, whose soul was bitterly anguished at the words of his so-called comforters. *You have already reviled me ten times,* he says. When in trouble, especially when we formerly occupied an enviable position, you are bound to witness or experience those who professed love and their commitments to the blooming of your friendship, suddenly turn and become your judges and arbitrators. The hard-hearted among them,may oftentimes turn out to be the ones to easily hurl reproaches at you in the day of your misfortune. IS GOD EVIL,FOR ALLOWING US TO EXPERIENCE*THE FIERY DARTS OF THE ENEMY? đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ Of course,NO! Job's afflictions was the work of the devil , and it was completely permitted by God, as was the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. Permitted by God means that *If God has said,No, there's nothing the devil can do about it,that is,if God doesn't permit the enemy,you can't be touched. This is because the aggressor will have to fight God first. So ,every evil under the sun is essentially the work of *wicked hands.* God allows them. HE uses them to direct our gaze on HIM,and to curb our excesses. God desires us to be solely dependent on Him alone...we did this sometime ago,on *GOD BEING A JEALOUS GOD* He brooks no opposition from anyone. It is quite interesting to note that, it was after Job had experienced the weakness and deception of all earthly relations, that the vision of the Kinsman-Redeemer came to his desolate spirit. Yes,Job realise that despite having thousands of friends and praise singers,he was alone at that moment,and understood that only God can get him out of this. Truly we have here the work of the Spirit of God . The unsatisfactory nature of all earthly friendships, and their inadequacy and inability to meet the needs of a sinful and downcast soul, must be fully seen before the glories of Kinsman Redeemer, can be fully appreciated. God Loves us more,when we earnestly declare ,not only with our lips,but moreso our hearts,that without Him,we can't save ourselves. Trust me, whenever we get to this point in genuinty and sincerity, and not lip service or halfly measures,God is bound by His Word to intervene; 14. Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts? 15. And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered. 16. Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. 17. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. 18. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. (Mal 3: 14-18) I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (Psa 138: 2) This was another of King David's key in ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,*who is man that you are mindful of him?* As Christians,we should have heard this... Even though saint Job knew this,as with frail humans,he couldn't go the whole way,and insisted on his righteousness... however,to his credit,we thank God that he realised quickly that Man's righteousness is simply a filthy rag before our ever perfect God...amen! Don't go away...we aren't done with this yet... Remain richly blessed🙇🙏 Amen!
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4767 Ansichten



    The Truth that's difficult for Nigerian/Global prosperity preaching Pastors and their congregants to assimilate.

    God begins from where devil stopped...in other words,God begins His very best in our lives when satan has done his very worst. Job is a classical example of this.

    But, ensuring satan's very worst isn't an enjoyable experience. Yes,we mostly do not see the reason why a child of God should be passing through hell on earth. However,what we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job.

    We are looking at* Light in the Darkness* through the eyes of Job;
    25. For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
    26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body , yet in my flesh shall I see God:
    27. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. (Job 19: 25-27)

    There aren't many people who aren't acquainted with Job's story. Indeed, it's similar to Heb.11, the faith chapter in the New Testament.

    Reading from verse one, we are presented with a grief stricken Job, whose soul was bitterly anguished at the words of his so-called comforters. *You have already reviled me ten times,* he says.

    When in trouble, especially when we formerly occupied an enviable position, you are bound to witness or experience those who professed love and their commitments to the blooming of your friendship, suddenly turn and become your judges and arbitrators. The hard-hearted among them,may oftentimes turn out to be the ones to easily hurl reproaches at you in the day of your misfortune.


    Of course,NO!

    Job's afflictions was the work of the devil , and it was completely permitted by God, as was the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. Permitted by God means that *If God has said,No, there's nothing the devil can do about it,that is,if God doesn't permit the enemy,you can't be touched. This is because the aggressor will have to fight God first.

    So ,every evil under the sun is essentially the work of *wicked hands.* God allows them. HE uses them to direct our gaze on HIM,and to curb our excesses. God desires us to be solely dependent on Him alone...we did this sometime ago,on *GOD BEING A JEALOUS GOD* He brooks no opposition from anyone.

    It is quite interesting to note that, it was after Job had experienced the weakness and deception of all earthly relations, that the vision of the Kinsman-Redeemer came to his desolate spirit. Yes,Job realise that despite having thousands of friends and praise singers,he was alone at that moment,and understood that only God can get him out of this.

    Truly we have here the work of the Spirit of God . The unsatisfactory nature of all earthly friendships, and their inadequacy and inability to meet the needs of a sinful and downcast soul, must be fully seen before the glories of Kinsman Redeemer, can be fully appreciated.
    God Loves us more,when we earnestly declare ,not only with our lips,but moreso our hearts,that without Him,we can't save ourselves.

    Trust me, whenever we get to this point in genuinty and sincerity, and not lip service or halfly measures,God is bound by His Word to intervene;

    14. Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts?
    15. And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.
    16. Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
    17. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
    18. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. (Mal 3: 14-18)

    I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (Psa 138: 2)

    This was another of King David's key in ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,*who is man that you are mindful of him?* As Christians,we should have heard this...
    Even though saint Job knew this,as with frail humans,he couldn't go the whole way,and insisted on his righteousness... however,to his credit,we thank God that he realised quickly that Man's righteousness is simply a filthy rag before our ever perfect God...amen!

    Don't go away...we aren't done with this yet... Remain richly blessed Amen!
    GOD'S WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN,(HE'S DONE WITH THIS WORLD) 2PT.3:9-13,PS.119:89 đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS! (PART ONE) đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ FROM THE ARCHIVES! The Truth that's difficult for Nigerian/Global prosperity preaching Pastors and their congregants to assimilate.👇 God begins from where devil stopped...in other words,God begins His very best in our lives when satan has done his very worst. Job is a classical example of this. But, ensuring satan's very worst isn't an enjoyable experience. Yes,we mostly do not see the reason why a child of God should be passing through hell on earth. However,what we do not know now we will know later. Our present circumstances may be as incomprehensible to human reason as his were to Job. We are looking at* Light in the Darkness* through the eyes of Job; 25. For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body , yet in my flesh shall I see God: 27. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. (Job 19: 25-27) There aren't many people who aren't acquainted with Job's story. Indeed, it's similar to Heb.11, the faith chapter in the New Testament. Reading from verse one, we are presented with a grief stricken Job, whose soul was bitterly anguished at the words of his so-called comforters. *You have already reviled me ten times,* he says. When in trouble, especially when we formerly occupied an enviable position, you are bound to witness or experience those who professed love and their commitments to the blooming of your friendship, suddenly turn and become your judges and arbitrators. The hard-hearted among them,may oftentimes turn out to be the ones to easily hurl reproaches at you in the day of your misfortune. IS GOD EVIL,FOR ALLOWING US TO EXPERIENCE*THE FIERY DARTS OF THE ENEMY? đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„đŸš„ Of course,NO! Job's afflictions was the work of the devil , and it was completely permitted by God, as was the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. Permitted by God means that *If God has said,No, there's nothing the devil can do about it,that is,if God doesn't permit the enemy,you can't be touched. This is because the aggressor will have to fight God first. So ,every evil under the sun is essentially the work of *wicked hands.* God allows them. HE uses them to direct our gaze on HIM,and to curb our excesses. God desires us to be solely dependent on Him alone...we did this sometime ago,on *GOD BEING A JEALOUS GOD* He brooks no opposition from anyone. It is quite interesting to note that, it was after Job had experienced the weakness and deception of all earthly relations, that the vision of the Kinsman-Redeemer came to his desolate spirit. Yes,Job realise that despite having thousands of friends and praise singers,he was alone at that moment,and understood that only God can get him out of this. Truly we have here the work of the Spirit of God . The unsatisfactory nature of all earthly friendships, and their inadequacy and inability to meet the needs of a sinful and downcast soul, must be fully seen before the glories of Kinsman Redeemer, can be fully appreciated. God Loves us more,when we earnestly declare ,not only with our lips,but moreso our hearts,that without Him,we can't save ourselves. Trust me, whenever we get to this point in genuinty and sincerity, and not lip service or halfly measures,God is bound by His Word to intervene; 14. Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts? 15. And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered. 16. Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. 17. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. 18. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. (Mal 3: 14-18) I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (Psa 138: 2) This was another of King David's key in ensuring God's protection and provision at all times,*who is man that you are mindful of him?* As Christians,we should have heard this... Even though saint Job knew this,as with frail humans,he couldn't go the whole way,and insisted on his righteousness... however,to his credit,we thank God that he realised quickly that Man's righteousness is simply a filthy rag before our ever perfect God...amen! Don't go away...we aren't done with this yet... Remain richly blessed🙇🙏 Amen!
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  • Saddam did not have WMD’s when Bush Jr said he did but he did have WMD’s when Bush Sr covered it up
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorDecember 19, 2024

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    Commentary by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor

    In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini referred to the United States as “the Great Satan” for a reason. He articulated a principle that remains relevant to this day. Khomeini stated:

    “There is no crime America will not commit in order to maintain its political, economic, cultural, and military domination of those parts of the world where it predominates. It exploits the oppressed people of the world by means of the large-scale propaganda campaigns that are coordinated for it by international Zionism. By means of its hidden and treacherous agents, it sucks the blood of the defenseless people as if it alone, together with its satellites, had the right to live in this world. Iran has tried to sever all its relations with this Great Satan and it is for this reason that it now finds wars imposed upon it.”[1]

    “International Zionism” aptly describes the situation at the time. The United States and England had already overthrown Iran’s democratically elected president, Mohammad Mossadegh, in 1953,[2] and both countries were expanding aggressively in the Middle East to keep a diabolical empire alive and well.

    By 1988, during the Iran-Iraq conflict, the United States unsurprisingly sided with Iraq, despite knowing that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction—a fact the U.S. government denied at the time. The denial was a strategic move by the Reagan administration, which sought to ensure an Iraqi victory and pressure Iran into negotiations.

    Moreover, the Iraq government “relied on U.S. satellite imagery, maps, and other intelligence. These attacks helped to tilt the war in Iraq’s favor and bring Iran to the negotiating table, and they ensured that the Reagan administration’s long-standing policy of securing an Iraqi victory would succeed.”[3]

    Iran attempted to build a case against Iraq at the time for using chemical weapons but lacked sufficient evidence. Who knew that Iraq had indeed used chemical weapons? The United States of America—commonly referred to as “The Great Satan.” They lied about weapons of mass destruction then, just as they lied about them in 2003, which is the focus of the article you’re about to read by Jim Coleman.

    The conclusion here is clear: it’s never really about weapons of mass destruction. If any country in the Middle East uses such weapons against a nation that the United States or Israel opposes, it’s deemed acceptable. Conversely, if Israel declares that a Middle Eastern country possesses weapons of mass destruction and calls for an attack—as in the case of Iraq in 2003—the United States obediently follows the directives of the Israeli regime. This behavior exemplifies why the United States continues to be labeled “The Great Satan” by Iran. Israel is certainly part of The Synagogue of Satan which must be challenged militarily.

    by Jimmy R. Coleman

    President George W. Bush, or ‘Bush Jr.’ to differentiate him from his daddy George H.W. Bush or ‘Bush Sr.’, used Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) as the major pretext to invade Iraq in 2003.

    Anyone with breath sufficient to fog a mirror knows the Bush administration, after months of searching, failed to uncover active WMD’s. Today most Homo sapiens, perhaps even a few Neanderthals, accept the notion George W. Bush sold America the Beautiful a ‘Pig in a Poke’, a deal the American Citizenry foolishly accepted without prior examination. We now know the chemical weapons found in Iraq after the 2003 invasion were in the main considered “inert,” meaning they were no longer active due to degradation from age and environmental conditions. Current Affairs stated that a number of abandoned stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, from before 1991, were uncovered but the Bush administration actually worked to conceal the discovery, because these “filthy, rusty, or corroded” weapons were clearly “long-abandoned.”

    However, as it so happens, Declassified CIA documents and interviews with former intelligence officials, provide us with firm unequivocally evidence that Saddam did in fact possess an active WMD cache. Does this mean then Bush was telling We the People the truth and nothing but the truth? The answer, my friend, as Bob Dylan aptly phrased it, is blowin’ in the wind. The answer depends entirely on which Bush we are talking about, George W. Jr. or George H.W. the Sr. Bush.

    Suffice it to say, George W. Bush Jr. did sell the American Citizenry green cheese or if you prefer, a lump of coal. David Corn, bureau chief for Mother Jones, perchance said it best when he declared, “Bush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they were promoting false information.” Truthfully speaking, Saddam possessed active Weapons of Mass Destruction, not during Bush the Son’s reign but years earlier during President Reagan and ‘Daddy’ Bush’s administration.

    Reagan and Vice President George H.W. not only knew of Saddam Hussein’s WMD arsenal and their planned use but they were its spearhead, without which said approval and help there would have been no Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. The declassified CIA documents reveal Saddam’s WMD program was active a decade and a half-earlier than the 2003 “Mission Accomplished” invasion of Iraq occurred, from 1980-1988.

    According to NTI, The Nuclear Threat Initiative,

    “Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq pursued every major category of WMD, but dismantled its programs under UN supervision following defeat in the 1991 Gulf War. Nonetheless, unfounded U.S. and Western suspicions that it was reconstituting its WMD programs led to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and regime change.”

    Saddam and his Ba’athist party was not always our sworn enemy. In fact when America was not trying to kill him and his cohorts toward the end of his rein, ‘My country tis of thee’ was Saddam’s trusted ally, alongside global oil and companies like Halliburton and Bechtel who found Saddam’s friendship most rewarding. While it is true Saddam killed, maimed, tortured and otherwise suppressed for decades the Shia of Iraq who made up 75% of its population, Ronald Reagan’s special representative, Donald Rumsfield declared America and Saddam’s Iraq shared many common interests. Saddam Hussein proved useful to the United States, especially so when in 1980 he launched a war against Iran.

    The United States, along with the Germans, French and British, never in short supply of the accoutrements and weapons of war, especially when well compensated by the likes of Saddam, provided the chemicals and production equipment to produce sarin and mustard gas the Butcher of Baghdad used against Iran, the same deadly mixture the Germans used in WWI. Twenty-four U.S. firms were involved in exporting materials to Baghdad. In 2014 the New York Times reported that, “In five of six incidents in which troops were wounded by the cleaning up of chemical agents remaining from years earlier, the munitions appeared to have been designed in the United States, manufactured in Europe and filled in chemical agent production lines built in Iraq by Western companies.” We provided Saddam with essential intelligence on Iranian troop positions and weather conditions, along with crop dusting helicopters that gave him the ability to fly over the Iranian troops, spraying them as if they were no more than weeds, killing 100,000 of the unprotected Iranians.

    In addition to gassing the Iranians, in 39 separate gas attacks, Saddam used these same banned weapons against the Kurds “Anfal” to kill an estimated 5,000 of their own citizens. Iraqi forces from all causes killed 50,000-100,000 Kurds. All told one million lives were lost, three times that number wounded and made homeless, during the eight years of the Iraq-Iran war from 1980-1988, the majority of casualties Iranian.

    According to retired Army Colonel W. Patrick Lang, senior defense intelligence officer for the United States Defense Intelligence Agency at the time, “the use of gas on the battlefield by the Iraqis was not a matter of deep strategic concern” to Reagan and his aides, because they “were desperate to make sure that US-backed Iraq did not lose. In 1982, one veteran involved with the program shrugged that “it was just another way of killing people—whether with a bullet or phosgene, it didn’t make any difference.” The U.S. added Iraq to the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism on December 29, 1979, but removed it in February 1982 to allow U.S. aid to Iraq while it was fighting Iran in the Iran-Iraq war. The Reagan administration, realized Iraq was “the only thing standing between revolutionary Iran and the Persian Gulf oil fields”. On September 13, 1990, the “ Land of the Brave and Home of the Free” reinstated sanctions against Iraq following its invasion of Kuwait. Given the on and off again fluctuations, it is difficult to ascertain Iraq’s current status, either in good stead with America or as a member of the terrorist nations of the world.

    From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli Bush the son told the world Saddam had WMD’s, justifying the American invasion of Iraq. It proved to be a bald face lie. The American government also lied to We the People when a decade and a half earlier the Reagan/Bush Sr administration covered up the fact, a euphemism for lied, Saddam’s did indeed have a WMD program, and it helped to create it. As the American radio broadcaster liked to say, “And now you know…the rest of the story”.

    Jim Coleman holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology, theology, and drama, as well as a master’s degree in history and sociology. He also completed postgraduate studies in criminology and social welfare.

    [1] Quoted in E. Michael Jones, “The Great Satan and Me: Reflections on Iran and Postmodernism’s Faustian Pact,” Culture Wars, July/August 2015.

    [2] See Stephen Kinzer, All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2003 & 2008); Christopher de Bellaigue, Patriot of Persia: Muhammad Mossadegh and a Tragic Anglo-American Coup (New York: HarperCollins, 2013); Ervand Abrahamian, The Coup: 1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations (New York: The New Press, 2015).

    [3] Shane Harris and Matthew M. Aid, “Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran,” Foreign Policy, August 26, 2013.


    $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation
    150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.


    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

    About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy
    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    Saddam did not have WMD’s when Bush Jr said he did but he did have WMD’s when Bush Sr covered it up Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorDecember 19, 2024 Become a VT Supporting Member Today Please keep VT Radio and VT Foreign Policy alive! Donate today to make sure VT stays on the internet free and clear of Big Tech control! Donate today: Please Donate - Click Here Commentary by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini referred to the United States as “the Great Satan” for a reason. He articulated a principle that remains relevant to this day. Khomeini stated: “There is no crime America will not commit in order to maintain its political, economic, cultural, and military domination of those parts of the world where it predominates. It exploits the oppressed people of the world by means of the large-scale propaganda campaigns that are coordinated for it by international Zionism. By means of its hidden and treacherous agents, it sucks the blood of the defenseless people as if it alone, together with its satellites, had the right to live in this world. Iran has tried to sever all its relations with this Great Satan and it is for this reason that it now finds wars imposed upon it.”[1] “International Zionism” aptly describes the situation at the time. The United States and England had already overthrown Iran’s democratically elected president, Mohammad Mossadegh, in 1953,[2] and both countries were expanding aggressively in the Middle East to keep a diabolical empire alive and well. By 1988, during the Iran-Iraq conflict, the United States unsurprisingly sided with Iraq, despite knowing that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction—a fact the U.S. government denied at the time. The denial was a strategic move by the Reagan administration, which sought to ensure an Iraqi victory and pressure Iran into negotiations. Moreover, the Iraq government “relied on U.S. satellite imagery, maps, and other intelligence. These attacks helped to tilt the war in Iraq’s favor and bring Iran to the negotiating table, and they ensured that the Reagan administration’s long-standing policy of securing an Iraqi victory would succeed.”[3] Iran attempted to build a case against Iraq at the time for using chemical weapons but lacked sufficient evidence. Who knew that Iraq had indeed used chemical weapons? The United States of America—commonly referred to as “The Great Satan.” They lied about weapons of mass destruction then, just as they lied about them in 2003, which is the focus of the article you’re about to read by Jim Coleman. The conclusion here is clear: it’s never really about weapons of mass destruction. If any country in the Middle East uses such weapons against a nation that the United States or Israel opposes, it’s deemed acceptable. Conversely, if Israel declares that a Middle Eastern country possesses weapons of mass destruction and calls for an attack—as in the case of Iraq in 2003—the United States obediently follows the directives of the Israeli regime. This behavior exemplifies why the United States continues to be labeled “The Great Satan” by Iran. Israel is certainly part of The Synagogue of Satan which must be challenged militarily. by Jimmy R. Coleman President George W. Bush, or ‘Bush Jr.’ to differentiate him from his daddy George H.W. Bush or ‘Bush Sr.’, used Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) as the major pretext to invade Iraq in 2003. Anyone with breath sufficient to fog a mirror knows the Bush administration, after months of searching, failed to uncover active WMD’s. Today most Homo sapiens, perhaps even a few Neanderthals, accept the notion George W. Bush sold America the Beautiful a ‘Pig in a Poke’, a deal the American Citizenry foolishly accepted without prior examination. We now know the chemical weapons found in Iraq after the 2003 invasion were in the main considered “inert,” meaning they were no longer active due to degradation from age and environmental conditions. Current Affairs stated that a number of abandoned stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, from before 1991, were uncovered but the Bush administration actually worked to conceal the discovery, because these “filthy, rusty, or corroded” weapons were clearly “long-abandoned.” However, as it so happens, Declassified CIA documents and interviews with former intelligence officials, provide us with firm unequivocally evidence that Saddam did in fact possess an active WMD cache. Does this mean then Bush was telling We the People the truth and nothing but the truth? The answer, my friend, as Bob Dylan aptly phrased it, is blowin’ in the wind. The answer depends entirely on which Bush we are talking about, George W. Jr. or George H.W. the Sr. Bush. Suffice it to say, George W. Bush Jr. did sell the American Citizenry green cheese or if you prefer, a lump of coal. David Corn, bureau chief for Mother Jones, perchance said it best when he declared, “Bush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they were promoting false information.” Truthfully speaking, Saddam possessed active Weapons of Mass Destruction, not during Bush the Son’s reign but years earlier during President Reagan and ‘Daddy’ Bush’s administration. Reagan and Vice President George H.W. not only knew of Saddam Hussein’s WMD arsenal and their planned use but they were its spearhead, without which said approval and help there would have been no Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. The declassified CIA documents reveal Saddam’s WMD program was active a decade and a half-earlier than the 2003 “Mission Accomplished” invasion of Iraq occurred, from 1980-1988. According to NTI, The Nuclear Threat Initiative, “Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq pursued every major category of WMD, but dismantled its programs under UN supervision following defeat in the 1991 Gulf War. Nonetheless, unfounded U.S. and Western suspicions that it was reconstituting its WMD programs led to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and regime change.” Saddam and his Ba’athist party was not always our sworn enemy. In fact when America was not trying to kill him and his cohorts toward the end of his rein, ‘My country tis of thee’ was Saddam’s trusted ally, alongside global oil and companies like Halliburton and Bechtel who found Saddam’s friendship most rewarding. While it is true Saddam killed, maimed, tortured and otherwise suppressed for decades the Shia of Iraq who made up 75% of its population, Ronald Reagan’s special representative, Donald Rumsfield declared America and Saddam’s Iraq shared many common interests. Saddam Hussein proved useful to the United States, especially so when in 1980 he launched a war against Iran. The United States, along with the Germans, French and British, never in short supply of the accoutrements and weapons of war, especially when well compensated by the likes of Saddam, provided the chemicals and production equipment to produce sarin and mustard gas the Butcher of Baghdad used against Iran, the same deadly mixture the Germans used in WWI. Twenty-four U.S. firms were involved in exporting materials to Baghdad. In 2014 the New York Times reported that, “In five of six incidents in which troops were wounded by the cleaning up of chemical agents remaining from years earlier, the munitions appeared to have been designed in the United States, manufactured in Europe and filled in chemical agent production lines built in Iraq by Western companies.” We provided Saddam with essential intelligence on Iranian troop positions and weather conditions, along with crop dusting helicopters that gave him the ability to fly over the Iranian troops, spraying them as if they were no more than weeds, killing 100,000 of the unprotected Iranians. In addition to gassing the Iranians, in 39 separate gas attacks, Saddam used these same banned weapons against the Kurds “Anfal” to kill an estimated 5,000 of their own citizens. Iraqi forces from all causes killed 50,000-100,000 Kurds. All told one million lives were lost, three times that number wounded and made homeless, during the eight years of the Iraq-Iran war from 1980-1988, the majority of casualties Iranian. According to retired Army Colonel W. Patrick Lang, senior defense intelligence officer for the United States Defense Intelligence Agency at the time, “the use of gas on the battlefield by the Iraqis was not a matter of deep strategic concern” to Reagan and his aides, because they “were desperate to make sure that US-backed Iraq did not lose. In 1982, one veteran involved with the program shrugged that “it was just another way of killing people—whether with a bullet or phosgene, it didn’t make any difference.” The U.S. added Iraq to the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism on December 29, 1979, but removed it in February 1982 to allow U.S. aid to Iraq while it was fighting Iran in the Iran-Iraq war. The Reagan administration, realized Iraq was “the only thing standing between revolutionary Iran and the Persian Gulf oil fields”. On September 13, 1990, the “ Land of the Brave and Home of the Free” reinstated sanctions against Iraq following its invasion of Kuwait. Given the on and off again fluctuations, it is difficult to ascertain Iraq’s current status, either in good stead with America or as a member of the terrorist nations of the world. From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli Bush the son told the world Saddam had WMD’s, justifying the American invasion of Iraq. It proved to be a bald face lie. The American government also lied to We the People when a decade and a half earlier the Reagan/Bush Sr administration covered up the fact, a euphemism for lied, Saddam’s did indeed have a WMD program, and it helped to create it. As the American radio broadcaster liked to say, “And now you know…the rest of the story”. Jim Coleman holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology, theology, and drama, as well as a master’s degree in history and sociology. He also completed postgraduate studies in criminology and social welfare. [1] Quoted in E. Michael Jones, “The Great Satan and Me: Reflections on Iran and Postmodernism’s Faustian Pact,” Culture Wars, July/August 2015. [2] See Stephen Kinzer, All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2003 & 2008); Christopher de Bellaigue, Patriot of Persia: Muhammad Mossadegh and a Tragic Anglo-American Coup (New York: HarperCollins, 2013); Ervand Abrahamian, The Coup: 1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations (New York: The New Press, 2015). [3] Shane Harris and Matthew M. Aid, “Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran,” Foreign Policy, August 26, 2013. VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/12/saddam-did-not-have-wmds-when-bush-jr-said-he-did-but-he-did-have-wmds-when-bush-sr-covered-it-up/
    Saddam did not have WMD’s when Bush Jr said he did but he did have WMD’s when Bush Sr covered it up
    Commentary by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini referred to the United States as “the Great Satan” for a reason. He articulated a principle that remains relevant to this day. Khomeini stated: “There is no crime America will not commit in order to maintain its political, economic, cultural, and military domination of
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