• Peter Thiel is a Vampire
    The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – Part Three

    The Corbett Report

    by James Corbett
    November 10, 2024

    If you've read "The Strange Story of Peter Thiel," then you'll know all about how this deep state-connected "PayPal Mafia" don rose to financial prominence on the back of his remarkable ability to found companies that either undergird the digital financial infrastructure (PayPal) or act as cutouts for the intelligence agencies (Palantir).

    And if you've read "Buying Politicians is Easy," then you'll know all about how Thiel has leveraged his ill-gotten wealth to buy himself real-world political clout. And you'll also know all about how he has wrapped the silicon tentacles of next-gen military contractors like Palantir, Clearview AI, Anduril and other Thiel-founded, Thiel-funded and Thiel-adjacent companies around the globe by signing contracts with foreign militaries.

    But after learning all of this, we're still left with some important questions. Namely:

    What (beyond the sweet smell of deep state blood money) motivates Peter Thiel?

    What ideology does he hew to?

    What is his endgame?

    In other words: Who is Peter Thiel and what is his real role in the deep state?

    Let's find out.

    Steering Bilderberg

    Yes, as we learned last week, buying politicians is a trivial pursuit for a power-seeking billionaire like Peter Thiel.

    And perhaps that's the point. Those of us who understand how power really operates in our modern "liberal democracies" know that real power is not to be found in any political office—even the Oval Office. Thiel himself has admitted as much:

    I think calling our society a democracy, whatever may be good or bad about democracy, is very, very deeply misleading. We’re not a republic. We’re not a constitutional republic. We are actually a state that’s dominated by these very unelected, technocratic agencies.

    Or, as BlackRock CEO Larry Fink put it even more starkly last month:

    I'm tired of hearing this is the biggest election in your lifetime. The reality is over time, it doesn't matter. [. . .] We work with both administrations and are having conversations with both candidates.

    The true measure of Thiel's position in the deep state, then, is not the extent to which he will wield power in the coming Trump administration through his bought-and-paid-for minion, J. D. Vance—significant as that power might be.

    Rather, the measure of Thiel's deep state status comes from his role in the premiere deep state institution: the Bilderberg Group.

    The Bilderberg meeting is, of course, one of the yearly highlights of any budding globalist's calendar. The annual conference brings together 150 or so of the wealthiest and most influential businessmen, financiers, tech oligarchs, heads of state, military planners, globalist super-gophers and royalty from Europe and North America (and, increasingly, from around the world) to conspire for three days in total, closed-door secrecy at a five-star resort somewhere within driving distance of a major European or North American capital.

    To be invited to Bilderberg once is surely a sign that a young globalist's deep state star is in the ascendant. To be invited a second time is a signal that one has arrived. But then there is the crème de la crème of this global cabal—the steering committee members who organize the conference and decide who will or will not be invited to each year's meeting. Past steering committee members have included such deep state stalwarts as David Rockefeller, Joseph Retinger, Prince Bernhard, Henry Kissinger and Edmond de Rothschild. And, as you might have guessed, Peter Thiel sits on the current Bilderberg steering committee along with Alex Karp, the CEO of Thiel-founded Palantir Technologies.

    Given the wall of secrecy that surrounds Bilderberg—remember when Dan Dicks and Luke Rudkowski got arrested for merely approaching members of the steering committee in a hotel lounge in Copenhagen in 2014?—the precise details of when and how Thiel acceded to the steering committee are unknown. We can definitively state that he has been a member of the steering committee since at least 2019 (the point at which the earliest backup of the official steering committee member list was made on The Wayback Machine), but beyond that it's impossible to tell when he first joined the committee.

    However, we do know that since 2010 Thiel has been a Director of the "American Friends of Bilderberg"—a group that tasks itself with "organizing and sponsoring conferences which study and discuss significant problems of the Western alliance" and with "collaborating on the Bilderberg Meetings held in Europe and North America" and whose board has boasted such luminaries as Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Richard Perle, James Wolfensohn and Vernon Jordan.

    We also know that:

    Thiel has been on the participant list for Bilderberg every single year since the Bilderberg Group started releasing official participant lists in 2007;

    Karp has joined Thiel as a Bilderberg invitee each year since 2012; and

    fellow Thielversians are frequent invitees to the Bilderberg festivities.

    Those Thielversians and PayPal mafia members who have made appearances at Bilderberg under Thiel's steering committee reign include:

    Reid Hoffman, a founding member of PayPal's board of directors who has a long history with Thiel;

    Palmer Luckey, the teenager who created the Oculus VR headset that Thiel funded into existence and who now runs the Thiel-funded Anduril Industries, which makes (as National Propaganda Radio puts it) "AI weapons for Ukraine"; and

    Kevin Harrington (the managing director of Thiel Capital).

    Unsurprisingly, the only journalists to ever directly question Thiel about his participation at Bilderberg were a gaggle of independent reporters who braved arrest and assault to cover Bilderberg 2016. Questioned by Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change about the seeming contradiction between his professed "libertarian" values and his participation in a closed-door meeting conspiring with government officials and their financial backers, Thiel served up a hefty portion of this awkward word salad:

    Or, transcribed:

    I believe that it's always important to exchange views with people . . . uh, no matter what their perspectives are. . . . Uh, I believe that uh, I'm, you know, I . . . I . . . I think that, uh . . . I think that we have a lot of problems in our society and we need to be . . . uh finding ways to talk to people who need to find ways to talk to people . . . uh, where not everything is completely transparent. Libertarianism is not synonymous with radical transparency. That's often an argument that the Stasi would make in East Germany, where, uh, everything had to be monitored by, uh, by society. And I think often you have the best conversations, uh, in smaller groups where not everything is being monitored. And that's how you can have very honest conversations and how you can think better about the future. Thank you very much.

    <sarc>Uh, I . . . I . . . I think that that's a very, a very, uh, candid and frank statement by, uh, an individual who . . . uh, is not thinking about what platitudes to mouth, and uh . . . I completely agree with his, uh, with his assessment.</sarc>

    More seriously, whether or not libertarianism is synonymous with "radical transparency," it is certainly not synonymous with financiers, heads of state, government contractors and other taxpayer-funded oligarchs conspiring behind closed doors about how best to steer the deep state, arm militaries around the globe and surveil citizens in the name of political power and personal profit.

    So, where on earth did people get the idea that Peter Thiel is a libertarian, anyway?

    Why, from Peter Thiel, of course!

    The (Mis-)Education of a (Fake) Libertarian

    In 2009, just as he began his dive into the political waters, Thiel penned "The Education of a Libertarian," an essay in which he declares in no uncertain terms that he is indeed a libertarian and has been since his youth.

    He devotes the bulk of the essay to explaining how he spent his student days at Stanford trying to bring about a libertarian awakening through political activism but has since learned that political activism is useless and that the real solution is to be found not in engaging in politics but in escaping politics.

    He concludes:

    I suspect that the mode for escape must involve some sort of new and hitherto untried process that leads us to some undiscovered country; and for this reason I have focused my efforts on new technologies that may create a new space for freedom.

    And what areas of technological advancement has Thiel chosen to focus his supposedly "libertarian" efforts on? He names three: cyberspace, outer space and seasteading.

    (Yes, that's "seasteading," as previously promoted by Milton Friedman's grandson, Patri, who has since ditched the seasteading dream to start a new venture capital firm—with seed money from Peter Thiel, naturally . . . but that's a whole other story.)

    Although the essay seems fairly old hat to readers of The Corbett Report, it had two important effects at the time.

    Firstly, Thiel's lament that "the extension of the franchise to women" has "rendered the notion of 'capitalist democracy' into an oxymoron" gave plenty of pundits fodder for their obligatory "Look at this disgusting libertarian!"-style editorials. In fact, it continues to this very day to provide easy cut-and-paste editorials for finger-wagging, context-destroying online pundits despite Thiel's attempts at damage control.

    Secondly, the essay cemented in the minds of the lazy left-wing punderati that libertarianism is . . . well, whatever evil thing they say it is. After all, Peter Thiel is a libertarian ("You see! He says so himself! What other evidence do you need?"), ergo all libertarians are billionaire, taxpayer-funded, surveillance-supporting deep state oligarchs.

    See Wired's "The Libertarian Futurism of Silicon Valley Billionaire Peter Thiel" or "The Libertarian Logic of Peter Thiel" or Mannwest's "Peter Thiel: The articulate libertarian" for some prime examples of this phenomenon. Then enjoy laughing at Reason (no stranger to the concept of fake libertarianism) and its shocked pikachu face article, "Wait, Wasn't Peter Thiel a Libertarian?"

    This particular form of journalistic idiocy reached its zenith with Inverse's 2016 article on Thiel's Bilderberg membership. In that article, crack Inverse reporter Sarah Sloat somehow manages to both decry Thiel's membership in the conspiratorial Bilderberg group and simultaneously denigrate "conspiracy theorists" for being concerned about said group. She then ends her think piece with the most mind-meltingly stupid statement ever written:

    Thiel's allegiance to Bilderberg, which seems to have a libertarian bent, makes sense given his wealth and involvement in companies like Palantir Technologies that collect data on civilians.

    Only the intellectually challenged mind of an ideologically blinded and philosophically illiterate zealot—that is, someone for whom "libertarian" is simply a synonym for "anything I don't like"—could possibly conclude that Bilderberg "seems to have a libertarian bent," let alone that that libertarian leaning is reflected in "companies like Palantir Technologies that collect data on civilians" on behalf of the government.

    More honest writers are able to admit what should be glaringly obvious to all by now: Thiel is not, in fact, a libertarian, despite what he claims. Even Thiel's biographer, Max Chafkin, is forced to concede that "Thiel was, after 9/11 anyway, no longer much of a libertarian, if he'd ever been one in the first place."

    Gee, ya think?

    Yet, if we read "The Education of a Libertarian" even more closely, we garner something genuinely valuable from it: a clue to Thiel's actual ideology and his actual motivation. It comes right at the beginning of the essay, where he lays out his own highly idiosyncratic definition of the term "libertarian." According to Thiel:

    I remain committed to the faith of my teenage years: to authentic human freedom as a precondition for the highest good. I stand against confiscatory taxes, totalitarian collectives, and the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual. For all these reasons, I still call myself “libertarian.”

    Ah yes, those classical libertarian values: Opposition to confiscatory taxes! Opposition to totalitarian collectives! And . . . opposition to "the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual"?

    Wait, what?! What on earth is "the ideology of the inevitability of death for every individual," and what does that have to do with libertarianism, anyway?

    Our instinct might be to skim past this line and to chalk it up to Thiel's eccentric, nerdy, sci-fi-obsessed character. But don't. This weird line tells us something important about who Peter Thiel really is.


    Back in 2016, Inc. broke a story under the headline "Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood." It opened with the intriguing lede, "[. . .] if there's one thing that really excites Thiel, it's the prospect of having younger people's blood transfused into his own veins."

    Those of us who bother reading past the title (but who's got time for that?!) discover that the story itself is about Ambrosia, a company in Monterey, California, that was then conducting a medical trial titled "Young Donor Plasma Transfusion and Age-Related Biomarkers." The trial sought to establish whether there are anti-aging benefits to the practice of injecting older patients with the blood of younger people.

    The relevant part of this story is the revelation that Ambrosia's founder—Stanford-trained physician Jesse Karmazin—received a call out of the blue from Jason Camm, the chief medical officer at Thiel Capital and a "personal health director" to Peter Thiel himself. Sure enough, Peter Thiel's personal health director is particularly interested in life extension technologies.

    The Inc. reporter then cites an interview he conducted with Thiel the previous year. In that interview, while addressing the general topic of biotech and life extension medicine, Thiel had given hints about his interest in the blood of the young:

    I'm not convinced yet we've found a single panacea that works. It's possible there exist single-point things that could work. I'm looking into parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they did the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect. And so that's ... that is one that ... again, it's one of these very odd things where people had done these studies in the 1950s and then it got dropped altogether. I think there are a lot of these things that have been strangely underexplored.

    Ultimately, the article doesn't come to any grandiose conclusion. It notes that Ambrosia was conducting a clinical trial, not operating a business trafficking in adrenochrome. And even if Ambrosia were engaging in such a business, there is no proof offered that Thiel is actually a client.

    Still, it didn't take long for the sensational story to become even more sensationalized in the online retelling.

    First, Vanity Fair made the Inc. article's inference more explicit: "Peter Thiel Wants to Inject Himself With Young People’s Blood."

    Then, New Republic went full clickbait: "Is Peter Thiel a vampire?"

    (Hopefully, the title of this editorial will finally put the question to rest!)

    While there is, it must be admitted, no hard evidence that Peter Thiel is an undead creature of the night who flees his coffin each evening to assume bat form and feed on the blood of the innocent, one has to grant that there is no hard evidence that this isn't the case, either (despite his protestations to the contrary)!

    Perhaps the more important part of the story, though, is what it reveals about Thiel's mindset. That passing reference to "the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual" in his strange definition of "libertarian" was more than just a nerdy quirk. Thiel is, as it turns out, consumed by the belief that technology is on the cusp of "solving" the "problem" of death, and he, for one, plans to live forever. He's even reportedly signed up with Alcor, a cryonics company that promises to have a "medical team at your bedside" at the time of your death, "ready to start the process" of freezing your corpse at -196° C so it can be preserved and revivified on that glorious day when doctors "cure" death.

    Those versed in the transhumanist ideology, predicated as it is on the breakdown of "vitalism"—i.e., the idea that organic life and inorganic matter are fundamentally distinct—will already know where this is going. Parabiosis and cryogenics are just two of the many methods by which the transhumanists hope to transcend our mortal body and live forever in their future cyborg bodies—a key goal of the new transhumanist religion sweeping Silicon Valley these days.

    So, what does all of this have to do with libertarianism? Why, precisely nothing, of course! But don't expect any legacy media journalist to ever raise (let alone answer) this question.

    And where does that leave us in our pursuit of the answer to the question of who is Peter Thiel?


    Let's review:

    Peter Thiel founded PayPal where, as PayPal co-founder Max Levchin brags, "we collaborated with every imaginable three and four-letter agency and those were some of the best, most productive relationships I've had as a business person."

    He used his role as PayPal CEO to set himself up as the "don" of a "mafia" that continues to rule Silicon Valley (and the world) through their business, government and intelligence contacts.

    He took the PayPal fraud detection software (developed in collaboration with those "three and four-letter" agencies Levchin spoke of) and spun off Palantir Technologies, a company that just happened to provide the US intelligence complex with the exact tracking, tracing and data-mining capabilities they needed at the exact moment they were "shelving" their publicly reviled Information Awareness Office.

    Thiel then went on to become not just an annual attendee of Bilderberg but also a member of their powerful steering committee, organizing conferences with his Palantir and PayPal mafia colleagues to discuss such topics as "Changing Faces of Biology" and "Continuity of Government and the Economy" in closed-door meetings with his buddies in government, business, finance, media and the intelligence world.

    Next he set his sights on purchasing politicians, going all in on Trump in 2016 and securing the orange one's "undying friendship" with a stirring speech about his homosexual Republicanism at the 2016 Republican convention.

    After successfully suing the US Army, he then used his position as "shadow president" on the Trump transition team to stuff the first Trump administration with a bunch of Palantir staffers and consultants, eventually securing an $800 million contract from the US Army as well as an ongoing series of contracts to supply targeting systems and weaponry for the military-industrial complex in the US and Israel and Ukraine and elsewhere.

    While placing Thielverse associates in high-ranking positions in the Biden administration, he set his sights on the 2024 (s)election, first buying J. D. Vance a US Senate seat for a cool $15 million (the largest amount given to boost a Senate candidate in the history of the United States) then personally effecting a rapprochement between Vance and Trump in a (successful) effort to get his bought-and-paid-for minion installed as Vice President.

    All the while he has been using his position as venture capital / hedge fund kingpin to invest heavily in various biotech "advances" and transhumanist life extension technologies.

    And, through all this, Thiel has managed to convince the world he is a "libertarian" (a word he has redefined to include opposition to "the ideology of the inevitability of death") simply on his say-so.

    With all that in mind, let's return to the opening question in this three-part series:

    What do you call someone who identifies as a “libertarian” but who has spent his entire career actively collaborating with governments, militaries and intelligence agencies in an effort to enrich himself and to grow the power of the state?

    Personally, I call him an oligarch.

    A Silicon Valley technocrat.

    A deep state collaborator.

    A transhumanist.

    A Bilderberg conspirator.

    An enemy of free humanity.

    Whatever you call him, however, he's surely not a "libertarian."

    But don't take my word for it. Now that Peter Thiel's surrogate is one heartbeat (or one gunshot) away from the Oval Office, I have a feeling the public will be learning more about who Peter Thiel really is in the coming years.

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    Peter Thiel is a Vampire The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – Part Three The Corbett Report by James Corbett corbettreport.com November 10, 2024 If you've read "The Strange Story of Peter Thiel," then you'll know all about how this deep state-connected "PayPal Mafia" don rose to financial prominence on the back of his remarkable ability to found companies that either undergird the digital financial infrastructure (PayPal) or act as cutouts for the intelligence agencies (Palantir). And if you've read "Buying Politicians is Easy," then you'll know all about how Thiel has leveraged his ill-gotten wealth to buy himself real-world political clout. And you'll also know all about how he has wrapped the silicon tentacles of next-gen military contractors like Palantir, Clearview AI, Anduril and other Thiel-founded, Thiel-funded and Thiel-adjacent companies around the globe by signing contracts with foreign militaries. But after learning all of this, we're still left with some important questions. Namely: What (beyond the sweet smell of deep state blood money) motivates Peter Thiel? What ideology does he hew to? What is his endgame? In other words: Who is Peter Thiel and what is his real role in the deep state? Let's find out. Steering Bilderberg Yes, as we learned last week, buying politicians is a trivial pursuit for a power-seeking billionaire like Peter Thiel. And perhaps that's the point. Those of us who understand how power really operates in our modern "liberal democracies" know that real power is not to be found in any political office—even the Oval Office. Thiel himself has admitted as much: I think calling our society a democracy, whatever may be good or bad about democracy, is very, very deeply misleading. We’re not a republic. We’re not a constitutional republic. We are actually a state that’s dominated by these very unelected, technocratic agencies. Or, as BlackRock CEO Larry Fink put it even more starkly last month: I'm tired of hearing this is the biggest election in your lifetime. The reality is over time, it doesn't matter. [. . .] We work with both administrations and are having conversations with both candidates. The true measure of Thiel's position in the deep state, then, is not the extent to which he will wield power in the coming Trump administration through his bought-and-paid-for minion, J. D. Vance—significant as that power might be. Rather, the measure of Thiel's deep state status comes from his role in the premiere deep state institution: the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg meeting is, of course, one of the yearly highlights of any budding globalist's calendar. The annual conference brings together 150 or so of the wealthiest and most influential businessmen, financiers, tech oligarchs, heads of state, military planners, globalist super-gophers and royalty from Europe and North America (and, increasingly, from around the world) to conspire for three days in total, closed-door secrecy at a five-star resort somewhere within driving distance of a major European or North American capital. To be invited to Bilderberg once is surely a sign that a young globalist's deep state star is in the ascendant. To be invited a second time is a signal that one has arrived. But then there is the crème de la crème of this global cabal—the steering committee members who organize the conference and decide who will or will not be invited to each year's meeting. Past steering committee members have included such deep state stalwarts as David Rockefeller, Joseph Retinger, Prince Bernhard, Henry Kissinger and Edmond de Rothschild. And, as you might have guessed, Peter Thiel sits on the current Bilderberg steering committee along with Alex Karp, the CEO of Thiel-founded Palantir Technologies. Given the wall of secrecy that surrounds Bilderberg—remember when Dan Dicks and Luke Rudkowski got arrested for merely approaching members of the steering committee in a hotel lounge in Copenhagen in 2014?—the precise details of when and how Thiel acceded to the steering committee are unknown. We can definitively state that he has been a member of the steering committee since at least 2019 (the point at which the earliest backup of the official steering committee member list was made on The Wayback Machine), but beyond that it's impossible to tell when he first joined the committee. However, we do know that since 2010 Thiel has been a Director of the "American Friends of Bilderberg"—a group that tasks itself with "organizing and sponsoring conferences which study and discuss significant problems of the Western alliance" and with "collaborating on the Bilderberg Meetings held in Europe and North America" and whose board has boasted such luminaries as Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Richard Perle, James Wolfensohn and Vernon Jordan. We also know that: Thiel has been on the participant list for Bilderberg every single year since the Bilderberg Group started releasing official participant lists in 2007; Karp has joined Thiel as a Bilderberg invitee each year since 2012; and fellow Thielversians are frequent invitees to the Bilderberg festivities. Those Thielversians and PayPal mafia members who have made appearances at Bilderberg under Thiel's steering committee reign include: Reid Hoffman, a founding member of PayPal's board of directors who has a long history with Thiel; Palmer Luckey, the teenager who created the Oculus VR headset that Thiel funded into existence and who now runs the Thiel-funded Anduril Industries, which makes (as National Propaganda Radio puts it) "AI weapons for Ukraine"; and Kevin Harrington (the managing director of Thiel Capital). Unsurprisingly, the only journalists to ever directly question Thiel about his participation at Bilderberg were a gaggle of independent reporters who braved arrest and assault to cover Bilderberg 2016. Questioned by Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change about the seeming contradiction between his professed "libertarian" values and his participation in a closed-door meeting conspiring with government officials and their financial backers, Thiel served up a hefty portion of this awkward word salad: Or, transcribed: I believe that it's always important to exchange views with people . . . uh, no matter what their perspectives are. . . . Uh, I believe that uh, I'm, you know, I . . . I . . . I think that, uh . . . I think that we have a lot of problems in our society and we need to be . . . uh finding ways to talk to people who need to find ways to talk to people . . . uh, where not everything is completely transparent. Libertarianism is not synonymous with radical transparency. That's often an argument that the Stasi would make in East Germany, where, uh, everything had to be monitored by, uh, by society. And I think often you have the best conversations, uh, in smaller groups where not everything is being monitored. And that's how you can have very honest conversations and how you can think better about the future. Thank you very much. <sarc>Uh, I . . . I . . . I think that that's a very, a very, uh, candid and frank statement by, uh, an individual who . . . uh, is not thinking about what platitudes to mouth, and uh . . . I completely agree with his, uh, with his assessment.</sarc> More seriously, whether or not libertarianism is synonymous with "radical transparency," it is certainly not synonymous with financiers, heads of state, government contractors and other taxpayer-funded oligarchs conspiring behind closed doors about how best to steer the deep state, arm militaries around the globe and surveil citizens in the name of political power and personal profit. So, where on earth did people get the idea that Peter Thiel is a libertarian, anyway? Why, from Peter Thiel, of course! The (Mis-)Education of a (Fake) Libertarian In 2009, just as he began his dive into the political waters, Thiel penned "The Education of a Libertarian," an essay in which he declares in no uncertain terms that he is indeed a libertarian and has been since his youth. He devotes the bulk of the essay to explaining how he spent his student days at Stanford trying to bring about a libertarian awakening through political activism but has since learned that political activism is useless and that the real solution is to be found not in engaging in politics but in escaping politics. He concludes: I suspect that the mode for escape must involve some sort of new and hitherto untried process that leads us to some undiscovered country; and for this reason I have focused my efforts on new technologies that may create a new space for freedom. And what areas of technological advancement has Thiel chosen to focus his supposedly "libertarian" efforts on? He names three: cyberspace, outer space and seasteading. (Yes, that's "seasteading," as previously promoted by Milton Friedman's grandson, Patri, who has since ditched the seasteading dream to start a new venture capital firm—with seed money from Peter Thiel, naturally . . . but that's a whole other story.) Although the essay seems fairly old hat to readers of The Corbett Report, it had two important effects at the time. Firstly, Thiel's lament that "the extension of the franchise to women" has "rendered the notion of 'capitalist democracy' into an oxymoron" gave plenty of pundits fodder for their obligatory "Look at this disgusting libertarian!"-style editorials. In fact, it continues to this very day to provide easy cut-and-paste editorials for finger-wagging, context-destroying online pundits despite Thiel's attempts at damage control. Secondly, the essay cemented in the minds of the lazy left-wing punderati that libertarianism is . . . well, whatever evil thing they say it is. After all, Peter Thiel is a libertarian ("You see! He says so himself! What other evidence do you need?"), ergo all libertarians are billionaire, taxpayer-funded, surveillance-supporting deep state oligarchs. See Wired's "The Libertarian Futurism of Silicon Valley Billionaire Peter Thiel" or "The Libertarian Logic of Peter Thiel" or Mannwest's "Peter Thiel: The articulate libertarian" for some prime examples of this phenomenon. Then enjoy laughing at Reason (no stranger to the concept of fake libertarianism) and its shocked pikachu face article, "Wait, Wasn't Peter Thiel a Libertarian?" This particular form of journalistic idiocy reached its zenith with Inverse's 2016 article on Thiel's Bilderberg membership. In that article, crack Inverse reporter Sarah Sloat somehow manages to both decry Thiel's membership in the conspiratorial Bilderberg group and simultaneously denigrate "conspiracy theorists" for being concerned about said group. She then ends her think piece with the most mind-meltingly stupid statement ever written: Thiel's allegiance to Bilderberg, which seems to have a libertarian bent, makes sense given his wealth and involvement in companies like Palantir Technologies that collect data on civilians. Only the intellectually challenged mind of an ideologically blinded and philosophically illiterate zealot—that is, someone for whom "libertarian" is simply a synonym for "anything I don't like"—could possibly conclude that Bilderberg "seems to have a libertarian bent," let alone that that libertarian leaning is reflected in "companies like Palantir Technologies that collect data on civilians" on behalf of the government. More honest writers are able to admit what should be glaringly obvious to all by now: Thiel is not, in fact, a libertarian, despite what he claims. Even Thiel's biographer, Max Chafkin, is forced to concede that "Thiel was, after 9/11 anyway, no longer much of a libertarian, if he'd ever been one in the first place." Gee, ya think? Yet, if we read "The Education of a Libertarian" even more closely, we garner something genuinely valuable from it: a clue to Thiel's actual ideology and his actual motivation. It comes right at the beginning of the essay, where he lays out his own highly idiosyncratic definition of the term "libertarian." According to Thiel: I remain committed to the faith of my teenage years: to authentic human freedom as a precondition for the highest good. I stand against confiscatory taxes, totalitarian collectives, and the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual. For all these reasons, I still call myself “libertarian.” Ah yes, those classical libertarian values: Opposition to confiscatory taxes! Opposition to totalitarian collectives! And . . . opposition to "the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual"? Wait, what?! What on earth is "the ideology of the inevitability of death for every individual," and what does that have to do with libertarianism, anyway? Our instinct might be to skim past this line and to chalk it up to Thiel's eccentric, nerdy, sci-fi-obsessed character. But don't. This weird line tells us something important about who Peter Thiel really is. PETER THIEL IS A VAMPIRE Back in 2016, Inc. broke a story under the headline "Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood." It opened with the intriguing lede, "[. . .] if there's one thing that really excites Thiel, it's the prospect of having younger people's blood transfused into his own veins." Those of us who bother reading past the title (but who's got time for that?!) discover that the story itself is about Ambrosia, a company in Monterey, California, that was then conducting a medical trial titled "Young Donor Plasma Transfusion and Age-Related Biomarkers." The trial sought to establish whether there are anti-aging benefits to the practice of injecting older patients with the blood of younger people. The relevant part of this story is the revelation that Ambrosia's founder—Stanford-trained physician Jesse Karmazin—received a call out of the blue from Jason Camm, the chief medical officer at Thiel Capital and a "personal health director" to Peter Thiel himself. Sure enough, Peter Thiel's personal health director is particularly interested in life extension technologies. The Inc. reporter then cites an interview he conducted with Thiel the previous year. In that interview, while addressing the general topic of biotech and life extension medicine, Thiel had given hints about his interest in the blood of the young: I'm not convinced yet we've found a single panacea that works. It's possible there exist single-point things that could work. I'm looking into parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they did the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect. And so that's ... that is one that ... again, it's one of these very odd things where people had done these studies in the 1950s and then it got dropped altogether. I think there are a lot of these things that have been strangely underexplored. Ultimately, the article doesn't come to any grandiose conclusion. It notes that Ambrosia was conducting a clinical trial, not operating a business trafficking in adrenochrome. And even if Ambrosia were engaging in such a business, there is no proof offered that Thiel is actually a client. Still, it didn't take long for the sensational story to become even more sensationalized in the online retelling. First, Vanity Fair made the Inc. article's inference more explicit: "Peter Thiel Wants to Inject Himself With Young People’s Blood." Then, New Republic went full clickbait: "Is Peter Thiel a vampire?" (Hopefully, the title of this editorial will finally put the question to rest!) While there is, it must be admitted, no hard evidence that Peter Thiel is an undead creature of the night who flees his coffin each evening to assume bat form and feed on the blood of the innocent, one has to grant that there is no hard evidence that this isn't the case, either (despite his protestations to the contrary)! Perhaps the more important part of the story, though, is what it reveals about Thiel's mindset. That passing reference to "the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual" in his strange definition of "libertarian" was more than just a nerdy quirk. Thiel is, as it turns out, consumed by the belief that technology is on the cusp of "solving" the "problem" of death, and he, for one, plans to live forever. He's even reportedly signed up with Alcor, a cryonics company that promises to have a "medical team at your bedside" at the time of your death, "ready to start the process" of freezing your corpse at -196° C so it can be preserved and revivified on that glorious day when doctors "cure" death. Those versed in the transhumanist ideology, predicated as it is on the breakdown of "vitalism"—i.e., the idea that organic life and inorganic matter are fundamentally distinct—will already know where this is going. Parabiosis and cryogenics are just two of the many methods by which the transhumanists hope to transcend our mortal body and live forever in their future cyborg bodies—a key goal of the new transhumanist religion sweeping Silicon Valley these days. So, what does all of this have to do with libertarianism? Why, precisely nothing, of course! But don't expect any legacy media journalist to ever raise (let alone answer) this question. And where does that leave us in our pursuit of the answer to the question of who is Peter Thiel? THE BOTTOM LINE Let's review: Peter Thiel founded PayPal where, as PayPal co-founder Max Levchin brags, "we collaborated with every imaginable three and four-letter agency and those were some of the best, most productive relationships I've had as a business person." He used his role as PayPal CEO to set himself up as the "don" of a "mafia" that continues to rule Silicon Valley (and the world) through their business, government and intelligence contacts. He took the PayPal fraud detection software (developed in collaboration with those "three and four-letter" agencies Levchin spoke of) and spun off Palantir Technologies, a company that just happened to provide the US intelligence complex with the exact tracking, tracing and data-mining capabilities they needed at the exact moment they were "shelving" their publicly reviled Information Awareness Office. Thiel then went on to become not just an annual attendee of Bilderberg but also a member of their powerful steering committee, organizing conferences with his Palantir and PayPal mafia colleagues to discuss such topics as "Changing Faces of Biology" and "Continuity of Government and the Economy" in closed-door meetings with his buddies in government, business, finance, media and the intelligence world. Next he set his sights on purchasing politicians, going all in on Trump in 2016 and securing the orange one's "undying friendship" with a stirring speech about his homosexual Republicanism at the 2016 Republican convention. After successfully suing the US Army, he then used his position as "shadow president" on the Trump transition team to stuff the first Trump administration with a bunch of Palantir staffers and consultants, eventually securing an $800 million contract from the US Army as well as an ongoing series of contracts to supply targeting systems and weaponry for the military-industrial complex in the US and Israel and Ukraine and elsewhere. While placing Thielverse associates in high-ranking positions in the Biden administration, he set his sights on the 2024 (s)election, first buying J. D. Vance a US Senate seat for a cool $15 million (the largest amount given to boost a Senate candidate in the history of the United States) then personally effecting a rapprochement between Vance and Trump in a (successful) effort to get his bought-and-paid-for minion installed as Vice President. All the while he has been using his position as venture capital / hedge fund kingpin to invest heavily in various biotech "advances" and transhumanist life extension technologies. And, through all this, Thiel has managed to convince the world he is a "libertarian" (a word he has redefined to include opposition to "the ideology of the inevitability of death") simply on his say-so. With all that in mind, let's return to the opening question in this three-part series: What do you call someone who identifies as a “libertarian” but who has spent his entire career actively collaborating with governments, militaries and intelligence agencies in an effort to enrich himself and to grow the power of the state? Personally, I call him an oligarch. A Silicon Valley technocrat. A deep state collaborator. A transhumanist. A Bilderberg conspirator. An enemy of free humanity. Whatever you call him, however, he's surely not a "libertarian." But don't take my word for it. Now that Peter Thiel's surrogate is one heartbeat (or one gunshot) away from the Oval Office, I have a feeling the public will be learning more about who Peter Thiel really is in the coming years. Like this type of essay? Then you’ll love The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter, which contains my weekly editorial as well as recommended reading, viewing and listening. If you’re a Corbett Report member, you can sign in to corbettreport.com and read the newsletter today. Not a member yet? Sign up today to access the newsletter and support this work. https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/peter-thiel-is-a-vampire?triedRedirect=true https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/11/peter-thiel-is-vampire-strange-story-of.html
    Peter Thiel is a Vampire
    The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – Part Three
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  • "Lipid Vesicle-Based Molecular Robots" - Article Confirms What We Are Seeing In The COVID19 Vials And In Human Blood
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    I had several meetings with biologist Dr. Ruth Espuny and her research team in the past days and she alerted me to this article that very well explains the lipid vesicles that I call construction sites. Here I am posting relevant sections of the article and sharing confirmatory images from my own and others research.

    Lipid vesicle-based molecular robots

    A molecular robot, which is a system comprised of one or more molecular machines and computers, can execute sophisticated tasks in many fields that span from nanomedicine to green nanotechnology. The core parts of molecular robots are fairly consistent from system to system and always include (i) a body to encapsulate molecular machines, (ii) sensors to capture signals, (iii) computers to make decisions, and (iv) actuators to perform tasks. This review aims to provide an overview of approaches and considerations to develop molecular robots. We first introduce the basic technologies required for constructing the core parts of molecular robots, describe the recent progress towards achieving higher functionality, and subsequently discuss the current challenges and outlook. We also highlight the applications of molecular robots in sensing biomarkers, signal communications with living cells, and conversion of energy. Although molecular robots are still in their infancy, they will unquestionably initiate massive change in biomedical and environmental technology in the not too distant future.

    This historical perspective answers a question I am often asked regarding to how this self assembly nanotechnology could be so far advanced. As you can read here, its because the scientists have been working on it for the last 40 years.

    During the past 40 years, this revolution has led to a new generation of machines with smaller sizes, pushing the boundaries of applications. In the field of organic chemistry, a breakthrough molecular catenane with two interlocked rings was reported by Jean-Pierre Sauvage in the early 1980s,1 subsequently inspiring other scientists to develop molecular-scale machines with complicated functions such as rotaxanes,2 motors,3 and nanocars.4 In 2016, three pioneers of molecular machines were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, reflecting the recognition of the broad impact of molecular machines.

    Here they explain that these robots mimick the processes of nature.

    The concept of molecular machines has motivated research activity in a novel field called “molecular robots”.5 According to the Cambridge dictionary, a robot is “a machine controlled by a computer that is used to perform jobs automatically”. By this definition, a molecular robot is a system composed of molecular-scale machines and computers that are used to execute tasks automatically. A living cell could be considered as one such miraculous robot produced by nature. With DNA serving as computers to provide solutions and proteins working as machines to perform specific functions, a living cell performs sophisticated tasks independent of human control. Taking inspiration from living cells, the ultimate goal of the field of molecular robots is to artificially construct an automated system capable of solving problems at the molecular level using molecular machines and computers

    The vesicular membrane was initially hydrogel, then lipids were used.

    Image: Vesicles in COVID19 unvaccinated blood left upper Magnification 200x, right upper 400x. Left lower vesicles in Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 injection without slide cover Magnification 2000x. Right lower with slide clover shows double wall and microrobots inside. Magnification 2000x. AM Medical

    A molecular robot always includes some or all of the following: a body, sensors, computers, and actuators (Fig. 1). Pioneers in the field have applied hydrogels as the body of molecular robots,5 however, the lack of a barrier between the embeddings and environment can lead to undesired leakage. Lipid vesicles, which are comprised of lipid membranes separating an inner lumen from the outer solution, provides an alternative that could fully meet this problem. The size of the lipid vesicles can be tailored from nano- to micro-meter in diameter. For molecular robots, the micro-sized vesicles, so-called giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), are more desirable due to the demand for sufficient internal volume to house the sensors, computers, and actuators.8,9 Molecular robots require sensors in order to detect signals in the environment. This can be accomplished by ion channels or nanopores, which punch holes in lipid membranes.

    Image: Brightfield microscopy of Moderna COVID19 injection. Medical Technologist, Lot 042H22A, Courtesy of Dr Rusth Espuny

    You can see these nanopores in the above images. For those who claim we cannot see to the nanoscale, let me remind you that this technology self assembles and that we can see the microscale very well. The large comes from the small and I have shown how self repication of these spherical robots work in emblamed blood, please recall this microscopy: ( I showed the videos in this interview

    Zombie Blood - COVID19 Vaccinated Embalmed Blood For Over 2 Years Shows Continued Self Assembly Nanotechnology Replication, Nano and Microrobot Activity

    Same Self Replicating Nanotechnology Spheres Seen In C19 Unvaccinated Living Blood As In Deceased Embalmed C19 Vaccinated Blood With Rubbery Clots - What Will Humanity Do About This?

    You can see the video footage in this interview on SGT report:

    RED ALERT: IT'S IN OUR BLOOD! -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea

    Image: Embalmed blood received from Embalmer Richard Hirschman of a deceased individual shows self replicating vesicles containing microrobots. Magnification 400x AM Medical

    Nanopores can act as a signal filter, selectively transporting molecular signals based on their size or charge. Once the signals are transported, they can be processed and translated by molecular computing machinery. DNA computing, pioneered by L. Adleman in 1994, has evolved in recent decades into computers applicable in molecular robots, with the benefit of their capability to perform multiple parallel computations. An alternative choice for the computing machinery is cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS), enabling the output of proteins in vitro in response to the input of DNA. Actuators for molecular robots, which include DNA nanostructures, peptides, and proteins, convert signals to achieve physical movements like deformation or propulsion.

    The mechanism of propulsion and engines are explained.

    Although constant progress has been made on the underlying technology, studies into prototyping molecular robots do not have a long history. In 2014, Nishimura et al. incorporated CFPS into GUVs, and then, in the presence of amino acids, GFP synthesis was performed as an output. In 2017, Sato et al. developed GUVs equipped with actuators containing DNA clutches and microtubule motors. Once light irradiation was applied, the clutch was engaged and the shape of GUVs underwent sequential changes. These pioneering studies provide a clear path towards molecular robots with increasingly complex functions.

    It should be noted that molecular robots sometimes share related technologies with the field of artificial cells. The goal of constructing artificial cells is to mimic the function of living cells, while molecular robots place great value on developing engineering applications that could help humans to perform tasks in micro or nano dimensions. There is therefore a drive to engineer molecular robots with functions exceeding those of living cells

    Further building blocks are explained. Note that lipid membranes, polymers, hydrogels and organic material like DNA are used. Is this why DNA was found in the vials combined with nanotechnology building blocks?

    Molecular robots typically require encapsulation within a compartment, which acts as a boundary, separating the interior from the exterior environment. Various types of compartments have been employed to date, including lipid membranes, hydrogels, block co-polymers, DNA droplets, and coacervates, each offering distinct advantages and limitations. Some researchers have explored the formation of hybrid chassis by combining different compartment types, leveraging the advantages associated with each constituent part. For instance, coacervate or DNA/hydrogel systems interfaced with lipid membranes can be combined to enhance functionality.

    Among these compartment types, lipid vesicles are the most commonly used for several reasons. Firstly, they are biomimetic, closely resembling biological membranes from a chemical and morphological perspective. This characteristic enables facile incorporation of membrane-bound molecular machinery, including membrane proteins, nanopores, and receptors, thereby imparting specific functionalities into the membranes. For example, the controlled flux of cargo molecules in response to stimuli, which can be used to mediate responses in living cells.

    Please note that these vesicles can self assemble or disassmeble into tissue like structures - depending on external stimuli. This is consistent with what we have observed in COVID19 vials regarding the self assembly nanotechnology and in the blood. Please recall Dr David Nixons excellent videos on assembly and disassembly of microchips - you can see the process discussed here by Dr. Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz, Engineer Matt Taylor and myself. Nanobots, Construction process of Microchips in C19 injectables, new insights on Shedding

    Furthermore, lipid vesicles are chemically inert and highly efficient at compartmentalizing large charged molecules from the surrounding environment, creating a chemically distinct internal environment. This feature enables researchers to exploit the diversity of lipid building blocks, both synthetic and biological, to create functional membranes with diverse behaviors. Examples include membranes capable of self-assembling into tissue-like structures, membranes that can disassemble and reassemble in response to physicochemical cues to reshuffle material between them, and membranes that release cargo triggered by light, temperature fluctuations, magnetic fields, or biomarkers. Such versatility opens up exciting possibilities for molecular robotics and targeted drug delivery systems, among other applications.

    Images: vesicles self assemble filaments 200x, vesicles filled with microbots 400x, vesicle building a filament tail 100x. AM Medical

    Vesicles can be classified primarily based on their size and lamellarity. GUVs have a diameter of approximately 2 μm and above (making them cell-sized vesicles), comprising a single lipid membrane (as opposed to multi-layered onion-like structures known as multilamellar vesicles). Other types of vesicles include small and large unilamellar vesicles, which fall into the sub-micron size range, as well as multi-vesicular vesicles (multisomes). Additionally, there have been intriguing examples of hybrid structures, where vesicles of different types are assembled into more architecturally complex arrangements, such as nested or layered geometries. A schematic of the different architectures it is now possible to generate microfluidic techniques and principles in biomembrane engineering is shown in Fig 2

    Image: COVID19 unvaccinated blood of different individuals exposed to shedding. Left upper tissue like 200x, left lower bilayer COVID19 Pfizer BioNTech 2000x, lower middle nested 2000x, right nested and multicompartment 400x. COVID19 unvaccinated blood. AM Medical

    Sensors of molecular robots

    In living cells, membrane receptors, transporters, and ion channels work as sensors to help cells respond to chemical and physical stimuli. Such functionalities have also been exploited to implement sensing capabilities in molecular robots. In particular, nanopores forming stable nanoscale openings across lipid membranes have been shown to mediate transport of large molecules, enabling their detection by the molecular robots.7 The opening and closing of nanopores (gating) can be regulated by environmental stimuli (e.g., pH, light, temperature, osmotic pressure), further enhancing the sensing capabilities of the molecular robots. Various materials have been utilized to assemble nanopores including proteins,60 peptides,61 DNA,11 and synthetic materials.62 In the current section, we will mainly focus on the characteristics, differences, and recent progress of nanopore assembly using different building materials, and we will also describe some unique approaches that introduce membrane receptors to GUVs.

    Many different transport channels that allow the throughput of information exist within these vesicles, and light is one of the triggers. This implies that the molecular robotic computer is information gathering and processing when we see the light emission.

    Responsivity to external stimuli is another essential function for synthetic channels and would provide the ability for remote-control in molecular robots. Light is one of the most widely used stimuli due to having high biocompatibility and ease of spatio-temporal control. So far, light-responsive synthetic channels which are irreversibly and reversibly photo-controlled have been developed, and recent studies focus predominantly on reversible photo-control.

    I have been discussing how the self assembly process of the technology is guided by light emitting microrobots/ Quantum Dot like structures. Here you can see many different colored light emissions.

    Image: COVID19 unvaccinated blood of different individuals exposed to shedding. Left microrobot swarm 400x, left microrobot emitting blue light 2000x,

    Computers of molecular robots

    Molecular robots go hand-in-hand with biological computers, where biological computers take available inputs and translate them into appropriate outputs. Thanks to advances in synthetic chemistry and biology, biologically derived molecules such as DNA and proteins have become readily available, leading to the development of biological computers such as DNA computing systems and CFPS

    Here it explains that this is an actual computer that is swimming in our bodies - that can compute calculations at remarkable speeds.

    DNA computing

    Due to the remarkable programmability of DNA molecular behavior based on sequence-dependent hybridization, enzymatic reactions, and strand displacement reactions, DNA computing has emerged as a promising candidate for the computational machinery of molecular robots. The genesis of DNA computing can be traced back to Adleman's pioneering work: massively parallel computation using artificially sequence-designed DNA. He encoded the nodes and paths in the Hamiltonian path problem onto different ssDNA to execute hybridization-based parallel exploration of the correct Hamiltonian path. By exploiting DNA self-assembly, this methodology allowed large-scale computations to be performed with low energy consumption. Besides the subsequent implementation of mathematical computations (satisfiability problem, maximal clique problem,etc.), Benenson et al. constructed DNA-based finite automata with two states using programmed DNA sticky/blunt ends, restriction nuclease, and ligase (Fig. 8(a)). The two states in the automata run at a rate of 109 transitions per second in an input-responsive manner, being the prototype of the smallest biocomputer as certified by Guinness World Records. Originating from the above single-information processing systems, the development of DNA computing has recently steered towards multiplex information processing.

    DNA nanotechnology

    DNA nanotechnology enables exquisite control over the structure of self-assembled macromolecular and nanoscale motifs. DNA nanodevices are however far from static and have been engineered to reconfigure, change shape, and move in response to a wide array of stimuli. From the ground-breaking examples of DNA tweezers and walkers, to the origami crank-sliders and joints demonstrated by the Castro group, to the bioinspired rotors built by the Dietz and Simmel groups, DNA nanomachines and nano-actuators have demonstrated an unparalleled ability to control different types of motion at the nanoscale. Furthermore, these nanodevices can be actuated through a variety of different stimuli, from strand displacement to the species and concentration of cations, to changes in pH, light exposure, and enzymatic action.

    As discussed in the section on DNA nanopores, DNA nanostructures can be mechanically coupled to lipid membranes using lipophilic anchors, typically cholesterol or tocopherol. This coupling unlocks vast opportunities to engineer both the morphology and dynamic responses of GUV-based microrobots and artificial cells through membrane-anchored DNA devices that imitate the functions of membrane proteins.

    Membrane adhesion is among the most basic functions mediated by cell-surface receptors, underpinning a plethora of biological processes, including motility, tissue formation, mechanosensing, and endocytosis. Exploiting the selectivity of base-pairing interactions, synthetic, membrane-anchored DNA linkers have been used to induce and program adhesion between lipid membranes (Fig. 10(a)), starting with the seminal works of Höök and coworkers, Boxer and coworkers and Beales and Vanderlick (Fig. 10(b)). Parolini et al. have then demonstrated the DNA-mediated assembly of thermoresponsive synthetic tissues and, leveraging toehold-exchange reactions, established control over the kinetics of tissue formation.


    It seems to be true what I have been saying all along, that the brain computer interface or synthetic biological fusion of mankind with machines has already occured involuntarily with this self spreading self assembling nanotechnology. Many other scientists around the world have found exactly the same thing as I have shown in the blood and in the vials. If the COVID19 bioweapon was deployed worldwide and scientists around the world confirm each others findings of this technology - it seems to be wise to pay attention and investigate further.

    Certainly there is plenty of overlap between what we are seeing and what the scientific literature describes. These “construction zones” as I call them, appear to be fully functional biocomputerized robots capable of self assembly, sensing, computation, tissue engineering, information processing and propulsion.

    "Lipid Vesicle-Based Molecular Robots" - Article Confirms What We Are Seeing In The COVID19 Vials And In Human Blood Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD I had several meetings with biologist Dr. Ruth Espuny and her research team in the past days and she alerted me to this article that very well explains the lipid vesicles that I call construction sites. Here I am posting relevant sections of the article and sharing confirmatory images from my own and others research. Lipid vesicle-based molecular robots A molecular robot, which is a system comprised of one or more molecular machines and computers, can execute sophisticated tasks in many fields that span from nanomedicine to green nanotechnology. The core parts of molecular robots are fairly consistent from system to system and always include (i) a body to encapsulate molecular machines, (ii) sensors to capture signals, (iii) computers to make decisions, and (iv) actuators to perform tasks. This review aims to provide an overview of approaches and considerations to develop molecular robots. We first introduce the basic technologies required for constructing the core parts of molecular robots, describe the recent progress towards achieving higher functionality, and subsequently discuss the current challenges and outlook. We also highlight the applications of molecular robots in sensing biomarkers, signal communications with living cells, and conversion of energy. Although molecular robots are still in their infancy, they will unquestionably initiate massive change in biomedical and environmental technology in the not too distant future. This historical perspective answers a question I am often asked regarding to how this self assembly nanotechnology could be so far advanced. As you can read here, its because the scientists have been working on it for the last 40 years. During the past 40 years, this revolution has led to a new generation of machines with smaller sizes, pushing the boundaries of applications. In the field of organic chemistry, a breakthrough molecular catenane with two interlocked rings was reported by Jean-Pierre Sauvage in the early 1980s,1 subsequently inspiring other scientists to develop molecular-scale machines with complicated functions such as rotaxanes,2 motors,3 and nanocars.4 In 2016, three pioneers of molecular machines were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, reflecting the recognition of the broad impact of molecular machines. Here they explain that these robots mimick the processes of nature. The concept of molecular machines has motivated research activity in a novel field called “molecular robots”.5 According to the Cambridge dictionary, a robot is “a machine controlled by a computer that is used to perform jobs automatically”. By this definition, a molecular robot is a system composed of molecular-scale machines and computers that are used to execute tasks automatically. A living cell could be considered as one such miraculous robot produced by nature. With DNA serving as computers to provide solutions and proteins working as machines to perform specific functions, a living cell performs sophisticated tasks independent of human control. Taking inspiration from living cells, the ultimate goal of the field of molecular robots is to artificially construct an automated system capable of solving problems at the molecular level using molecular machines and computers The vesicular membrane was initially hydrogel, then lipids were used. Image: Vesicles in COVID19 unvaccinated blood left upper Magnification 200x, right upper 400x. Left lower vesicles in Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 injection without slide cover Magnification 2000x. Right lower with slide clover shows double wall and microrobots inside. Magnification 2000x. AM Medical A molecular robot always includes some or all of the following: a body, sensors, computers, and actuators (Fig. 1). Pioneers in the field have applied hydrogels as the body of molecular robots,5 however, the lack of a barrier between the embeddings and environment can lead to undesired leakage. Lipid vesicles, which are comprised of lipid membranes separating an inner lumen from the outer solution, provides an alternative that could fully meet this problem. The size of the lipid vesicles can be tailored from nano- to micro-meter in diameter. For molecular robots, the micro-sized vesicles, so-called giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), are more desirable due to the demand for sufficient internal volume to house the sensors, computers, and actuators.8,9 Molecular robots require sensors in order to detect signals in the environment. This can be accomplished by ion channels or nanopores, which punch holes in lipid membranes. Image: Brightfield microscopy of Moderna COVID19 injection. Medical Technologist, Lot 042H22A, Courtesy of Dr Rusth Espuny You can see these nanopores in the above images. For those who claim we cannot see to the nanoscale, let me remind you that this technology self assembles and that we can see the microscale very well. The large comes from the small and I have shown how self repication of these spherical robots work in emblamed blood, please recall this microscopy: ( I showed the videos in this interview Zombie Blood - COVID19 Vaccinated Embalmed Blood For Over 2 Years Shows Continued Self Assembly Nanotechnology Replication, Nano and Microrobot Activity Same Self Replicating Nanotechnology Spheres Seen In C19 Unvaccinated Living Blood As In Deceased Embalmed C19 Vaccinated Blood With Rubbery Clots - What Will Humanity Do About This? You can see the video footage in this interview on SGT report: RED ALERT: IT'S IN OUR BLOOD! -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea Image: Embalmed blood received from Embalmer Richard Hirschman of a deceased individual shows self replicating vesicles containing microrobots. Magnification 400x AM Medical Nanopores can act as a signal filter, selectively transporting molecular signals based on their size or charge. Once the signals are transported, they can be processed and translated by molecular computing machinery. DNA computing, pioneered by L. Adleman in 1994, has evolved in recent decades into computers applicable in molecular robots, with the benefit of their capability to perform multiple parallel computations. An alternative choice for the computing machinery is cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS), enabling the output of proteins in vitro in response to the input of DNA. Actuators for molecular robots, which include DNA nanostructures, peptides, and proteins, convert signals to achieve physical movements like deformation or propulsion. The mechanism of propulsion and engines are explained. Although constant progress has been made on the underlying technology, studies into prototyping molecular robots do not have a long history. In 2014, Nishimura et al. incorporated CFPS into GUVs, and then, in the presence of amino acids, GFP synthesis was performed as an output. In 2017, Sato et al. developed GUVs equipped with actuators containing DNA clutches and microtubule motors. Once light irradiation was applied, the clutch was engaged and the shape of GUVs underwent sequential changes. These pioneering studies provide a clear path towards molecular robots with increasingly complex functions. It should be noted that molecular robots sometimes share related technologies with the field of artificial cells. The goal of constructing artificial cells is to mimic the function of living cells, while molecular robots place great value on developing engineering applications that could help humans to perform tasks in micro or nano dimensions. There is therefore a drive to engineer molecular robots with functions exceeding those of living cells Further building blocks are explained. Note that lipid membranes, polymers, hydrogels and organic material like DNA are used. Is this why DNA was found in the vials combined with nanotechnology building blocks? Molecular robots typically require encapsulation within a compartment, which acts as a boundary, separating the interior from the exterior environment. Various types of compartments have been employed to date, including lipid membranes, hydrogels, block co-polymers, DNA droplets, and coacervates, each offering distinct advantages and limitations. Some researchers have explored the formation of hybrid chassis by combining different compartment types, leveraging the advantages associated with each constituent part. For instance, coacervate or DNA/hydrogel systems interfaced with lipid membranes can be combined to enhance functionality. Among these compartment types, lipid vesicles are the most commonly used for several reasons. Firstly, they are biomimetic, closely resembling biological membranes from a chemical and morphological perspective. This characteristic enables facile incorporation of membrane-bound molecular machinery, including membrane proteins, nanopores, and receptors, thereby imparting specific functionalities into the membranes. For example, the controlled flux of cargo molecules in response to stimuli, which can be used to mediate responses in living cells. Please note that these vesicles can self assemble or disassmeble into tissue like structures - depending on external stimuli. This is consistent with what we have observed in COVID19 vials regarding the self assembly nanotechnology and in the blood. Please recall Dr David Nixons excellent videos on assembly and disassembly of microchips - you can see the process discussed here by Dr. Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz, Engineer Matt Taylor and myself. Nanobots, Construction process of Microchips in C19 injectables, new insights on Shedding Furthermore, lipid vesicles are chemically inert and highly efficient at compartmentalizing large charged molecules from the surrounding environment, creating a chemically distinct internal environment. This feature enables researchers to exploit the diversity of lipid building blocks, both synthetic and biological, to create functional membranes with diverse behaviors. Examples include membranes capable of self-assembling into tissue-like structures, membranes that can disassemble and reassemble in response to physicochemical cues to reshuffle material between them, and membranes that release cargo triggered by light, temperature fluctuations, magnetic fields, or biomarkers. Such versatility opens up exciting possibilities for molecular robotics and targeted drug delivery systems, among other applications. Images: vesicles self assemble filaments 200x, vesicles filled with microbots 400x, vesicle building a filament tail 100x. AM Medical Vesicles can be classified primarily based on their size and lamellarity. GUVs have a diameter of approximately 2 μm and above (making them cell-sized vesicles), comprising a single lipid membrane (as opposed to multi-layered onion-like structures known as multilamellar vesicles). Other types of vesicles include small and large unilamellar vesicles, which fall into the sub-micron size range, as well as multi-vesicular vesicles (multisomes). Additionally, there have been intriguing examples of hybrid structures, where vesicles of different types are assembled into more architecturally complex arrangements, such as nested or layered geometries. A schematic of the different architectures it is now possible to generate microfluidic techniques and principles in biomembrane engineering is shown in Fig 2 Image: COVID19 unvaccinated blood of different individuals exposed to shedding. Left upper tissue like 200x, left lower bilayer COVID19 Pfizer BioNTech 2000x, lower middle nested 2000x, right nested and multicompartment 400x. COVID19 unvaccinated blood. AM Medical Sensors of molecular robots In living cells, membrane receptors, transporters, and ion channels work as sensors to help cells respond to chemical and physical stimuli. Such functionalities have also been exploited to implement sensing capabilities in molecular robots. In particular, nanopores forming stable nanoscale openings across lipid membranes have been shown to mediate transport of large molecules, enabling their detection by the molecular robots.7 The opening and closing of nanopores (gating) can be regulated by environmental stimuli (e.g., pH, light, temperature, osmotic pressure), further enhancing the sensing capabilities of the molecular robots. Various materials have been utilized to assemble nanopores including proteins,60 peptides,61 DNA,11 and synthetic materials.62 In the current section, we will mainly focus on the characteristics, differences, and recent progress of nanopore assembly using different building materials, and we will also describe some unique approaches that introduce membrane receptors to GUVs. Many different transport channels that allow the throughput of information exist within these vesicles, and light is one of the triggers. This implies that the molecular robotic computer is information gathering and processing when we see the light emission. Responsivity to external stimuli is another essential function for synthetic channels and would provide the ability for remote-control in molecular robots. Light is one of the most widely used stimuli due to having high biocompatibility and ease of spatio-temporal control. So far, light-responsive synthetic channels which are irreversibly and reversibly photo-controlled have been developed, and recent studies focus predominantly on reversible photo-control. I have been discussing how the self assembly process of the technology is guided by light emitting microrobots/ Quantum Dot like structures. Here you can see many different colored light emissions. Image: COVID19 unvaccinated blood of different individuals exposed to shedding. Left microrobot swarm 400x, left microrobot emitting blue light 2000x, Computers of molecular robots Molecular robots go hand-in-hand with biological computers, where biological computers take available inputs and translate them into appropriate outputs. Thanks to advances in synthetic chemistry and biology, biologically derived molecules such as DNA and proteins have become readily available, leading to the development of biological computers such as DNA computing systems and CFPS Here it explains that this is an actual computer that is swimming in our bodies - that can compute calculations at remarkable speeds. DNA computing Due to the remarkable programmability of DNA molecular behavior based on sequence-dependent hybridization, enzymatic reactions, and strand displacement reactions, DNA computing has emerged as a promising candidate for the computational machinery of molecular robots. The genesis of DNA computing can be traced back to Adleman's pioneering work: massively parallel computation using artificially sequence-designed DNA. He encoded the nodes and paths in the Hamiltonian path problem onto different ssDNA to execute hybridization-based parallel exploration of the correct Hamiltonian path. By exploiting DNA self-assembly, this methodology allowed large-scale computations to be performed with low energy consumption. Besides the subsequent implementation of mathematical computations (satisfiability problem, maximal clique problem,etc.), Benenson et al. constructed DNA-based finite automata with two states using programmed DNA sticky/blunt ends, restriction nuclease, and ligase (Fig. 8(a)). The two states in the automata run at a rate of 109 transitions per second in an input-responsive manner, being the prototype of the smallest biocomputer as certified by Guinness World Records. Originating from the above single-information processing systems, the development of DNA computing has recently steered towards multiplex information processing. DNA nanotechnology DNA nanotechnology enables exquisite control over the structure of self-assembled macromolecular and nanoscale motifs. DNA nanodevices are however far from static and have been engineered to reconfigure, change shape, and move in response to a wide array of stimuli. From the ground-breaking examples of DNA tweezers and walkers, to the origami crank-sliders and joints demonstrated by the Castro group, to the bioinspired rotors built by the Dietz and Simmel groups, DNA nanomachines and nano-actuators have demonstrated an unparalleled ability to control different types of motion at the nanoscale. Furthermore, these nanodevices can be actuated through a variety of different stimuli, from strand displacement to the species and concentration of cations, to changes in pH, light exposure, and enzymatic action. As discussed in the section on DNA nanopores, DNA nanostructures can be mechanically coupled to lipid membranes using lipophilic anchors, typically cholesterol or tocopherol. This coupling unlocks vast opportunities to engineer both the morphology and dynamic responses of GUV-based microrobots and artificial cells through membrane-anchored DNA devices that imitate the functions of membrane proteins. Membrane adhesion is among the most basic functions mediated by cell-surface receptors, underpinning a plethora of biological processes, including motility, tissue formation, mechanosensing, and endocytosis. Exploiting the selectivity of base-pairing interactions, synthetic, membrane-anchored DNA linkers have been used to induce and program adhesion between lipid membranes (Fig. 10(a)), starting with the seminal works of Höök and coworkers, Boxer and coworkers and Beales and Vanderlick (Fig. 10(b)). Parolini et al. have then demonstrated the DNA-mediated assembly of thermoresponsive synthetic tissues and, leveraging toehold-exchange reactions, established control over the kinetics of tissue formation. Summary: It seems to be true what I have been saying all along, that the brain computer interface or synthetic biological fusion of mankind with machines has already occured involuntarily with this self spreading self assembling nanotechnology. Many other scientists around the world have found exactly the same thing as I have shown in the blood and in the vials. If the COVID19 bioweapon was deployed worldwide and scientists around the world confirm each others findings of this technology - it seems to be wise to pay attention and investigate further. Certainly there is plenty of overlap between what we are seeing and what the scientific literature describes. These “construction zones” as I call them, appear to be fully functional biocomputerized robots capable of self assembly, sensing, computation, tissue engineering, information processing and propulsion. https://substack.com/home/post/p-149545916
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  • UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.

    Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021.

    Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court.

    Here’s the Pfizer document:

    Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs.

    Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored.

    Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients!

    Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide

    by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

    A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd.

    Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools.

    I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent.

    Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance.

    GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report.


    I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019.

    On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed.

    On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City.

    La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE.

    From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!!

    Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism.

    A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation.

    Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”.

    Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit.

    A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City.

    We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES!


    All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology.

    There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports.

    Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?.

    World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene.

    This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature.
    Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals.

    The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely.

    The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products.


    GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”.

    Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity

    GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.).

    This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES.

    We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE.

    Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic?


    In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells.

    This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech.

    Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease).

    WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation

    The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers.

    GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced.


    The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans.

    CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations.

    The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment.


    Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms.

    At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site.

    Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment

    Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

    GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”.

    “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.”

    Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation.


    Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO)
    Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity.

    Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”.

    Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here.

    Conclusion: DEMOCIDE

    These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”.

    We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans.

    The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles).

    Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body.

    Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation.

    So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance.

    Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.”


    I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol.

    Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support.


    Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here.

    Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here.

    Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands.

    Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic

    Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.)

    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website. Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021. Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court. Here’s the Pfizer document: Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs. Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored. Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients! Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd. Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools. I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent. Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance. GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report. LA QUINTA COLUMNA I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019. On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed. On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City. La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE. From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!! Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism. A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation. Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”. Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit. A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City. We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES! MAGNETISM AND MIND CONTROL All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology. There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports. Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?. World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene. This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals. The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely. The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products. INDUSTRIALIZED GRAPHENE OXIDE GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”. Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.). This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES. We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE. Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic? GRAPHENE OXIDE MEDICAL APPLICATIONS In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells. This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech. Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease). WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers. GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced. CRISPR The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans. CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations. The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals. GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment. TRANSMISSION Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms. At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site. Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”. “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.” Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation. GRAPHENE OXIDE COLOR Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity. Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”. Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here. Conclusion: DEMOCIDE These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”. We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans. The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles). Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body. Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation. So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance. Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.” DETOX I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol. Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here. Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here. Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands. Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.) https://drloveariyana.substack.com/p/updated-graphene-oxide-the-vector
    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.
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