Based on prior reporting out of Germany and the Netherlands, Telegram has indeed been responsive to court orders for disclosure of information on national security grounds in limited cases of immediate threat to life. But there’s no shortage of people watching all this right now and thinking that it could just be a way to use coercion to push open the window to a lot more cooperation from the app than they would have been able to get otherwise.
Makes you wonder how governments ever managed to investigate crimes before mobile apps and the internet came along, if they’re so desperate to rely on them to figure out what’s going on. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has routinely been accused by American officials of not reeling in sex pests on his app. As if these guys running the platforms are somehow responsible for every creep lurking behind a computer screen. Good luck with that game of Whack-a-Mole. Zuckerberg has never been arrested though. Surely it’s just a coincidence that he’s constantly genuflecting to power and caving to demands. Perhaps Durov will be directed by French authorities to the local Decathlon sports store here in Paris where he can invest in a nice pair of knee pads."
Makes you wonder how governments ever managed to investigate crimes before mobile apps and the internet came along, if they’re so desperate to rely on them to figure out what’s going on. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has routinely been accused by American officials of not reeling in sex pests on his app. As if these guys running the platforms are somehow responsible for every creep lurking behind a computer screen. Good luck with that game of Whack-a-Mole. Zuckerberg has never been arrested though. Surely it’s just a coincidence that he’s constantly genuflecting to power and caving to demands. Perhaps Durov will be directed by French authorities to the local Decathlon sports store here in Paris where he can invest in a nice pair of knee pads."
Based on prior reporting out of Germany and the Netherlands, Telegram has indeed been responsive to court orders for disclosure of information on national security grounds in limited cases of immediate threat to life. But there’s no shortage of people watching all this right now and thinking that it could just be a way to use coercion to push open the window to a lot more cooperation from the app than they would have been able to get otherwise.
Makes you wonder how governments ever managed to investigate crimes before mobile apps and the internet came along, if they’re so desperate to rely on them to figure out what’s going on. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has routinely been accused by American officials of not reeling in sex pests on his app. As if these guys running the platforms are somehow responsible for every creep lurking behind a computer screen. Good luck with that game of Whack-a-Mole. Zuckerberg has never been arrested though. Surely it’s just a coincidence that he’s constantly genuflecting to power and caving to demands. Perhaps Durov will be directed by French authorities to the local Decathlon sports store here in Paris where he can invest in a nice pair of knee pads."