Type of Token: ERC-20 ETH based token
Symbol: SOMEE
Max Supply: 150 Million
Usage: Primary governance token on the platform, for use on https://vote.somee.social
Contract: https://github.com/onG-social/smart-contracts/tree/master/COINS/Ethereum/SOMEE
Contract Address: 0x65f9a292f1aeed5d755aa2fd2fb17ab2e9431447
Link to more information: https://etherscan.io/address/0x65f9a292f1aeed5d755aa2fd2fb17ab2e9431447
Coin Gecko Info: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/somee-social
SOMEE is the primary governance token used, and held by users on the platform ecosystem for decisions on the platform. Holders can vote, and create offerings on our Snapshot DAO at https://vote.somee.social. There will be future utility added for SOMEE eventually, such as staking, however, that isn't available just yet.