Type of Token: ERC-20 ETH based token
Symbol: SAT
Max Supply: 1 Billion
Usage: Primary advertising token on the platform, used for staking in advertising campaigns
Contract: https://github.com/onG-social/smart-contracts/tree/master/COINS/Ethereum/SAT
Contract Address: 0xc9f1016d336ef77aee75fc11ad64c5ecf9121332
Link to more information: https://etherscan.io/address/0xc9f1016d336ef77aee75fc11ad64c5ecf9121332
Coin Gecko Info: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/somee-advertising-token
SAT has a limited max supply and is primarlly used for buying ad space on the SoMee ecosystem. It is the primary token of the SoMee Advertising Marketplace, and can be owned by both users (for staking and participating in marketing campaigns) and by advertisers (for actually creating ads on the ecosystem).