Production Update 3/18/2023

2023-03-19 11:13:13


  • Reactions: Reactions have had several changes:
    • iPad Pro, now supports properly clicking the bar without hiding itself instantly
    • Desktop - the reactions button is now a toggle, you click to show, click to hide, or click a reaction to hide
    • Mobile - reaction button is now properly aligned
    • reaction container is now less 'round' and centers the icons within it
    • reaction container on mobile is now properly wrapped and a big larger for some mobile users
    • removed the extra tooltip on reaction icons
    • adjusted the hearts emoji animation
    • adjusted the downvote emoji animation
    • add an angry emoji animation
  • IOS/Android app have been updated for new launch screen
  • IOS/Android app have been updated for some system menu tweaks and speed optimizations on the login page
  • IOS/Android app have been updated to include push notifications and FCM integration

UI Adjustments: 

  • Profile Nameplate: You now have a profile nameplate intstead of just an avatar with a name. This nameplate includes: 
    • Copy Profile Link: Allows you to quickly copy the link to your somee profile to share
    • Copy Bio Page Link: Allows you to quickly copy the link to your somee bio page to share
    • Access Bio Service: Allows you to quickly acceess the SoMee Links service
  • Pro User Nameplates: We have stripped down the pro user section to load much faster, and be more cleaner to show pro users and featured users quickly for members. 
  • Removed Extra boxes: We ahve removed extra boxes, like suggestions - as they are not directly needed there. 
  • Added Hashtags Back: We added hashtags back to the homepage


  • Mobile Users: We now support push notifications for Android/IOS users - which should happen automatically. NOTE THIS FEATURE IS IN BETA MODE - meaning that while we support it, there is no guarantee it'll work for you. Hopefully it does, but we'll continue to test. 


  • We are actively monitoring the application for speed, and have noticed several things that can impact the loading of the application. We have already addressed many of those issues, but one major one is stories. We are currently looking at ways to make the stories loading much faster, so that it doesn't block the system when loading the application on web or mobile.